Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

I doubt most Asians and Latinos will stand by should some blacks try to destroy and kill during a mass riot.

My grandfather is full-blooded Latino. 100% Mexican. Marmalejo clan in WI. They don't play around. My extended family on mom's side is deeply Latino/Spanish and very connected. I kid you not they would not tolerate that kind of crap. It would be a massacre.

There is absolutely no indication "mass riots" will occur accept in the sick minds of ignorant, racist yahoos like yourself.
That's "except", idiot.
The cream rises to the top.

Don't blame your failures on Whitey, it makes you sound like your so unequal

Learn the difference between "your" and "you're"; it glaringly displays your lack of intelligence.
I got it right, dumbshit
Chimps like you have a hard time spelling. "your so unequal" Its you're or you are retard. I cant believe you actually thought you got it right. :rofl:
There's supposed to be a comma after "you are", retard.
I agree. See I'm not stupid enough to try and deny it though. Your boyfriend Tank really believes he was right in misspelling your. Does he pay you to protect his honor or as his little woman you feel duty bound?
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.

So you don't think an officer should defend themselves against a thug firing a gun at them? You're a fool.

All these knockout games and destruction of property are in fact the real bull shit.

I'm fine with police defending themselves. It's ignorant racist yahoos arming up and toting in public that concern me.
Too fucking bad. Get your house in order and no one would have to worry about this nonsense
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.

So you don't think an officer should defend themselves against a thug firing a gun at them? You're a fool.

All these knockout games and destruction of property are in fact the real bull shit.

I'm fine with police defending themselves. It's ignorant racist yahoos arming up and toting in public that concern me.
The ignorant racist yahoos are the criminals who illegally carry and USE guns to kill. Such as every member of a street gang.
I suppose you don't worry about THOSE people. Your concern is the law abiding citizen who chooses to carry a weapon to protect themselves from the criminals who do so outside the law.
Your logic isn't flawed. It is non-existent
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.
Violent? Dont make me laugh clown. White people are the most violent race to walk the earth and they even documented it to provide proof.
More so than the Hutu's or Tutsi tribes?

A billion times more than any other race combined. Lets start with the Holocaust and skip through history to the crusades and other events. Bring it and lets see the numbers.


And your grouping American whites into your road in which you are traveling down now ? I mean it's as if your saying that no war was worth fighting, because all of them was whitey just killing to be killing eh ? I bet the Hutu's or the Tutsi's would have wished that whitey intervention would have showed up on the scenes to stop that Genocide don't you ? We know what goes on in the world, and we don't need a biased lesson from you to tell us the way that you see it, because you are wrong in your blanket analogies that are given. Racist!

Yes I am. American whites are white people as well. They attempted genocide on the NA's, enslaved, raped, and tortured Blacks, started a war with Mexico because they were harboring escaped slaves, invaded Vietnam, and invaded Iraq. They follow the same pattern of violence and savagery other whites have in the past.

Now I need to ask you a question. Why are you whining about me using the whites in Europe regarding the Holocaust when you used Blacks in Rwanda? Like I said bring it on. Its all a numbers game and whites have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they are the most violent by far.

You do realize its amusing for a white racist to call a Black person a racist and think it actually bothers the Black person don't you? A white racist calling me racist basically is a badge of honor. It lets me know I am getting to them by telling them the truth about themselves.

Thanks for that lesson. Now, you do know your racism is based on YOUR ignorance. Badge of honor my fanny. That's a cover up for your own feelings of self loathing and guilt. Guilt over the fact that you'll never be able to overcome your ignorance, your feelings of someone "owing" you something. And your programming which has told you to hate others who are not just like you.
You sit there in your high and mighty feeling of moral superiority throwing out all kinds of revisionist bullshit about white racism( which no one denies exists) to justify your own stupidity. That is such brilliance.
Shame on you. And shame on those who think like you.
You're a gonner. You will live out the rest of your life in utter misery. Looking under every piece of furniture for the next racist "whitey".
The amusing thing about you is in one instance you claim blacks cannot be racist. Then you admit you are racist towards whites. You think your racism is somehow "different". That it is justified.
Well here's a newsflash.....Racism is stupidity. And you just admitted to your stupidity. I guess you can add that to your list of "accomplishments"..
I wish you nothing but the best. But you will never know happiness. You choose to live in anger and misery. A perpetual victim looking for a fight.
In case you have not noticed, and judging by your thoughtless insipid posts, you haven't, it is Caucasians who have extended the hand of reconciliation and friendship that ignorant people such as yourself will slap away as if to say " that's not good enough. We want more. We want you down on your knees groveling and begging for our forgiveness."
Well, you go see the office manager in charge of that. Her name is "Helen Waite".
Violent? Dont make me laugh clown. White people are the most violent race to walk the earth and they even documented it to provide proof.
More so than the Hutu's or Tutsi tribes?

A billion times more than any other race combined. Lets start with the Holocaust and skip through history to the crusades and other events. Bring it and lets see the numbers.


And your grouping American whites into your road in which you are traveling down now ? I mean it's as if your saying that no war was worth fighting, because all of them was whitey just killing to be killing eh ? I bet the Hutu's or the Tutsi's would have wished that whitey intervention would have showed up on the scenes to stop that Genocide don't you ? We know what goes on in the world, and we don't need a biased lesson from you to tell us the way that you see it, because you are wrong in your blanket analogies that are given. Racist!

Yes I am. American whites are white people as well. They attempted genocide on the NA's, enslaved, raped, and tortured Blacks, started a war with Mexico because they were harboring escaped slaves, invaded Vietnam, and invaded Iraq. They follow the same pattern of violence and savagery other whites have in the past.

Now I need to ask you a question. Why are you whining about me using the whites in Europe regarding the Holocaust when you used Blacks in Rwanda? Like I said bring it on. Its all a numbers game and whites have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they are the most violent by far.

You do realize its amusing for a white racist to call a Black person a racist and think it actually bothers the Black person don't you? A white racist calling me racist basically is a badge of honor. It lets me know I am getting to them by telling them the truth about themselves.

Thanks for that lesson. Now, you do know your racism is based on YOUR ignorance. Badge of honor my fanny. That's a cover up for your own feelings of self loathing and guilt. Guilt over the fact that you'll never be able to overcome your ignorance, your feelings of someone "owing" you something. And your programming which has told you to hate others who are not just like you.
You sit there in your high and mighty feeling of moral superiority throwing out all kinds of revisionist bullshit about white racism( which no one denies exists) to justify your own stupidity. That is such brilliance.
Shame on you. And shame on those who think like you.
You're a gonner. You will live out the rest of your life in utter misery. Looking under every piece of furniture for the next racist "whitey".
The amusing thing about you is in one instance you claim blacks cannot be racist. Then you admit you are racist towards whites. You think your racism is somehow "different". That it is justified.
Well here's a newsflash.....Racism is stupidity. And you just admitted to your stupidity. I guess you can add that to your list of "accomplishments"..
I wish you nothing but the best. But you will never know happiness. You choose to live in anger and misery. A perpetual victim looking for a fight.
In case you have not noticed, and judging by your thoughtless insipid posts, you haven't, it is Caucasians who have extended the hand of reconciliation and friendship that ignorant people such as yourself will slap away as if to say " that's not good enough. We want more. We want you down on your knees groveling and begging for our forgiveness."
Well, you go see the office manager in charge of that. Her name is "Helen Waite".

Black people cant practice racism. I never claimed they couldnt be racist. I'd like to see you quote me on that but you wont be able to liar because I have never said that. Thanks for the pysch eval but something tells me you wouldnt know a motive for a persons action if they gave you a signed confession. The fact that you feel I am high and mighty is a insecurity issue you seem to have. Please dont project it onto me as you are trying your best to do. Sorry I'm too strong for you to do so.

I have no need to look for racism or racists. its/they are out there and represented quite well on this board. Its amusing how you think I'm angry and looking for a fight. Every white racist I have seen are little punks that talk tough on the internet or bow their heads in shame in person. They make me laugh and thats why I make fun of them. I agree some caucasians have tried to make up for the past. Thats great. Quite the contrary. I dont wish to see you down on your knees. I want you to get your ass out of the way. Work on converting your racist monkeys into humans if you are not a racist yourself. You cant help me until you help yourself. By that I mean the white race not you as an individual.

I dont know who Helen Waite is. Is that a white boy joke?
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.

So you don't think an officer should defend themselves against a thug firing a gun at them? You're a fool.

All these knockout games and destruction of property are in fact the real bull shit.

I'm fine with police defending themselves. It's ignorant racist yahoos arming up and toting in public that concern me.

So how many of those gun toting people you're so afraid of have looted and rioted lately?
Yeah......ya sound stupid.

Bundy Ranch Militia, Border Klan, Michael Dunn, Georgie Zimmerman, and worse. Those domestic terrorists are a threat.
Tell us the last time those people rampaged an entire downtown. When they looted robbed and burned their own people out of business, their cars and homes...
see ya
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.
Lying piece of crap. It is the black thugs starting the trouble.

Nope, white trash started the crud long ago, and there are plenty still around. Heck, some are posting right here.
Only in your twisted little world are racists under every piece of furniture.
You choose isolation and self segregation. Your problem.
You only deal with other races because in order to function in society as a whole, you must. Other than that, you'd rather not see nor hear from a person of another race.
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?

If he thinks AA is racist,why in the hell would he consider giving(see handout)anything to a bunch of lazy fucks?
Welfare is a career with blacks
And a career for an even greater number of whites...but you didn't know that did you???
A greater number? Virtually the same number, but if we break it down as a percent of population, you see that black are much more likely to be on welfare.

2% of White Americans are on welfare and nearly 8% of blacks are on welfare.

In other words blacks are 4 times more likely to receive welfare.

Here's a LINK to numbers from US Department of Health and Human Services. Do the math yourself.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
This is idiocy, of course, it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, and is consistent with the fear, ignorance and hate common to racists such as the OP.
Why do you bother replying to that person? You know he's just trying to get rise from you.
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.
Lying piece of crap. It is the black thugs starting the trouble.

Nope, white trash started the crud long ago, and there are plenty still around. Heck, some are posting right here.
Whites started what long ago? They started blacks killing blacks by the thousands in their own neighborhoods or shall we just blame whitely forever and ever and ever for that? Living in poverty is no excuse for what has gone on, just as I remember living in poverty in a poor white neighborhood, but I don't remember anyone in that neighborhood being violent or killing one another. I remember we were all good friends in our struggles, and we kept our grass cut, and our homes repaired and painted, even if it was with cheap materials and do it ourselves labor. Our vehicles were junks, but we somehow kept them going by working on them ourselves. We got foodstamps and welfare as I recall, but we were determined to get off of the programs as quick as we could in life. We learned huge amounts of knowledge from our struggles, and most I know have done well in life. I have many friends who are millionaires now, and they came from nothing. As I recall they never gave up, and they kept on pushing hard until they made it in their personal lives and in their career choices made. I am seeing a new shift in blacks doing the same these days, but the road is still long and hard but they can make it also if they can break the shackles they have placed upon themselves. Blame is a form of a shackle, and they have got to shed themselves of this shackle.
Yeah. I don't know how to respond to that comment. "Whites started that crud long ago"..
The excuses and rationalizations are monumental.
People such as the OP lack the level of intelligence to logically think this issue through. So they revert to an emotional state which allows them to lash out at their perceived tormentors.
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?
Bullshit! When will you get it through your thick head that capitalists have no interest in keeping anyone poor. We generate our incomes from selling goods and services. Poor people don't spend much above what it takes to eat and have a roof over their heads.
Not only are they piss poor customers, the business are paying taxes to support the welfare that keeps the poor from getting ambitious enough to earn what it takes to be good customers.

Perhaps you can show me how racism prevents you from owning a business. Explain that to Herman Cain, Robert L. Johnson, Oprah Winfrey and Sean Combs.

Oprah is worth just under 3 billion dollars. How much would she be worth if she were white?
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?

If he thinks AA is racist,why in the hell would he consider giving(see handout)anything to a bunch of lazy fucks?
Because you lazy fucking white people got 350 years of AA?
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?
Bullshit! When will you get it through your thick head that capitalists have no interest in keeping anyone poor. We generate our incomes from selling goods and services. Poor people don't spend much above what it takes to eat and have a roof over their heads.
Not only are they piss poor customers, the business are paying taxes to support the welfare that keeps the poor from getting ambitious enough to earn what it takes to be good customers.

Perhaps you can show me how racism prevents you from owning a business. Explain that to Herman Cain, Robert L. Johnson, Oprah Winfrey and Sean Combs.

Oprah is worth just under 3 billion dollars. How much would she be worth if she were white?
Who said anything about poor? Are you trying to divert and deflect again?

If Oprah was white she would actually be worth less. She has said plenty of times her drive to succeed came from being discriminated against.
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?

If he thinks AA is racist,why in the hell would he consider giving(see handout)anything to a bunch of lazy fucks?
Because you lazy fucking white people got 350 years of AA?

Brings up the same tired ass arguments over and over.......
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
It is not racist to own things. You purchase what you need and want with money generated by hard work and innovation. Whitey can not give you a work ethic. The "man" can provide the means to get a good education, but can't learn for you.

AA is racist. Reparations are bullshit, unless you can find me a former slave and a slave owner to pay up.
What is left to create opportunities for the masses of blacks is the same system in place to create opportunities for whites, Asians an Hispanics. HARD WORK! Get used to it.

I never said it was racist to own things. I said the problem is that white racism keeps blacks from owning the things that matter. The resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. If you think AA is so racist and evil why are you not working to give back the gains whites had from 350 years of white AA?

If he thinks AA is racist,why in the hell would he consider giving(see handout)anything to a bunch of lazy fucks?
Because you lazy fucking white people got 350 years of AA?

Brings up the same tired ass arguments over and over.......
And you clowns bring up the same moldy ass denials over and over again.
More so than the Hutu's or Tutsi tribes?

A billion times more than any other race combined. Lets start with the Holocaust and skip through history to the crusades and other events. Bring it and lets see the numbers.


And your grouping American whites into your road in which you are traveling down now ? I mean it's as if your saying that no war was worth fighting, because all of them was whitey just killing to be killing eh ? I bet the Hutu's or the Tutsi's would have wished that whitey intervention would have showed up on the scenes to stop that Genocide don't you ? We know what goes on in the world, and we don't need a biased lesson from you to tell us the way that you see it, because you are wrong in your blanket analogies that are given. Racist!

Yes I am. American whites are white people as well. They attempted genocide on the NA's, enslaved, raped, and tortured Blacks, started a war with Mexico because they were harboring escaped slaves, invaded Vietnam, and invaded Iraq. They follow the same pattern of violence and savagery other whites have in the past.

Now I need to ask you a question. Why are you whining about me using the whites in Europe regarding the Holocaust when you used Blacks in Rwanda? Like I said bring it on. Its all a numbers game and whites have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they are the most violent by far.

You do realize its amusing for a white racist to call a Black person a racist and think it actually bothers the Black person don't you? A white racist calling me racist basically is a badge of honor. It lets me know I am getting to them by telling them the truth about themselves.

Thanks for that lesson. Now, you do know your racism is based on YOUR ignorance. Badge of honor my fanny. That's a cover up for your own feelings of self loathing and guilt. Guilt over the fact that you'll never be able to overcome your ignorance, your feelings of someone "owing" you something. And your programming which has told you to hate others who are not just like you.
You sit there in your high and mighty feeling of moral superiority throwing out all kinds of revisionist bullshit about white racism( which no one denies exists) to justify your own stupidity. That is such brilliance.
Shame on you. And shame on those who think like you.
You're a gonner. You will live out the rest of your life in utter misery. Looking under every piece of furniture for the next racist "whitey".
The amusing thing about you is in one instance you claim blacks cannot be racist. Then you admit you are racist towards whites. You think your racism is somehow "different". That it is justified.
Well here's a newsflash.....Racism is stupidity. And you just admitted to your stupidity. I guess you can add that to your list of "accomplishments"..
I wish you nothing but the best. But you will never know happiness. You choose to live in anger and misery. A perpetual victim looking for a fight.
In case you have not noticed, and judging by your thoughtless insipid posts, you haven't, it is Caucasians who have extended the hand of reconciliation and friendship that ignorant people such as yourself will slap away as if to say " that's not good enough. We want more. We want you down on your knees groveling and begging for our forgiveness."
Well, you go see the office manager in charge of that. Her name is "Helen Waite".

Black people cant practice racism. I never claimed they couldnt be racist. I'd like to see you quote me on that but you wont be able to liar because I have never said that. Thanks for the pysch eval but something tells me you wouldnt know a motive for a persons action if they gave you a signed confession. The fact that you feel I am high and mighty is a insecurity issue you seem to have. Please dont project it onto me as you are trying your best to do. Sorry I'm too strong for you to do so.

I have no need to look for racism or racists. its/they are out there and represented quite well on this board. Its amusing how you think I'm angry and looking for a fight. Every white racist I have seen are little punks that talk tough on the internet or bow their heads in shame in person. They make me laugh and thats why I make fun of them. I agree some caucasians have tried to make up for the past. Thats great. Quite the contrary. I dont wish to see you down on your knees. I want you to get your ass out of the way. Work on converting your racist monkeys into humans if you are not a racist yourself. You cant help me until you help yourself. By that I mean the white race not you as an individual.

I dont know who Helen Waite is. Is that a white boy joke?

Black people cannot practice racism...That is a LIE.
You implied it. Black racism does not exist. Your very being is racist. Go back and examine your posts.
In fact at the end of this post by you, you use another racial slur "white boy"...
Oh, let's get one thing straight. You FEEL...I THINK...Big difference.
I am not projecting. And your weak protestations prove that. You are not strong. If you were, you'd not be a racist.
"I have no need to look for racism or racists. its/they are out there and represented quite well on this board."
Like I stated earlier. You live in that world that makes you believe there exist a racist under every piece of furniture. That is weakness. That is ignorance. You have whipped yourself into such a state that you believe you are perpetually a victim. And that has made you filled with hate.
You are looking for a fight. All it would take is one or two key trigger words and you'd be ready to rumble. And why is this? Because you believe you are a victim.

"Every white racist ".....
Now just stop it. You really wanted to state "every white person"...
Come on. Just admit it. You hate Caucasians. It ok. It may be healthy for you.
That anger you carry is going to burn you up. It festers inside you like a gastric ulcer.
"I want you to get your ass out of the way."....Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? Here we go another generalization. Another racist viewpoint.
Oh...I am not nor is any other white person responsible for the actions of another. So if you have a problem with those "white punks" go see them.
I don't want to help you. You do that on your own. But you can't. Your self loathing victim status prevents you from putting the idiots on ignore and then moving forward.
You'll never break away form the anger. You've found a comfort zone there.

Fuck it. It's useless to try to talk to you.

Like Ronald Reagan said:
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

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