Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

I didnt post any racist crud............death threats arent minor............simply because you dont like the reality of the situation doesnt means its bigotry to present it............
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.
No matter what happens
what we whites have got
is superior firepower
and the racist blacks do not
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Violence is extremely common in the black community. Its just a fact and we shouldnt pretend like it isn't true when we have these discussions. Violence is terribly problematic for the black community, so ignoring it would be irresponsible, don't you think? Its also unfair for the rest of us who are victims of the black communities violent culture. We deserve the right to be critical about those things. My post may have presented that information in a harsh way, but that's because Asslips is an awful racist that needs to be humbled often. My apologies for catching you in the crossfire.
Remember this from last year ?:

DHS Official Behind Gun and Ammo Purchasing Calls for White Genocide, Race War

A DHS official whose very role at the agency is to ‘procure guns and ammunition’, of which the organization has purchased a large number of weapons and billions of rounds, has been openly calling on his black supremacist website for the ‘great race war’ and the death of white Americans.

Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/dhs-official-gun-and-ammo-purchasing-white-deaths-race-war/#ixzz3FywoLk6I

Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/dhs-official-gun-and-ammo-purchasing-white-deaths-race-war/#ixzz3FywTbrc3
Ferguson (-like situations) are why God invented the National Guard...
NG was invented by man not god.
No... really?
I remember 35 years ago.......Bob Grant saying that if the blacks want to bring it, that's ok, but they cant hide!!:afro:

And anyway.....most blacks have weapons with a range of about 7 yards. Tnes of millions of whites possess multiple weapons with a range of 200-400 meters.

Who's not winning??!!!:coffee:
I remember 35 years ago.......Bob Grant saying that if the blacks want to bring it, that's ok, but they cant hide!!:afro:

And anyway.....most blacks have weapons with a range of about 7 yards. Tnes of millions of whites possess multiple weapons with a range of 200-400 meters.

Who's not winning??!!!:coffee:

There was a black activist that pointed out a few years ago that if a race war did happen that blacks simply won't have the ammo to compete with whites. He also pointed out what you were getting at, that most blacks have Saturday Night Specials that you have to very close to your target, and then the user will have to fire off half a dozen rounds before they hit anything.
He then mentions that whites have the long guns that are semi or fully auto.

In the end ammo will be everything, and since the Obama election of '08 ammo manufacturers have been running at full capacity and whites continue to stock up at remarkable rates.

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


Keep it current as these things have been fixed already for the most part, and this when it comes to whites especially so these days, otherwise I mean when have you seen whites in general doing stupid things like that most recently ? The whites have given up a lot to accommodate making this nation a great melting pot for so many, and to not acknowledge that (IMHO) is completely foolish. People can sling the past around all they want, but it is the current issues that matter the most, and then figuring out how to deal with the current issues without taking three steps back instead of five steps forward in life should be what we all want today in America.
Enough of this sickening crap. These threats by some (not all) black people who threaten to riot and destroy if they don't get their way needs to stop. They have no comprehension or respect for the notion of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I will say, though, that if you, in your protest, attempt to destroy my property or harm me and my loved ones, I will gun you all down. You may think you have the right to destroy and kill in your rabidity, but I will let my bullets do the talking, and they will sink into you where reason hasn't.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
This is idiocy, of course, it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, and is consistent with the fear, ignorance and hate common to racists such as the OP.

FBI, CDC, BJS crime and mortality statistics prove you wrong, though.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america, despite only making up 13% of the population.
People are getting sick and tired of it, too.

A day of reckoning approaches.
its more like 4% of the population

black females and black male over the age of 50 rarely commit murders. so the group committing over half the murders are black males between the ages of 15 and 45 or so

that's much smaller than 13% of the population.
Enough of this sickening crap. These threats by some (not all) black people who threaten to riot and destroy if they don't get their way needs to stop. They have no comprehension or respect for the notion of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I will say, though, that if you, in your protest, attempt to destroy my property or harm me and my loved ones, I will gun you all down. You may think you have the right to destroy and kill in your rabidity, but I will let my bullets do the talking, and they will sink into you where reason hasn't.

Hard core wake, hard core.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
This is idiocy, of course, it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, and is consistent with the fear, ignorance and hate common to racists such as the OP.

FBI, CDC, BJS crime and mortality statistics prove you wrong, though.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america, despite only making up 13% of the population.
People are getting sick and tired of it, too.

A day of reckoning approaches.
its more like 4% of the population

black females and black male over the age of 50 rarely commit murders. so the group committing over half the murders are black males between the ages of 15 and 45 or so

that's much smaller than 13% of the population.

Yes. I think most people know that.
Enough of this sickening crap. These threats by some (not all) black people who threaten to riot and destroy if they don't get their way needs to stop. They have no comprehension or respect for the notion of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I will say, though, that if you, in your protest, attempt to destroy my property or harm me and my loved ones, I will gun you all down. You may think you have the right to destroy and kill in your rabidity, but I will let my bullets do the talking, and they will sink into you where reason hasn't.

Hard core wake, hard core.

I'm thoroughly disgusted by it. Planning to buy two long-barreled handguns and a decent sniper rifle with ample ammo as soon as I can. A black Remington shotgun would be nice, too. I'm starting to value the 2nd Amendment quite a bit more than I have in the past. I do not and will not tolerate threats from the lynch mob.
I remember 35 years ago.......Bob Grant saying that if the blacks want to bring it, that's ok, but they cant hide!!:afro:

And anyway.....most blacks have weapons with a range of about 7 yards. Tnes of millions of whites possess multiple weapons with a range of 200-400 meters.

Who's not winning??!!!:coffee:

There was a black activist that pointed out a few years ago that if a race war did happen that blacks simply won't have the ammo to compete with whites. He also pointed out what you were getting at, that most blacks have Saturday Night Specials that you have to very close to your target, and then the user will have to fire off half a dozen rounds before they hit anything.
He then mentions that whites have the long guns that are semi or fully auto.

In the end ammo will be everything, and since the Obama election of '08 ammo manufacturers have been running at full capacity and whites continue to stock up at remarkable rates.

"Load up in the truck"
Enough of this sickening crap. These threats by some (not all) black people who threaten to riot and destroy if they don't get their way needs to stop. They have no comprehension or respect for the notion of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I will say, though, that if you, in your protest, attempt to destroy my property or harm me and my loved ones, I will gun you all down. You may think you have the right to destroy and kill in your rabidity, but I will let my bullets do the talking, and they will sink into you where reason hasn't.

Hard core wake, hard core.

I'm thoroughly disgusted by it. Planning to buy two long-barreled handguns and a decent sniper rifle with ample ammo as soon as I can. A black Remington shotgun would be nice, too. I'm starting to value the 2nd Amendment quite a bit more than I have in the past. I do not and will not tolerate threats from the lynch mob.

best defense shotgun-FnH SLP-1

for half the money but almost as good

Mossberg 930

Sniper rifle-best gun for the money is a SAVAGE 110 in 308 with the accutrigger

get Federal 168 grain Sierra Match King bullets- 308 loads-best stuff on the market
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
This is idiocy, of course, it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, and is consistent with the fear, ignorance and hate common to racists such as the OP.

FBI, CDC, BJS crime and mortality statistics prove you wrong, though.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america, despite only making up 13% of the population.
People are getting sick and tired of it, too.

A day of reckoning approaches.
its more like 4% of the population

black females and black male over the age of 50 rarely commit murders. so the group committing over half the murders are black males between the ages of 15 and 45 or so

that's much smaller than 13% of the population.

Yes. I think most people know that.

good. its much more a problem
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Violence is extremely common in the black community. Its just a fact and we shouldnt pretend like it isn't true when we have these discussions. Violence is terribly problematic for the black community, so ignoring it would be irresponsible, don't you think? Its also unfair for the rest of us who are victims of the black communities violent culture. We deserve the right to be critical about those things. My post may have presented that information in a harsh way, but that's because Asslips is an awful racist that needs to be humbled often. My apologies for catching you in the crossfire.

Violence is quite common in the white community too, as is white collar crime which is not victimless. White folks' bigotry, callousness, and hatred have significant impact on crime in "the black community.". I think your hatred and blame is misdirected.
I remember 35 years ago.......Bob Grant saying that if the blacks want to bring it, that's ok, but they cant hide!!:afro:

And anyway.....most blacks have weapons with a range of about 7 yards. Tnes of millions of whites possess multiple weapons with a range of 200-400 meters.

Who's not winning??!!!:coffee:

There was a black activist that pointed out a few years ago that if a race war did happen that blacks simply won't have the ammo to compete with whites. He also pointed out what you were getting at, that most blacks have Saturday Night Specials that you have to very close to your target, and then the user will have to fire off half a dozen rounds before they hit anything.
He then mentions that whites have the long guns that are semi or fully auto.

In the end ammo will be everything, and since the Obama election of '08 ammo manufacturers have been running at full capacity and whites continue to stock up at remarkable rates.

You assume all "whites" will support the ignorant racist yahoos like yourself. Don't count on it.
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Violence is extremely common in the black community. Its just a fact and we shouldnt pretend like it isn't true when we have these discussions. Violence is terribly problematic for the black community, so ignoring it would be irresponsible, don't you think? Its also unfair for the rest of us who are victims of the black communities violent culture. We deserve the right to be critical about those things. My post may have presented that information in a harsh way, but that's because Asslips is an awful racist that needs to be humbled often. My apologies for catching you in the crossfire.

Violence is quite common in the white community too, as is white collar crime which is not victimless. White folks' bigotry, callousness, and hatred have significant impact on crime in "the black community.". I think your hatred and blame is misdirected.

Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s according to the FBI, DOJ and BJS.
I doubt most Asians and Latinos will stand by should some blacks try to destroy and kill during a mass riot.

My grandfather is full-blooded Latino. 100% Mexican. Marmalejo clan in WI. They don't play around. My extended family on mom's side is deeply Latino/Spanish and very connected. I kid you not they would not tolerate that kind of crap. It would be a massacre.

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