Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.

I did too, when I was a teenager, and I have firsthand experience with race riots in public high schools. That's why I take exception to these incredibly naive rednecks who think they are in control. They don't understand that a minority can be marginalized to the point of revolt, and that happens when they arrive at the conclusion that they have absolutely nothing left to lose. From there, they are easily infiltrated by outside influences who obtain THEIR goals by using them as their tools. I sincerely believe that Ferguson has become ground zero for this movement.

Another :ahole-1:


I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
Oh well forgive my ignorance then, because my black co-worker was the one that told me that, and he was upset that it was that way, so who is telling the truth about it then ? He said that they just wanted his money, but later found them to be crooks riddled with scandal after scandal.
I did too, when I was a teenager, and I have firsthand experience with race riots in public high schools. That's why I take exception to these incredibly naive rednecks who think they are in control. They don't understand that a minority can be marginalized to the point of revolt, and that happens when they arrive at the conclusion that they have absolutely nothing left to lose. From there, they are easily infiltrated by outside influences who obtain THEIR goals by using them as their tools. I sincerely believe that Ferguson has become ground zero for this movement.

Another :ahole-1:


I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
Oh well forgive my ignorance then, because my black co-worker was the one that told me that, and he was upset that it was that way, so who is telling the truth about it then ? He said that they just wanted his money, but later found them to be crooks riddled with scandal after scandal.

You should be more intelligent and find out for yourself instead of relying on someone else. Like any organizaiont the NAACP has some crooks and they have people that are out to do good. Only retards and idiots actually would think the entire organization is crooked.
I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.

I did too, when I was a teenager, and I have firsthand experience with race riots in public high schools. That's why I take exception to these incredibly naive rednecks who think they are in control. They don't understand that a minority can be marginalized to the point of revolt, and that happens when they arrive at the conclusion that they have absolutely nothing left to lose. From there, they are easily infiltrated by outside influences who obtain THEIR goals by using them as their tools. I sincerely believe that Ferguson has become ground zero for this movement.

Another :ahole-1:


I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
What is "people of color" anyway ? Is that an exclusionary thing that it stands for ? Who is being excluded then ?
I did too, when I was a teenager, and I have firsthand experience with race riots in public high schools. That's why I take exception to these incredibly naive rednecks who think they are in control. They don't understand that a minority can be marginalized to the point of revolt, and that happens when they arrive at the conclusion that they have absolutely nothing left to lose. From there, they are easily infiltrated by outside influences who obtain THEIR goals by using them as their tools. I sincerely believe that Ferguson has become ground zero for this movement.

Another :ahole-1:


I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
What is "people of color" anyway ? Is that an exclusionary thing that it stands for ? Who is being excluded then ?

Its actually not a really descriptive term. It should be people of abundant melanin. Whites are really the ones that are colored.

I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
Oh well forgive my ignorance then, because my black co-worker was the one that told me that, and he was upset that it was that way, so who is telling the truth about it then ? He said that they just wanted his money, but later found them to be crooks riddled with scandal after scandal.

You should be more intelligent and find out for yourself instead of relying on someone else. Like any organizaiont the NAACP has some crooks and they have people that are out to do good. Only retards and idiots actually would think the entire organization is crooked.
Well to him he saw it as theee organization, and I guess he wondered why it wasn't policed better from within or was it just another corporate money slug crawling upon it's belly while dragging him along with it, but not being what he wanted it to be in which was more inclusive ? He said he never saw any whites as a part of it, so is he lying ?

I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
Oh well forgive my ignorance then, because my black co-worker was the one that told me that, and he was upset that it was that way, so who is telling the truth about it then ? He said that they just wanted his money, but later found them to be crooks riddled with scandal after scandal.

You should be more intelligent and find out for yourself instead of relying on someone else. Like any organizaiont the NAACP has some crooks and they have people that are out to do good. Only retards and idiots actually would think the entire organization is crooked.
Well to him he saw it as theee organization, and I guess he wondered why it wasn't policed better from within or was it just another corporate money slug crawling upon it's belly while dragging him along with it, but not being what he wanted it to be in which was more inclusive ? He said he never saw any whites as a part of it, so is he lying ?
He may have simply been ignorant. White people founded the NAACP.
The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
Oh well forgive my ignorance then, because my black co-worker was the one that told me that, and he was upset that it was that way, so who is telling the truth about it then ? He said that they just wanted his money, but later found them to be crooks riddled with scandal after scandal.

You should be more intelligent and find out for yourself instead of relying on someone else. Like any organizaiont the NAACP has some crooks and they have people that are out to do good. Only retards and idiots actually would think the entire organization is crooked.
Well to him he saw it as theee organization, and I guess he wondered why it wasn't policed better from within or was it just another corporate money slug crawling upon it's belly while dragging him along with it, but not being what he wanted it to be in which was more inclusive ? He said he never saw any whites as a part of it, so is he lying ?
He may have simply been ignorant. White people founded the NAACP.
White Jews?
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.
Oh well forgive my ignorance then, because my black co-worker was the one that told me that, and he was upset that it was that way, so who is telling the truth about it then ? He said that they just wanted his money, but later found them to be crooks riddled with scandal after scandal.

You should be more intelligent and find out for yourself instead of relying on someone else. Like any organizaiont the NAACP has some crooks and they have people that are out to do good. Only retards and idiots actually would think the entire organization is crooked.
Well to him he saw it as theee organization, and I guess he wondered why it wasn't policed better from within or was it just another corporate money slug crawling upon it's belly while dragging him along with it, but not being what he wanted it to be in which was more inclusive ? He said he never saw any whites as a part of it, so is he lying ?
He may have simply been ignorant. White people founded the NAACP.
White Jews?
I dont recall their religion.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day

As usual, out come to excuses for whites acting badly. Please post a link where these rioters just took "their medicine" and simply called it a day.
It's nice to know that these white kids could commit arson, property damage, disturb the peace among other crimes and just "call it a day".

So these white kids attending college facing no disparate treatment when dealing with police or the criminal justice system, they aren't starving or protesting some real or perceived injustice, simply took to the streets to behave as criminals.

And you run to the rescue in defense of their behavior while out the other end of your mouth attempt to paint every Black person protesting in Ferguson as a criminal...color me surprised.

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day

As usual, out come to excuses for whites acting badly. Please post a link where these rioters just took "their medicine" and simply called it a day.
It's nice to know that these white kids could commit arson, property damage, disturb the peace among other crimes and just "call it a day".

So these white kids attending college facing no disparate treatment when dealing with police or the criminal justice system, they aren't starving or protesting some real or perceived injustice, simply took to the streets to behave as criminals.

And you run to the rescue in defense of their behavior while out the other end of your mouth attempt to paint every Black person protesting in Ferguson as a criminal...color me surprised.

And there it goes, the placing of words into someones mouth in order to create a perception to others that I said things that I haven't said. Did I try and paint Ferguson protestors as criminals by actually saying that or going there as you just said that I did ? I don't recall ever saying anything about the protestors in Ferguson, but feel free to go back and look for that if you want to. Hey did I say that these college students weren't breaking the law in a criminal manor ? No I didn't, I just said that they had to take their medicine and blame no one but themselves for their actions afterwards (Yes they became criminals in their actions). You are trying to create a narrative that is a lie, but I think people are smart enough here to know that, so keep lowering yourself by doing such things, as it only makes you a fool thus laying in your own Bull Crap for doing so.
Some of you are probably too young to remember the late 60s and 70s. The racial tension today doesn't remotely compare. There were race riots galore back in the day, the rise of the Black Panthers, Black Power movement, etc. They had a legitimate beef too so many whites were sympathetic to the cause but this stuff is trumped up crap designed to demonize law enforcement and line the pockets of a few prominent blowhorns that know how to work the crowd.
It seems that way to you but not to all..There was more violence on US streets during that period than in Nam...

What foolishness. 50,000 weren't killed in the streets like in VNam.
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


Well there we go... we have a little progtard, city slicker, pussy "MORE WORRIED" about military veteran patriots standing up against an over reaching, oppressive, tyrannical government than he is GANG BANGER THUGS... you truly are a DUMBASS FUCK!

You mean ignorant, racist, homegrown terrorists who happened to have been in military. Think Timmy McVeigh. Although, I think most of the Bundy Ranch Militia guys are just racist wannabees. None of those inbreds are true patriots, nor are you.
Lying piece of crap. It is the black thugs starting the trouble.

Nope, white trash started the crud long ago, and there are plenty still around. Heck, some are posting right here.
Whites started what long ago? They started blacks killing blacks by the thousands in their own neighborhoods or shall we just blame whitely forever and ever and ever for that? Living in poverty is no excuse for what has gone on, just as I remember living in poverty in a poor white neighborhood, but I don't remember anyone in that neighborhood being violent or killing one another. I remember we were all good friends in our struggles, and we kept our grass cut, and our homes repaired and painted, even if it was with cheap materials and do it ourselves labor. Our vehicles were junks, but we somehow kept them going by working on them ourselves. We got foodstamps and welfare as I recall, but we were determined to get off of the programs as quick as we could in life. We learned huge amounts of knowledge from our struggles, and most I know have done well in life. I have many friends who are millionaires now, and they came from nothing. As I recall they never gave up, and they kept on pushing hard until they made it in their personal lives and in their career choices made. I am seeing a new shift in blacks doing the same these days, but the road is still long and hard but they can make it also if they can break the shackles they have placed upon themselves. Blame is a form of a shackle, and they have got to shed themselves of this shackle.

You and John Wayne have it all figured out. What ignorant, racist BS.
I know more blacks that are bigger racists than most whites. John Wayne was s bigger man than Jesse or all.

We are not discussing penis girth...
Says the man with his pants down...LOL
Some of you are probably too young to remember the late 60s and 70s. The racial tension today doesn't remotely compare. There were race riots galore back in the day, the rise of the Black Panthers, Black Power movement, etc. They had a legitimate beef too so many whites were sympathetic to the cause but this stuff is trumped up crap designed to demonize law enforcement and line the pockets of a few prominent blowhorns that know how to work the crowd.
Or crowds.

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


Typical bigoted response trying to justify bigotry. And using an ancient, irrelevant example to do so.

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


Typical bigoted response trying to justify bigotry. And using an ancient, irrelevant example to do so.

You mad bro?

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


Typical bigoted response trying to justify bigotry. And using an ancient, irrelevant example to do so.

You mad bro?

I ain't yo' bro and you ain't my nigga. Try to stick with the post and see if you can rebut.

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


Typical bigoted response trying to justify bigotry. And using an ancient, irrelevant example to do so.

You mad bro?

I ain't yo' bro and you ain't my nigga. Try to stick with the post and see if you can rebut.

I think you are mad bro.

I dont need to rebut. You need to learn how to read what I was responding to. In your anger at the white boy getting his ass beat you forgot to do that.

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