Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

I taught my son to respect others, not to rob stores and assault clerks. I also taught him it's a dumb ass move to punch a cop.

Okay. Guess what, kids often do things despite all the best things we teach them. Especially in that age range.

So you are totally good with a professional police officer shooting a kid six times if he shows bad judgement, or only if he shows bad judgement while black?
MB was an ADULT..Not a kid. He attacked a police officer. Tried to take his gun.
He was ordered to surrender. He charged at the officer in spite of being wounded.
Civilized society demands that we don't get to do whatever we want and expect there to be no repercussions.
Dude, he attacked a cop and tried to take his gun.
1000 pieces of evidence and 70 hours of testimony...
That's IT..Case closed.

There were more hours of testimony and evidence in the OJ Trial, how'd that one turn out again.

And OJ didn't have a prosecutor trying to tank the case intentionally.
The two cases are mutually exclusive.
Simpson was guilty.
The case was a cluster. Jury nullification.
Again, separate case separate set of circumstances.
MB was an ADULT..Not a kid. He attacked a police officer. Tried to take his gun.
He was ordered to surrender. He charged at the officer in spite of being wounded.
Civilized society demands that we don't get to do whatever we want and expect there to be no repercussions.

Or a police officer attacked him, he tried to get away, was shot, tried to surrender and was shot again.

SO either all the witnesses are lying or Wilson is.

He stole the cigars because he was black.

He pushed the store clerk around because he was black

He attacked the cop because he was black.

He thought he could get away with all because he was black.

If he did any of those things, which I doubt (let's not forget, the store never reported "robbery") none of them merited shooting him.

I mean, I don't want my cops executing people in the street and normally, neither do you.

The same people who treated the Nazi Weaver Family and Branch Davidians as Martyrs are all so fine with shooting an unarmed kid in the middle of the street.
You resemble the guy who runs around a closed store kicking and tugging on every door looking for a way in because you feel it should be open.
Your desire to frustrate yourself by engaging in futility is remarkable
The two cases are mutually exclusive.
Simpson was guilty.
The case was a cluster. Jury nullification.
Again, separate case separate set of circumstances.

So a mostly black jury acquits a black man of murdering two white people despite compelling evidence.

A mostly white jury acquits a white man of murdering a black person despite compelling evidence.

Both cases were a cluster. But at least Darden and Clark were merely incompetent. McCollough was corrupt.
You resemble the guy who runs around a closed store kicking and tugging on every door looking for a way in because you feel it should be open.
Your desire to frustrate yourself by engaging in futility is remarkable

Wow, I hit a soft spot with the Waco Comment, didn't I?

You were one of those nuts who thought Koresh was a martyr, don't you?
MB was an ADULT..Not a kid. He attacked a police officer. Tried to take his gun.
He was ordered to surrender. He charged at the officer in spite of being wounded.
Civilized society demands that we don't get to do whatever we want and expect there to be no repercussions.

Or a police officer attacked him, he tried to get away, was shot, tried to surrender and was shot again.

SO either all the witnesses are lying or Wilson is.
all of which witnesses?
Look, you don't get to create your own reality and expect others to live in it.
You can insist all you like. Doesn't change the facts
Man, that is brutal. Burn down shit if you don't like it. Damn, Nasty little puds, grow up already. We got justice. Brown deserved to get shot. All he had to do was respect his fellow human beings, I know, blacks don't have to do that, we are post racial and all that stupid shit.
Yeah almost as bad as killing someone cause you are scared.
yes, it is different than a backyard barbeque. Dude, I really don't give a sh1t what you think. You know nothing about it. You wouldn't ever know it cause you'd crap in your pants and run away!!!
What would you want me to do, just stand there as the cop unloads his weapon into me?
Brown, maybe you shouldn't have gone for his gun in the first place!
all of which witnesses?
Look, you don't get to create your own reality and expect others to live in it.
You can insist all you like. Doesn't change the facts

Again, more witnesses said that Brown was surrendering than not, and less said he was charging than said he wasn't.

Now, here's the thing. If this had gone to trial, I suspect they would have had a very hard time convicting Wilson.

BUt it would be nice if the prosecutors hadn't tanked the case before it ever got to trial.
He wasn't shooting sa shoplifter. He was shooting a man who attacked once, and was in a rage and was attacking again. It was self defense.

yeah. Self-Defense. That's the ticket. Just ignore all those witnesses who said he yelled "I don't have a gun" and was giving up and was 120 feet away from the vehicle when he fell.
Now that we know they were lying it's appropriate to ignore them.

The best resolution for this entire event is more riots and more violent riots. Since arsonists ran out of commercial buildings to burn I was kind of hoping they would move on to homes. Go full on Zimbabwe. Necklace those white devils. At least the liberal ones that won't shoot. Make something that will never be forgotten. Real blood in the street. Cars plowing through protests like scattering bowling pins. Then hang it on the democrats forever more. obama did it! Make his face the chief instigator and scapegoat.

Then we won't have this mess happen for generations.
Another sick person in desperate need of help.
The two cases are mutually exclusive.
Simpson was guilty.
The case was a cluster. Jury nullification.
Again, separate case separate set of circumstances.

So a mostly black jury acquits a black man of murdering two white people despite compelling evidence.

A mostly white jury acquits a white man of murdering a black person despite compelling evidence.

Both cases were a cluster. But at least Darden and Clark were merely incompetent. McCollough was corrupt.
Hey genius. Grand Juries do not decide guilt or innocence. Grand Juries listen to and examine evidence. They decide if probable cause exists to bring charges.
it's a system that if anything, protects the accused from malicious or unjust prosecution. The grand jury does not function as an arm of the prosecutor's office.
Now, in what way was DA McCullough corrupt?
What compelling evidence?
Again. You are making up your own reality.
Nah...that ain't scary. Whats scary is the fact we have idiots like you who dont know wrong from right.

I think I have a pretty good bead on it.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who is jaywalking just because he gives you some lip.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who stole $20.00 worth of cigars.

It's definitely wrong to unload 10 rounds down a busy street when the kid is unarmed, running away or trying to surrender.

You got it! Simply ignore that he went for his gun and tried to shoot the cop in the car. That's such a little detail. And taking his fist and hitting him in the face? Why, we do that all the time to cops, right? Why do you ignore these LITTLE DETAILS?
Hey genius. Grand Juries do not decide guilt or innocence. Grand Juries listen to and examine evidence. They decide if probable cause exists to bring charges.
it's a system that if anything, protects the accused from malicious or unjust prosecution. The grand jury does not function as an arm of the prosecutor's office.
Now, in what way was DA McCullough corrupt?
What compelling evidence?
Again. You are making up your own reality.

Guy, it's well known that the Grand Jury system is meant to be a tool of prosecutors.

As a wise man said, "A prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to Indict a Ham Sandwich".

McCullough was out to exonerate this cop from day one. That was exactly the opposite of what he should have been doing.
all of which witnesses?
Look, you don't get to create your own reality and expect others to live in it.
You can insist all you like. Doesn't change the facts

Again, more witnesses said that Brown was surrendering than not, and less said he was charging than said he wasn't.

Now, here's the thing. If this had gone to trial, I suspect they would have had a very hard time convicting Wilson.

BUt it would be nice if the prosecutors hadn't tanked the case before it ever got to trial.
All who had claimed to witness the incident were called to testify.
Those who testified were asked what they saw. There were several witnesses who on questioning, changed their testimony.
Why do you keep insisting you are correct and everyone else is wrong?
How did the prosecution 'tank' the case?
You like all the other biased toward lawlessness people wanted a predetermined result.
You wanted your pound of flesh,. Screw the system.
You did not get what you wanted and now your're just pissed off.
Nah...that ain't scary. Whats scary is the fact we have idiots like you who dont know wrong from right.

I think I have a pretty good bead on it.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who is jaywalking just because he gives you some lip.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who stole $20.00 worth of cigars.

It's definitely wrong to unload 10 rounds down a busy street when the kid is unarmed, running away or trying to surrender.

You got it! Simply ignore that he went for his gun and tried to shoot the cop in the car. That's such a little detail. And taking his fist and hitting him in the face? Why, we do that all the time to cops, right? Why do you ignore these LITTLE DETAILS?
Joe is a far left wing radical who is blinded to the facts by his ideology.
Hey genius. Grand Juries do not decide guilt or innocence. Grand Juries listen to and examine evidence. They decide if probable cause exists to bring charges.
it's a system that if anything, protects the accused from malicious or unjust prosecution. The grand jury does not function as an arm of the prosecutor's office.
Now, in what way was DA McCullough corrupt?
What compelling evidence?
Again. You are making up your own reality.

Guy, it's well known that the Grand Jury system is meant to be a tool of prosecutors.

As a wise man said, "A prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to Indict a Ham Sandwich".

McCullough was out to exonerate this cop from day one. That was exactly the opposite of what he should have been doing.

You are the one that provides a one sided view of things by ignoring facts in a case. He provided all the facts in the case. HE was honest.
You got it! Simply ignore that he went for his gun and tried to shoot the cop in the car. That's such a little detail. And taking his fist and hitting him in the face? Why, we do that all the time to cops, right? Why do you ignore these LITTLE DETAILS?

And if Brown had been shot while his head was in the car, I'd have no issue with that shooting as they struggled for the gun.

It was the shots that were fired when Brown was 120 feet away from the car with his hands up screaming, "I don't have a gun!"

So let's be blunt. Adreniline had taken over at that point, and I'm sure that Wilson was angry. But that really didn't justify the use of force.
Nah...that ain't scary. Whats scary is the fact we have idiots like you who dont know wrong from right.

I think I have a pretty good bead on it.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who is jaywalking just because he gives you some lip.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who stole $20.00 worth of cigars.

It's definitely wrong to unload 10 rounds down a busy street when the kid is unarmed, running away or trying to surrender.

You got it! Simply ignore that he went for his gun and tried to shoot the cop in the car. That's such a little detail. And taking his fist and hitting him in the face? Why, we do that all the time to cops, right? Why do you ignore these LITTLE DETAILS?
Joe is a far left wing radical who is blinded to the facts by his ideology.
Why we keep talking to him is beyond me. We are wasting our time.
You are the one that provides a one sided view of things by ignoring facts in a case. He provided all the facts in the case. HE was honest.

No, he was doing the job of the defense lawyer. That's not honest.

His job was to say, "There's enough evidence here to go to trial." Which there certainly was.

By not recommending charges and by letting Wilson make four hours of self-serving statements without challenge, he as much as told the Grand Jury how he wanted this to go.
You resemble the guy who runs around a closed store kicking and tugging on every door looking for a way in because you feel it should be open.
Your desire to frustrate yourself by engaging in futility is remarkable

Wow, I hit a soft spot with the Waco Comment, didn't I?

You were one of those nuts who thought Koresh was a martyr, don't you?
Koresh? Oh please.
That was another cluster fuck. The FBI could have peacefully arrested that freak on numerous occasions but the brass would not allow it.
Koresh and his people thought they could do whatever they wanted with no repercussions.
Martyr? Yer kidding right?

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