Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

My position hasn't changed one iota. A thug got killed because he was a dumb ass. If you are gonna pick a fight with the police you'd better bring a gun. He'd already beaten down a clerk who's only crime was showing up for work.

He chose to live a life of crime.
He chose to confront a police officer instead of defusing the situation by following the orders.
He initiated the gunfight when he went for the gun originally.

Therefore, he chose to die. PERIOD.

2 shot method in Security U.S. Navy. Second shot to make sure the first doesn't miss.

In this case full auto out in a quick burst. oh well. He should have been home doing homework instead of robbing stores.
The people of this country have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness................By rioting. looting and burning down their businesses they have infringed on that right.....................

Should they say we've had enough, and defend their businesses with weapons then it is the fault of the criminals violating their rights BY ACTING LIKE ANIMALS................

Brown was a thug...........BYE BE..............I've seen the video of what he did to the clerk................GOOD RIDDANCE to a THUG..............and now more thugs use it as an excuse to PILLAGE AND LOOT...................and nothing more.

I hope the National Guard knock their dang asses back under the rocks these criminals spawned from. While they are at it, perhaps they can put the race baiters back in their holes as well.

Yup, he pushed little Pradip into the potato chips and he wet his pants. How horrible for him.

I know Officer Wilson lived the dream of every clown like you who owns a gun to compensate for a tiny pecker.
He was a thieving POS...............tried his shit on a man with a gun and paid for it.................Perhaps he should have chosen a different life style........................Perhaps he shouldn't have been a dumb ass to attack a police officer.
Mike Brown should've become a cop, then he could run around killing people every time he wet his pants and get away with it.
Perhaps you should have told him that before he robbed stores and attacked an armed police officer. Perhaps he could have worn a sign that said I'm STUPID.............

Doesn't matter. He's gone. He initiated it. and he paid the price for it.
I dont care if he punched him or not. Fact is he went for officer Wilsons gun and witnesses said he charged him.
You would have done the same thing in Wilsons position.

Your leaving out the fact that Wilson went for his gun first. What would you do if you were a black guy and this crazy ass white dude says I'm gonna shoot you while he's got his hand on his gun? Do you A) let him shoot you... or B) reach for his gun in a last ditch effort to save your life?
Holy crap the stupid stick is flying around a lot today!! If you have to ask this, you're a lost soul!!
The cop lost my support somewhere around the 3rd to 12th shot he fired.
good for you! had the 300 pound guy stopped coming after the cop, I'm sure he would have stopped. It's too damn bad for you that three other black witnesses confirm that story!!!

man it sucks when facts win a discussion.
Why can't the cop just get back in his car and drive away as the boy he shot two to three times bleeds out? Why does he have to kill him? Why the coup de grace?

Uhhh..if he bleeds out he's dead.:cuckoo:
Have you ever been in a fight? Did you kill the other person, or did you let them go?

Did you ever tell someone what to do and they refused even got angry at you? If so did you kill them or let it go?

You can call me stupid all you like. It won't change the fact that this cop did not have to kill this boy. Which person was supposed to be the guy in charge of the situation the cop or the teen? Is that how you take charge of a situation? Kill people?
300lb kid with a kill mentality. The moment, now listen carefully, the moment he put his hand on the gun was the moment of emence stupid. At that time, he was going to take that stupid white cop out. You know that is exactly what he said. Gee, just listen to his step father telling everyone to burn it all fnnn down. Seems like an at home mentality. Seems you don't like white folk. Ain't that a shame. you're just lost in your stupid.

I've been in many a fight and I know when to concede. It seemed brown was in it to the end. his. BTW, one big message I learned was to stop when a gun is pointed at me. I realized a long time ago I wasn't superman and that a bullet more than likely wasn't going to bounce off my chest if it hit me. Brown, had other thoughts of stupid I guess.

First off I'm a white guy. Second I already said it's the kids fault. Third the kid didn't have his hands on the gun when he was 30' away, so CLEARLY after the gun went off in the car the kid got scared and started running off. The cop made the active choice of killing the boy after the first shot went off in the car.. So! shot fired in the confusion of fight over gun.. as cop is saying I'm gonna shoot you. Then right after shot Brown runs 30' and cop gets out of car. Yes? Cop could have stayed in car and called for back up Yes?

He clearly admitted that on TV the other day to Stenapolous or whatever his name is. He thought to himself... can I get away with killing this kid... then he proceeded to unload his weapon at the teen who was 30' or so away at the time.. then as he was unloading his gun into the teen, the teen charged, this from the officer and the corroborated witnesses. Suicide by dumb ass cop. The cop did not give him the opportunity to give up after the first shot was fired in the car. He unloaded his gun into the kid and as he did so the kid charged. What would you do if someone was unloading their gun into you... just stand there?
How's the cop a dumbass when he has the gun? you just can't get away from the stupid.

You should probably give it up. you're justing falling deeper into stupidity. You are definitely making me shake my head in wonder at what the heck your problem is. But dude you've lost it. stupid has found you, landed and walked on board.
That cop will have to live with what he did the rest of his life. Again you can call me stupid all you like but that wont change the fact that both you and this cop feel the only way you can win a fight against a big black dude is to kill him. Even when you are SITTING IN AN SUV. You can't think of one other thing you can do WHILE YOU ARE SITTING IN AN SUV. And I'm the dumb ass.
and the stupid juice just keeps flowing. Dude, do you read what you post? Really, I mean how can you be so stupid. Of course the cop has to live with it. What other choice does he have? that kid ruined the cops life as well as his own. so the kid ruined two families because of his aggressions.

No, the other way out was for the young man to stop being the aggressor. The cop was doing his job. more stupid. i do not feel sorry for the cop, i am proud of him!!!

Edit: BTW, I'm disappointed in the racists who think a white cop can't do his job when a black criminal attacks him. And then, do and say nothing when 70 other blacks are killed by other blacks and that seems ok, no outrage at all. That pisses me off.
Let's see Mike had two bullets in his arm and two in his chest... and you still think that cop "had" to kill Mike. Sad little men you two are that you can't even fathom how a guy in an TACTICAL VEHICLE can defend himself without SHOOTING HIM TWO MORE TIMES IN THE HEAD. As for the color of their skin.. I don't see what that has to do with it. The little girlie boy was white and the dumb ass angry dude was black so what?

FYI Agreeing with my statement that the cop will have to live with it.. doesn't mean I'm stupid. Unless of course you are saying that you are stupid so if we agree on that, it must mean I'm stupid too. Is that what you are trying to say?

The cop had a choice. Stay in the truck or get out and kill the boy with his equalizer cause he wasn't man enough to fight Mike on his own. Plain facts... He made his choice.

Put a gun in a coward's hands to defend himself, and people are gonna die unnecessarily.
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300lb kid with a kill mentality. The moment, now listen carefully, the moment he put his hand on the gun was the moment of emence stupid. At that time, he was going to take that stupid white cop out. You know that is exactly what he said. Gee, just listen to his step father telling everyone to burn it all fnnn down. Seems like an at home mentality. Seems you don't like white folk. Ain't that a shame. you're just lost in your stupid.

I've been in many a fight and I know when to concede. It seemed brown was in it to the end. his. BTW, one big message I learned was to stop when a gun is pointed at me. I realized a long time ago I wasn't superman and that a bullet more than likely wasn't going to bounce off my chest if it hit me. Brown, had other thoughts of stupid I guess.

First off I'm a white guy. Second I already said it's the kids fault. Third the kid didn't have his hands on the gun when he was 30' away, so CLEARLY after the gun went off in the car the kid got scared and started running off. The cop made the active choice of killing the boy after the first shot went off in the car.. So! shot fired in the confusion of fight over gun.. as cop is saying I'm gonna shoot you. Then right after shot Brown runs 30' and cop gets out of car. Yes? Cop could have stayed in car and called for back up Yes?

He clearly admitted that on TV the other day to Stenapolous or whatever his name is. He thought to himself... can I get away with killing this kid... then he proceeded to unload his weapon at the teen who was 30' or so away at the time.. then as he was unloading his gun into the teen, the teen charged, this from the officer and the corroborated witnesses. Suicide by dumb ass cop. The cop did not give him the opportunity to give up after the first shot was fired in the car. He unloaded his gun into the kid and as he did so the kid charged. What would you do if someone was unloading their gun into you... just stand there?
How's the cop a dumbass when he has the gun? you just can't get away from the stupid.

You should probably give it up. you're justing falling deeper into stupidity. You are definitely making me shake my head in wonder at what the heck your problem is. But dude you've lost it. stupid has found you, landed and walked on board.
That cop will have to live with what he did the rest of his life. Again you can call me stupid all you like but that wont change the fact that both you and this cop feel the only way you can win a fight against a big black dude is to kill him. Even when you are SITTING IN AN SUV. You can't think of one other thing you can do WHILE YOU ARE SITTING IN AN SUV. And I'm the dumb ass.
and the stupid juice just keeps flowing. Dude, do you read what you post? Really, I mean how can you be so stupid. Of course the cop has to live with it. What other choice does he have? that kid ruined the cops life as well as his own. so the kid ruined two families because of his aggressions.

No, the other way out was for the young man to stop being the aggressor. The cop was doing his job. more stupid. i do not feel sorry for the cop, i am proud of him!!!

Edit: BTW, I'm disappointed in the racists who think a white cop can't do his job when a black criminal attacks him. And then, do and say nothing when 70 other blacks are killed by other blacks and that seems ok, no outrage at all. That pisses me off.
Let's see Mike had two bullets in his arm and two in his chest... and you still think that cop "had" to kill Mike. Sad little men you two are that you can't even fathom how a guy in an TACTICAL VEHICLE can defend himself without SHOOTING HIM TWO MORE TIMES IN THE HEAD. As for the color of their skin.. I don't see what that has to do with it. The little girlie boy was white and the dumb ass angry dude was black so what?

FYI Agreeing with my statement that the cop will have to live with it.. doesn't mean I'm stupid. Unless of course you are saying that you are stupid so if we agree on that, it must mean I'm stupid too. Is that what you are trying to say?

The cop had a choice. Stay in the truck or get out and kill the boy with his equalizer cause he wasn't man enough to fight Mike on his own. Plain facts... He made his choice.

Put a gun in a coward's hands to defend himself, and people are gonna die unnecessarily.
Oh, so now cops are to fight it out?

How stupid.
I think we have a photograph of Officer Wilson...

Please....Don't post anymore. You are giving yourself away.

As a rational person?

Don't worry, I'm not trying to keep it secret.
No....Why would you not keep people guessing as to your level of stupidity, rather than post here and remove all doubt.

Whatever will I do? I flunked the Racist Mouthbreather IQ Test!
Hey, you're the one whose posts are bereft of logic.
Do you even read them before you post?
He wasn't shooting sa shoplifter. He was shooting a man who attacked once, and was in a rage and was attacking again. It was self defense.

yeah. Self-Defense. That's the ticket. Just ignore all those witnesses who said he yelled "I don't have a gun" and was giving up and was 120 feet away from the vehicle when he fell.
Now that we know they were lying it's appropriate to ignore them.

The best resolution for this entire event is more riots and more violent riots. Since arsonists ran out of commercial buildings to burn I was kind of hoping they would move on to homes. Go full on Zimbabwe. Necklace those white devils. At least the liberal ones that won't shoot. Make something that will never be forgotten. Real blood in the street. Cars plowing through protests like scattering bowling pins. Then hang it on the democrats forever more. obama did it! Make his face the chief instigator and scapegoat.

Then we won't have this mess happen for generations.
He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.

It's not his job to let a confrontation over jaywalking or maybe shoplifting escalate into a lethal use of force incident.

You stupid fuck,if he wouldnt have attacked the cop we wouldnt even be talking about this.
I'm just wondering how all you wingnuts would feel if Michael Brown was your relative.
I would be ashamed that my relative was a thief who beat up store clerks. I would then go to the Quik Trip, apologize and offer to pay for what he stole.

Yeah, somehow, I don't think you'd be on an apology tour if someone you cared about was shot in the middle of the street for stealing cigars and jaywalking.

I think you'd be demanding answers... because we don't do that to white kids in this country.
Dude, he attacked a cop and tried to take his gun.
1000 pieces of evidence and 70 hours of testimony...
That's IT..Case closed.
Now that we know they were lying it's appropriate to ignore them.

The best resolution for this entire event is more riots and more violent riots. Since arsonists ran out of commercial buildings to burn I was kind of hoping they would move on to homes. Go full on Zimbabwe. Necklace those white devils. At least the liberal ones that won't shoot. Make something that will never be forgotten. Real blood in the street. Cars plowing through protests like scattering bowling pins. Then hang it on the democrats forever more. obama did it! Make his face the chief instigator and scapegoat.

Then we won't have this mess happen for generations.

Wow, it's kind of scary to listen to your desire for bloodlust...
Now that we know they were lying it's appropriate to ignore them.

The best resolution for this entire event is more riots and more violent riots. Since arsonists ran out of commercial buildings to burn I was kind of hoping they would move on to homes. Go full on Zimbabwe. Necklace those white devils. At least the liberal ones that won't shoot. Make something that will never be forgotten. Real blood in the street. Cars plowing through protests like scattering bowling pins. Then hang it on the democrats forever more. obama did it! Make his face the chief instigator and scapegoat.

Then we won't have this mess happen for generations.

Wow, it's kind of scary to listen to your desire for bloodlust...

Nah...that ain't scary. Whats scary is the fact we have idiots like you who dont know wrong from right.
Nah...that ain't scary. Whats scary is the fact we have idiots like you who dont know wrong from right.

I think I have a pretty good bead on it.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who is jaywalking just because he gives you some lip.

It's wrong to shoot a kid who stole $20.00 worth of cigars.

It's definitely wrong to unload 10 rounds down a busy street when the kid is unarmed, running away or trying to surrender.

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