Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

Brown was never reported to be saying I don't have a gun. You have your black thugs confused. It was VonDerrick Myers who witnesses said put his arms up and said I don't have a gun. After he had just had a shoot out with the police.
You got it! Simply ignore that he went for his gun and tried to shoot the cop in the car. That's such a little detail. And taking his fist and hitting him in the face? Why, we do that all the time to cops, right? Why do you ignore these LITTLE DETAILS?

And if Brown had been shot while his head was in the car, I'd have no issue with that shooting as they struggled for the gun.

It was the shots that were fired when Brown was 120 feet away from the car with his hands up screaming, "I don't have a gun!"

So let's be blunt. Adreniline had taken over at that point, and I'm sure that Wilson was angry. But that really didn't justify the use of force.

The hell it didn't. Brown never yelled, I don't have a gun! His adrenalin was ragin and he went after Wilson like a crazed bull. That is what witnesses said.
You are going on ignore.
Koresh? Oh please.
That was another cluster fuck. The FBI could have peacefully arrested that freak on numerous occasions but the brass would not allow it.
Koresh and his people thought they could do whatever they wanted with no repercussions.
Martyr? Yer kidding right?

Yes, they could have.

Still doesn't make it okay that he shot four ATF agents.
You are the one that provides a one sided view of things by ignoring facts in a case. He provided all the facts in the case. HE was honest.

No, he was doing the job of the defense lawyer. That's not honest.

His job was to say, "There's enough evidence here to go to trial." Which there certainly was.

By not recommending charges and by letting Wilson make four hours of self-serving statements without challenge, he as much as told the Grand Jury how he wanted this to go.
Grand Juries do not cross examine witnesses. IN fact, in most cases there are no witnesses. The prosecution simply presents evidence to the jurors. They retire to deliberate.
"No, he was doing the job of the defense lawyer"
"Which there certainly was."
"make four hours of self-serving statements without challenge"

Let's be clear, your statements are your opinions.
Brown was never reported to be saying I don't have a gun. You have your black thugs confused. It was VonDerrick Myers who witnesses said put his arms up and said I don't have a gun. After he had just had a shoot out with the police.

Uh, no, actually Dorian Johnson and several others said Brown said exactly that when he had his hands up.
Koresh? Oh please.
That was another cluster fuck. The FBI could have peacefully arrested that freak on numerous occasions but the brass would not allow it.
Koresh and his people thought they could do whatever they wanted with no repercussions.
Martyr? Yer kidding right?

Yes, they could have.

Still doesn't make it okay that he shot four ATF agents.
No shit. Koresh like the rioters in Ferguson was cruising for a fight.
And the Command of the forces that stormed the Branch Davidian compound got 4 of their people killed.
BTW, Despite the protestations of all the anti government nuts,. The fire which destroyed the compound was set by the Davidians.
Grand Juries do not cross examine witnesses. IN fact, in most cases there are no witnesses. The prosecution simply presents evidence to the jurors. They retire to deliberate.
"No, he was doing the job of the defense lawyer"
"Which there certainly was."
"make four hours of self-serving statements without challenge"

Let's be clear, your statements are your opinions.

Yes, but they happen to be right.

THere are a whole lot of parts of Wilson's testimony that defy logic, but he was never challenged on them.

I Don t Have a Gun Witness Says Michael Brown Yelled - NBC News

Brown started running, stopping at one point with his hands up as he cried, "I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!" Johnson said the officer fired several shots, and Brown collapsed to the ground.
Brown was never reported to be saying I don't have a gun. You have your black thugs confused. It was VonDerrick Myers who witnesses said put his arms up and said I don't have a gun. After he had just had a shoot out with the police.

Uh, no, actually Dorian Johnson and several others said Brown said exactly that when he had his hands up.
who the fuck is Dorian Johnson? Who the fuck are "several others"?
Grand Juries do not cross examine witnesses. IN fact, in most cases there are no witnesses. The prosecution simply presents evidence to the jurors. They retire to deliberate.
"No, he was doing the job of the defense lawyer"
"Which there certainly was."
"make four hours of self-serving statements without challenge"

Let's be clear, your statements are your opinions.

Yes, but they happen to be right.

THere are a whole lot of parts of Wilson's testimony that defy logic, but he was never challenged on them.

I Don t Have a Gun Witness Says Michael Brown Yelled - NBC News

Brown started running, stopping at one point with his hands up as he cried, "I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!" Johnson said the officer fired several shots, and Brown collapsed to the ground.
Opinions are neither right or wrong. They are one's beliefs. Their point of view. Period.
That's all you get.
Look, ultimately it matters not what you feel or what you believe. All that matters is what can be proven. All that matters are the facts.
You are arguing just to argue.
You can bitch moan and complain for the next 20 years and it won't matter.
You have an opinion. The facts say otherwise. You'll just have to deal with it.
Brown was never reported to be saying I don't have a gun. You have your black thugs confused. It was VonDerrick Myers who witnesses said put his arms up and said I don't have a gun. After he had just had a shoot out with the police.

Uh, no, actually Dorian Johnson and several others said Brown said exactly that when he had his hands up.
That lie must have bit the dust early on. Dorian Johnson should have his parole revoked for the robbery even if he isn't charged with murder for Brown's death as he should be.
So if the protestors in Ferguson were to simply arm themselves and organize into 'militias', then would you RWnuts support them?
Yes. Until they commit unlawful acts. Such as insurgency, mayhem or murder.
Remember our rights are not absolute. Our rights extend only to the point where once we infringe on the rights of others. At that point we have committed a crime.
That wasn't even a good attempt at deflection.
So if the protestors in Ferguson were to simply arm themselves and organize into 'militias', then would you RWnuts support them?
Yes. Until they commit unlawful acts. Such as insurgency, mayhem or murder.
Remember our rights are not absolute. Our rights extend only to the point where once we infringe on the rights of others. At that point we have committed a crime.
That wasn't even a good attempt at deflection.

Don't lie.
An honest person sees this situation, sees that there is directly conflicting evidence, and admit that it's essentially impossible to know what happened.

That won't stop the ideologues, though. These narcissists know all, and only see their "side" of the story. As usual.

If the evidence could go EITHER WAY, then that's when a grand jury should defer to a trial. It's the job of a trial jury to resolve conflicting evidence.

And that trial should be public and open for everyone to see the evidence presented by both sides.
Again. You are creating your own reality.
Your lack of knowledge of the trial process as how it relates to Constitutional issues is evident.
A presentation of evidence to a Grand Jury is not a trial. it is forum under which the prosecution presents evidence to a group. That group then weighs all the evidence. The group then decides if enough evidence exists to permit the prosecution to move forward with a trial. The attorney representing the People does not and cannot demand there be charges levied. All evidence is relevant. Failure to present all relevant evidence is a misconduct.
All trials in adult court are open to the public where practicable. Meaning if there exists enough space in the courtroom, the public is encouraged to attend.
All transcripts are public record. As is all evidence and other aspects of the trial.
There's your education. Do with it as you wish. Just stop insisting your opinion is the only one that matters.

So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.
You are part of the problem.

So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.

Of course.


here's the thing. The Grand Jury has no transparency. We have no idea what evidence is being discussed in there.

that's why it WOULD be better to have this go to a trial. But the authorities in MO probably don't want that. Too many embarrassing questions would come up about how they do policing there.
No...Missouri state laws requires the Grand Jury.
Unbelievable. a system that works the best for the People renders a decision that YOU don't like and suddenly it's no good.
The reason for GJ proceedings to be conducted in secret is to prevent the very issues you are arguing.
Those are the incessant whining and moaning over the process.
Just because you perceive a wrong does not mean only your desired outcome is what should be.
The system is designed to be fair and just to all.

So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.

Of course.


here's the thing. The Grand Jury has no transparency. We have no idea what evidence is being discussed in there.

that's why it WOULD be better to have this go to a trial. But the authorities in MO probably don't want that. Too many embarrassing questions would come up about how they do policing there.
So you advocate changing our entire system of justice? Should we start sending everyone to trial even if they have no charges agianst them?
Only non members of politically correct protected classes. Such as Christians, Jews and Caucasians.
So if the protestors in Ferguson were to simply arm themselves and organize into 'militias', then would you RWnuts support them?
Yes. Until they commit unlawful acts. Such as insurgency, mayhem or murder.
Remember our rights are not absolute. Our rights extend only to the point where once we infringe on the rights of others. At that point we have committed a crime.
That wasn't even a good attempt at deflection.

Don't lie.

^^^^^^^ LMAO ^^^^^^^..
What do you suggest, should LEO stand idle and take an ass whooping from anyone that decides to assault them or just from black "kids" that are the size of grown ass men?

Don't cops take a self defense course anymore? They don't carry tasers? Night sticks? Practice un armed combat.
If you shot a person three times you couldn't overcome them without shooting them twice in the head? The cop was a scared pussy. Fact. With a chance to teach those black thugs a lesson. Execute the mother fuckers. So that's what the cop did.

And I figure you are probably good with the execution idea. The kid deserved it. Right? I have read a few posters saying exactly that.

SO call the shooting what it was. An execution and just say you support it.
We expect nothing less from you.
Fuck off.
You obviously know nothing.
You are just another thug with a keyboard.
Do yourself a favor, don't ever call the police for help.
So if the protestors in Ferguson were to simply arm themselves and organize into 'militias', then would you RWnuts support them?
Yes. Until they commit unlawful acts. Such as insurgency, mayhem or murder.
Remember our rights are not absolute. Our rights extend only to the point where once we infringe on the rights of others. At that point we have committed a crime.
That wasn't even a good attempt at deflection.

Don't lie.
Lie about what? Explain.

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