Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

The people of this country have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness................By rioting. looting and burning down their businesses they have infringed on that right.....................

Should they say we've had enough, and defend their businesses with weapons then it is the fault of the criminals violating their rights BY ACTING LIKE ANIMALS................

Brown was a thug...........BYE BE..............I've seen the video of what he did to the clerk................GOOD RIDDANCE to a THUG..............and now more thugs use it as an excuse to PILLAGE AND LOOT...................and nothing more.

I hope the National Guard knock their dang asses back under the rocks these criminals spawned from. While they are at it, perhaps they can put the race baiters back in their holes as well.

Yup, he pushed little Pradip into the potato chips and he wet his pants. How horrible for him.

I know Officer Wilson lived the dream of every clown like you who owns a gun to compensate for a tiny pecker.
Yeah the white cop is the problem . He killed only one black man. Other blacks in the neighborhood have killed at least 70 others. It's the cop that's the problem. See how stupid you look?
He was a thieving POS...............tried his shit on a man with a gun and paid for it.................Perhaps he should have chosen a different life style........................Perhaps he shouldn't have been a dumb ass to attack a police officer.

Perhaps we shouldn't make a guy like Wilson a cop if his go-to solution to dealing with a shoplifter is to shoot him 8 times.
auto fire in a hurry happens that way some time............as the rounds went up the body ending in the head to kill a dumb ass attacking a police officer.

No rounds would have been fired had Brown just obeyed the law.........and not attacked. but that didn't happen did it..........................BYE BYE.
And three black witnesses confirm the accounts explained by Wilson. So yep, it didn't happen that way. They act like they want to fight. eh?
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.
Dude, stupid didn't mss you did it?
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

HAHAHA! I wonder if that is in the Police Officer's Manual. Approach and give tickets to only those you think you can outfight. Let everyone else go.
Anyway, his "physical confrontation" was telling him to get out of the way of traffic. Get out of the street. Suppose that's not allowed?
Nope, because the black man is the one in charge in that situation. Just ask on here.
auto fire in a hurry happens that way some time............as the rounds went up the body ending in the head to kill a dumb ass attacking a police officer.

No rounds would have been fired had Brown just obeyed the law.........and not attacked. but that didn't happen did it..........................BYE BYE.

Well, gee, guy, I don't want a cop firing randomly on a street where he expends his whole magazine in a few second.

four of the rounds he fired didn't hit brown at all, and a couple of them hit his arm. Any of those bullets could have kept going down the street and hit a bystander.

And you'll probably claim they had it coming, too.
and more stupid hit you. You should duck more frequently!!
HAHAHA! I wonder if that is in the Police Officer's Manual. Approach and give tickets to only those you think you can outfight. Let everyone else go.
Anyway, his "physical confrontation" was telling him to get out of the way of traffic. Get out of the street. Suppose that's not allowed?

Or wait for backup.

Or don't back your SUV onto the sidewalk and corner them, triggering a fight-or-flight reflex.

Or do about a dozen other things to keep the situation from escalating.

But this is Furgeson, where they issue three warrants for every household and those n****rs better know their place.
Huh!!!! link! Let's see your evidence of that stupid!
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
he got hit with the stupid stick. he has an excuse.
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
he got hit with the stupid stick. he has an excuse.

Multiple times obviously.
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
What is the maximum penalty for being convicted of putting a red mark on an officer's cry baby cheek?
Man, that is brutal. Burn down shit if you don't like it. Damn, Nasty little puds, grow up already. We got justice. Brown deserved to get shot. All he had to do was respect his fellow human beings, I know, blacks don't have to do that, we are post racial and all that stupid shit.
Yeah almost as bad as killing someone cause you are scared.
yes, it is different than a backyard barbeque. Dude, I really don't give a sh1t what you think. You know nothing about it. You wouldn't ever know it cause you'd crap in your pants and run away!!!
What would you want me to do, just stand there as the cop unloads his weapon into me?
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
What is the maximum penalty for being convicted of putting a red mark on an officer's cry baby cheek?

I dont care if he punched him or not. Fact is he went for officer Wilsons gun and witnesses said he charged him.
You would have done the same thing in Wilsons position.
Man, that is brutal. Burn down shit if you don't like it. Damn, Nasty little puds, grow up already. We got justice. Brown deserved to get shot. All he had to do was respect his fellow human beings, I know, blacks don't have to do that, we are post racial and all that stupid shit.
Yeah almost as bad as killing someone cause you are scared.
yes, it is different than a backyard barbeque. Dude, I really don't give a sh1t what you think. You know nothing about it. You wouldn't ever know it cause you'd crap in your pants and run away!!!
What would you want me to do, just stand there as the cop unloads his weapon into me?

How about not doing stupid shit that brought the attention of the cops in the first place?
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

HAHAHA! I wonder if that is in the Police Officer's Manual. Approach and give tickets to only those you think you can outfight. Let everyone else go.
Anyway, his "physical confrontation" was telling him to get out of the way of traffic. Get out of the street. Suppose that's not allowed?
Nope, because the black man is the one in charge in that situation. Just ask on here.
Yeah the "unarmed" black teen "walking" down the street is in charge over the armed wet pants white guy in the POLICE CAR. Then the teen runs.. what 30feet away and the cop decides to get out and start shooting... then he's surprised that the guy he's shooting at and has hit a couple times actually charges him... so he kills the teen... maybe the cop should have stopped shooting after he shot a hole in this car.
Man, that is brutal. Burn down shit if you don't like it. Damn, Nasty little puds, grow up already. We got justice. Brown deserved to get shot. All he had to do was respect his fellow human beings, I know, blacks don't have to do that, we are post racial and all that stupid shit.
Yeah almost as bad as killing someone cause you are scared.
yes, it is different than a backyard barbeque. Dude, I really don't give a sh1t what you think. You know nothing about it. You wouldn't ever know it cause you'd crap in your pants and run away!!!
What would you want me to do, just stand there as the cop unloads his weapon into me?

How about not doing stupid shit that brought the attention of the cops in the first place?
Like what walking down the suburban street? I walk down my street every day. If the cop thought he was a suspect he should have called it in, not try to handcuff him to his steering wheel or whatever it was that started the fight.
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

HAHAHA! I wonder if that is in the Police Officer's Manual. Approach and give tickets to only those you think you can outfight. Let everyone else go.
Anyway, his "physical confrontation" was telling him to get out of the way of traffic. Get out of the street. Suppose that's not allowed?
Nope, because the black man is the one in charge in that situation. Just ask on here.
Yeah the "unarmed" black teen "walking" down the street is in charge over the armed wet pants white guy in the POLICE CAR. Then the teen runs.. what 30feet away and the cop decides to get out and start shooting... then he's surprised that the guy he's shooting at and has hit a couple times actually charges him... so he kills the teen... maybe the cop should have stopped shooting after he shot a hole in this car.

Again,how smart do you need to be not to start shit with the cops?
Good riddance to bad rubbish...
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
What is the maximum penalty for being convicted of putting a red mark on an officer's cry baby cheek?

I dont care if he punched him or not. Fact is he went for officer Wilsons gun and witnesses said he charged him.
You would have done the same thing in Wilsons position.

Your leaving out the fact that Wilson went for his gun first. What would you do if you were a black guy and this crazy ass white dude says I'm gonna shoot you while he's got his hand on his gun? Do you A) let him shoot you... or B) reach for his gun in a last ditch effort to save your life?
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
he got hit with the stupid stick. he has an excuse.

Multiple times obviously.

And like Brown, he keeps attacking, but it isn't
Man, that is brutal. Burn down shit if you don't like it. Damn, Nasty little puds, grow up already. We got justice. Brown deserved to get shot. All he had to do was respect his fellow human beings, I know, blacks don't have to do that, we are post racial and all that stupid shit.
Yeah almost as bad as killing someone cause you are scared.
yes, it is different than a backyard barbeque. Dude, I really don't give a sh1t what you think. You know nothing about it. You wouldn't ever know it cause you'd crap in your pants and run away!!!
What would you want me to do, just stand there as the cop unloads his weapon into me?

Isn't that what you would do? You're some big tough guy right, you don't fear people with guns. You must be superman. so yeah!!
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

He assaulted a cop,thats hardly a petty crime.
And it's his job to initiate contact with criminals you dimwit.
What is the maximum penalty for being convicted of putting a red mark on an officer's cry baby cheek?
death by fire arm. So dude, why do most all cops carry guns?
Now aren't those the most stupid statements you could make? You know nothing of Wilson. You didn't see him in action. All you know is that he performed his job properly.

He was assaulted while on the job, a man, twice his size fought him for his gun, (gun residue on his hand) the perpetrator didn't stop when commanded to do so and kept on coming at him in a fierce way again to assault him and he shot him. Brown was used to bullying people. He thought he could have his was with Wilson. He lost.

No, guy, doing his job properly would be arresting a live suspect, not shooting someone for a petty crime.

If he didn't think he could take this guy who was twice his size, he shouldn't have initiated a physical confrontation.

HAHAHA! I wonder if that is in the Police Officer's Manual. Approach and give tickets to only those you think you can outfight. Let everyone else go.
Anyway, his "physical confrontation" was telling him to get out of the way of traffic. Get out of the street. Suppose that's not allowed?
Nope, because the black man is the one in charge in that situation. Just ask on here.
Yeah the "unarmed" black teen "walking" down the street is in charge over the armed wet pants white guy in the POLICE CAR. Then the teen runs.. what 30feet away and the cop decides to get out and start shooting... then he's surprised that the guy he's shooting at and has hit a couple times actually charges him... so he kills the teen... maybe the cop should have stopped shooting after he shot a hole in this car.

Again,how smart do you need to be not to start shit with the cops?
Good riddance to bad rubbish...
Of course it doesn't take much intelligence to keep out of trouble. Who said this Mike Brown was smart? I assume he wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree.
Man, that is brutal. Burn down shit if you don't like it. Damn, Nasty little puds, grow up already. We got justice. Brown deserved to get shot. All he had to do was respect his fellow human beings, I know, blacks don't have to do that, we are post racial and all that stupid shit.
Yeah almost as bad as killing someone cause you are scared.
yes, it is different than a backyard barbeque. Dude, I really don't give a sh1t what you think. You know nothing about it. You wouldn't ever know it cause you'd crap in your pants and run away!!!
What would you want me to do, just stand there as the cop unloads his weapon into me?

How about not doing stupid shit that brought the attention of the cops in the first place?
Like what walking down the suburban street? I walk down my street every day. If the cop thought he was a suspect he should have called it in, not try to handcuff him to his steering wheel or whatever it was that started the fight.

So when taking these walks do you walk down the middle of the street with stolen cigars in your hand? And had you just strong armed a little chink guy to obtain those cigars? And did you attack a cop on your little stroll?
How about you try taking your walks after doing these things and get back to us.
Assuming you're not reaching room temp in the middle of the street.

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