Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

Yes or no.. according to WILSON the teen tried to walk away down the street (1) then Wilson gave chase, then ruckus ensued, then after the shot went off in the truck the teen tried to run off (2). In both cases Wilson pursued. The first time Wilson pursued in his SUV. The second time Wilson got out of his SUV and pursued on foot with weapon drawn. Wilson was the aggressor. Wilson initiated, Wilson escalated numerous times culminating in the 12 shots being fired.

So, if a policeman is arresting someone, that person should just walk away, and the cop should let them?
If the choice is A kill the kid or B let the kid get a few more feet away.. yeah let the kid get a few more feet away while your backup that is MERELY SECONDS AWAY arrives to help apprehend the big guy. Where the hell do you think this kid was gonna go?

You know, those demonic, hulking kids just disappear in a puff of smoke.
I know right... I mean really do these nuts think the "unarmed" kid was just gonna vanish into thin air? The cop's backup "SECONDS AWAY" and he's gotta unload a full clip into him RIGHT NOW No time to waste he might get away, in broad daylight!
Sorry but the thug started it by roughing up the clerk at the convenience store and stealing the cigars.
If he wasn't a bully and a thief he would still be alive.
Sorry but the thug started it by roughing up the clerk at the convenience store and stealing the cigars.
If he wasn't a bully and a thief he would still be alive.
Did the clerk get a scratch? Bruise? Or did he stumble against a chip rack? ROFL roughing up... wow

You are comparing the crushing blow of a potato chip against your shoulder to 8bullets, including two in the chest and two in the brain.
You know, those demonic, hulking kids just disappear in a puff of smoke.

Not when white devils are cruising around in Police cars, randomly shooting 18 year old black adults for no reason at all...

{He [Mike Brown] stopped. He did turn, he did some sort of body gesture, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it was a body gesture. And I could say for sure he never put his hands up after he did his body gesture, he ran towards the officer full charge.The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, I would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the office and at this point I’m thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop. And when he stopped, that’s when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that’s when Mike Brown finally collapsed…. (166:21-167:18).}

Witness 10 proves Darren Wilson had a reasonable belief he needed to shoot Michael Brown - The Washington Post
Sorry but the thug started it by roughing up the clerk at the convenience store and stealing the cigars.
If he wasn't a bully and a thief he would still be alive.

Which is strong arm robbery.

Again, some may CHEER the riots, but the facts are clear, the cop did the right thing, as did the grand jury.
Sorry but the thug started it by roughing up the clerk at the convenience store and stealing the cigars.
If he wasn't a bully and a thief he would still be alive.
Did the clerk get a scratch? Bruise? Or did he stumble against a chip rack? ROFL roughing up... wow

You are comparing the crushing blow of a potato chip against your shoulder to 8bullets, including two in the chest and two in the brain.
What can you say other than the Officer should have spent more time at the range.
Sorry but the thug started it by roughing up the clerk at the convenience store and stealing the cigars.
If he wasn't a bully and a thief he would still be alive.
Did the clerk get a scratch? Bruise? Or did he stumble against a chip rack? ROFL roughing up... wow

You are comparing the crushing blow of a potato chip against your shoulder to 8bullets, including two in the chest and two in the brain.

I would call it "roughing up" to clerk. He definitely was pushing on him and trying to be intimidating.

But I'll say this: for all the violence that Brown allegedly committed that day, everyone came out remarkably healthy except for Brown himself.
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You know, those demonic, hulking kids just disappear in a puff of smoke.

Not when white devils are cruising around in Police cars, randomly shooting 18 year old black adults for no reason at all...

{He [Mike Brown] stopped. He did turn, he did some sort of body gesture, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it was a body gesture. And I could say for sure he never put his hands up after he did his body gesture, he ran towards the officer full charge.The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, I would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the office and at this point I’m thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop. And when he stopped, that’s when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that’s when Mike Brown finally collapsed…. (166:21-167:18).}

Witness 10 proves Darren Wilson had a reasonable belief he needed to shoot Michael Brown - The Washington Post
I like how you start the testimony "after" Wilson is already chasing and firing shots at Brown. I suppose you could argue that Brown had the choice of letting wilson shoot him in the back.
You know, those demonic, hulking kids just disappear in a puff of smoke.

Not when white devils are cruising around in Police cars, randomly shooting 18 year old black adults for no reason at all...

{He [Mike Brown] stopped. He did turn, he did some sort of body gesture, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it was a body gesture. And I could say for sure he never put his hands up after he did his body gesture, he ran towards the officer full charge.The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, I would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the office and at this point I’m thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop. And when he stopped, that’s when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that’s when Mike Brown finally collapsed…. (166:21-167:18).}

Witness 10 proves Darren Wilson had a reasonable belief he needed to shoot Michael Brown - The Washington Post

Clean up after your straw man, ok? This isn't a barn.
I hope Uncensored is using this time to read Wilson's testimony showing that he wasn't responding to the robbery call.
The guy escalating the fight was the cop.. the kid was trying to walk and/or run away what's that tell you?

Not according to the forensic experts and you're not one of them.
Yes or no.. according to WILSON the teen tried to walk away down the street (1) then Wilson gave chase, then ruckus ensued, then after the shot went off in the truck the teen tried to run off (2). In both cases Wilson pursued. The first time Wilson pursued in his SUV. The second time Wilson got out of his SUV and pursued on foot with weapon drawn. Wilson was the aggressor. Wilson initiated, Wilson escalated numerous times culminating in the 12 shots being fired.

Damn you have jumped the shark Mike


You know who's liable if Wilson lets Brown walk away and he harms or kills another person? The FPD, that's who.

Wilson did EVERYTHING by the book.

That he wasn't able to handle Brown without using a gun is irrelevant to that discussion. He followed procedure.

Do you REALLY think you can punch a cop in the face three times, grab for his gun and then just walk away?
You are full of shit. You get fired if you don't shoot to kill? WTF kind of drugs are you on? This is not vietnam ass hole.

You get fired if you let people in your custody walk away and do nothing about it.

WTF kind of drugs are you on?
I hope Uncensored is using this time to read Wilson's testimony showing that he wasn't responding to the robbery call.

You seem to think that is pertinent.

Let me ask you, if there is a car accident with life threatening injuries, a witness calls for paramedics. A doctor is on scene, should the doctor not act, because it is "not his call?"

The mental contortions you go through in attempting to ignore reality are quite amazing.
I like how you start the testimony "after" Wilson is already chasing and firing shots at Brown. I suppose you could argue that Brown had the choice of letting wilson shoot him in the back.

Brown had the choice of putting his hands on his head and surrendering, as any sane person would do.
I hope Uncensored is using this time to read Wilson's testimony showing that he wasn't responding to the robbery call.

You seem to think that is pertinent.

Let me ask you, if there is a car accident with life threatening injuries, a witness calls for paramedics. A doctor is on scene, should the doctor not act, because it is "not his call?"

The mental contortions you go through in attempting to ignore reality are quite amazing.
The point they , deliberately, ignore is that it BECAME Wilson's "call" the moment he had a suspect who matched the description.


"Dude, I saw you kill that old lady, you're very lucky I'm a robbery detective, and not in homicide"

"Sorry sir, I saw the guy kill your mom, but it wasn't my call!!!"
From what I heard today on the news, they need to seriously consider arresting Louis Farrakhan on his recent words spoken to a crowd, and this Michael Browns step dad also. They undoubtedly figure that the laws of this nation doesn't apply to everyone in this nation equally, and especially this Louis Farrakhan, because if anything he should know this better than most (he is supposedly highly educated), and he has lived here long enough to know these things already, yet here he is in sighting people to violence ? If anyone hates this nation THEN SIMPLY LEAVE IT JUST GO. Nothing is holding you here, I mean just like it isn't holding anyone else here either. It's not like you would be looked at as a defector when leave, where as another nation would see you as such if you left, so just GO and don't let the door hit you in the butt.

They might need to be sued for calling for riots, and for calling for unrest in this nation in which one of their calls has already led to multiple deaths and property damage in this nation afterwards. We have a federal government who is sympathetic now to this sort of thing, and because of this sympathy, it is laying waste to the justice system in this nation left and right, and it has simply got to stop.

To let these people go after all that has gone on, would be a travesty of justice before all to see, and justice needs to show that it is purely blind when presented with the evidence, and especially when it comes straight from the horses mouth, and that the system isn't bias when it comes to the law, and yet that is exactly what they are doing by wanting the laws to bend to the point of breaking now. They are testing it just to see how bias it can be when they are the ones wanting it to swing in their favor, and just because of what ?

Calling for violence or riots against innocent people to make a point of some kind is simply terrorism plain and simple.

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