Ferguson Thugs Threaten More Violence If Demands Aren't Met.

Uh oh, someone needs to send in some more heavily armed pigs!

Actually, if they start burning and rioting then I hope the polizei does turn that place into a Watts or Kent State.
Let the Ferguson thugs burn their home town to the ground. That will show those racist crackers!

Well, they've already done that and are demanding that the business owners rebuild. They have every excuse in the book for why they looted and then destroyed everything. Of course, their entitlement mentality, developed over years as government dependents, means they won't take responsibility for their own actions. Like their idol, they learned to just blame someone else for their stupidity.
And..since Ferguson and their idiot mentality...there are many MANY more people like me that Are. Fed. Up. Done with it. Enough is enough. Fuck them and the hole they crawled out of.
Uh oh, someone needs to send in some more heavily armed pigs!

Actually, if they start burning and rioting then I hope the polizei does turn that place into a Watts or Kent State.
Let the Ferguson thugs burn their home town to the ground. That will show those racist crackers!

Well, they've already done that and are demanding that the business owners rebuild. They have every excuse in the book for why they looted and then destroyed everything. Of course, their entitlement mentality, developed over years as government dependents, means they won't take responsibility for their own actions. Like their idol, they learned to just blame someone else for their stupidity.
And..since Ferguson and their idiot mentality...there are many MANY more people like me that Are. Fed. Up. Done with it. Enough is enough. Fuck them and the hole they crawled out of.

Isn't is sad, we get a black POTUS and the blacks make things WORSE.
Yeah, we don't even know if the cop was shooting at who he meant to be shooting at and the kid was way to far away from the cop to be an immediate threat.....shot in the back how many times and then in the head as well. This is the kind of thing you get from having too much ex-military running law enforcement, that's probably the driving force behind police departments acquiring surplus military equipment, which I think isn't really surplus at all.

It looks like someone is ramping up for a police state.
"the kid", was an adult ! who attacked the officer, FIRST !!

"shot in the back how many times and then in the head as well."..., yaa,tell us how many times ! autopsy report of mikey the criminal thug !!

The autopsy by St. Louis County chief medical examiner Mary Case, released to state prosecutors late Friday, found that Brown, 18, had six gunshot wounds to the head and chest and was shot from the front

why did you lie about the FACTS ??
Pics on Facebook showed him posing with large sum of money and gun.

Just to clarify, this picture (if it's the one I'm thinking of with a white shirt, money in the mouth, and gun) is NOT Brown, it was a hoax picture that got wide internet coverage for some reason. However, there are a couple pictures of Brown making what some say is a gang sign, it's been rumored that it is a Vice Lords sign, though some say it's actually a turned peace sign. Johnson has an rather interesting FB page; I wouldn't personally say he was in a gang, but he seems to be a drug addict. Putting it all together, I do not personally think that Brown was in a gang, he was a bully, perhaps even a violent one at times, but I'd say not a gang member. And really, if he were in a gang, I'd imagine he'd know better than to attack an officer in their car and wouldn't be stupidly stealing $50 worth of cigars. I can't say I've ever heard of a gang member doing something that petty.
Talk about wanting to LYNCH people

that would be black people and liberals from the looks of it

they couldn't get the traction with Trayvon Martin so they're being whipped up into a frenzy by OUTSIDERS in this town
Some irrational and angry idiots demanded that Ferguson officials immediately arrest the cop involved in the shooting of Brown despite the fact that the evidence points to a justified shooting. They aren't interested in facts or allowing the investigation to be completed. They warned that the cop must be arrested or the city better call in the army because things are going to get violent if they don't get their way. Just when we thought people had calmed down and were willing to listen to reason, some thugs are hellbent on keeping it going.


57 Business in Ferguson and the surrounding areas were looted and burned. The punks that are behind the violence now say that those businesses better rebuild - or else!! They even tried to justify the looting by claiming there weren't enough jobs. They are so full of shit.


One or two phone calls and the militias can tidy this up real nice. Hell, might not even need the phone call

Pics on Facebook showed him posing with large sum of money and gun.

Just to clarify, this picture (if it's the one I'm thinking of with a white shirt, money in the mouth, and gun) is NOT Brown, it was a hoax picture that got wide internet coverage for some reason. However, there are a couple pictures of Brown making what some say is a gang sign, it's been rumored that it is a Vice Lords sign, though some say it's actually a turned peace sign. Johnson has an rather interesting FB page; I wouldn't personally say he was in a gang, but he seems to be a drug addict. Putting it all together, I do not personally think that Brown was in a gang, he was a bully, perhaps even a violent one at times, but I'd say not a gang member. And really, if he were in a gang, I'd imagine he'd know better than to attack an officer in their car and wouldn't be stupidly stealing $50 worth of cigars. I can't say I've ever heard of a gang member doing something that petty.

Who gives a shit at this point? That is what Her Thigness Clinton really meant. Anyway, the /child' is taking a designed dirt nap for beating the shit out of a cop. Dumb ideas bring positive consequences

How dare the community expect or even demand to be treated like US citizens, to be safe from the police on their own streets and to expect a probable murderer to be arrested and tried.

Another bleeding heart post. The kid got everything that was coming to him. Just might have accelerated the outcome by assaulting a cop. Good kill

Meh, I just clarify the facts. I don't particularly care what the bleeding OR angry hearts feel or say on the matter of innocence or guilt - it'll come out after due process.
How dare the community expect or even demand to be treated like US citizens, to be safe from the police on their own streets and to expect a probable murderer to be arrested and tried.

Another bleeding heart post. The kid got everything that was coming to him. Just might have accelerated the outcome by assaulting a cop. Good kill


he was singing a different tune along with media when it was people angry from the Tea party
the reasons for that is it was against Obama, progressive/Democrats, OscamCare, government. so they make up a spitting incident with Pelosi walking through a rally and off they WENT spreading the garbage about them
this is the disgusting double standards of the left.
How dare the community expect or even demand to be treated like US citizens, to be safe from the police on their own streets and to expect a probable murderer to be arrested and tried.

Another bleeding heart post. The kid got everything that was coming to him. Just might have accelerated the outcome by assaulting a cop. Good kill


he was singing a different tune along with media when it was people angry from the Tea party
this is the disgusting double standards of the left

Indeed- Like the graphic I have posted in a couple threads relative to Muslims and American Gun Owners. One gun nutter kills a dozen folks and the lynch mobs are out on the NRA and other law abiding gun owners. But a Muslim kills 1000's and cuts off heads of YouTube and we hear; 'Dont judge all Muslims by the acts of a few

Yeah, we don't even know if the cop was shooting at who he meant to be shooting at and the kid was way to far away from the cop to be an immediate threat.....shot in the back how many times and then in the head as well. This is the kind of thing you get from having too much ex-military running law enforcement, that's probably the driving force behind police departments acquiring surplus military equipment, which I think isn't really surplus at all.

It looks like someone is ramping up for a police state.
"the kid", was an adult ! who attacked the officer, FIRST !!

"shot in the back how many times and then in the head as well."..., yaa,tell us how many times ! autopsy report of mikey the criminal thug !!

The autopsy by St. Louis County chief medical examiner Mary Case, released to state prosecutors late Friday, found that Brown, 18, had six gunshot wounds to the head and chest and was shot from the front

why did you lie about the FACTS ??
well ..., MRDVS1 what the fuck you got to say about this ? i see you have your running shoes on, you need to tie the laces or you will trip on them............, oooooops looks like you already did :up:

:fu: ........... :asshole: AND have a really bad day :lmao:
Who cares? The thugs will get their asses shot off. Addition by subtraction.......nobody is going to give a rats ass.

Every time one of these savages gets blown away, it just makes the entire community safer overnight.:rock::rock:
This is an ideal point to turn Ferguson into ground zero for a major burn down the whole town riot.
This is an ideal point to turn Ferguson into ground zero for a major burn down the whole town riot.

what few stupid Kluckers there are left could sneak up there and burn the whole damn town to the ground and as long as no one seen them everyone would think the pissed off apes did it themselves.
Witnesses stated the guy kept going after the officer after a few shots fired. People on drugs have been known to keep going and the fact is that it might take more to stop some. The cop had been attacked and maybe wasn't aware if he was hitting the guy or not. We don't know the exact circumstances, but might have been he shot till the guy dropped.

A white guy was shot and killed by a black cop even though he didn't attack. He was shot for refusing to raise his arms. If that is considered a threat, which it is, then attacking an officer is also a threat. If a person refuses to put their hands in the air, police might assume they have a gun. If a suspect charges an officer, it might be reasonable to assume they have a knife. Brown was a big guy and no doubt could kill with his bare hands. His behavior was extremely irrational and it's reasonable to assume he was capable of anything.

Cops will shoot if threatened. We shouldn't change that or we'll have a lot of dead cops. The message here is that if a cop tells you to stop or put your hands up, you do it or you might get shot. Many cops have lost their lives because they waited and did nothing when a suspect did not comply with orders. We can't now ask them to do nothing till they know for sure whether a suspect intends to shoot or attack them. People who defy commands given by officers and especially those who charge at them should be considered dangerous and I don't blame cops for shooting them when they act so crazy. Put yourself in their place for a moment. I do believe the Ferguson cop feared for his life.

The reaction by the thugs in Ferguson causes me to fear for the safety of the law abiding people and law enforcement. The rioters are extremely irrational and violent. It's crazy to give in to them.

Time to send a message that law enforcement and society in general should be respected.

The thugs aren't asking to be treated fairly. They are asking for police to leave them alone no matte what they do and they want revenge against the cop who defended himself. They have already committed violent acts and are threatening more. You don't compromise with people like this.

Yeah, we don't even know if the cop was shooting at who he meant to be shooting at and the kid was way to far away from the cop to be an immediate threat.....shot in the back how many times and then in the head as well. This is the kind of thing you get from having too much ex-military running law enforcement, that's probably the driving force behind police departments acquiring surplus military equipment, which I think isn't really surplus at all.

It looks like someone is ramping up for a police state.

Autopsy showed NO SHOTS IN THE BACK. Time for some to watch some news instead of sticking to some disproven statements.

The guy kept going at the officer. Officers was injured. He fired till guy stopped.

Guy was not innocent kid. Big guy. Pics on Facebook showed him posing with large sum of money and gun. More Facebook pics showed Brown giving gang sign. Brown had just robbed store. Brown made the choice to assault cop rather than move along like he was told to do. Hell, officer didn't even know he was telling a robber to get out of the street. Brown could have gotten away scot free if he hadn't been such an incredible dumb ass.

When the cop told him and his friend to get out of the street, all they had to do was get out of the fucking street. Instead, Brown decided to disobey officer and then charged him.

What part don't you understand. Eye witnesses, some on video, supporting the officer's account. Investigation still ongoing, partly because Holder got involved. So far, no reason to arrest officer. Get over it. Brown was a thug who did some really stupid things and got himself killed. Cop was not randomly picking on blacks and there isn't a history of such.

Pretty much what I thought happened when I first heard about the situation.
Ya gotta love it!! Rebuild or ELSE!!!
What are they gonna do? Burn and loot the empty stores?
Burn and loot whats left of the town after the first monkey fest?

Just how stupid do you have to be not to see the end result here?

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