Fetterman vs. Dr. Oz debate tonight at 8pm Eastern (link)

It should be interesting, that is for sure.

I had to laugh, I clicked on NBC earlier and caught some of the debate by accident... Of course, the lady was asking Oz about abortion!!! She was trying to pry Oz into a corner on the issue and with aplomb, Oz gave a very erudite sincere reply right back upon which Fetterman jumped in and angrily cut him off accusing him of things which Oz keeping total balance on answered back that Fetterman was lying about as the moderator was forced to cut Fetterman off for speaking angrily out of turn, Oz stated his position on state's rights again and made Fetterman look like a total jerk completely deflating his claims!

It was the first time I actually LIKED Oz.

And all I could think was Wow--- this was the ONE issue where a democrat like Fetterman might have the advantage of an issue on his side! And he lost, badly. Not a good look for the bald freak.
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Fetterman will be fed answers from his handlers. Absolutely absurd to allow a mentally incapacitated dolt to let others answer for him.

Fetterman is NOT a "mentally incapacitated dolt". That would be Herschel Walker who the Republicans are running in Georgia.

Or Donald Trump who is so crazy and senile, he thinks he won the last election. Bat shit crazy. He's still running around the country telling people he won.
I had to laugh, I clicked on NBC earlier and caught some of the debate by accident... Of course, the lady was asking Oz about abortion!!! She was trying to pry Oz into a corner on the issue and with aplomb, Oz gave a very erudite sincere reply right back upon which Fetterman jumped in and angrily cut him off accusing him of things which Oz keeping total balance on answered back that Fetterman was lying about as the moderator was forced to cut Fetterman off for speaking angrily out of turn, Oz stated his position on state's rights again and made Fetterman look like a total jerk completely deflating his claims!

It was the first time I actually LIKED Oz.

And all I could think was Wow--- this was the ONE issue where a democrat like Fetterman might have the advantage of an issue on his side! And he lost, badly. Not a good look for the bald freak.
Found a thesaurus in one of your desk drawers? :abgg2q.jpg:
The Gate dropped in the 125cc Novice Class ( this debate ) and Oz smoked Uncle Festerman

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