Fetterman vs. Dr. Oz debate tonight at 8pm Eastern (link)

I can't watch this...it's painful. Just like with Biden, shame on his wife and "handlers" for putting him up to this, for "making" him go through with it.

What kind of party apparatus is so desperate for power they will do this to a human being? Awful. Reprehensible.
After performances like that a campaign normally announces that the candidate has suffered a mild stroke and is withdrawing for reasons of health. Even losing by default is better than being steamrolled.
As a teacher of Special Education, I was appalled.

I have no objection to the closed captioning. That is exactly the kind of accommodation we make for students with such severe disabilities who needs help with processing as the moderator said of Fetterman.

But we don't put them on a public stage so that a large audience can watch them struggle and fail due to lack of cognitive ability. One accommodation we nearly always make is "excempt from reading aloud in front of peers," so that our precious kids are not humiliated as the Democrats did to Fetterman last night.

Their strategy was obvious: Rob Mr. Fetterman of his dignity in hopes that somehow he would come off as not impaired or less impaired than people believe. Maybe the Dems have seen Biden occasionally make a brief appearance and a seem reasonably lucid due to being souped up on medication, and hoped they could repeat it. But what sometimes works with a dementia patient did not work with a stroke victim.

This was a Hail Mary pass by an incredibly cruel political organization.
I'm not a republican,,,

maybe you guys need to stop electing the mentally ill,,,

and please tell me you arent comparing a cardio surgeon with a comedian,,,
Mentally ill like Herschel Walker? Yea but he’s super qualified by making a living playing a sport and taking hits to the head.

Stop electing people just because they’re famous.
Mentally ill like Herschel Walker? Yea but he’s super qualified by making a living playing a sport and taking hits to the head.

Stop electing people just because they’re famous.
These are people who equate the physiological effects of a stroke with mental illness, and/or intelligence.

A child of average intelligence would be be able to accurate identify the distinction.

I don't think there is any way to effectively address thought processes like this.
Herschel Walker isn’t mentally ill?

Maybe you aren’t, but many others are voting for people just because they’re famous. We need to do better than that. I stand by what I said.
thats possible,, at least he can talk in complete sentences and at least look sane,,

and whats it got to do with the topic of this thread??

keep in mind even though you keep calling him a celebrity he is in reality a cardio surgeon that is able to make problem solving decisions on the fly and consume information of the highest levels and use that knowledge to save peoples lives,,
Except for Biden, they're all decades younger than Donald Trump.
These are people who equate the physiological effects of a stroke with mental illness, and/or intelligence.

I don't think there is any way to effectively address thought processes like this.
his mind is ill so that makes it a mental illness,,
These are people who equate the physiological effects of a stroke with mental illness, and/or intelligence.
A child of average intelligence would be be able to accurate identify the distinction.
I don't think there is any way to effectively address thought processes like this.
his mind is ill so that makes it a mental illness,,
And there ya go.
Fetterman is NOT a "mentally incapacitated dolt". That would be Herschel Walker who the Republicans are running in Georgia.

Or Donald Trump who is so crazy and senile, he thinks he won the last election. Bat shit crazy. He's still running around the country telling people he won.

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