Everyone With a Brain Thinks Fetterman Is a Moron- Tonight At the Debate He Proved Them Right

The man had a stroke, and the orange ersatz elitists here are calling him stupid.

Oh well. Par for the course.
That suit fit him like a circus tent. Dude should not buy off the rack at Big Boys.

I guess it's better than what he usually wears for public appearances which is a Carhartt hoodie with the sleeves pushed up so you can see his tats

And they look like prison tats which I suppose explains why he wants to get rid of cash bail so people arrested can get out of jail faster and why he wants tax payer funded places for people to shoot up at.
It really isn't his election. The dems want his wife in there...and she will be very soon if he wins. Biden even screwed up and said it outloud. 'she (mz fetterman) will make a great lady of the senate.'
She came to this country illegally. Do we really want to reward illegal immigrants with a path to the Senate?
I know. For Orange Ersatz Elitists™, anyone who doesn't think just like you is stupid.

If you don't think its stupid that someone would actually vote to release a fellow who was sent to prison for killinga broad with a pair of scissors, that reflects on your devotion to the Biden Cult.

Uncle Festerman released hundreds of murderers , chomos and muggers since he became Lt Governor, and that is exceedingly stupid by any measure. And people wonder why Philadelphia crime is at an all time high.
Reality check: His stroke had very little to do with his abominable performance tonight.

He was incoherent, he contradicted long-held positions on fracking, probation, immigration. He made no sense even when he seemed to have given the point some thought. The little bit of difficulty he had communicating should not mask the fact that he has no coherent position on many important issues.

He obviously has NO IDEA how Social Security or Medicare are funded, or how Federal spending may impact things like the deficit, inflation, unemployment, or wages. He had no coherent thoughts whatsoever on education spending, other than SPEND MONEY - he couldn't even say HOW.

And more importantly, the positions he DOES hold are out-to-lunch. Open borders, $15/hr MW, socialized medicine, etc.

This election will be a litmus test for the idiocy of the Pennsylvania electorate. And I'm not comfortable about how it will turn out.

I'm a lifetime Pennsylvanian.

I am also a lifetime PA resident, and while you're correct about the millions of idiots that live here that continue to vote against their own best interests, there is also a corrupt administration running this state. Look at what they did to this state during covid, while Wolf spent the entire time in Florida, they're just evil and they're being rewarded for what they did in 2020, especially Shapiro. They will do whatever it takes to ensure the D's 'win' all around, just like they did in 2020 at the national level.
The PA Republicans are either bought or bribed, it needs to be addressed by the People in PA

I sure wish I knew how to 'address' it, our state legislature is red, but not red enough to put the veto out of reach. The only blue in this state is Philly, and Pittsburgh, with a little in Harrisburg. In Philly there's no way to control what they do, and when you have a corrupt administration and state supreme court over riding the constitution, I'm not sure what recourse we have.

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