Fetterman’s Debate Performance Proves Early Voting Should Be Banned Completely

No clue what you are rambling about. Article 1 section 4 of the Constitution simply states it's up to each state to determine the times, places and manner of holding elections".

Is this again where you want to over ride states rights?
when did he say he wanted to override state rights? he was just highlighting he opinion on voting and pointing out what a lazy bum you are for not being willing to stand in. a line. My guess is you’d stand in line for popcorn but not to vote…pathetic
Right, you don't like it. You don't need a reason.
You asked why the OP wanted you to (possibly) stand in line to vote. He told you why in the OP. Apparently, you didn't read it because you're still pretending you don't know.
You asked why the OP wanted you to (possibly) stand in line to vote. He told you why in the OP. Apparently, you didn't read it because you're still pretending you don't know.

And I dismissed it. The debates would have changed nothing. I have watched Fetterman and Oz enough to know I would not vote for either. I do not need a last minute debate to determine that.
Well, Oz had to lie. Fetterman has something for sure Oz doesn’t have, integrity. Like any good Trump cheating R, are you suggesting all votes soft early voting should be negated, or all votes should be transferred to Oz. You have to remember, there is a candidate in G who writes his name with an H. Makes one wonder if he can spell his own name. Fetterman is capable. He did remarkably well.
Having all the integrity in the world doesn't make a person capable to do a high-stress, extremely important job. By all accounts, Jimmy Carter is a decent man with a lot of integrity, but it didn't make him a good president. If you're not capable of doing a job, you shouldn't be doing the job, it's just that simple. Saying that Fetterman did remarkably well should be qualified with, "for someone who recently suffered a debilitating stroke".
And I dismissed it. The debates would have changed nothing. I have watched Fetterman and Oz enough to know I would not vote for either. I do not need a last minute debate to determine that.
Yeah, your mind was made up a long time ago. A lot of people, however, do not do that.
That does not make the argument. I've noted more than once that if I lived in Pennsylvania I would not have voted for either candidate. Nothing has changed my mind about that.

Why do you want me to stand in line for possibly hours?
so voting is now inconvenient for democracy to exist? wow. you are a fking lazy fk.

I bet you sit in your car in line to get a wuhan test wouldn't you? hahahahahhahhaahahahahaha
so voting is now inconvenient for democracy to exist? wow. you are a fking lazy fk.

So far there has not been a valid reason why I shouldn't go and vote when it's most convenient for me.

The Constitution allows it. It works great for many people but you are a sore loser.

Not my problem.
So far there has not been a valid reason why I shouldn't go and vote when it's most convenient for me.
millions of americans died to give you that right and you shit on them. wow.
I've been sayin this for years. It's just another form of election fraud.
Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman’s “painful” debate performance is a prime example of the perils of early voting, allowing people to cast ballots before they’ve even had a chance to watch a candidate argue in favor of his policies and platforms.
Fetterman’s performance was a debacle by any measuring stick – including by some very prominent left-wing pundits.
What is even more devastating is that several hundred thousand voters were robbed of the opportunity to see that the Democrat candidate is clearly incapable of performing the duties required in holding a Senate seat prior to voting.
Fetterman’s opponent, Republican candidate Mehmet Oz, challenged him to a series of five debates before the late October one-off was agreed to.
It immediately became clear why the Fetterman campaign wanted to hide their candidate as long as possible.
The Political Insider pointed out prior to the debate that it had been scheduled well after early voting was already underway in the state of Pennsylvania.
Voters in The Keystone State are not required to give an excuse to attain a mail-in ballot and some counties were sending out ballots in late September and earlier this month.
How many of those voters cast their ballot on the word of the Fetterman campaign that their candidate was up to the task of serving in the Senate? On the word of a doctor who, as it turns out, is a campaign donor for the Democrat?
Rather than taking the word of a campaign donor doctor, Pennsylvanians could have decided with their own eyes and ears last night that Fetterman is not fit to run for dog catcher, let alone a seat in the Senate.
It is an unmistakable conclusion.
I don't wish harm on any politician but I pray for the day when a candidate is dead on election day making fools out of the fools who voted early for a cadaver.
millions of americans died to give you that right and you shit on them. wow.

Lol......those who died to create the country helped the founders create the Constitution which states what I quoted above.

Your displeasure isn't going to sway me.
Lol......those who died to create the country helped the founders create the Constitution which states what I quoted above.

Your displeasure isn't going to sway me.
then go away. You have no skin in this fight. bye
Here is a problem----see post #31

That's not a problem. The person could die on election night. We shouldn't inconvenience people over some possibly incredibly rare "what if" either.
That's not a problem. The person could die on election night. We shouldn't inconvenience people over some possibly incredibly rare "what if" either.
that's just a non participants view.
Yes he could die on election night but at least you voted for a living being and not a brain-impaired Fetterman

I believe someone sitting up all night calling people names on Twitter is also a sign of a brain impairment.
I've been sayin this for years. It's just another form of election fraud.
Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman’s “painful” debate performance is a prime example of the perils of early voting, allowing people to cast ballots before they’ve even had a chance to watch a candidate argue in favor of his policies and platforms.
Fetterman’s performance was a debacle by any measuring stick – including by some very prominent left-wing pundits.
What is even more devastating is that several hundred thousand voters were robbed of the opportunity to see that the Democrat candidate is clearly incapable of performing the duties required in holding a Senate seat prior to voting.
Fetterman’s opponent, Republican candidate Mehmet Oz, challenged him to a series of five debates before the late October one-off was agreed to.
It immediately became clear why the Fetterman campaign wanted to hide their candidate as long as possible.
The Political Insider pointed out prior to the debate that it had been scheduled well after early voting was already underway in the state of Pennsylvania.
Voters in The Keystone State are not required to give an excuse to attain a mail-in ballot and some counties were sending out ballots in late September and earlier this month.
How many of those voters cast their ballot on the word of the Fetterman campaign that their candidate was up to the task of serving in the Senate? On the word of a doctor who, as it turns out, is a campaign donor for the Democrat?
Rather than taking the word of a campaign donor doctor, Pennsylvanians could have decided with their own eyes and ears last night that Fetterman is not fit to run for dog catcher, let alone a seat in the Senate.
It is an unmistakable conclusion.

Vote early, in this case, get screwed.

Democrats, the same ones who knew how bad Biden was when they ran him, knew how bad Fetterman is and pushed early voting to prevent losing all those votes after the train-wreck debate.

Of course Fettermsn is going to win - PA is a election fraud hellhole. No precautions / fixes have been taken.

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