Fetterman’s Debate Performance Proves Early Voting Should Be Banned Completely

I've been sayin this for years. It's just another form of election fraud.
Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman’s “painful” debate performance is a prime example of the perils of early voting, allowing people to cast ballots before they’ve even had a chance to watch a candidate argue in favor of his policies and platforms.
Fetterman’s performance was a debacle by any measuring stick – including by some very prominent left-wing pundits.
What is even more devastating is that several hundred thousand voters were robbed of the opportunity to see that the Democrat candidate is clearly incapable of performing the duties required in holding a Senate seat prior to voting.
Fetterman’s opponent, Republican candidate Mehmet Oz, challenged him to a series of five debates before the late October one-off was agreed to.
It immediately became clear why the Fetterman campaign wanted to hide their candidate as long as possible.
The Political Insider pointed out prior to the debate that it had been scheduled well after early voting was already underway in the state of Pennsylvania.
Voters in The Keystone State are not required to give an excuse to attain a mail-in ballot and some counties were sending out ballots in late September and earlier this month.
How many of those voters cast their ballot on the word of the Fetterman campaign that their candidate was up to the task of serving in the Senate? On the word of a doctor who, as it turns out, is a campaign donor for the Democrat?
Rather than taking the word of a campaign donor doctor, Pennsylvanians could have decided with their own eyes and ears last night that Fetterman is not fit to run for dog catcher, let alone a seat in the Senate.
It is an unmistakable conclusion.
I see the panic of the MAGAts over this.
Thats strange. In Texas we have early voting. Are you saying Texans aren't voting in a legal, ethical way? Further, our very Republican governor and legislature just passed changes expanding early voting.
2020 wasn't.
And I dismissed it. The debates would have changed nothing. I have watched Fetterman and Oz enough to know I would not vote for either. I do not need a last minute debate to determine that.
It made up a lot of peoples minds I'm sure. That's why Fetterman didn't agree to a debate until well after mail-in started. He knew an early debate where he exposed his short comings would have lost him the election. Now he's praying that the ignorant vote will win him the seat.
You have to question the intelligence of voters who would vote for someone who CLEARLY at this time is NOT qualified to be a United States Senator.

Tough to say given how people voted last election. That's the problem with our election system, it allows everybody to vote, even the politically ignorant.
You're saying Texans didn't vote legally and ethically in 2020? Again, please cite how we aren't voting legally and ethically with early voting.
I'm not sure any state did if the legislature didn't vote in mail in balloting as a new norm.

Who creates election law?
That does not make the argument. I've noted more than once that if I lived in Pennsylvania I would not have voted for either candidate. Nothing has changed my mind about that.

Why do you want me to stand in line for possibly hours?

It's okay if you vote by mail since your vote won't count for anything anyway.
No clue what you are rambling about. Article 1 section 4 of the Constitution simply states it's up to each state to determine the times, places and manner of holding elections".

Is this again where you want to over ride states rights?
what states rights? states rights are given by the legislative body not the Governor, attorney general or secretary of state. Want to talk, be correct in your discussion, snake oil.
What? We're talking about early voting. Again, please cite specifically why that is illegal or unethical. Do you know what early voting is? Are you a US citizen?
that wasn't voted in either by the legislative branches. Same thing.
That does not make the argument. I've noted more than once that if I lived in Pennsylvania I would not have voted for either candidate. Nothing has changed my mind about that.

Why do you want me to stand in line for possibly hours?
That’s just you. There are voters for whom Fetterman’s performance would have made a difference.

As far as standing in line for hours, we could have a limited early voting approach - one week. That would make excessive lines - say, more than a hour wait - less likely.
what states rights? states rights are given by the legislative body not the Governor, attorney general or secretary of state. Want to talk, be correct in your discussion, snake oil.

Our state legislative body enacted early voting.

I trust this election
For me, there's something special about going to a polling place on a brisk Tuesday morning in November, waiting in line while drinking coffee, and then finally getting to cast your vote.

I don't have a problem with absentee voting. I used it while I was in the military and it's definitely beneficial.

Early voting? Absentee voting? There's not a reason for either of those...
I believe someone sitting up all night calling people names on Twitter is also a sign of a brain impairment.
Calling someone else impaired does not change the fact that Fetterman is impaired due to his recent stroke and should not get a single vote until he can PROVE that he is 100%. Doing the right thing by producing his medical report would be a good place to start.

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