Feudalism is coming to America, and you're the Serf


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
America is being subjected to the most intense propaganda any nation has seen since Nazi Germany.

T.V. news is so bad now that anyone concerned with the truth is disgusted by it....the constant spinning and outright lies is just too much to take.

Biden through ignorance or malicious intent is going to destroy our economy. We are going to see poverty in America that has not been in the world since the dark ages.

America is being subjected to the most intense propaganda any nation has seen since Nazi Germany.

T.V. news is so bad now that anyone concerned with the truth is disgusted by it....the constant spinning and outright lies is just too much to take.

Biden through ignorance or malicious intent is going to destroy our economy. We are going to see poverty in America that has not been in the world since the dark ages.

The path towards feudalism has being going slowly for decades. US capitalism has made the employee-employer relationship just like the serf-lord relationship of centuries past. case in point: gig economy.

and PS, american thinker is as far right as you can get; no facts to be found there.
America is being subjected to the most intense propaganda any nation has seen since Nazi Germany.

T.V. news is so bad now that anyone concerned with the truth is disgusted by it....the constant spinning and outright lies is just too much to take.

Biden through ignorance or malicious intent is going to destroy our economy. We are going to see poverty in America that has not been in the world since the dark ages.

Will this be communistic feudalism or capitalistic feudalism or will it be a anarcho-syndicalist commune?
America is being subjected to the most intense propaganda any nation has seen since Nazi Germany.

T.V. news is so bad now that anyone concerned with the truth is disgusted by it....the constant spinning and outright lies is just too much to take.

Biden through ignorance or malicious intent is going to destroy our economy. We are going to see poverty in America that has not been in the world since the dark ages.

The path towards feudalism has being going slowly for decades. US capitalism has made the employee-employer relationship just like the serf-lord relationship of centuries past. case in point: gig economy.

and PS, american thinker is as far right as you can get; no facts to be found there.
Except for the fact that we do not have to vow fealty nor are we forced to fight in battles with no pay.
The structures of capitalism, feudalism, and slavery have one prominent commonality; they reproduce inequality as a feature of their system.
Capitalism – Neoliberalism, Plutonomy, and Neo-feudalism.


"The history of the modern democratic state can be understood as a story of shifting authority and lawmaking, first from private potentates to sovereign monarchs, and then to publicly accountable democracies.

"Today, this centuries-long democratizing trend is rapidly being reversed.

"Western democracies are not simply embracing neoliberalism in the sense of deregulating the economy.

"Elites are pursuing something aptly described as a new form of feudalism, in which entire realms of public law, public property, due process, and citizen rights revert to unaccountable control by private business."

The Rise of Neo-Feudalism
The structures of capitalism, feudalism, and slavery have one prominent commonality; they reproduce inequality as a feature of their system.
Capitalism – Neoliberalism, Plutonomy, and Neo-feudalism.


"The history of the modern democratic state can be understood as a story of shifting authority and lawmaking, first from private potentates to sovereign monarchs, and then to publicly accountable democracies.

"Today, this centuries-long democratizing trend is rapidly being reversed.

"Western democracies are not simply embracing neoliberalism in the sense of deregulating the economy.

"Elites are pursuing something aptly described as a new form of feudalism, in which entire realms of public law, public property, due process, and citizen rights revert to unaccountable control by private business."

The Rise of Neo-Feudalism

Excellent analysis
Excellent analysis
I began my working career in 1965 when working a single minimum wage job for forty hours a week allowed me to pay the entire rent on a one bedroom with enough left over to pay off a used car; today one minimum wage job barely covers rent on a zero-bedroom apartment.

Concentrated corporate power in the US has been on the upswing during all my adult life, and I don't see any end in sight.

The Rise of Neo-Feudalism

"For part of the 20th century, the democratic state served as a counterweight to the concentrated power that flowed to concentrated wealth in a capitalist economy.

"Laws helped workers offset the power of employers, protected small investors from the schemes of bankers and brokers, gave some countervailing power to tenants against landlords, and added consumer safeguards to constrain abuses of manufacturers and retailers.

"All of this has been thrown into reverse—not just by the more visible forms of deregulation, but by the creation of entirely private realms of property and law."

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