Fidel Castro's greatest achievements

Aren't righties the ones who wanted to keep Mid East dictators like Qudaffi in power?

Since when are u anti dictator !?

Um ... it's been Obama Frenching Castro all along, the Republicans opposed it. Don't pull your head out of the sand very often, do you?

Oh, you mean Iran! No wait, that's Obama too. Libya? Egypt? Obama. Obama.

What made you think you're not an idiot again?

Wonder how things might be if we'd never gone in and taken out Iran's duly democratically elected govt to install someone picked by american corporatists.

Everything boils down to Communist rhetoric for you people. American corporatatists?

The government was dissolving and falling apart. Your real bitterness is that the communists had inroads and were some level of threat and the coup stopped that.

That said, I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do. You just oppose this one because you're a leftist and it went against you.

And your bigger hypocrisy is that if anyone made a point to your side going back to 1953, you'd reject it out of hand

Those sorts of things are never for "the people".

"I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do."

And yet, you just did.

And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing
Aren't righties the ones who wanted to keep Mid East dictators like Qudaffi in power?

Since when are u anti dictator !?

Um ... it's been Obama Frenching Castro all along, the Republicans opposed it. Don't pull your head out of the sand very often, do you?

Oh, you mean Iran! No wait, that's Obama too. Libya? Egypt? Obama. Obama.

What made you think you're not an idiot again?

Wonder how things might be if we'd never gone in and taken out Iran's duly democratically elected govt to install someone picked by american corporatists.

Everything boils down to Communist rhetoric for you people. American corporatatists?

The government was dissolving and falling apart. Your real bitterness is that the communists had inroads and were some level of threat and the coup stopped that.

That said, I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do. You just oppose this one because you're a leftist and it went against you.

And your bigger hypocrisy is that if anyone made a point to your side going back to 1953, you'd reject it out of hand

Those sorts of things are never for "the people".

"I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do."

And yet, you just did.

And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing

Pfffffffffffffffft, sure ya did pard.
The Cuban economy, decimated by American sanctions, nevertheless delivered universal health care to the people.
Something the wealthiest country in the world cannot seem to achieve.
Fidel will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.
The Cuban economy, decimated by American sanctions, nevertheless delivered universal health care to the people.
Something the wealthiest country in the world cannot seem to achieve.
Fidel will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.

The wealthiest country in the world is dedicated to maintaining a permanent underclass for corporate power and banksters to expoit.
Um ... it's been Obama Frenching Castro all along, the Republicans opposed it. Don't pull your head out of the sand very often, do you?

Oh, you mean Iran! No wait, that's Obama too. Libya? Egypt? Obama. Obama.

What made you think you're not an idiot again?

Wonder how things might be if we'd never gone in and taken out Iran's duly democratically elected govt to install someone picked by american corporatists.

Everything boils down to Communist rhetoric for you people. American corporatatists?

The government was dissolving and falling apart. Your real bitterness is that the communists had inroads and were some level of threat and the coup stopped that.

That said, I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do. You just oppose this one because you're a leftist and it went against you.

And your bigger hypocrisy is that if anyone made a point to your side going back to 1953, you'd reject it out of hand

Those sorts of things are never for "the people".

"I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do."

And yet, you just did.

And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing

Pfffffffffffffffft, sure ya did pard.

What foreign intervention did I support? It always cracks me up when Democrats get made fun of you read things that aren't there. Nowhere did I say I supported the intervention in Iran. I was talking about you and your double standards, plural.

You're such simpletons, the world if full of Democrats and not Democrats. To not be one is to be the other and to not support one's view is to support the other's view.

Leftists in the British Isles are apparently as idiotic as the ones we have here. Your job is covered by the locals, you really don't need to be here doing it again
Wonder how things might be if we'd never gone in and taken out Iran's duly democratically elected govt to install someone picked by american corporatists.

Everything boils down to Communist rhetoric for you people. American corporatatists?

The government was dissolving and falling apart. Your real bitterness is that the communists had inroads and were some level of threat and the coup stopped that.

That said, I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do. You just oppose this one because you're a leftist and it went against you.

And your bigger hypocrisy is that if anyone made a point to your side going back to 1953, you'd reject it out of hand

Those sorts of things are never for "the people".

"I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do."

And yet, you just did.

And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing

Pfffffffffffffffft, sure ya did pard.

What foreign intervention did I support? It always cracks me up when Democrats get made fun of you read things that aren't there. Nowhere did I say I supported the intervention in Iran. I was talking about you and your double standards, plural.

You're such simpletons, the world if full of Democrats and not Democrats. To not be one is to be the other and to not support one's view is to support the other's view.

Leftists in the British Isles are apparently as idiotic as the ones we have here. Your job is covered by the locals, you really don't need to be here doing it again

Yeah, you're always ignorantly assigning views to others. Your entire "left" vs. "right" shtick is hogwash son, hogwash.
Everything boils down to Communist rhetoric for you people. American corporatatists?

The government was dissolving and falling apart. Your real bitterness is that the communists had inroads and were some level of threat and the coup stopped that.

That said, I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do. You just oppose this one because you're a leftist and it went against you.

And your bigger hypocrisy is that if anyone made a point to your side going back to 1953, you'd reject it out of hand

Those sorts of things are never for "the people".

"I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do."

And yet, you just did.

And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing

Pfffffffffffffffft, sure ya did pard.

What foreign intervention did I support? It always cracks me up when Democrats get made fun of you read things that aren't there. Nowhere did I say I supported the intervention in Iran. I was talking about you and your double standards, plural.

You're such simpletons, the world if full of Democrats and not Democrats. To not be one is to be the other and to not support one's view is to support the other's view.

Leftists in the British Isles are apparently as idiotic as the ones we have here. Your job is covered by the locals, you really don't need to be here doing it again

Yeah, you're always ignorantly assigning views to others. Your entire "left" vs. "right" shtick is hogwash son, hogwash.

So just for shits and giggles, how do you think you're not a leftist? You've gone on exceedingly extensive descriptions of how you are
Those sorts of things are never for "the people".

"I don't support interfering in other countries' choices of government like you do."

And yet, you just did.

And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing

Pfffffffffffffffft, sure ya did pard.

What foreign intervention did I support? It always cracks me up when Democrats get made fun of you read things that aren't there. Nowhere did I say I supported the intervention in Iran. I was talking about you and your double standards, plural.

You're such simpletons, the world if full of Democrats and not Democrats. To not be one is to be the other and to not support one's view is to support the other's view.

Leftists in the British Isles are apparently as idiotic as the ones we have here. Your job is covered by the locals, you really don't need to be here doing it again

Yeah, you're always ignorantly assigning views to others. Your entire "left" vs. "right" shtick is hogwash son, hogwash.

So just for shits and giggles, how do you think you're not a leftist? You've gone on exceedingly extensive descriptions of how you are

How are you a small govt "conservative", you can't even bring yourself to question your own govt outside your corporate state propaganda "right vs. left" indoctrination.
And yet, you're full of shit, I didn't. Hallucinate much? I said no such thing

Pfffffffffffffffft, sure ya did pard.

What foreign intervention did I support? It always cracks me up when Democrats get made fun of you read things that aren't there. Nowhere did I say I supported the intervention in Iran. I was talking about you and your double standards, plural.

You're such simpletons, the world if full of Democrats and not Democrats. To not be one is to be the other and to not support one's view is to support the other's view.

Leftists in the British Isles are apparently as idiotic as the ones we have here. Your job is covered by the locals, you really don't need to be here doing it again

Yeah, you're always ignorantly assigning views to others. Your entire "left" vs. "right" shtick is hogwash son, hogwash.

So just for shits and giggles, how do you think you're not a leftist? You've gone on exceedingly extensive descriptions of how you are

How are you a small govt "conservative", you can't even bring yourself to question your own govt outside your corporate state propaganda "right vs. left" indoctrination.

Then why can't you answer the question?

"So just for shits and giggles, how do you think you're not a leftist? You've gone on exceedingly extensive descriptions of how you are."

Also, your quote of conservative is a lie, I say I'm a small government libertarian, I don't say I'm a small government "conservative." Do you use quote marks differently there or do you not know how to write your own language either? Here you quote it if it's my word, not yours
Castro lied to the Cuban people when he overthrew Batista in 1959. He promised them a Democracy but then he imposed a brutal Communist Dictatorship and "nationalized" a.k.a "stole" a large number number of US companies that were doing business in Cuba. There is a reason Cuba looks like it is frozen in time circa 1960 because that is when Communism was imposed. Cuba stands as a monument to the failure of Communism and Castro was the lying asshole that screwed his people.
He's dead finally, now Raul needs to follow suit, or maybe he could be helped along.

Anyone claiming Castro was anything but a scourge on the planet doesn't know what they are talking about.
Batista took away elections through a military coup in 1940..
True, he was no day at the beach. But was life for Cubans better under him or Castro?
Castro lied to the Cuban people when he overthrew Batista in 1959. He promised them a Democracy but then he imposed a brutal Communist Dictatorship and "nationalized" a.k.a "stole" a large number number of US companies that were doing business in Cuba. There is a reason Cuba looks like it is frozen in time circa 1960 because that is when Communism was imposed. Cuba stands as a monument to the failure of Communism and Castro was the lying asshole that screwed his people.
He's dead finally, now Raul needs to follow suit, or maybe he could be helped along.

Anyone claiming Castro was anything but a scourge on the planet doesn't know what they are talking about.

Thanks for reciting the propaganda line comrade.
Another term for 'propaganda line' is 'history'. Cuba is a failed Communist state, that's why their people risk their lives for the chance to wash up on the shore of the greatest country in the world.
Castro lied to the Cuban people when he overthrew Batista in 1959. He promised them a Democracy but then he imposed a brutal Communist Dictatorship and "nationalized" a.k.a "stole" a large number number of US companies that were doing business in Cuba. There is a reason Cuba looks like it is frozen in time circa 1960 because that is when Communism was imposed. Cuba stands as a monument to the failure of Communism and Castro was the lying asshole that screwed his people.
He's dead finally, now Raul needs to follow suit, or maybe he could be helped along.

Anyone claiming Castro was anything but a scourge on the planet doesn't know what they are talking about.

Thanks for reciting the propaganda line comrade.
Another term for 'propaganda line' is 'history'. Cuba is a failed Communist state, that's why their people risk their lives for the chance to wash up on the shore of the greatest country in the world.

I wasn't aware there were so many Cubans going to Canada!
All that Cuba shot was like 50 years ago . Time to get over it.

Now that castros dead, maybe the righties can get past their grudges .
Now that he's dead, some of the liberal socialists in this country are eulogizing him, telling the rest of us what a great and benevolent leader he was.

Just in case they missed any details, here they are:

Fidel Castro's greatest atrocities and crimes - Part 1 | Babalú Blog

Then our leftist fanatics can REALLY be proud of what their idol has accomplished.

If Fidel Castro did not crack down he would have been murdered Like the US Government murdered the Democratically elected Salvador Allende in Chile and neither you nor the world would have cared that Fidel Castro was murdered by the US Govt........... We certainly cracked down when we got hit by 9 11 ....we dumped habeas corpus
Killing Habeas Corpus - The New Yorker

and we started a spree of murders and kidnapping including innocent people ....
Innocent Man Kidnapped, Stripped, Beaten and Drugged in Secret CIA prison ...
The Post–9/11 Roundup of Innocents, Part 1 - The Future of Freedom ...

Fidel Castro survived half a century of CIA assassination attempts ...
Did the US commit a Human Rights Violation against the person Fidel Castro by conspiring with the US criminal Mafia to murder him ?


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:

  1. Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.
  2. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
  3. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.
  4. Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.
  5. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.*
  6. Plus … although not easily quantified … has been more involved in the practice of torture than any other country in the world … for over a century … not just performing the actual torture, but teaching it, providing the manuals, and furnishing the equipment.

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