Fiercely Loyal Government Goose Steppers? Explanation Here...

It's 8 minutes of Bull Shit anyway. has little reality and lots of government hatred based upon someones youtube video. Maybe I should start making some of those...... Damn I could really get a following I bet....

Just need to appeal to the lower intellect............
need any one to shoot it?
appealing to lower intellect is easy just watch any twoofer clip.
excellent informative video.I notice the Bush dupes havent posted in here.No suprise.they never watch videos that are no politiical correct for them.their so much in denial they dont want to watch

You were the first to post.

more that 4 hours after the thread was up.

so where's the demand for the liberals to be here?

liberals? lunacy and stupidity run rampant in conservatism and you thinks these guys are hacks? :lol::lol:
de·fi·ant adj \-ənt\
Definition of DEFIANT
: full of or showing defiance : bold, impudent <defiant rebels> <a defiant refusal>
— de·fi·ant·ly adverb
See defiant defined for English-language learners »
See defiant defined for kids »
Examples of DEFIANT
He's taken a defiant stand on the issue.
<the defiant puppy refused to let go of the football>
Origin of DEFIANT
Middle French, from Old French, present participle of defier to defy
First Known Use: 1583

definitely :def·i·nite adj \&#712;de-f&#601;-nit, &#712;def-n&#601;t\
Definition of DEFINITE
1: having distinct or certain limits <set definite standards for pupils to meet>
2a : free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity <demanded a definite answer> b : unquestionable, decided <the quarterback was a definite hero today>
3: typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing <the definite article the>
4a of floral organs : being constant in number, usually less than 20, and occurring in multiples of the petal number <stamens definite> b : cymose <a definite inflorescence>
— def·i·nite·ly adverb

knowing the difference between "defiantly" and "definitely" and not learning it is one reason liberals don't like home schooling..:lol:
[ame=]90 years of Communism in America - YouTube[/ame]

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