Fifty Shades Darker

Interesting list. The Urban Fantasy titles look to be worthwhile. Lords of the Underworld might be worth the read.
I used to read a lot of SF and Fantasy (mostly hard SF) up to my 30s. The only erotic stuff I ever read was Penthouse letters. Most of that was fantasy. ;)
Interesting list. The Urban Fantasy titles look to be worthwhile. Lords of the Underworld might be worth the read.
I used to read a lot of SF and Fantasy (mostly hard SF) up to my 30s. The only erotic stuff I ever read was Penthouse letters. Most of that was fantasy. ;)
All of that still is fantasy.

I pretty much will read any fiction, but prefer Fantasy. I don't mind fantasy that has well written erotica incorporated into the story. Erotica for its own sake can be a bit boring to be honest. After all, there are only 317 ways to enjoy it.

Judy Blume? Really? :lol: She wrote the menstruation book, "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret."
I never heard of it. Was it any good? Funny, factual or ???

It was a little bit of funny and factual as well. She is pretty famous, or at least among teen girls. She's written quite a few books that address bodily functions and sex education for girls.
All of that still is fantasy.

I pretty much will read any fiction, but prefer Fantasy. I don't mind fantasy that has well written erotica incorporated into the story. Erotica for its own sake can be a bit boring to be honest. After all, there are only 317 ways to enjoy it.

Yes, it's fantasy. While daydreaming is human, it's also immature. Same goes for sexual titillation. I know Bill Cosby is a bad example as a human being, but this comment by him about being invited to strip clubs is still true: "If I'm hungry, why would I want to watch a man cook a steak?"

OTOH, fiction that opens one's mind is different. Robert Heinlein is well known to be a bit of a RWer among SF writers, but he's also the guy who wrote "Glory Road" (his one and only fantasy novel), "Stranger in a Strange Land" (a big hit among hippies for its take on government, sexual morals and how we view ourselves) and "I Will Fear No Evil" where an aging male billionaire has his brain transplanted into the body of a young woman (stretching the bounds of sex).
All of that still is fantasy.

I pretty much will read any fiction, but prefer Fantasy. I don't mind fantasy that has well written erotica incorporated into the story. Erotica for its own sake can be a bit boring to be honest. After all, there are only 317 ways to enjoy it.

Yes, it's fantasy. While daydreaming is human, it's also immature. Same goes for sexual titillation. I know Bill Cosby is a bad example as a human being, but this comment by him about being invited to strip clubs is still true: "If I'm hungry, why would I want to watch a man cook a steak?"

OTOH, fiction that opens one's mind is different. Robert Heinlein is well known to be a bit of a RWer among SF writers, but he's also the guy who wrote "Glory Road" (his one and only fantasy novel), "Stranger in a Strange Land" (a big hit among hippies for its take on government, sexual morals and how we view ourselves) and "I Will Fear No Evil" where an aging male billionaire has his brain transplanted into the body of a young woman (stretching the bounds of sex).
Immature? What a strange thing to say.

Every writer of fiction is a daydreamer, you do realize that? I've read Heinlein and enjoy his works. Podkayne of Mars is one of My favorites.

I also enjoy Raymond E. Feist, Stephan Donaldson, Frank Herbert, and of course, George RR Tolkien and JRR Martin...
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I guess some people don't have the balls to try new things. There is too much variety for me to stay vanilla.
Seriously? That's the best you can come up with? A lame backdoor insult? I've seen gays use the same argument "Don't knock it unless you've tried it". My reply is "I don't need to shove a baseball bat up my ass to know I won't like it".

Dude, the difference between me and your submissive lame ass is that I'm the one supporting those to live their own lives between consenting adults and you're the one slamming others for not embracing your fetishes and sexual peccadilloes.

First of all, my "lame backdoor insult" is in response to yours. Your repeated comments about getting a ball gag ect ect were laughable. Oh, and usually it is "backhanded". "Backdoor" usually refers to something completely different.

Now, to the main part of your post. This is the second time you have claimed you don't care what people do, and then attempted to insult me by claiming I am trying to control people or limit what they can do.

I challenge you to show me one single post in which I am attempting to control what anyone else does, or does not do. If yo want nothing but missionary position, plain vanilla sex, go for it. But don't lie an claim I am trying to tell people what they can and cannot do. As long as it is consenting adults, it is no one else's business what goes on.

And as for you supporting what others do, when you say that and then follow it with "don't tell me they are normal" and that sort of tripe, you are no one's champion.

In this thread you have two people with, apparent, experience in the lifestyle. Actually living, loving and exploring the subject at hand. You roll in and pretend that you know more. That you demand we accept what "psychologists report" on this topic, while you claim what they say in other reports is only due to pressure to be politically correct, is hilarious and hypocritical.

But let me help you. S&M is about pain. D/s is, very often, not about pain at all, and always about an exchange of power. One of the delightful activities in D/s is teasing. Increasing arousal while withholding orgasm. No pain is involved at all. But the exchange of power is dramatic. I happen to enjoy being a Dom (Dominant). Being able to bring a woman to the very edge, and keep her there for an hour or for 3 hours, requires much effort and skill. But the rewards are worth it. I have played in some more S&M scenes. Pain is not really my bag. The occasional spanking or whatever is fine. But not what I seek out in the lifestyle.

But if my years and years of experience are going to be dismissed in favor of what you read from psychologists, at least have the honesty to dismiss the nonsense concerning homosexuality in favor of what the psychologists say about that too.

Now, as to my challenge. Please post any evidence you have that I am trying to limit what anyone does or does not do. Or have the balls to admit you were either wrong or lying.
First of all, my "lame backdoor insult" is in response to yours. ...
First, that's a lie since you were responding directly back to Lady Gunslinger. Since you started your post off with a lie, there's no reason to believe there's any truth in the rest of your post.

Play your word games, lay out your backdoor insults, indulge in your kinky sexual games, do whatever you please. I certainly do. What you can't do is force others to agree with you; that's not only impossible across a text forum, but is also immoral.
First of all, my "lame backdoor insult" is in response to yours. ...
First, that's a lie since you were responding directly back to Lady Gunslinger. Since you started your post off with a lie, there's no reason to believe there's any truth in the rest of your post.

Play your word games, lay out your backdoor insults, indulge in your kinky sexual games, do whatever you please. I certainly do. What you can't do is force others to agree with you; that's not only impossible across a text forum, but is also immoral.

The ONLY thing I have tried to do is to explain to you that D/s is not Sado-Masochism. That is it. Whether it is the claim of a psychologist or not, the two are not the same. And my claim is based on years in the lifestyle. You, apparently insulted by me having corrected you, have launched into this "you are trying to force others to agree with you" nonsense. I am not forcing anyone to do or agree with anything. But words and phrases have meanings. D/s is about an exchange of power. Whether there is any pain involved depends entirely on the people involved.

And to quote your original argument against my comment, yes bisexuality and homosexuality are different. There may be overlapping areas, but they are certainly not the same.
First of all, my "lame backdoor insult" is in response to yours. ...
First, that's a lie since you were responding directly back to Lady Gunslinger. Since you started your post off with a lie, there's no reason to believe there's any truth in the rest of your post.

Play your word games, lay out your backdoor insults, indulge in your kinky sexual games, do whatever you please. I certainly do. What you can't do is force others to agree with you; that's not only impossible across a text forum, but is also immoral.

Oh, and thank you for your permission to continue to enjoy my kinky sexual games. I fully intend to do so. I am a polyamorous, kinky sensualist that enjoys a multitude of fields of play.
The ONLY thing I have tried to do is to explain to you that D/s is not Sado-Masochism. That is it. ...
So you are denying slinging insults, making lameass backdoor comments and the like? How much do you want to bet you did more than "ONLY" explain that "D/s is not Sado-Masochism"? $50? $100? $1000? Take the bet and I'll repost the links proving you are lying about "ONLY".

Secondly, as I linked previously, your Dominance/Submission games are a subcategory of S&M. Here's a third link:

A Loving Introduction to BDSM
There are several terms for BDSM: power-play or domination-submission (D/s) because one lover has control over the other, at least nominally; sado-masochism (SM), which involves spanking, flogging or other types of intense sensation; and bondage anddiscipline (BD), which involves restraint. But the current term is BDSM.

Who do you think I should trust more; articles from a respected Psychological journal or people who use bullying and lies to get their way?
Oh, and thank you for your permission to continue to enjoy my kinky sexual games. I fully intend to do so. I am a polyamorous, kinky sensualist that enjoys a multitude of fields of play.
You don't need my permission to do anything. This is just another lie coming from you because I refuse to agree that S&M, BDSM and "D/s" are not part of the same groupings.
The ONLY thing I have tried to do is to explain to you that D/s is not Sado-Masochism. That is it. ...
So you are denying slinging insults, making lameass backdoor comments and the like? How much do you want to bet you did more than "ONLY" explain that "D/s is not Sado-Masochism"? $50? $100? $1000? Take the bet and I'll repost the links proving you are lying about "ONLY".

Secondly, as I linked previously, your Dominance/Submission games are a subcategory of S&M. Here's a third link:

A Loving Introduction to BDSM
There are several terms for BDSM: power-play or domination-submission (D/s) because one lover has control over the other, at least nominally; sado-masochism (SM), which involves spanking, flogging or other types of intense sensation; and bondage anddiscipline (BD), which involves restraint. But the current term is BDSM.

Who do you think I should trust more; articles from a respected Psychological journal or people who use bullying and lies to get their way?

And the term BDSM is simply grouping 3 things together. Having them in the same basic group is not the same as saying D/s is S&M.

As for my discussing other topics, yes I did. When I used the term "ONLY", I was referring to your claim that I am telling people what they can do, think or whatever. I have not. I have simply stated a fact, based on my years of experience. You, however, came in acting like an expert based on having read a few things. Which do you think would be more accurate.

But before we go with any bets, why don't you respond to my challenge?
Oh, and thank you for your permission to continue to enjoy my kinky sexual games. I fully intend to do so. I am a polyamorous, kinky sensualist that enjoys a multitude of fields of play.
You don't need my permission to do anything. This is just another lie coming from you because I refuse to agree that S&M, BDSM and "D/s" are not part of the same groupings.

My thanking you for permission was sarcasm. I'm sorry that flew over your head.
Oh, and thank you for your permission to continue to enjoy my kinky sexual games. I fully intend to do so. I am a polyamorous, kinky sensualist that enjoys a multitude of fields of play.
You don't need my permission to do anything. This is just another lie coming from you because I refuse to agree that S&M, BDSM and "D/s" are not part of the same groupings.

That S&M, BDSM, and D/s are part of the same grouping is not what I disagreed with, nor is it what you said. Had you said that I would not have disagreed. What you said was that is was a "...Sado-Masochist relationship.". I pointed out that D/s is not the same as S&M. And it is not. That is why they list 4 basic areas in the acronym. BDSM = Bondage, Dominant/submissive, and Sado-Masochism. They are three different expressions. That they are grouped together does not change that.

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