Fight the kilos


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
Originally Posted by Mortimer

Im very sad, almost crying. What can I do? I eat only little if i cannot eat at all anymore then fuck it.

I lost 20kg but in the last week i didnt lost anything i gained 1-2kg back and I dont know why. Im very sad. I kept dieting as before but didnt lost anything anymore I gained 2 back. I hope I wont gain everything back and can lose more again. I dont know what to do. My strategy was not eating at evening or night and in the morning just for lunch. One time a day. Well in the evening a bit of fruits like a piece of watermelon or a few strawberries and in the morning sometimes a yoghurt but low fat like 0.1% fat but not the sugar yoghurts with fruits etc. but a natural yoghurt. I do that like always and I lost 20kg but now I gained 2 back. And I dont lose anymore. Right now I am 133.3kg but was already 132.1kg a week before. When I started i was 155kg. I planned when I am 125kg to make a small celebration and open a small bottlle of champagne. But it looks like now I wont.

I hope its only this week and temporarily backlash. So far, I have only dieted to lose weight. Now I also start exercising. Today only 10 minutes in total. But every day a few minutes more. So far, I've lost just over 20kg but now since a week I'm stuck with nothing losing weight last week even 2kg more on the scales but that varies a bit but still. Wish me good luck #Fightthekilos

The main thing to look out for is sugar when it comes to weight control. In the 1700s the average American ate something like 4.9 grams of sugar per day. Now more than 50% of Americans consume 227 grams (or half a pound of sugar) or more per day, and that figure is from 2009, so it's worse now.

Fact: If you burn more calories than you consume you WILL lose weight. There's no magic or tricks involved. If you're gaining weight you're doing something wrong. Remember that starches break down into sugar after you eat them. Avoid things like bread and pasta like the plague. Dairy is also not good for you despite decades of the government saying otherwise.
I seriously watched a mind-blowing video today.

I remember just about everything.

1: Stay away from meat with antibiotics.

2: Buy prebiotics
Originally Posted by Mortimer

Im very sad, almost crying. What can I do? I eat only little if i cannot eat at all anymore then fuck it.

I lost 20kg but in the last week i didnt lost anything i gained 1-2kg back and I dont know why. Im very sad. I kept dieting as before but didnt lost anything anymore I gained 2 back. I hope I wont gain everything back and can lose more again. I dont know what to do. My strategy was not eating at evening or night and in the morning just for lunch. One time a day. Well in the evening a bit of fruits like a piece of watermelon or a few strawberries and in the morning sometimes a yoghurt but low fat like 0.1% fat but not the sugar yoghurts with fruits etc. but a natural yoghurt. I do that like always and I lost 20kg but now I gained 2 back. And I dont lose anymore. Right now I am 133.3kg but was already 132.1kg a week before. When I started i was 155kg. I planned when I am 125kg to make a small celebration and open a small bottlle of champagne. But it looks like now I wont.

I hope its only this week and temporarily backlash. So far, I have only dieted to lose weight. Now I also start exercising. Today only 10 minutes in total. But every day a few minutes more. So far, I've lost just over 20kg but now since a week I'm stuck with nothing losing weight last week even 2kg more on the scales but that varies a bit but still. Wish me good luck #Fightthekilos

You look anemic, malnourished and have very poor muscle tone.

You say you are "dieting", what sort of diet are you talking about? 1 meal a day? If so, that's not good.

You also say that you eat yogurt with 0.1% fat content. Real yogurt is around 5% fat. You are either eating fake yogurt or yogurt that has had most of it's nutrients processed out of it so that the manufacturer could use those nutrients in other products.

You shouldn't eat fake food or go on restrictive fad diets.
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Originally Posted by Mortimer

Im very sad, almost crying. What can I do? I eat only little if i cannot eat at all anymore then fuck it.

I lost 20kg but in the last week i didnt lost anything i gained 1-2kg back and I dont know why. Im very sad. I kept dieting as before but didnt lost anything anymore I gained 2 back. I hope I wont gain everything back and can lose more again. I dont know what to do. My strategy was not eating at evening or night and in the morning just for lunch. One time a day. Well in the evening a bit of fruits like a piece of watermelon or a few strawberries and in the morning sometimes a yoghurt but low fat like 0.1% fat but not the sugar yoghurts with fruits etc. but a natural yoghurt. I do that like always and I lost 20kg but now I gained 2 back. And I dont lose anymore. Right now I am 133.3kg but was already 132.1kg a week before. When I started i was 155kg. I planned when I am 125kg to make a small celebration and open a small bottlle of champagne. But it looks like now I wont.

I hope its only this week and temporarily backlash. So far, I have only dieted to lose weight. Now I also start exercising. Today only 10 minutes in total. But every day a few minutes more. So far, I've lost just over 20kg but now since a week I'm stuck with nothing losing weight last week even 2kg more on the scales but that varies a bit but still. Wish me good luck #Fightthekilos

Mortimer is there a difference beetween the Cross Trainer and Gym Bicycle Cycling?
I, too, wish you good luck, Mortimer.

Some random thoughts:

1. Do NOT blame yourself.
2. It might be a good idea to spend some money and consult a nutritionist who can tailor a diet just for you.
3. I have read that it is not true that successful weight loss simply means eating fewer calories than you burn up.
4. I have read that our bodies can become confused by some diets. As a result, sometimes NOT eating enough good food will actually prevent you from losing weight.(A trained nutritionist will explain why.)
5. Find some exercise that you enjoy. How about walking to and back from the supermarket? How about dancing to some favorite music?
6. Oh, yes, stop the sugar (soda, candy, ice cream, pastries). The result will astound you.
I kept persistent so far despite the backlash and now there is very slight progress again its heading in the right direction.
SLow and steady progress is easier to maintain. Guy at work went vegan, lost ton of weight but couldn't stay vegan, I lost 40 lbs over a yr simply by replacing the soda I drank. Diet is same..meat potatoes or some sort of pasta or rice casserole....
Originally Posted by Mortimer

Im very sad, almost crying. What can I do? I eat only little if i cannot eat at all anymore then fuck it.

I lost 20kg but in the last week i didnt lost anything i gained 1-2kg back and I dont know why. Im very sad. I kept dieting as before but didnt lost anything anymore I gained 2 back. I hope I wont gain everything back and can lose more again. I dont know what to do. My strategy was not eating at evening or night and in the morning just for lunch. One time a day. Well in the evening a bit of fruits like a piece of watermelon or a few strawberries and in the morning sometimes a yoghurt but low fat like 0.1% fat but not the sugar yoghurts with fruits etc. but a natural yoghurt. I do that like always and I lost 20kg but now I gained 2 back. And I dont lose anymore. Right now I am 133.3kg but was already 132.1kg a week before. When I started i was 155kg. I planned when I am 125kg to make a small celebration and open a small bottlle of champagne. But it looks like now I wont.

I hope its only this week and temporarily backlash. So far, I have only dieted to lose weight. Now I also start exercising. Today only 10 minutes in total. But every day a few minutes more. So far, I've lost just over 20kg but now since a week I'm stuck with nothing losing weight last week even 2kg more on the scales but that varies a bit but still. Wish me good luck #Fightthekilos

You're fighting your own body.

When the body is not getting the proper amount of nutrition it thinks that there is a famine and will horde energy in the form of fat. Starvation triggers a response in your body so the idea of eating less isn't the proper way to look at this.

The key is to eat few calories than your body needs to maintain it current weight. The key is "Current weight". As you get thinner, you actually need fewer calories to maintain the weight you are at, so you feel you need to eat less. This is the trap.

What you need to do is change WHAT you eat.

Stay away from process foods. ALL processed foods. Eat real food. If you need to have that defined for you, go speak with a nutritionist. Real food is food that requires no processing and can be consumed without even cooking. If it grows in the ground, it is real food.

Eat as much of these as you wish. In fact, eat them until you are full.

The Best Low Carb Vegetables for Keto | Ruled Me

Eat minimal animal protein, but don't cut them out completely. Lean Chicken is best.

Eat only healthy fats. Things like Olive Oils or Avocados.

Exercise is not how you lose weight. Exercise is how you put your nutrition to its best use and it keeps your body running at optimal performance.

Good luck.
When the body is not getting the proper amount of nutrition it thinks that there is a famine and will horde energy in the form of fat.

This is not how starvation mode works. Do you really think your body would respond to starvation my saving fat and burning muscle that is vital for hunting/gathering and survival? No, your body is smarter than that. It burns mostly the fat you don't need as much as possible and a small amount of muscle to get nutrients your brain needs. It would be true to say that going into starvation mode would trigger your body to attempt to burn fewer calories, but you're not going to end up a ball of fat with no muscle if you start to starve, and the body's attempt to limit how many calories you burn would end not long after you started eating again. If you don't think so you should look up water fasting. If you're healthy it's a very effective way to burn fat.
Im not in starvation though. I do the following.

- I eat one warm meal a day, my mum cooks once a day. Usually we cook for lunch. I eat everything from noodles & pasta to mashpotatoes and steak etc. but only once a day and reduced not as much as I used to.
In the morning and in afternoon/evening/night I snack on natural yoghurt without sugar low fat (1% fat the standard is 4% fat). Fruits and Vegetables, Cucumber Tomatoes, Strawberries, Watermelon in Winter Apples and Oranges.
- I move only very little, I go to shopping per feet etc. I do some house choires.

And thats how I lost 20kg. But in June I didnt lost anything. I think i got to boundaries, first when I went shopping per feet I sweated but now not anymore, maybe now I need to do more.

My meal is normal. And I eat everything. My meal yesterday for example. Fries, Schnitzel etc. Mineral Water with Citrone etc. But instead of sugar soda like coke or fanta a pure mineral water with citrone. The meal is big, but thats how they seize it there. Its not my own measurement.
noodles & pasta to mashpotatoes

That stuff is killing you in your attempt to lose weight. I guarantee that is your problem right there. If you're truly committed you have to stop eating stuff like this until you've reached your goal.

no because thats part of a healthy diet, rice too, meat too. everything else is a crash diet and unhealthy and cannot be maintained in a long term. at one point you will gain the weight back or even more.

i learned from nutritionist the food pyramid and potatoes, bread, rice, and noodles are basic you should eat alot of it.

noodles & pasta to mashpotatoes

That stuff is killing you in your attempt to lose weight. I guarantee that is your problem right there. If you're truly committed you have to stop eating stuff like this until you've reached your goal.

no because thats part of a healthy diet, rice too, meat too. everything else is a crash diet and unhealthy and cannot be maintained in a long term. at one point you will gain the weight back or even more.

i learned from nutritionist the food pyramid and potatoes, bread, rice, and noodles are basic you should eat alot of it.


From Web MD

Milk for Your Bones?
It turns out that the relationship between the proteins in dairy products and the calcium in bones is a rocky one. First of all, calcium appears to be ultimately pulled from bones to escort digested animal protein from any source -- not just dairy products -- on its trek through the body. Since the average American's diet is protein-heavy to begin with, some experts say that eating lots of dairy foods may actually cause people to lose calcium. "When you eat a protein food, such as milk, you may be swallowing calcium, but you turn around and excrete calcium in your urine,"

It also has a ton of calories. When it comes to liquids water really is all you need. You need cow milk about as much as you need cheetah or elephant milk.
Im not in starvation though. I do the following.

- I eat one warm meal a day, my mum cooks once a day. Usually we cook for lunch. I eat everything from noodles & pasta to mashpotatoes and steak etc. but only once a day and reduced not as much as I used to.
In the morning and in afternoon/evening/night I snack on natural yoghurt without sugar low fat (1% fat the standard is 4% fat). Fruits and Vegetables, Cucumber Tomatoes, Strawberries, Watermelon in Winter Apples and Oranges.
- I move only very little, I go to shopping per feet etc. I do some house choires.

And thats how I lost 20kg. But in June I didnt lost anything. I think i got to boundaries, first when I went shopping per feet I sweated but now not anymore, maybe now I need to do more.

My meal is normal. And I eat everything. My meal yesterday for example. Fries, Schnitzel etc. Mineral Water with Citrone etc. But instead of sugar soda like coke or fanta a pure mineral water with citrone. The meal is big, but thats how they seize it there. Its not my own measurement.View attachment 199345
noodles & pasta to mashpotatoes

That stuff is killing you in your attempt to lose weight. I guarantee that is your problem right there. If you're truly committed you have to stop eating stuff like this until you've reached your goal.

no because thats part of a healthy diet, rice too, meat too. everything else is a crash diet and unhealthy and cannot be maintained in a long term. at one point you will gain the weight back or even more.

i learned from nutritionist the food pyramid and potatoes, bread, rice, and noodles are basic you should eat alot of it.


From Web MD

Milk for Your Bones?
It turns out that the relationship between the proteins in dairy products and the calcium in bones is a rocky one. First of all, calcium appears to be ultimately pulled from bones to escort digested animal protein from any source -- not just dairy products -- on its trek through the body. Since the average American's diet is protein-heavy to begin with, some experts say that eating lots of dairy foods may actually cause people to lose calcium. "When you eat a protein food, such as milk, you may be swallowing calcium, but you turn around and excrete calcium in your urine,"

It also has a ton of calories. When it comes to liquids water really is all you need. You need cow milk about as much as you need cheetah or elephant milk.

no you need all those things in moderation, you do need milk, yoghurt, cheese etc. protein is definitely for muscles if not for bones, but they say everyday something else, im confused but i know what i was told in hospital. all those things are part of a healthy diet. some hippies turn everything on the head like vegans, vegan is not healthy at all.

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