File this Under 'No Sh!te': America’s troops hold a stunningly low opinion of Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
She allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die.
She abandoned them to die.
She schemed to cover her own ass while the attack raged on.
She lied to the world about a video that never played a part.
She lied to the grieving parents - she called them 'liars'.
She allied herself with Al Qaeida and ISIS.
She helped Barry drag the US into 2 UN-AUTHORIZED wars to help terrorists.
She helped Barry allow ISIS to freely pour into Iraq, taking over much of the country our military had already liberated at GREAT cost
She has violated laws and been protected while military members who did far less have gone to jail.
She has no idea what the phrase 'Honor, Integrity, Service Before Self' and 'no Man Left Behind' Means.

New poll: Troops hold a stunningly low opinion of Clinton

While different polls may show varying opinions on how Americans feel about our presidential candidates, a recent poll conducted by the Military Times shows U.S. troops are not at all happy with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

While Trump isn't much better in their eyes, the Troops do NOT like Hillary even more than they dislike Trump.
There's a new day coming. Donald Trump will be President with a huge majority of Republicans in the House and a solid majority in the Senate. We will have possibly three Conservative judges on the Supreme Court during President Trump's administration. This nation will turn around very quickly.

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