Files confirm trump did not visit Epstein home or island

here it is trumps name is on the list

Trump has known Epstein for 15 years.

When Trump moved to Florida , Epstein had planed, helicopters and boats that he owned .

So access was not impossible

Trump has even said that Epstein like younger

View attachment 883357

Donald Trump said in 2002 that Jeffrey Epstein was a "terrific guy," and added, "It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

loose lips sink ships

Now this will be fun
Some people are so stupid that they believe calling someone "terrific" is necessarily a compliment. It's not.

Trump also called Epstein out for loving women "on the younger side". The younger side of what? Obviously, the younger side of legal.

Trump publicly called him out using verbiage that could not get him sued by Epstein. He's got the best words.
That video was of an interior door. It wasn't an exterior door letting Trump's thugs into the Capitol. They were already inside the building. And police were vastly out numbered.
Those wernt really "Trump's thi
My point is no cop held a door open to let Trump's thugs enter the Capitol building. How'd you not get that?
"Trump's thugs" is a very strong misnomer. There really is no such thing. we are a peaceful, honest people. There were certainly some thugs there at the Capitol but they were totally unrelated to Trump.
Hardly. Trump lost, any commment that claims he didn't is ludicrous.
Again, try and keep up. Do you know what ludicrous means? I know Trump lost, but I also know he is not a pedophile. Two things can be true at one time.
We didn't even try to lock her up... you dysfunctional dems are trying to lock up Trump... see the difference tard?...

The Trump Administration spent his entire administration trying and failing to find a crime to lock her up for committing. The first thing Trump did upon being elected was to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into all things Hillary so he could bring Charges. Huber took nearly 2 nearly to file a report that he found no criminal wrongdoing.

The so-called "whistleblower" was Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch. Fitton has learned that the FBI by law, must investigate any claim of tax evasion and has been using this law to harass the Clintons for years.

As usual. The IRS found nothing illegal was going on.

When Huber was too slow in coming up with his report, Trump put the Inspector General to the task of investigating the handling of Hillary's email investigation. When the IG concurred with the FBI decision not to charge Clinton with any crimes, Trump fired him.

When Mike Pompeo became Secretary of State, he launched a 2 1/2 year investig
ation of Hillary's emails, and found nothing he could charge her with.

Last but not least, there was the Durham Investigation which found NOTHING that any Democrats could be charged with.

Where and when did he visit Epstein at Epstein’s home?
Trump never visited Epstein. Trump is mentioned four times in investigating documents. Two girls testified that they saw him in public at his casino. Two other girls testified that they had never given Trump a massage nor did he flirt with them.

But Trump was mentioned FOUR times. That has to count for something.
That's not a link. Next time try
You truly are the best advertizement ever on the dangers of home schooling your children. No parent ever wants their child to be as gullible and ill-informed than you are.

Perhaps you should pull you head out of your ass and read a real newspaper for a change.

You truly are the best advertizement ever on the dangers of home schooling your children. No parent ever wants their child to be as gullible and ill-informed than you are.

Perhaps you should pull you head out of your ass and read a real newspaper for a change.

I don't homeschool


But you're a great reason why some should
Trump never visited Epstein. Trump is mentioned four times in investigating documents. Two girls testified that they saw him in public at his casino. Two other girls testified that they had never given Trump a massage nor did he flirt with them.

But Trump was mentioned FOUR times. That has to count for something.

Trump visited Epstein in Florida and in New York, on multile occasions. This rape took place at Epstein's New York apartment.

I guess you forgot about the tarmac meeting and the AG leaving it up to Comey and she would use his recommendation

PussyBitch, she wasn't the AG in 2018.

Did pedophiles engage in sex at other locations?


But not involving trump

Thats just more of your bullshit. You don't know that and it's stupid for you to claim that.

We know that Trump was a serial adulterer and we know that he was accused of statutory rape by a woman along with Epstein.

Does it prove that he did it? No. But you can't say it definetly didn't.
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Those wernt really "Trump's thi

"Trump's thugs" is a very strong misnomer. There really is no such thing. we are a peaceful, honest people. There were certainly some thugs there at the Capitol but they were totally unrelated to Trump.

The thugs there that day were Trump's people.

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