Files confirm trump did not visit Epstein home or island

Nobody is trying to pass such laws. Quit repeating Qanon garbage.
It was proven in Florida with your so-called "don't say gay bill " the Democrats railing against that, that you are the party of groomers.
I followed that case in all its iterations for years. That's not the real name of the girl, if there was a girl. A handwritten complaint was filed several times in California federal Court and dismissed. The last dismissal, a judge said that California was the wrong court. The next complaint was filed in New York. It too was dismissed with the judge remarking that she needed an attorney to draft the complaint. For months nothing happened, then a patent attorney from New Jersey stepped up and drafted a complaint. But, "Katie" refused to have it served citing fear for her life. The attorney asked if the case could proceed without formal service. Nooooo, of course not. Trump had a designated agent for service of process. Serve it and move on. By this time, Katie would be well into her 30s. Claims of fear were no longer credible. Without service of process, the claim eventually came up for dismissal. The attorney tried to save it but the Judge said not without an explanation from Katie. She was ordered to appear. N9 one had ever seen her. Not even the attorney. She communicated through various surrogates.

The complaint was dismissed for lack of prosecution. The judge also ordered that any further filings had to have prior approval of the court. That was the end, ten or so years ago.
So you're blurb is bogus. Thanks for the disinformation. Incredibly dishonest Democrat. You see how you guys shape my opinion of you?
It was proven in Florida with your so-called "don't say gay bill " the Democrats railing against that, that you are the party of groomers.
Nah, that didn't prove anything but Desantis is a bigot.
So you're blurb is bogus. Thanks for the disinformation. Incredibly dishonest Democrat. You see how you guys shape my opinion of you?
Tipsycatbreath is no democrat..
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I'm pretty sure my link is there.

And what did I misspell?
Were you unable to look at the picture I took of your post? Do you have a disability that affects your eyeballs? Are you a liar? There's no link there. Alleged has no D in it
Nah, that didn't prove anything but Desantis is a bigot.
Nah it proves that you are part of the groomer Democrat culture and that you are a misinformed psychopath who thinks down is Up and Up Is Down and men can be women stupid ass
Tipsycatbreathh is no democrat..
Fawn was the one who provided the fictitious blurb and then refused to back up what he said. Typical dishonest Democrat posting disinformation or lying by omission. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXX. Groomer accusation Mod Deleted. Do Not Repeat.
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Nah it proves that you are part of the groomer Democrat culture and that you are a misinformed psychopath who thinks down is Up and Up Is Down and men can be women stupid ass
No, it shows that DeSantis is a bigot. I like women, real women who have not transitioned and don't spend much time obsessing over things like this Apparently you are curious and want to try grooming and sex with transgendered females.
Were you unable to look at the picture I took of your post? Do you have a disability that affects your eyeballs? Are you a liar? There's no link there. Alleged has no D in it

Your image of my post shows my link. You're totally brain-dead. :lmao:
No, it shows that DeSantis is a bigot. I like women, real women who have not transitioned and don't spend much time obsessing over things like this Apparently you are curious and want to try grooming and sex with transgendered females.
It takes a pretty special type of person to want to present pornography to one through third graders. That's what we know you to do now. Why would you want to do that?
Stop posting disinformation cement head. I have no trouble spelling whatsoever smooth brain.


You have no trouble spelling?? Which is correct? A or B.

A) So you're blurb is bogus.

B) So your blurb is bogus.
Your image of my post shows my link. You're totally brain-dead. :lmao:
Prove it, it is not there. You can't click on anything in your blurb. It takes you nowhere. Why are you gas lighting like this. You are really this dishonest? I knew you had a screw loose when I first talked to you but this is ridiculously outrageous. You are a fucking fraud.
Fawn was the one who provided the fictitious blurb and then refused to back up what he said. Typical dishonest Democrat posting disinformation or lying by omission. That's what you people do when you're not grooming.


That blurb is not fictitious. It really was included in that complaint.

And yes, I backed up that blurb. Why do you blame me because you're too ignorant to click on a link?

And what I posted was not disinformation. It was an allegation, just as I said.

That blurb is not fictitious. It really was included in that complaint.

And yes, I backed up that blurb. Why do you blame me because you're too ignorant to click on a link?

And what I posted was not disinformation. It was an allegation, just as I said.
What complaint are you talking about send me the link man let's end this now you fucking fraud
Prove it, it is not there. You can't click on anything in your blurb. It takes you nowhere. Why are you gas lighting like this. You are really this dishonest? I knew you had a screw loose when I first talked to you but this is ridiculously outrageous. You are a fucking fraud.


Are you trying to kill me with laughter??
It was drilled into me by my parents and military training, character in leadership counts.

AMEN! :clap: I couldn't agree with you more on that. It is not only disappointing, but crazy to me when people dismiss the idea that character counts, or that it matters at all for anyone in a position of power.

Or, some people claim that you can separate low character in one's personal life with how they do their job. I disagree with the idea that character can be separated into personal and public, especially when it comes to a position of leadership. If a person is dishonest and untrustworthy in their private life, I think it's foolish to think they're going to be honest and trustworthy in other areas. This is why I would never vote for a politician who has a track record of being a sleazeball in their personal life, because I know intuitively that if they can lie to and betray someone who is supposedly the most important person in their life... how much more would they lie to and betray Joe Schmo out there?

People can disagree with that if they want, but the proof is in the pudding. When the public continually votes for crooks and frauds, We The People are partly to blame for the destruction of this country. I don't like saying this, but at the end of the day, people get the government they deserve. :dunno:

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