Files seized at Mar-a-Lago include material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities

Our information is basically good. The FBI did a rogue President a political humiliating last ditch effort for which they need to be reprimanded for. They destroyed the fourth Amendment by engaging in an illegal, criminally planned search and seizure of one president's sacred property for a very, very jealous successor who cheated his way into wealth beyond imagination at the expense of the American taxpayer's part in funding Foreign Aid packages for 47 years while Biden gleaned an illegal fortune that is disgusting, hateful, selfish, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL picking of taxpayers to make his damn pockets fat. And he bragged about his unlawful use of the Vice Presidency to extort and launder money out of a country about to receive a 3.5 billion payment from the United States of America. Instead of helping out the American people, Biden took away from the American people with the thought that nobody would believe that a man who was Senator for years and a Vice President for 8 years would be so monumentally dishonest in his raiding of the Treasury by the laundering his thefts through the Foreign Aid system each and every time the Congress passed what looked like a benign gift to a country in need, when it was just a front for Democrat Point Man Joe Biden to fatten empty Democrat candidate purses so they could be controlled by Democrat whips for the duration of their tenure.

I learned it from a video whose guest speaker was braggadocious Joe Biden. If "you people" who figured out why unpopular Democrats were elected only to have their votes milked by Deep Stater Democrats, either you're in the Deep state up to your ears or you're the naive one who is uninformed if he thinks the chickens won't come home to roost on ya. Your leaders are likely already owners of foreign country getaways and numbered accounts to get outta dodge when we catch them. The Democrats correctly knew Joe Biden didn't have a chance in hell of winning the election that would save all of their purses, so hatefully taken from American taxpayers they'd better have a plan B in order to save their sorry heineys if the truth should ever come out in spite of their loyalty pledges of omeurta not to rat out the largest crime con organization and the richest due to 300,000,000 taxed Americans to pay for their criminal lawyers if apprehended. The Democrats are Omeurta, they are aggressive theives and liars, and they cheat at the polls. They are whittling away at freedom of speech, they are whittling away at the Constitution that disallows greed on the part of the people they put in office who took oaths of obedience to the Constitution with the whip of the Democrat Party erasing the Constitution and putting their party on the line of who to obey, and it isn't their individual consciences, either. It's the biggest hatemongering organization as well as criminal theft of the Treasury of the United States of America, and it's not going to be an endless fiesta for Democrats any more.
How much acid have you dropped?
DOJ claims 100 were that leaves 9,900 that weren't.

It only takes one.
Our information is basically good. The FBI did a rogue President a political humiliating last ditch effort for which they need to be reprimanded for. They destroyed the fourth Amendment by engaging in an illegal, criminally planned search and seizure of one president's sacred property for a very, very jealous successor who cheated his way into wealth beyond imagination at the expense of the American taxpayer's part in funding Foreign Aid packages for 47 years while Biden gleaned an illegal fortune that is disgusting, hateful, selfish, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL picking of taxpayers to make his damn pockets fat. And he bragged about his unlawful use of the Vice Presidency to extort and launder money out of a country about to receive a 3.5 billion payment from the United States of America. Instead of helping out the American people, Biden took away from the American people with the thought that nobody would believe that a man who was Senator for years and a Vice President for 8 years would be so monumentally dishonest in his raiding of the Treasury by the laundering his thefts through the Foreign Aid system each and every time the Congress passed what looked like a benign gift to a country in need, when it was just a front for Democrat Point Man Joe Biden to fatten empty Democrat candidate purses so they could be controlled by Democrat whips for the duration of their tenure.

I learned it from a video whose guest speaker was braggadocious Joe Biden. If "you people" who figured out why unpopular Democrats were elected only to have their votes milked by Deep Stater Democrats, either you're in the Deep state up to your ears or you're the naive one who is uninformed if he thinks the chickens won't come home to roost on ya. Your leaders are likely already owners of foreign country getaways and numbered accounts to get outta dodge when we catch them. The Democrats correctly knew Joe Biden didn't have a chance in hell of winning the election that would save all of their purses, so hatefully taken from American taxpayers they'd better have a plan B in order to save their sorry heineys if the truth should ever come out in spite of their loyalty pledges of omeurta not to rat out the largest crime con organization and the richest due to 300,000,000 taxed Americans to pay for their criminal lawyers if apprehended. The Democrats are Omeurta, they are aggressive theives and liars, and they cheat at the polls. They are whittling away at freedom of speech, they are whittling away at the Constitution that disallows greed on the part of the people they put in office who took oaths of obedience to the Constitution with the whip of the Democrat Party erasing the Constitution and putting their party on the line of who to obey, and it isn't their individual consciences, either. It's the biggest hatemongering organization as well as criminal theft of the Treasury of the United States of America, and it's not going to be an endless fiesta for Democrats any more.
Trump is a Russian "tool."
Or, as Hillary tried so hard to warn us back in 2016, a Russian puppet."
That's just because Hillary is WAY too classy to just say it like it really is.
Valimir Putin is Trump's pimp.....
and Trump is simply Vlad's nasty little BITCH.

"Last year’s investigative reporting breakthrough by Craig Unger for his book American Kompromat led Unger to Uri Shvets, a former KGB spy who’d been posted to Washington, DC for years as a correspondent for the Soviet news agency TASS.

Shvets told the story — from his own knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win."

It only takes one.
Claim was Trump had 10,000.
Trump is a Russian "tool."
Or, as Hillary tried so hard to warn us back in 2016, a Russian puppet."
That's just because Hillary is WAY too classy to just say it like it really is.
Valimir Putin is Trump's pimp.....
and Trump is simply Vlad's nasty little BITCH.

"Last year’s investigative reporting breakthrough by Craig Unger for his book American Kompromat led Unger to Uri Shvets, a former KGB spy who’d been posted to Washington, DC for years as a correspondent for the Soviet news agency TASS.

Shvets told the story — from his own knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win."

This from the same peope who sold Hillary on the Steele Dossier, which she and the DNC paid for?
Claim was Trump had 10,000.

This from the same peope who sold Hillary on the Steele Dossier, which she and the DNC paid for?
Why don't you tell me what you THINK you know about this dossier?

This should be interesting because I will know immediately if you're just parroting back the fake news spin your propagandists handlers fed you about this thing in their efforts to get ahead of this story when it broke.

Very similar to what was done with The Mueller Report.
Even before the report was generally released to the public Bill Barr jumped out ahead of it. The only public brief he gave on it chose to emphasize Mueller's "no direct evidence of collusion" statement.....even though the bulk of the report is chock FULL of nefarious and highly incriminating EVIDENCE of Trump's questionable ties to the Kremlin and various Russian operatives in addition to the numerous public lies Trump had been telling everyone about having NO contact with them.
And ALL this going on in the midst of Russia's attack upon the 2016 election with the expressed goal of helping Trump get elected.
But in spite of all this, and before actually reading the ENTIRE Mueller report themselves, what did MAGAt Trumptards do?
They LATCHED onto Barrs little fragment of a statement.
They swallowed it hook, line, and sinker (as usual).
And it became their (your) "gospel."
Your mantra.
Just like a bunch of brain damaged parrots.
"NO COLLUS......"
ad naseum.

And it is the same with The Steele Dossier.
All you tools can do is repeat the propaganda that has been fed to you.
Not the TRUE, most salient and important part,
that The Kremlin has loads of kompromat on Donald Trump and this is why he has (and always will) put Russia's Communists interests above and before the U.S.'s.
All you guys can parrot back is
This is espionage by a private citizen with no authority to have these documents.

Hey boneheaded asshole, there are no nuclear secrets there, no espionage, no laws broken, nothing taken or stolen (except Trump's property), Trump did nothing every other president doesn't do and is EXPECTED to do. If Trump is somehow a felon, then so is Hillary 10X over. She did far more and not only was it glazed over as nothing, the FBI even helped her destroy some of the evidence.

Nothing will come of this, it was all just another egregious, illegal political stunt as a fishing expedition still trying to find anything they can charge Trump with as a crime and to recover crossfire hurricane records to protect Obumma, Biden and the government.

Trump has got to be the cleanest man on the planet and shit is going to hit the fan next year once the democrats can no longer protect Biden.
Hey boneheaded asshole, there are no nuclear secrets there, no espionage, no laws broken, nothing taken or stolen (except Trump's property), Trump did nothing every other president doesn't do and is EXPECTED to do. If Trump is somehow a felon, then so is Hillary 10X over. She did far more and not only was it glazed over as nothing, the FBI even helped her destroy some of the evidence.

Nothing will come of this, it was all just another egregious, illegal political stunt as a fishing expedition still trying to find anything they can charge Trump with as a crime and to recover crossfire hurricane records to protect Obumma, Biden and the government.

Trump has got to be the cleanest man on the planet and shit is going to hit the fan next year once the democrats can no longer protect Biden.

Trump Worship Syndrome much?

MAYBE (just for a moment) snap your head out of your ass long enough to look at the FACTS around the matter!

And then of course SNAP it back in there and figure out HOW it might take 3 days for astronauts on Apollo 13 to get to the moon when the movie only lasted 2 hours.
Trump is a Russian "tool."
Or, as Hillary tried so hard to warn us back in 2016, a Russian puppet."
That's just because Hillary is WAY too classy to just say it like it really is.
Valimir Putin is Trump's pimp.....
and Trump is simply Vlad's nasty little BITCH.

"Last year’s investigative reporting breakthrough by Craig Unger for his book American Kompromat led Unger to Uri Shvets, a former KGB spy who’d been posted to Washington, DC for years as a correspondent for the Soviet news agency TASS.

Shvets told the story — from his own knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win."

Hillary is about as classy as a baboons ass in heat.
Trump is a Russian "tool."
Or, as Hillary tried so hard to warn us back in 2016, a Russian puppet."
That's just because Hillary is WAY too classy to just say it like it really is.
Valimir Putin is Trump's pimp.....
and Trump is simply Vlad's nasty little BITCH.

"Last year’s investigative reporting breakthrough by Craig Unger for his book American Kompromat led Unger to Uri Shvets, a former KGB spy who’d been posted to Washington, DC for years as a correspondent for the Soviet news agency TASS.

Shvets told the story — from his own knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win."

You have diplomacy confused with a lack of virtue. Trump treats other people with respect, which inspires trust in this country, because he is dedicated to honesty in all business affairs. You've heard a ton of lies by people who are jealous of his acumen with human relations. I betcha a dime that he will focus on World Peace when he is re-elected, which I am going to support so long as he stays right with the Lord, and that in general is his aim to please God and our sainted founders who gave all they had to bring about a free nation for the common as well as the elite peoples. That's why you will hear American crowds roar with joy when he speaks about providing for the common defense. The foreign countries have a range of opinions, but he knows how to set peace among men, and I pray this time he has enough time to bring about that millineum of peace the Good Book promises. Trump enjoys people being at peace with one another. Your corrupt leaders have bent over backward to invent convenient lies to expedite power all to themselves, calling all of us "fascists" through your extortionist-in-chief liar.

He will also get another purge underway, and that is to continue where he left off cleaning up the Atlantic Ocean of all that plastic. The MSM ignored all the good President Trump was planning along with his amazing staffers that Maxine Waters had stalked by her predatory followers so inclined to crime, they didn't know that stalking is a crime, and I hope Maxine Waters is forced out of her high office by her own constituents who aren't as dumb as she thinks they are.
It only takes one.
Actually, the President of the United States has the authority to declassify written materials, and everything the FBI put their hands on, he had declassified or he wouldn't have brought them home. It's the President who is in charge of what is and is not classified, and if you're trying to blur the lines between executive branch, legislative branch, and the judicial branch, you're not going to get the founders' Constitution destroyed quite yet. You will never see President Trump failing the good of the American people. That's his entire focus is looking out for the poor to have enough privileges to compete with the rich. Elbow grease speaks for itself, and President Trump ignites it into being where it wasn't before.
Good night, USMB Board.

❤️:sleep: 💙
Why don't you tell me what you THINK you know about this dossier?

This should be interesting because I will know immediately if you're just parroting back the fake news spin your propagandists handlers fed you about this thing in their efforts to get ahead of this story when it broke.

Very similar to what was done with The Mueller Report.
Even before the report was generally released to the public Bill Barr jumped out ahead of it. The only public brief he gave on it chose to emphasize Mueller's "no direct evidence of collusion" statement.....even though the bulk of the report is chock FULL of nefarious and highly incriminating EVIDENCE of Trump's questionable ties to the Kremlin and various Russian operatives in addition to the numerous public lies Trump had been telling everyone about having NO contact with them.
And ALL this going on in the midst of Russia's attack upon the 2016 election with the expressed goal of helping Trump get elected.
But in spite of all this, and before actually reading the ENTIRE Mueller report themselves, what did MAGAt Trumptards do?
They LATCHED onto Barrs little fragment of a statement.
They swallowed it hook, line, and sinker (as usual).
And it became their (your) "gospel."
Your mantra.
Just like a bunch of brain damaged parrots.
"NO COLLUS......"
ad naseum.

And it is the same with The Steele Dossier.
All you tools can do is repeat the propaganda that has been fed to you.
Not the TRUE, most salient and important part,
that The Kremlin has loads of kompromat on Donald Trump and this is why he has (and always will) put Russia's Communists interests above and before the U.S.'s.
All you guys can parrot back is
Yet the investigation that was started with the Steele Dossier, failed to tie Trump and company to election tampering by Ivan.

Channel your Trump hate to your garden, Dude.
You have diplomacy confused with a lack of virtue. Trump treats other people with respect, which inspires trust in this country, because he is dedicated to honesty in all business affairs. You've heard a ton of lies by people who are jealous of his acumen with human relations. I betcha a dime that he will focus on World Peace when he is re-elected, which I am going to support so long as he stays right with the Lord, and that in general is his aim to please God and our sainted founders who gave all they had to bring about a free nation for the common as well as the elite peoples. That's why you will hear American crowds roar with joy when he speaks about providing for the common defense. The foreign countries have a range of opinions, but he knows how to set peace among men, and I pray this time he has enough time to bring about that millineum of peace the Good Book promises. Trump enjoys people being at peace with one another. Your corrupt leaders have bent over backward to invent convenient lies to expedite power all to themselves, calling all of us "fascists" through your extortionist-in-chief liar.

He will also get another purge underway, and that is to continue where he left off cleaning up the Atlantic Ocean of all that plastic. The MSM ignored all the good President Trump was planning along with his amazing staffers that Maxine Waters had stalked by her predatory followers so inclined to crime, they didn't know that stalking is a crime, and I hope Maxine Waters is forced out of her high office by her own constituents who aren't as dumb as she thinks they are.

Trump treats other people with respect? What about the time he called the people in the military "losers"? How about his little disagreement with John McCain, where he called him every name in the book? What about all the women he's disrespected by calling them names?

Honesty in all his business affairs? What about all the people he's bilked out of money for services rendered, including his refusal to pay for work done by an internet company on his Truth Social website? Wanna talk about Trump U and the way it screwed lots of people out of money?

He will get another purge underway? Yeah, and I'm guessing he's gonna go after everyone who said something bad about him. We'll be lucky if he doesn't do a purge like Saddam Hussein did. you know what it means to purge something?

As far as cleaning up the Atlantic Ocean's plastic problem? Can you post a link to that, as I've never heard him doing anything like that. Besides, the great plastic garbage "island" that scientists and environmentalists are talking about giving the planet problems is in the PACIFIC, not the Atlantic.
Actually, the President of the United States has the authority to declassify written materials, and everything the FBI put their hands on, he had declassified or he wouldn't have brought them home. It's the President who is in charge of what is and is not classified, and if you're trying to blur the lines between executive branch, legislative branch, and the judicial branch, you're not going to get the founders' Constitution destroyed quite yet. You will never see President Trump failing the good of the American people. That's his entire focus is looking out for the poor to have enough privileges to compete with the rich. Elbow grease speaks for itself, and President Trump ignites it into being where it wasn't before.
Good night, USMB Board.

❤️:sleep: 💙

It's readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you know zip point squat about classified material and how it's handled, because if you did, you wouldn't have made such a stupid post. Me? Yeah, I DO know how it's supposed to be handled, worked with the stuff during my 20 plus years in the military. Yes, the president does have the ability to declassify anything they want, but there are procedures that need to be followed...............most notably letting everyone else know what he declassified, the date it was declassified and the reason he wanted it declassified. Sorry, but copies of that material are held at other places, and they also need to know it's been declassified. If there was no follow up telling everyone concerned (those holding copies of that particular material), then it wasn't declassified. Simply saying they did it isn't enough. His staff needs to let everyone else know what was declassified.
It's readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you know zip point squat about classified material and how it's handled, because if you did, you wouldn't have made such a stupid post. Me? Yeah, I DO know how it's supposed to be handled, worked with the stuff during my 20 plus years in the military. Yes, the president does have the ability to declassify anything they want, but there are procedures that need to be followed...............most notably letting everyone else know what he declassified, the date it was declassified and the reason he wanted it declassified. Sorry, but copies of that material are held at other places, and they also need to know it's been declassified. If there was no follow up telling everyone concerned (those holding copies of that particular material), then it wasn't declassified. Simply saying they did it isn't enough. His staff needs to let everyone else know what was declassified.
Yet nothing has come out proving whether or not the documents in question are or were classified.
Yet nothing has come out proving whether or not the documents in question are or were classified.

Well, the markings on them would be a pretty good indicator. But, if he did declassify them like some are saying he did, there would be a record of the declassification consisting of the material that was declassified, the date it was declassified, and the reason for the declassification. Trump simply telling people that he declassified them is a non starter, as other copies of that material is held at other places, and they need to know it was declassified as well. If there is no record of declassification, the documents retain the classification level they held previous to Trump telling everyone he declassified them. No follow up, no declassification, that's how it works.
Well, the markings on them would be a pretty good indicator. But, if he did declassify them like some are saying he did, there would be a record of the declassification consisting of the material that was declassified, the date it was declassified, and the reason for the declassification. Trump simply telling people that he declassified them is a non starter, as other copies of that material is held at other places, and they need to know it was declassified as well. If there is no record of declassification, the documents retain the classification level they held previous to Trump telling everyone he declassified them. No follow up, no declassification, that's how it works.
Yadda yadda, dude, it still hasn't been proven, one way or the other, has it?
MAYBE (just for a moment) snap your head out of your ass long enough to look at the FACTS around the matter!

And a big :fu:FU :fu:to you too, asswipe! If you actually dealt in facts you'd at least know that once you're a president, for the rest of your life, every ex has a SCIF at their house and are privy to sit in on a security briefing once every day! No president current or former is ever out of the security loop,

Not only aren't there any "nuclear secrets" just laying around for a president to steal that they wouldn't even notice gone for two years except in your media-baked, half-cocked gullible brain reeled in yet once more by thick gov-media propaganda designed to sell papers and swing elections, but if anything, Trump's storage at Mar A Lago is more secure than most. If not, why don't you try breaking in there and find out! Certainly a million times more secure than Hillary as Sec. where she stored all her information on a publicly connected store bought home computer in her closet! :21:

Sorry, asswipe, but not only can't a president just "steal" secrets as all that stuff is gone through, approved, declassified by the sitting resident and packed and delivered by the GSA, but don't you think that if actually true that Trump had national secrets and was attempting to sell them to a foreign enemy, that Trump would have been arrested and taken away in leg irons long ago.
Trump is a Russian "tool."
Or, as Hillary tried so hard to warn us back in 2016, a Russian puppet."
That's just because Hillary is WAY too classy to just say it like it really is.
Valimir Putin is Trump's pimp.....
and Trump is simply Vlad's nasty little BITCH.

"Last year’s investigative reporting breakthrough by Craig Unger for his book American Kompromat led Unger to Uri Shvets, a former KGB spy who’d been posted to Washington, DC for years as a correspondent for the Soviet news agency TASS.

Shvets told the story — from his own knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win."

You're an imbecile.

Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Document 48 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/30/2022 Page 1 of 36


DONALD J. TRUMP, Plaintiff,
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Defendant. ________________________________/


[pg 12]

Pursuant to the above-described search protocols, the government seized thirty-three items of evidence, mostly boxes (hereinafter, the “Seized Evidence”), falling within the scope of Attachment B to the search warrant because they contained documents with classification markings or what otherwise appeared to be government records. Three classified documents that were not located in boxes, but rather were located in the desks in the “45 Office,” were also seized. Per the search warrant protocols discussed above, the seized documents included documents that were collectively stored or found together with documents with classification markings.
What is the "45 Office" ? Is that where Trump keeps his pearl handled 45s at ??

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