Filthy Filner: Four More Accusers


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
LSM still not interested. It doesn't advance their narrative.

I don't know why we even bother. dimocraps and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will just ignore anything they don't think helps the dimocrap cause.

Four More Women Accuse San Diego Dem Mayor Bob Filner Of Sexual Harassment…


Weiner, Filner, Spitzer, the new faces of the Democratic party.

Via Fox News:

Four women publicly identified themselves Thursday as targets of Mayor Bob Filner’s unwanted sexual advances, bringing the number of accusers to seven this week as the leader of the nation’s eighth-largest city signaled once again that he has no intention to resign.

The latest accusers spoke with KPBS about inappropriate touching and comments. They said they believe Filner is unfit for office and should resign immediately.

The women are a retired Navy rear admiral, a dean at San Diego State University, the head of the San Diego Ports Tenants Association and a prominent businesswoman.

Veronica “Ronne” Froman, the retired rear-admiral and the city’s chief operating officer under Filner’s predecessor, told KPBS that Filner once blocked a doorway after others had left a meeting, ran his finger up her cheek and asked if she had a man in her life.

When she told him she did have a man, named Linden Blue, Filner allegedly replied, “Oh, of the Blues Brothers?”
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Now if the pervert were a Rep the LSM would be all over it like stink on shit.
I heard they have imposed a buddy system, where he is not allowed around any women unless he has someone else with him. Now that is just sad.
It isn't that every elected member of the Republican Party are Saints.

Not even close. We have our reprobates, our perverts, our pedophiles, our idiots, liars and thieves.

But WE deal with them ourselves. They don't last long in the Party.

But because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM won't make a big deal out of anything any dimocrap scumbag does short of murder, the dimocrap party just lets everything die a natural death until people have moved on or forgotten.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't biased anymore, they're corrupt. They're corrupt to the core.

What's sad is this.... We WILL take back our Country. People who think Conservatives are out of the game are delusional. Every Poll will tell you that we still outnumber progressive scum by a two to one margin.

And when we have finally had enough, we will take back our Country.

But when we do, we're going to destroy one of its greatest institutions out of necessity -- the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Not by force or any other kind of nonsense. People are just going to tune them out.

It's happening already. The Print Media is all but dead. Broadcast TV Networks have SLASHED their News Budgets.

Before long, anything they say, anything they print, will mean nothing. Nobody trusts them as it is.

The LSM is no longer biased. They are simply corrupt.

Here is an example of their corruption...

What motivates a lawyer to defend a Tsarnaev, a Castro or a Zimmerman? - The Washington Post

WaPo Compares George Zimmerman To Boston Terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Cleveland Man Who Held Kidnapped Women As Sex Slaves…

Future WaPo headline: Is George Zimmerman worse than Hitler?


You wonder why I call them the "DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM"?

Don't. Not ever. That's not name-calling.

That is simply observation
A person need not have committed a crime for democrats to demonize them. Committing a crime, no matter how heinous is not as bad as opposing the party mantra. Filner's abuse of women is not nearly as bad as the alleged toe tapping of Larry Craig. George Zimmerman should never have saved his own life after being brutally attacked by a black man.

There is no recall of Bob Filner because he is "gay friendly" and abused women. My mistake, he is gay friendly and just abused a bleeder.
A person need not have committed a crime for democrats to demonize them. Committing a crime, no matter how heinous is not as bad as opposing the party mantra. Filner's abuse of women is not nearly as bad as the alleged toe tapping of Larry Craig. George Zimmerman should never have saved his own life after being brutally attacked by a black man.

There is no recall of Bob Filner because he is "gay friendly" and abused women. My mistake, he is gay friendly and just abused a bleeder.

Not true. It's worse....much worse. He needs to get gone.
LSM still not interested. It doesn't advance their narrative.

I don't know why we even bother. dimocraps and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will just ignore anything they don't think helps the dimocrap cause.

Four More Women Accuse San Diego Dem Mayor Bob Filner Of Sexual Harassment…


Weiner, Filner, Spitzer, the new faces of the Democratic party.

Via Fox News:

Four women publicly identified themselves Thursday as targets of Mayor Bob Filner’s unwanted sexual advances, bringing the number of accusers to seven this week as the leader of the nation’s eighth-largest city signaled once again that he has no intention to resign.

The latest accusers spoke with KPBS about inappropriate touching and comments. They said they believe Filner is unfit for office and should resign immediately.

The women are a retired Navy rear admiral, a dean at San Diego State University, the head of the San Diego Ports Tenants Association and a prominent businesswoman.

Veronica “Ronne” Froman, the retired rear-admiral and the city’s chief operating officer under Filner’s predecessor, told KPBS that Filner once blocked a doorway after others had left a meeting, ran his finger up her cheek and asked if she had a man in her life.

When she told him she did have a man, named Linden Blue, Filner allegedly replied, “Oh, of the Blues Brothers?”
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Assuming he's guilty he should face the appropriate consequences.
Breaking: Filthy Filner to enter Rehab.

Isn't anybody else getting just a little tired of this?

Every time some dimocrap dirtbag gets caught doing something disgusting, the first thing they do (when they can't just pretend it never happened) is go into 'Therapy'.

I mean, "What The Fuck, Over"?

Aren't you people just a little wise to this crap?

Jesse JAckson Jr fakes an illness after he KNOWS he's going down for theft. Who else?

Oh yeah, Anthony 'let me show my' Weiner.

And didn't Client #9 of Butt Sex fame go into 'therapy'.

Yup, went into therapy for 'Sex Addiction'.

Jumping Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick!!!

Where do I report??!!

I've been addicted to sex for..... A long time. But I don't ask a whore to take it up the butt for me.

And I don't send sex tweets to underage girls.

And I don't cheat on my wife.

And I'm not a general, all around, dirtbag piece of fucking shit dimocrap.

They are.

Who else.....?

What a scam. And Filthy Filner ain't even gonna resign!! Like the 'Disease' or 'Illness' gives him some kind of special dispensation to be a pervert?!!!

I guess..... Well, I won't go there

I hate dimocraps. All of them.

I wish we had a liberal party that wasn't filled with the scum of the fucking Earth.

Like that will ever happen.....

San Diego Dem Mayor Bob Filner To Enter Pervert Rehab…


Because it worked so well for Carlos Danger?

Via NBC San Diego:

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner announced he will take a leave of absence Friday to undergo intensive therapy following several allegations of inappropriate sexual advances and sexual harassment.

In front of a reporters and cameras, Filner announced “words are not enough” before a microphone failure interrupted the long-awaited statement.

“It is simply not acceptable for me to try and explain away my conduct as the product of standards of a different generation,” Filner said adding that he has apologized to his staff and citizens who have supported him.

On Thursday, an interview with four San Diego women brought new allegations to light. With their stories, Sharon Bernie-Cloward, president of the San Diego Port Tenants Association, businesswoman Patti Roscoe, retired Navy rear-admiral Veronica “Ronne” Froman and Joyce Gattas, Dean of SDSU’s College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts described incidents with the mayor ranging from his time as a Congressman to his run for San Diego’s mayor’s seat.

The women claimed Filner cornered or isolated them and attempted to kiss them or touch parts of their bodies inappropriately.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
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I heard they have imposed a buddy system, where he is not allowed around any women unless he has someone else with him. Now that is just sad.

Heard that too. And yeah, it is sad that a mature adult needs a chaparone when around a member of the opposite sex.

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