Filthy Tranny Rapes 10 year old Girl In Gender Neutral Bathroom...Nobody saw this coming pffft

And another far left drone blaming the victim.

This should not surprise anyone!
Stop it, you freak!

Pointing out the hypocrisy of the far left is easy to do and if you do not like, then you should not side with the far left.

See they will not condemn their protected classes!

So show the post where you condemn this person!
I condemn this person for being a child rapist. Does anyone need to say that? Does anyone need to point out that water is wet? Save your stupid, impotent rage for people that actually are defending him.

Yes you as a far left drone should say it and not blame the victim.

And you are hardly condemning this person with the bulk of your posts.
Nor was any of it excusing his behavior. And I already explained the lack of vocal condemnation: it goes without saying.

I didnt blame the victim once, you freak!

They just don't have anything, and are trying to twist and squeeze all they can out of it to try and make themselves "right" somehow, anyhow.
Stop it, you freak!

Pointing out the hypocrisy of the far left is easy to do and if you do not like, then you should not side with the far left.

See they will not condemn their protected classes!

So show the post where you condemn this person!
I condemn this person for being a child rapist. Does anyone need to say that? Does anyone need to point out that water is wet? Save your stupid, impotent rage for people that actually are defending him.

Yes you as a far left drone should say it and not blame the victim.

And you are hardly condemning this person with the bulk of your posts.
Nor was any of it excusing his behavior. And I already explained the lack of vocal condemnation: it goes without saying.

I didnt blame the victim once, you freak!

They just don't have anything, and are trying to twist and squeeze all they can out of it to try and make themselves "right" somehow, anyhow.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

They could not condemn their protected class because they disagreed with the narrative.

How sad!
And there's tens of thousands of straight christian males that rape young girls....

Why judge a group based on this? oH'yess, you hate trans people. Your blood thirsty cry is the same cry of the taliban.
you actively helped that monster rape a child.

in defense you try to blame others.

You, are a truly evil person.

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