Final Hours Of Bakhmut, 6 minute video


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022

Six minute graphic and explanatory video.

US and Ukey Nazis in full retreat as the Russian meat grinder moves on relentlessly.
The repeated absurd Ukey tactics are easily repelled and now huge numbers risk being cut off .
This is a suicide mission for poor Ukey forces as demonic clown prince Zelenskyy forces them to fight to the last man .
Any vestige of Z's sanity is long gone and even soppy EU decision makers will baulk at releasing further reserve and near scrap ordnance to the idiot who promises everything but delivers nothing .

I expect Russia to clean up all points in the east now and consolidate everything before preparing for the next big pushes toward Russian Kharkhov and Russian Odessa respectively .

Privetstviya as the conquering heroes might say .

Six minute graphic and explanatory video.

US and Ukey Nazis in full retreat as the Russian meat grinder moves on relentlessly.
The repeated absurd Ukey tactics are easily repelled and now huge numbers risk being cut off .
This is a suicide mission for poor Ukey forces as demonic clown prince Zelenskyy forces them to fight to the last man .
Any vestige of Z's sanity is long gone and even soppy EU decision makers will baulk at releasing further reserve and near scrap ordnance to the idiot who promises everything but delivers nothing .

I expect Russia to clean up all points in the east now and consolidate everything before preparing for the next big pushes toward Russian Kharkhov and Russian Odessa respectively .

Privetstviya as the conquering heroes might say .

I'm just glad Russia is no longer a power in the world
I'm just glad Russia is no longer a power in the world
It would be interesting to hear anybody sanely argue that the US can compete with combined China and Russia momentum .
With Iran and North Korea probably fully supporting such an alliance I would be seriously looking at other places to live if I was American .
And if BRICKS soon effectively downgrades the US dollar ( even replaces it as reserve currency) , it will be poverty time for most of America and most of the planet.
It would be interesting to hear anybody sanely argue that the US can compete with combined China and Russia momentum .
With Iran and North Korea probably fully supporting such an alliance I would be seriously looking at other places to live if I was American .
And if BRICKS soon effectively downgrades the US dollar ( even replaces it as reserve currency) , it will be poverty time for most of America and most of the planet.

You want to bring that shabby alliance against the alliance of US, NATO, Japan, S Korea and Australia?

It would be interesting to hear anybody sanely argue that the US can compete with combined China and Russia momentum .
With Iran and North Korea probably fully supporting such an alliance I would be seriously looking at other places to live if I was American .
And if BRICKS soon effectively downgrades the US dollar ( even replaces it as reserve currency) , it will be poverty time for most of America and most of the planet.
In comparison to blm looting, "You ain't seen nothin' yet."
You guys have been claiming Bakhumut for six months now
Because I am in a good mood , I will giveyou a quick explanation . But one time only .
Bakhmut is a transport hub area both road and rail .Controls a whole region . An absolute "must" to hold before pushing further west --for supplies etc .
You need total control before crossing the Dneiper . 100% .

Z understood that ( his one redeeming feature) which is why he has done everything , including global prostitution, to pour every posssible asset into holding on to Bakhmut .
His problem is that he has lost men and ordnance in the ratio of anything up to 1 to 12 for months
He has run out of almost everything .

Now , once the weather is right, Russia can move over the river and with all of their top forces and weapons ---- barely even used so far----- there will be an eventual blitzkreig demolition job , possibly up to the Romanian border( I am there next week ) and up to Moldavia .
So , what does the US and NATO do after Bakhmut has fallen ?
Dare they escalate matters and can they even do that successsfully -- put nuclear thoughts on one side ? Assessed at near zero by experts .
In one sense the loss of Bakhmut is the effective end of all of the conflict because everything subsequent will flow flow logically from this
Because I am in a good mood , I will giveyou a quick explanation . But one time only .
Bakhmut is a transport hub area both road and rail .Controls a whole region . An absolute "must" to hold before pushing further west --for supplies etc .
You need total control before crossing the Dneiper . 100% .

Z understood that ( his one redeeming feature) which is why he has done everything , including global prostitution, to pour every posssible asset into holding on to Bakhmut .
His problem is that he has lost men and ordnance in the ratio of anything up to 1 to 12 for months
He has run out of almost everything .

Now , once the weather is right, Russia can move over the river and with all of their top forces and weapons ---- barely even used so far----- there will be an eventual blitzkreig demolition job , possibly up to the Romanian border( I am there next week ) and up to Moldavia .
So , what does the US and NATO do after Bakhmut has fallen ?
Dare they escalate matters and can they even do that successsfully -- put nuclear thoughts on one side ? Assessed at near zero by experts .
In one sense the loss of Bakhmut is the effective end of all of the conflict because everything subsequent will flow flow logically from this
What happened with Wagner?
You know the answer . No John Wayne to keep you dreaming .

The US has the most modern and effective military force in the world

China has never engaged in modern warfare and Russia has shown itself to be a third rate military power
The risk is that baboons will continue to baboon as long as Biden's nazis know about "local influence" looking the other way and feeding them Minnesotan fentanyl, free stuff, devoid of meritocracy. Modern Russia is no longer the same as Stalin's:

'....the root evil of our social life, and our lack of culture, is our pandering to the ancient Russian view and semi-savage habit of mind, which wishes to preserve Kaluga law as distinct from Kazan' law.
Undoubtedly, we are living amidst an ocean of illegality, and local influence is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, obstacle to the establishment of law and culture.' Lenin, Selected Works, v.2 pp.737-8, Lenin's Letter to Stalin, "Dual" Subordination and Legality."
(Ferment in Ukraine, op cit p. 99)
What happened with Wagner?
The US has the most modern and effective military force in the world

China has never engaged in modern warfare and Russia has shown itself to be a third rate military power
Wagner just cleared out Bakhmut .
The notional sparring woithMoscow is just mild propaganda for gullibes to suck up . And they do . Don't you ?!!!

The US is a mile behind these days in military terms .
It's a hateful idea for John Wayne fans to even hear , let alone absorb . You will find out the hard way .
Wagner just cleared out Bakhmut .
The notional sparring woithMoscow is just mild propaganda for gullibes to suck up . And they do . Don't you ?!!!

The US is a mile behind these days in military terms .
It's a hateful idea for John Wayne fans to even hear , let alone absorb . You will find out the hard way .

Behind who?
Certainly not Russia with obsolete equipment, poor leadership, poor morale and no logistics system

You can’t beat Ukraine
How do you think you would do against a modern military force?
Because I am in a good mood , I will giveyou a quick explanation . But one time only .
Bakhmut is a transport hub area both road and rail .Controls a whole region . An absolute "must" to hold before pushing further west --for supplies etc .
You need total control before crossing the Dneiper . 100% .

Z understood that ( his one redeeming feature) which is why he has done everything , including global prostitution, to pour every posssible asset into holding on to Bakhmut .
His problem is that he has lost men and ordnance in the ratio of anything up to 1 to 12 for months
He has run out of almost everything .

Now , once the weather is right, Russia can move over the river and with all of their top forces and weapons ---- barely even used so far----- there will be an eventual blitzkreig demolition job , possibly up to the Romanian border( I am there next week ) and up to Moldavia .
So , what does the US and NATO do after Bakhmut has fallen ?
Dare they escalate matters and can they even do that successsfully -- put nuclear thoughts on one side ? Assessed at near zero by experts .
In one sense the loss of Bakhmut is the effective end of all of the conflict because everything subsequent will flow flow logically from this
Wasting no time, Russia just hinted @ the Romanian border:

1h ago Odessa Strike
@Spriter99880, Russian Odessa targets include near Zakota railroad where NATO carries weapons through Romania.
It would be interesting to hear anybody sanely argue that the US can compete with combined China and Russia momentum .
With Iran and North Korea probably fully supporting such an alliance I would be seriously looking at other places to live if I was American .
And if BRICKS soon effectively downgrades the US dollar ( even replaces it as reserve currency) , it will be poverty time for most of America and most of the planet.
^ lol this bitch is crazy
"War between Russia and Ukraine was inevitable. Even if the events of 2014 had not happened - it would not have changed anything," the head of the terrorist organization Ukrainian Intelligence Budanov...

We are aware that you were preparing, you bastards.
The date on the picture is telling...

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