Final Warning to white people goes viral on twitter after Charlottesville rally

Disgusting....and I mean all in the pic.

Good Gawd, no wonder you wingnuts are inbred droolers, you take Alex Jones seriously.

which makes you American problem.............. Since weak mind are the ones who use the new sources as they're only defense.

Get lost weak minds are USELESS in their fake opinion and your ideology is for retards
This 19 year old black kid represents a percentage of the black population magnitudes greater.
And this black privilege is why no one will do a thing about his threats IN THIS CASE -- I do see a date with Bubba in his future, and this little fag will enjoy it.
He watches too much television. Black people are 12% of this country.
Maybe that's why he's so brainless. Watch TV commercials and programs and you'd think we're living in freaking Africa. Blacks are in every freaking scene. Disgusting in it's dishonesty, especially the commercials.

It'd be nice if Jay would learn to read and write English before posting his hate-filled rants.
I'm so sick and tired of that evil, arrogant, subhuman, fecal race whose only capability is to destroy. That primitive negroid brain is incapable of the emotions of empathy and gratitude. There has never been a single neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and more peaceful when a bunch of these wheelbarrow-nosed, jaundiced-eyed, carpet-heads moved in. They belong in Africa putting giant plates in their lips - which in the case of black crybabies, is an improvement in appearance. After all, their lips are shaped like the alien queen's egg sac in Aliens.
this won't mean anything to sheep but funny this is found at all these events and SOROS is behind all of it.

View attachment 143428
Cite your source please. This looks like Fake News (and I've never used that stupid phrase before. Lol).


Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder


Researchers find a 'liberal gene'

And this is why most fake liberals are suffering from severe mental illness. Science said so bahahh
this won't mean anything to sheep but funny this is found at all these events and SOROS is behind all of it.

View attachment 143428
Cite your source please. This looks like Fake News (and I've never used that stupid phrase before. Lol).

View attachment 143493
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

View attachment 143494

Researchers find a 'liberal gene'

And this is why most fake liberals are suffering from severe mental illness. Science said so bahahh
That's a crock. Is your brain so calcified that you actually believe this ridiculous crap?

Well, maybe it's no more stupid than little Jay and his idiotic warning to all white people.
He watches too much television. Black people are 12% of this country.
Maybe that's why he's so brainless. Watch TV commercials and programs and you'd think we're living in freaking Africa. Blacks are in every freaking scene. Disgusting in it's dishonesty, especially the commercials.

It'd be nice if Jay would learn to read and write English before posting his hate-filled rants.

The NSM brought Jewish people into their hate, this warning only applies to American Neo Nazis.

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