Final word on G Floyd

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that your learning disability was in effect here.

Jews in Germany survived the war. They were able to get out before the war started.
most victims of the Holocaust were Jews (and non-Jews) in countries that Germany invaded.
Gun availability wasn't the issue there. They fought, they were defeated, and the Nazi exacted their revenge.
What in the flying fuck are you trying to prove here? The Jews were disarmed and fled to other countries before being gas chambered so we need more gun control?

What the fuck?

They were defeated so so alls good. The homeless unarmed Jews from Germany fled but were finally taken out by the heroic efforts of the Germans. They just kind of ended up getting what they deserved. But thank goodness they weren’t armed. That’s the most important point of the holocaust.

Thank god those fucking Jews weren’t armed. Can you imagine the amount of death that could have caused?
don't necessarily disagree.

I clearly understand that the abuse of drugs causes a great deal of trouble, for the abuser, and for those associated in any way with the abuser; and that society has a very strong, legitimate interest in doing whatever can reasonably be done to discourage it. Whether treating it as a crime is the best way to address it, or whether there is a better way, is above my pay grade.

What have you done with the real Bob, you fiend?

Actually, we can tell that treating it as a crime has been a HUGE mistake. We've quadrupled the number of people in prison since the "War on Drugs" began, we'd spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to interdict it.

And it's NOT like we don't know this doesn't work. We should have learned from our experience with prohibition that trying to outlaw a substance is a fool's errand.

As a common cliché says, “When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Government's one main tool is the ability to enact laws, and to punish people for breaking those laws; so from that point of view, drug abuse looks like a criminal problem. Even more so when addicts become unable to hold down normal jobs, and become intensely driven to obtain their drugs, and so resort to crime in order to make their living, and in order to pay for theirs drugs.

Actually, a few points here.

First and foremost, we stupidly required drug tests for employment, even when that wasn't necessary. They largely stopped doing that after Pot was legalized in many states.

The question is WHY the government outlawed drugs to start with. Because these substances used to be not only legal, but commonly used in products. Heck, Coca-Cola used to be made with Cocaine! It's why soda shops and drug stores were combined in the Americana that many of you long for.




So, how did it get crazy? Well, like everything in America, we can thank Racism. Opium dens were associated with those undesirable Chinese immigrants.


White people were told marijuana would turn black people into crazed brutes and would corrupt our youth.

I don't know how to treat addicts. I don't know how to help addicts. I know that some are unwilling to be helped, and cannot effectively be helped against their will. I do not know, for more than a moderate level of confidence, that there is any better solution to dealing with them than to lock them up as criminals; if there is, it will take someone who knows a lot more about drug addiction and how to treat it than I do or ever will know, in order to devise that better way to deal with them.

Actually, once again, the Europeans have figured this out...

Switzerland led Europe with the first drug consumption rooms and heroin-assisted treatment facilities. The Swiss approach is all about removing barriers and getting the majority of drug users into treatment. This resulted in trickled-down benefits for law enforcement as the street drug market weakened and the theft rate dropped.

The French approach is about seeing drug users as people first and supporting the whole person. There are more than 300 harm reduction centers, that include needle exchanges, places to shower, do laundry, and meet with social workers, psychiatrists, and medical doctors. In addition to that, there are 480 addiction treatment facilities. The whole network works together to support drug users to live their best lives.
What in the flying fuck are you trying to prove here? The Jews were disarmed and fled to other countries before being gas chambered so we need more gun control?

What the fuck?

They were defeated so so alls good. The homeless unarmed Jews from Germany fled but were finally taken out by the heroic efforts of the Germans. They just kind of ended up getting what they deserved. But thank goodness they weren’t armed. That’s the most important point of the holocaust.

Thank god those fucking Jews weren’t armed. Can you imagine the amount of death that could have caused?

Again, you have a learning disability, so let's try again.

Gun ownership was COMMON in Nazi Germany. Yet not one German rushed out with his gun and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!" It was more like, "Can I have his stuff?"

What did happen was those Germans took their guns and formed Volksgrenadier brigades to fight for Hitler to the last old man and little boy. Some of them kept fighting even after VE Day, which is why Ike ordered the Allies to collect all the guns. Germans have private gun ownership now, but it's very strictly regulated.

So the notion that guns protect us from an oppressive government, and that's why we need to tolerate 43,000 gun deaths every year, is kind of stupid. The one thing that we should have learned from the Trump years is how flawed "Democracy" is, and how willing about half of you are willing to chuck it if you don't get your way.

So let's say there was a Jew who decided he was going to take on the GErman with his gun? The next Day, Dr. Geobbels would have printed "Treacherous Jew murders brave police officer", while singing a chorus of the Horst Wessel Lied.
Again, you have a learning disability, so let's try again.

Gun ownership was COMMON in Nazi Germany. Yet not one German rushed out with his gun and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!" It was more like, "Can I have his stuff?"

What did happen was those Germans took their guns and formed Volksgrenadier brigades to fight for Hitler to the last old man and little boy. Some of them kept fighting even after VE Day, which is why Ike ordered the Allies to collect all the guns. Germans have private gun ownership now, but it's very strictly regulated.

So the notion that guns protect us from an oppressive government, and that's why we need to tolerate 43,000 gun deaths every year, is kind of stupid. The one thing that we should have learned from the Trump years is how flawed "Democracy" is, and how willing about half of you are willing to chuck it if you don't get your way.

So let's say there was a Jew who decided he was going to take on the GErman with his gun? The next Day, Dr. Geobbels would have printed "Treacherous Jew murders brave police officer", while singing a chorus of the Horst Wessel Lied.
Gun ownership was uncommon and heavily rtestricted

Only a few elites were allowed to own guns

history proves gun ownership by common people defeats tyranny.

You are a fool and liar
“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Read the whole thing. Cowardly decisions have locked MPLS into a doom loop because lawlessness was aided and abetted by city attorneys.
Cop who knelt on GF's neck:

"I dindu nuffin!"
Gun ownership was uncommon and heavily rtestricted

Only a few elites were allowed to own guns
By elites, you mean the 99% of the population who weren't Jews or Communists?

history proves gun ownership by common people defeats tyranny.
No, it doesn't. When Tyranny happens, it's because people decided to go along with it.
By elites, you mean the 99% of the population who weren't Jews or Communists?

No, it doesn't. When Tyranny happens, it's because people decided to go along with it.
No the descendents of royalty and high ranking officials of the nazi party

Wrong motherfucker

They always disarm the opposition which is what you support,

Tyranny ALWAYS imposes on the people whether they like it or not
No the descendents of royalty and high ranking officials of the nazi party

Or average Germans... that was it.

Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919 – laws that in fact required the surrender of all guns to the government. These laws remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm-licensing scheme. These strict licensing regulations foreshadowed Hitler's rise to power.

If you read the 1938 Nazi gun laws closely and compare them to earlier 1928 Weimar gun legislation – as a straightforward exercise of statutory interpretation – several conclusions become clear. First, with regard to possession and carrying of firearms, the Nazi regime relaxed the gun laws that were in place in Germany at the time the Nazis seized power.

The difficult question is how to characterize the Nazi treatment of the Jewish population for purposes of evaluating Hitler's position on gun control. Truth is, the question itself is absurd. The Nazis sought to disarm and kill the Jewish population. Their treatment of Jews is, in this sense, orthogonal to their gun-control views. Nevertheless, if forced to take a position, it seems that the Nazis aspired to a certain relaxation of gun registration laws for the "law-abiding German citizen" – for those who were not, in their minds, "enemies of the National Socialist state," in other words, Jews, Communists, etc.
Or average Germans... that was it.

Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919 – laws that in fact required the surrender of all guns to the government. These laws remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm-licensing scheme. These strict licensing regulations foreshadowed Hitler's rise to power.

If you read the 1938 Nazi gun laws closely and compare them to earlier 1928 Weimar gun legislation – as a straightforward exercise of statutory interpretation – several conclusions become clear. First, with regard to possession and carrying of firearms, the Nazi regime relaxed the gun laws that were in place in Germany at the time the Nazis seized power.

The difficult question is how to characterize the Nazi treatment of the Jewish population for purposes of evaluating Hitler's position on gun control. Truth is, the question itself is absurd. The Nazis sought to disarm and kill the Jewish population. Their treatment of Jews is, in this sense, orthogonal to their gun-control views. Nevertheless, if forced to take a position, it seems that the Nazis aspired to a certain relaxation of gun registration laws for the "law-abiding German citizen" – for those who were not, in their minds, "enemies of the National Socialist state," in other words, Jews, Communists, etc.

not the average germans

The relaxation was irrelevant since most guns had been taken and were never returned only yhe upper class eiites had any

the common german did not
“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Read the whole thing. Cowardly decisions have locked MPLS into a doom loop because lawlessness was aided and abetted by city attorneys.
Last I heard he was still dead.
Unfortunately for the killer cop, there is a video of him murdering George Floyd. And THAT is the final word.

Everything else is bullshit.

As for pointing a gun at a woman like Herschel Walker did, maybe Trump should have endorsed Floyd for the US Senate!

Unfortunately for the killer cop, there is a video of him murdering George Floyd. And THAT is the final word.

Everything else is bullshit.

As for pointing a gun at a woman like Herschel Walker did, maybe Trump should have endorsed Floyd for the US Senate!

No, the issue is still fentanyl's role in this "suicide-murder," and there hasn't been enough collective IQ to establish whether or not the fentanyl was Chinese that had been superimposed onto an individual already in poor health. Forensics fails preposterously in Floyd's case precisely due to these parameters.
No, the issue is still fentanyl's role in this "suicide-murder," and there hasn't been enough collective IQ to establish whether or not the fentanyl was Chinese that had been superimposed onto an individual already in poor health. Forensics fails preposterously in Floyd's case precisely due to these parameters.
You forgot to include that Jew Soros in your rant. If you want to earn street cred with the Trumptards, you have to include Soros.
You forgot to include that Jew Soros in your rant. If you want to earn street cred with the Trumptards, you have to include Soros.
We call it less a rant and more a reasoning. No problem with us to include Donald (P.T. Barnum) Trump or Soros, which latter lives in the same New York county as the Chappaqua Blue Racer, Hillary Clinton. Do they both shop at the same grocery store?

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