Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

I'm not a bit partisan. Why is it so hard for you to understand what a piece of shit Trump is?

Actually, I'm far less concerned with what type of person Trump is than I am concerned about what he does for the U.S. I will concede that, Trump should never be elected Pope. Trump was the most outspoken and qualified candidate to be CEO of the American economy. He was also the most outspoken about putting the interests of Americans first.

The economy is doing fabulous. We're not at war and Trump is trying to get us out of places like Afghanistan, Syria and Korea. I think there is a lot to like about the Trump era, so far, but all you can do is cry about Trump avoiding Vietnam 50 fucking years ago.

We aren't at war? Trump PROMISED to pull the troops out of the Middle East. What has he done instead? He keeps poking Iran and sending MORE troops BACK to the Middle East.

Trump avoiding Vietnam is just one of MANY shitty things he's done. You just ignore it when people give you a list of all the things he has done, and then try to validate your actions by blaming it all on partisan politics when it is about the PERSON not the PARTY.
Trump did make a mistake with Iran. He should have had John Kerry arrested for violating the Logan Act immediately. Then an investigation as to shitstain obama's involvement. Arrest him too. This whole Iran mess is because of Kerry
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
If you dont like what is going on in the United States, you can always fucking leave. Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise has been opened for you Commies to go and visit. Please leave and leave your passport at the border, because We the People dont want your sorry ass here anymore.

Clinton draft dodger and smoked weed, but didnt inhale, what a waste of money.
Obama did cocaine and smoked dope, dropped more bombs on innocent Muslims than Bush did. Got the NPP. What a waste of a human being.

You say this shit every time. Are you fucking retarded? The whole fucking thing about the United States is the FREEDOM to have your own opinion, and that politicians are voted into office and have limited terms. You need to take a civics class. Did you not learn enough 7th grade history from Trump's speech today?
We had to deal with 8 Years of a 1/2 white faggot who wanted to Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world shithole and we were told to shut up, because elections have consequences. Mueller's report said "No collusion no obstruction" yet you still have your peabrain shoved way up your ass, so now shut the fuck up, because Hitlery lost and President Trump won. Dont like the election results, again move to Cuba, you worthless dickweed.

Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.

That's comical given your last two dem presidents never served. Get some new material, jackwad
I'd prefer an American president who actually HONORS these men over a traitor who "served" and used it as a springboard to politics and wealth.

Winger and Lewpup are imbeciles
They are having a bad day and democrats haven't given them their talking points yet.
They have had nearly 1000 bad days since Shrillary's epic defeat but "Mourning" Joe and Miserable Mika serve them their rage du jour while they eat their sour grapes.

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