Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

So...I understand our Army during the Revolutionary War "took over the airports". That's our donnie! :clap:
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
He didn’t dodge the draft

He fought a heroic battle against heel spurs
And STDs...but he lost that one.
You contribute nothing to any thread you comment in. You're so worthless. No offense.
Sorry to offend the cult members....but STD symptoms explain a great deal about donnie.....did you see or listen to today? STD induced, no doubt.
Honestly? You starve them with sanctions so bad that the only things they can get imported is food and maybe oil, and not let them export a damn thing. Problem is, even with sanctions China and Russia still get caught breaking the rules.

What you don't do however is go for a stroll with him so that he can take the image and go back to his people and tell them that the U.S. is bending its knee to honor his power, and the power of NK. You know that is EXACTLY what happened right?

They've been under sanctions for years and it hasn't resulted in North Korea relinquishing its nukes.

So you don't agree with Trump talking to Jung-un? I don't have a problem with Trump talking to him. Like I said, sometimes you have to talk to and deal with unsavory people. The Iranians are as equally unsavory as North Korea and Obama released $150 billion to them that they are undoubtedly using against us. I presume you had no problem with that.
Honestly? You starve them with sanctions so bad that the only things they can get imported is food and maybe oil, and not let them export a damn thing. Problem is, even with sanctions China and Russia still get caught breaking the rules.

What you don't do however is go for a stroll with him so that he can take the image and go back to his people and tell them that the U.S. is bending its knee to honor his power, and the power of NK. You know that is EXACTLY what happened right?

They've been under sanctions for years and it hasn't resulted in North Korea relinquishing its nukes.

So you don't agree with Trump talking to Jung-un? I don't have a problem with Trump talking to him. Like I said, sometimes you have to talk to and deal with unsavory people. The Iranians are as equally unsavory as North Korea and Obama released $150 billion to them that they are undoubtedly using against us. I presume you had no problem with that.

$150 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the new Middle East policy that Kushner just released this week. Did you read it???

The Sanctions on North Korea haven't been working because like I said, China and Russia aren't following them. Was it a Russian ship full of coal on it's way to port was stopped last week? Here is just an example of what I am talking about.

Russian Port City Exits Lucrative Sanctions-Dodging North Korean Coal Trade
$150 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the new Middle East policy that Kushner just released this week. Did you read it???

The Sanctions on North Korea haven't been working because like I said, China and Russia aren't following them. Was it a Russian ship full of coal on it's way to port was stopped last week? Here is just an example of what I am talking about.

Russian Port City Exits Lucrative Sanctions-Dodging North Korean Coal Trade

Is my understanding correct that you oppose Trump negotiating with North Korea?
Lewdog I have my own ideas on how to handle North Korea, but many would probably view my approach as radical.

I believe that Japan and South Korea should threaten to withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty unless North Korea forfeits their nukes. And if NK refuses to do so, then Japan and South Korea should develop their own nuclear arsenals. Additionally, we should create a military alliance that would include the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Phillipines, Vietnam, India and Australia. An attack on one is an attack on all. And China should be warned that, if NK ever uses a nuke against one of our members, it would be considered an attack by China itself and would require a nuclear response on China.
Lewdog I have my own ideas on how to handle North Korea, but many would probably view my approach as radical.

I believe that Japan and South Korea should threaten to withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty unless North Korea forfeits their nukes. And if NK refuses to do so, then Japan and South Korea should develop their own nuclear arsenals. Additionally, we should create a military alliance that would include the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Phillipines, Vietnam, India and Australia. An attack on one is an attack on all. And China should be warned that, if NK ever uses a nuke against one of our members, it would be considered an attack by China itself and would require a nuclear response on China.

Trump is doing totally the opposite. He's telling Japan and South Korea to handle their own business, and that there is no reason to waste money in joint military exercises... but then waste money for this 4th.

What the U.S. REALLY needs to do is show the world they can destroy about any missile launched in the world with a laser, and then hack their systems to show we can shut down their defense systems, kind of like what was rumored to have happened with Iran.

You don't show your hand, but you need to give just enough of a tell to rattle your opponents. It's what Reagan did in the 80's with Russia that caused them to go broke trying to keep up in the arms race.
Trump is doing totally the opposite. He's telling Japan and South Korea to handle their own business, and that there is no reason to waste money in joint military exercises... but then waste money for this 4th.

So you are opposed to Trump negotiating with North Korea and you're opposed to how Trump is dealing with Japan and South Korea. South Korean President Moon disagrees with you, but what does he know?

By the way, countless American cities and counties spend money on 4th of July celebrations and have been doing so for like, forever. Are you equally as critical of all of them as you are the president for having one in D.C.? And was this the first 4th of July celebration ever done in D.C.?
America needs this -- THIS year


Yeah, from a guy who didn't want to be one when it was his time to show it.

But hey, Vietnam was too far away for him to schedule a visit.
Trump is doing totally the opposite. He's telling Japan and South Korea to handle their own business, and that there is no reason to waste money in joint military exercises... but then waste money for this 4th.

So you are opposed to Trump negotiating with North Korea and you're opposed to how Trump is dealing with Japan and South Korea. South Korean President Moon disagrees with you, but what does he know?

By the way, countless American cities and counties spend money on 4th of July celebrations and have been doing so for like, forever. Are you equally as critical of all of them as you are the president for having one in D.C.? And was this the first 4th of July celebration ever done in D.C.?

They don't waste money to move tanks and other battery vehicles just to use them as props. Come on now. The 4th isn't about tanks, it's about celebrating our freedom from oppression.

Now I have to share this, because it shows how fucking stupid Rep. Steve King is.

Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.

BJ Clinton made a speech?

So? I thought Clinton should have been removed from office.

I swear it is like a doctor hitting you guys in the knee with a hammer. EVERY time you can't defend Trump you bring up someone else that did it.

Just like clockwork.

Defend him from what? You mentioned a draft dodger. The only draft dodger we’ve had was BJ.
They don't waste money to move tanks and other battery vehicles just to use them as props. Come on now. The 4th isn't about tanks, it's about celebrating our freedom from oppression.

Putting some tanks on a train and taking them to D.C. isn't a big deal. I imagine many kids loved getting to see them up close and took pictures with them. The tanks may have inspired some young people to consider serving our country.
Well one good thing was discovered

City officials say that the Trump administration has still not repaid the city for the nearly $7 million it spent to help fund his inauguration in January 2017.

Ouch, good luck with that one

Congress pays for it. Try again

Sorry research stuff before you post

In bureaucratic terms, the costs are shared by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, the Presidential Inaugural Committee, the federal government, and state and LOCAL governments.

Put more simply: Private donors and taxpayers split the bill.

Now what I was referring to is Washington DC which because of the large crowd that is expected for such an event they need to provide extra police officers and other public services. They then submit the bill to the inauguration committees to be be paid. They are saying as of now they haven't been paid.
Well one good thing was discovered

City officials say that the Trump administration has still not repaid the city for the nearly $7 million it spent to help fund his inauguration in January 2017.

Ouch, good luck with that one

Congress pays for it. Try again

Try again that is funny

Well the cost is split between the congressional inauguration committee and Trumps own inauguration committee.

Still what I was referring to is Washington DC has to provide crowd control and other crowd related services for the sudden influx of people. They then submit a bill to the Presidents inauguration committee for reimbursement.

yes they may not have a contract but the private inauguration committee for the president usually pays.

Washington DC government is saying that they sent a bill to Congress and the Trump inauguration committee has not payed up. They are quoting 7 million which is quite a bit for a local government has to pay and they can't even get trump to pay up.
The thing about the annual Memorial day parade is that many of the cities have their own festivities and Washington DC is usually the largest in the country.

The riders for the ride for freedom is going away

Still there are Concerts, National Mall memorial visits
I wonder if trump visited it on July 4th

Arlington National Cemetery visit where people visit and bring flowers and flags

National Memorial day choir

good old American baseball game
The thing about the annual Memorial day parade is that many of the cities have their own festivities and Washington DC is usually the largest in the country.

The riders for the ride for freedom is going away

Still there are Concerts, National Mall memorial visits
I wonder if trump visited it on July 4th

Arlington National Cemetery visit where people visit and bring flowers and flags

National Memorial day choir

good old American baseball game

Have you forgotten? Trump skipped putting out flowers one day because it was raining.

Trump skips ceremony to honor fallen American troops due to rain

BUT he's the President of the troops!
The thing about the annual Memorial day parade is that many of the cities have their own festivities and Washington DC is usually the largest in the country.

The riders for the ride for freedom is going away

Still there are Concerts, National Mall memorial visits
I wonder if trump visited it on July 4th

Arlington National Cemetery visit where people visit and bring flowers and flags

National Memorial day choir

good old American baseball game

Have you forgotten? Trump skipped putting out flowers one day because it was raining.

Trump skips ceremony to honor fallen American troops due to rain

BUT he's the President of the troops!

Hey it was raining and you do not want Trump to have a bad hair day.

Bad hair is an impeachable offense
How many day are the military heralded and do they need one more

February 19, – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday Hey it does exists

March 3, – Navy Reserve Birthday
March 5, Seabee Birthday I guess you got to be there for that one

March 29, – Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day


April 14, – Air Force Reserve Birthday
April 23, – Army Reserve Birthday
April 25, – ANZAC Day (Australia and New Zealand)

National Military Appreciation Month
May 1, – Loyalty Day
May 1, – Silver Star Service Banner Day
May 7, – National Day of Prayer
May 8, – VE (Victory in Europe) Day
May 8, – Military Spouse Appreciation Day

May 16, 2015 – Armed Forces Day
May 25, 2015 – Memorial Day (Decoration Day)

June – Anniversary of the World War II Allied invasion in Normandy, France, know as D-Day
June 14, – Flag Day
June 14, – Army Birthday
June 23, – Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday


July 29, – Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps

August 4, – Coast Guard Birthday
August 7, – Purple Heart Day
August 29, – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday

September 2, – VJ (Victory over Japan) Day
September 7, – Labor Day
September 11, – Patriot Day
September 18, – Air Force Birthday
September 18, – POW/MIA Recognition Day


October 13, – Navy Birthday
October 26, – National Day of the Deployed


November 10, – Marine Corps Birthday
November 11, – Armistice Day (France)
November 11, – Remembrance Day (Britain)
November 11, – Remembrance Day (Canada)
November 11, – Veterans Day

December 1, – Civil Air Patrol (USAF Auxiliary) Birthday
December 7, – Pearl Harbor Day
December 12, – National Wreaths Across America
December 13, – National Guard Birthday

December 31, 2015 – New Year’s Eve
How many day are the military heralded and do they need one more

February 19, – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday Hey it does exists

March 3, – Navy Reserve Birthday
March 5, Seabee Birthday I guess you got to be there for that one

March 29, – Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day


April 14, – Air Force Reserve Birthday
April 23, – Army Reserve Birthday
April 25, – ANZAC Day (Australia and New Zealand)

National Military Appreciation Month
May 1, – Loyalty Day
May 1, – Silver Star Service Banner Day
May 7, – National Day of Prayer
May 8, – VE (Victory in Europe) Day
May 8, – Military Spouse Appreciation Day

May 16, 2015 – Armed Forces Day
May 25, 2015 – Memorial Day (Decoration Day)

June – Anniversary of the World War II Allied invasion in Normandy, France, know as D-Day
June 14, – Flag Day
June 14, – Army Birthday
June 23, – Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday


July 29, – Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps

August 4, – Coast Guard Birthday
August 7, – Purple Heart Day
August 29, – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday

September 2, – VJ (Victory over Japan) Day
September 7, – Labor Day
September 11, – Patriot Day
September 18, – Air Force Birthday
September 18, – POW/MIA Recognition Day


October 13, – Navy Birthday
October 26, – National Day of the Deployed


November 10, – Marine Corps Birthday
November 11, – Armistice Day (France)
November 11, – Remembrance Day (Britain)
November 11, – Remembrance Day (Canada)
November 11, – Veterans Day

December 1, – Civil Air Patrol (USAF Auxiliary) Birthday
December 7, – Pearl Harbor Day
December 12, – National Wreaths Across America
December 13, – National Guard Birthday

December 31, 2015 – New Year’s Eve
New Years Eve? Labor Day? I have no recollection of days off or national celebrations for the rest.

This is part of the butthurt thing I guess.

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