Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

No she didn't. Now look who is believing a lie. Wow. All these years and you are still believing that? Have you been in a cave? All that stuff has been debunked.
When you say "all that stuff has been debunked" to what "stuff" specifically are you referring?
Yeah, I'd like to hear about all the "stuff" too.
How Jane Fonda’s 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the nickname ‘Hanoi Jane’ - The Lily

So you trust the government that made up the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the U.S. into the war over Fonda's words that the U.S. were bombing civilian areas there? :dunno:
So you can't "debunk" what our veterans all said about Fonda? Nice try at changing the subject though.

All the veterans? She only met with 7. She met with them ALONE for an hour. Do more research. The U.S. government got BUSTED for creating an event to get into the war. You think they aren't going to try and demonize her when she tells people that the U.S. is targeting innocent civilians?

Fuck man, why is that so hard to understand and believe? We dropped agent orange on these people that disfigured and created birth defects for several years to come... all in a war that we should have NEVER even been in.
Wow sounds pretty hypocritical. You are ok with people doing whatever it takes to dodge the draft for Vietnam, but you call Jane Fonda a traitor for being against the war. :rolleyes:

Your analogy is non-analogous. I have no problem with those that avoided service in Vietnam and I have no problem with people who expressed their opposition to the war. Going to Hanoi crossed the line.

She not only went there, she visited a POW camp and spat on American soldiers. Then sat behind an anti-aircraft gun and said she wished an American plane would fly over.

No she didn't. Now look who is believing a lie. Wow. All these years and you are still believing that? Have you been in a cave? All that stuff has been debunked.
You can’t be serious. And you claim to support the military. You are truly full of crap.

“Perhaps most dramatically, in March 1973, the Maryland state legislature held a hearing to have Fonda and her films barred from the state. Del. William Burkhead, a Democrat from Anne Arundel, said, “I wouldn’t want to kill her, but I wouldn’t mind if you cut her tongue off,” according to a Post story.”

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Jane Fonda (R) meets with Vice Prime Minister of the North Vietnam government Nguyen Duy Trinh in Hanoi 21 July 1972. (STF/AFP/Getty Images)

American actress and antiwar activist Jane Fonda looks though the scope of an anti-aircraft gun during her tour of the North Vietnamese capital. She arrived July 8 at the invitation of the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity with the American People. (Getty Images)

I've not said a damn thing different than we should stay out of wars. Your strawman fails.

When the Trump era is over, you will criticize Trump for whatever he did or didn't do with regard to ''wars''. I'd call you a shill, but I doubt anyone is paying you to write your nonsensical arguments.

I've been against getting into wars all over this board. You are either blind, have a selective memory, or an idiot.
Lewdog When one is the president, one sometimes has to be cordial to some very unsavory people. I DO think that we should have retaliated against North Korea, in some fashion. However, Trump obviously didn't share my view and chose not to take a course of action that could lead to war.

I'll say it again. Trump could convince Jung-un to give up his nukes, step down from power and reunite Korea under the rule of the south and you would criticize Trump for it.
Lewdog When one is the president, one sometimes has to be cordial to some very unsavory people. I DO think that we should have retaliated against North Korea, in some fashion. However, Trump obviously didn't share my view and chose not to take a course of action that could lead to war.

I'll say it again. Trump could convince Jung-un to give up his nukes, step down from power and reunite Korea under the rule of the south and you would criticize Trump for it.

No I wouldn't... but I sure as fuck am going to say he's a piece of shit for trying to use Otto as a political boost only to then say he believes Kim when he said he had no idea how bad of shape Otto was in and had no idea how he was being punished.

So you are being selective about this once again. This is quite funny, just how partisan YOU are being in this thread.
So you are being selective about this once again. This is quite funny, just how partisan YOU are being in this thread.

Trump could have struck North Korea and be at war with them right now and you'd be criticizing Trump for that too.

The good news for you is that Trump will only be in office for another 5.5 years.
Hey Lewdog, since I answered your Jane Fonda question, how about you answer my question. Do you agree with Susan Rice that Bo Berghdhal served with ''honor and distinction''?
So you are being selective about this once again. This is quite funny, just how partisan YOU are being in this thread.

Trump could have struck North Korea and be at war with them right now and you'd be criticizing Trump for that too.

The good news for you is that Trump will only be in office for another 5.5 years.

You do realize the volume knob isn't just 0 and 10? You've shown in this thread you aren't exactly a genius, but I know you aren't this stupid. When a country KILLS a U.S. citizen for trying to steal a sign off the wall in a hotel, putting him into a hard manual labor camp until he is in a coma and then offer to send him home, only to be brain dead and die, a REAL leader doesn't go out and say that he believes Kim is telling the truth when he says he had NO IDEA what kind of punishment Otto was in and what condition he was in until he was almost dead. Do you believe that?

How the fuck would you feel as Otto's parents to turn on the tv and see Trump say that shit?
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.

Nolte: Report Shows Joe Biden Has Big Vietnam Draft Evasion Problem

Draft Dodging Clinton |



Non-sequitur, Feel free to do a search, I made a thread where I specifically said I WOULD NOT vote for Biden against Trump.

I swear EVERY time someone brings up something negative Trump does, his supporters can not defend him and just try to pick someone else to deflect to.

So if Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue, who are you guys going to use as the fall guy to defend him then?
Hey Lewdog, since I answered your Jane Fonda question, how about you answer my question. Do you agree with Susan Rice that Bo Berghdhal served with ''honor and distinction''?

He lied and abandoned his post. He went AWOL and should be punished for it and get dishonorably discharged. The military these days is VERY sensitive when people say they are having mental problems. This isn't the 60's anymore. If he had gone to the corpsman and told them he was having issues with being there and he could no longer do his job, they could have given him a mental discharge, or transferred him somewhere else where he could get treatment. They don't want guys going fucking nuts and rolling grenades in sleeping tents anymore.
For what it's worth, I disagree with Trump's handling of North Korea. It's been a while, but I have expressed that view here previously.

In any event, I just told you that I felt that Trump should have struck back at North Korea in some form or fashion and not necessarily militarily.

What should Trump have done about the murder of Warmbrier and what should Trump's policy with Jung-un and North Korea be?
Hey Lewdog, since I answered your Jane Fonda question, how about you answer my question. Do you agree with Susan Rice that Bo Berghdhal served with ''honor and distinction''?

He lied and abandoned his post. He went AWOL and should be punished for it and get dishonorably discharged. The military these days is VERY sensitive when people say they are having mental problems. This isn't the 60's anymore. If he had gone to the corpsman and told them he was having issues with being there and he could no longer do his job, they could have given him a mental discharge, or transferred him somewhere else where he could get treatment. They don't want guys going fucking nuts and rolling grenades in sleeping tents anymore.

Well, at least we're finally in agreement on something. Thanks for the response.

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