Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

If that were true, he sure as fuck wouldn't have started with Bannon and eventually turned to John Bolton, a man that would go to war with Sweden over IKEA not taking a return.

Trump could keep us out of war and you will criticize him for it.
Trump could get us into war and you will criticize him for it.
You are a partisan hack.

I've not said a damn thing different than we should stay out of wars. Your strawman fails.
Mr. Khan only responded to Trump's stereotyping of Muslim Americans being terrorists...
Liar. Khan appeared at the Dem Convention and was used by you leftist lying pos to attack Trump. When he responded the msm grabbed it and ran with it, lying, saying "he attacked a gold star family". They conveniently left out the fact that he was RESPONDING to an attack. But you don't support Dems, do you? LOL

He was used? So because he was standing up for his DEAD SOLDIER SON...he was used? Damn man you wouldn't be allowed off the bus to debate your way through an order at Taco Bell.

Do you try to use a fallacy in every post, or are you just that damn stupid?
He wasn't standing up for anybody, he was a partisan hack. Dems always do that shit. They get a fake sympathetic figure to attack Trump, then when he responds, they try to turn the hack into a victim, saying Trump is a meanie. Same thing happened with that dead fuck McCain. McCain attacked Trump, then when Trump responded, every one of you phony shitheads cried "He attacked a hero". Bullshit. You might be able to get your base to cheer you for it but Trump voters know your game and it didn't work out so well for you, did it?

Poor Trump... he's always the victim and is forced to attack back. Jesus you are lost in the clouds.

No one claimed poor Trump. He definitely can hold his own. They’ve called you out on your outrageous faux outrage.
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It's the 4th of July. Was this supposed to be a campaign rally to support Trump like you are asserting? Or was it meant to honor the REAL HEROES?

Jesus you guys are all over the place.
The cost of this useless display of weapons of war so trump can feel powerful like putin or trump's latest heart throb kim jong un, could have been put to better use like feeding the hungry in this country maybe? But then of course, that would be socialism, no?
The cost of this useless display of weapons of war so trump can feel powerful like putin or trump's latest heart throb kim jong un, could have been put to better use like feeding the hungry in this country maybe. But then of course, that would be socialism, no?

Yeah... like that money could have gone in that 9/11 survivors and family funds instead of being wasted to pump Trump's ego.
No she didn't. Now look who is believing a lie. Wow. All these years and you are still believing that? Have you been in a cave? All that stuff has been debunked.
When you say "all that stuff has been debunked" to what "stuff" specifically are you referring?
Yeah, I'd like to hear about all the "stuff" too.
How Jane Fonda’s 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the nickname ‘Hanoi Jane’ - The Lily

So you trust the government that made up the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the U.S. into the war over Fonda's words that the U.S. were bombing civilian areas there? :dunno:
No she didn't. Now look who is believing a lie. Wow. All these years and you are still believing that? Have you been in a cave? All that stuff has been debunked.
When you say "all that stuff has been debunked" to what "stuff" specifically are you referring?
Yeah, I'd like to hear about all the "stuff" too.
How Jane Fonda’s 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the nickname ‘Hanoi Jane’ - The Lily

So you trust the government that made up the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the U.S. into the war over Fonda's words that the U.S. were bombing civilian areas there? :dunno:
So you can't "debunk" what our veterans all said about Fonda? Nice try at changing the subject though.
The cost of this useless display of weapons of war so trump can feel powerful like putin or trump's latest heart throb kim jong un, could have been put to better use like feeding the hungry in this country maybe? But then of course, that would be socialism, no?
Or maybe we could spend some of that "free healthcare for illegals" money to feed the poor in this country?
Wow sounds pretty hypocritical. You are ok with people doing whatever it takes to dodge the draft for Vietnam, but you call Jane Fonda a traitor for being against the war. :rolleyes:

Your analogy is non-analogous. I have no problem with those that avoided service in Vietnam and I have no problem with people who expressed their opposition to the war. Going to Hanoi crossed the line.

She not only went there, she visited a POW camp and spat on American soldiers. Then sat behind an anti-aircraft gun and said she wished an American plane would fly over.

No she didn't. Now look who is believing a lie. Wow. All these years and you are still believing that? Have you been in a cave? All that stuff has been debunked.
You can’t be serious. And you claim to support the military. You are truly full of crap.

“Perhaps most dramatically, in March 1973, the Maryland state legislature held a hearing to have Fonda and her films barred from the state. Del. William Burkhead, a Democrat from Anne Arundel, said, “I wouldn’t want to kill her, but I wouldn’t mind if you cut her tongue off,” according to a Post story.”





Jane Fonda (R) meets with Vice Prime Minister of the North Vietnam government Nguyen Duy Trinh in Hanoi 21 July 1972. (STF/AFP/Getty Images)

American actress and antiwar activist Jane Fonda looks though the scope of an anti-aircraft gun during her tour of the North Vietnamese capital. She arrived July 8 at the invitation of the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity with the American People. (Getty Images)
The cost of this useless display of weapons of war so trump can feel powerful like putin or trump's latest heart throb kim jong un, could have been put to better use like feeding the hungry in this country maybe? But then of course, that would be socialism, no?
--------------------------------- weapons of war and demonstrations of USA Military Superiority are cool and I and millions of Americans like me liked seeing them JFree . I think that todays EVENT is especially good for young American kids JFree .
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The cost of this useless display of weapons of war so trump can feel powerful like putin or trump's latest heart throb kim jong un, could have been put to better use like feeding the hungry in this country maybe? But then of course, that would be socialism, no?

Do you ever not whine like a beta male bitch?
I've not said a damn thing different than we should stay out of wars. Your strawman fails.

When the Trump era is over, you will criticize Trump for whatever he did or didn't do with regard to ''wars''. I'd call you a shill, but I doubt anyone is paying you to write your nonsensical arguments.
No he didnt , he served and sacrificed his life while donny the spoiled brat was banging his nanny.

Senator McCain urged the IRS to target conservative groups in order to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election. That is contrary to our nation's principles and McCain betrayed those principles.
GOD BLESS President Trump!!! he certainly is not ashamed of America's heroes! on the contrary, he is proud and he has no problem letting everybody know it!

America and the world I might add,is proud of President Donald Trump!:clap2:
The cost of this useless display...

I would agree with you if we were in the midst of a recession, but we're not. The economy is doing well and there's nothing wrong with putting on a first-class celebration of our independence in our nation's capitol.

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