Finally A Real Case of Voter Fraud...


Dec 5, 2011
Yes, finally a real honest to god voter has been found to registered in two states for voting purposes.

And guess who it is...

A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

Not only is the person in question A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

He is the Husband of Wyoming Republican Senatorial Candidate Liz Cheney...the daughter of Darth Dick(less) himself.

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

OK all you Anti-Voting Fraud RePugs....this is what you've been waiting for.

Send him jail.....send him prison.....make him pay.

Or maybe because he is a Repug you would just make it go away.
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Yes, finally a real honest to god voter has been found to registered in two states for voting purposes.

And guess who it is...

A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

Not only is the person in question A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

He is the Husband of Wyoming Republican Senatorial Candidate Liz Cheney...the daughter of Darth Dick(less) himself.

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

OK all you Anti-Voting Fraud RePugs....this is what you've been waiting for.

Send him jail.....send him prison.....make him pay.

Or maybe because he is a Repug you would just make it go away.


No fraud. Perry is good to go according to the article you linked to.

“Phil is registered to vote in Wyoming and has notified Virginia that he is registered in Wyoming,” Cheney campaign spokeswoman Brittany Wells said in a two-sentence statement. “He has not voted in Virginia since he registered in Wyoming.”

Wells provided an additional statement on Thursday morning that read: “Phil believed he was no longer registered in VIrginia and did not vote there. When he realized he was still on the Virginia rolls, he immediately corrected that.”

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

No fraud. Perry is good to go according to the article you linked to.

“Phil is registered to vote in Wyoming and has notified Virginia that he is registered in Wyoming,” Cheney campaign spokeswoman Brittany Wells said in a two-sentence statement. “He has not voted in Virginia since he registered in Wyoming.”

Wells provided an additional statement on Thursday morning that read: “Phil believed he was no longer registered in VIrginia and did not vote there. When he realized he was still on the Virginia rolls, he immediately corrected that.”

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

After willfully ignoring the HUNDREDS of reported cases of voter fraud in the last election where hundreds of dead voted in multiply States do you really think the OP cares about facts and reality?

No fraud. Perry is good to go according to the article you linked to.

“Phil is registered to vote in Wyoming and has notified Virginia that he is registered in Wyoming,” Cheney campaign spokeswoman Brittany Wells said in a two-sentence statement. “He has not voted in Virginia since he registered in Wyoming.”

Wells provided an additional statement on Thursday morning that read: “Phil believed he was no longer registered in VIrginia and did not vote there. When he realized he was still on the Virginia rolls, he immediately corrected that.”

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

After willfully ignoring the HUNDREDS of reported cases of voter fraud in the last election where hundreds of dead voted in multiply States do you really think the OP cares about facts and reality?

Yes, finally a real honest to god voter has been found to registered in two states for voting purposes.

And guess who it is...

A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

Not only is the person in question A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

He is the Husband of Wyoming Republican Senatorial Candidate Liz Cheney...the daughter of Darth Dick(less) himself.

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

OK all you Anti-Voting Fraud RePugs....this is what you've been waiting for.

Send him jail.....send him prison.....make him pay.

Or maybe because he is a Repug you would just make it go away.

You honestly think that there has never been a clear case of voter fraud? Why don't we wait and see how THIS case is settled first, then maybe you'll get your answer.

Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008.

Rosen, 57, a Cockeysville businesswoman and Maryland voter, told The Baltimore Sun that she registered to vote in Florida several years ago in order to support a "very close friend" running for the St. Petersburg City Council and to vote on local issues there.

Rosen said she was able to register in Florida because she owned property there.

Asked by The Sun on Monday if she had voted in both states in the same elections, Rosen said she did not remember how she voted. Asked if she had voted twice in the 2008 presidential primaries, she declined to comment "due to possible litigation."

Wendy Rosen drops challenge to Andy Harris after allegations she voted in two states - Baltimore Sun
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And by Link? I am looking for a news organization. Even FOX Saudi propaganda will suffice.

Here's an example:

In Florida, absentee-ballot scandals seem to arrive like clockwork around election time. Before this year’s primary, for example, a woman in Hialeah was charged with forging an elderly voter’s signature, a felony, and possessing 31 completed absentee ballots, 29 more than allowed under a local law.

The flaws of absentee voting raise questions about the most elementary promises of democracy. “The right to have one’s vote counted is as important as the act of voting itself,” Justice Paul H. Anderson of the Minnesota Supreme Court wrote while considering disputed absentee ballots in the close 2008 Senate election between Al Franken and Norm Coleman.

Voting by mail is now common enough and problematic enough that election experts say there have been multiple elections in which no one can say with confidence which candidate was the deserved winner. The list includes the 2000 presidential election, in which problems with absentee ballots in Florida were a little-noticed footnote to other issues.

Yet you folks are loathe to do away with absentee ballots.
Yes, finally a real honest to god voter has been found to registered in two states for voting purposes.

And guess who it is...

A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

Not only is the person in question A Republican....A Republican....A Republican....A Republican.

He is the Husband of Wyoming Republican Senatorial Candidate Liz Cheney...the daughter of Darth Dick(less) himself.

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

OK all you Anti-Voting Fraud RePugs....this is what you've been waiting for.

Send him jail.....send him prison.....make him pay.

Or maybe because he is a Repug you would just make it go away.

Liz Cheney found someone who would marry her?

No fraud. Perry is good to go according to the article you linked to.

“Phil is registered to vote in Wyoming and has notified Virginia that he is registered in Wyoming,” Cheney campaign spokeswoman Brittany Wells said in a two-sentence statement. “He has not voted in Virginia since he registered in Wyoming.”

Wells provided an additional statement on Thursday morning that read: “Phil believed he was no longer registered in VIrginia and did not vote there. When he realized he was still on the Virginia rolls, he immediately corrected that.”

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney husband Phil Perry on vote rolls in 2 states - James Hohmann -

After willfully ignoring the HUNDREDS of reported cases of voter fraud in the last election where hundreds of dead voted in multiply States do you really think the OP cares about facts and reality?

How many were PROSECUTED? "Reported"? Bahahahhaaha.....Here you go. I've saved you some face:

Voter ID laws: A state-by-state map reveals how much voter fraud there is in the United States?almost none.

Considering that it literally amounts to around 200+/- ALLEGATIONS of voter fraud, one thing is for sure if we're doing numbers:

At Least 9,900 People Have Died From Guns In The U.S. Since The Newtown Shooting: Slate
At Least 9,900 People Have Died From Guns In The U.S. Since The Newtown Shooting: Slate

Somebody try to register to vote in two states? By god, there has got to be an act of Congress to stop it!!!! Almost 10,000 more people have died from guns in just the last year? NO big fucking deal.
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as he never voted in both states, there is no voter fraud

where are the honest liberals on this board?
When anyone votes twice, they need to be investigated and sent to jail and fined if they deliberately committed fraud.

The problem is that the only voter fraud that is discovered involves people voting twice because it's on record.

The real voter fraud goes undetected because no one is looking in the right place. Only about 29% of eligible voters even bother to show up at the polls. This means the vast majority of ballots at the polling places won't get used. When you saw over 100% of voters showing up and voting for Obama in Ohio and other places, you get an idea of what is happening with those unused ballots.

Dishonest poll workers merely fill out ballots they know won't get used and they keep count and check off the correct number of names in the registration book. The votes all would appear to be legit because the ballots belonged to names on the voter registration. The only way to find out if dishonest people were cheating would be to call all the people on the list and ask if they voted or not. It would also be helpful to know how many are even still alive. No one will do that, so all votes will be considered valid without any verification.

Who is stupid enough to cheat in a way that would be easy to catch? ACORN workers were caught turning in fake registrations. Some people have been caught voting twice because they vote using their own name. The real cheating, in big numbers, is done by poll workers or those counting the votes. They aren't letting all those unused ballots go to waste. Now that would explain why some Dems are fighting against states who want to update voter rolls, delete people who moved or died and make sure those legal voters have updated information. It would likely mean many names being removed and those who didn't care about voting would likely not re-register. That would take away all the extra ballots used in cheating.

It has nothing to do with voter suppression. It has everything to do with cheater suppression. No wonder the Dems don't want accurate information on the rolls.
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