Finally, A Win For Anti-Gay Marriage Republicans

The Tennessee House of Representatives has passed a bill that would allow people to refuse to perform a marriage if they disagree with it. The bill, which now moves to the state Senate, is the latest in an onslaught of measures that the Tennessee legislature has passed attacking LGBTQ rights. This bill could also apply to couples where at least one partner is transgender, or to mixed race couples.

Tennessee law already says that religious leaders do not have to officiate weddings they object to. Critics say the new bill goes beyond that and would empower county clerks to refuse to certify marriage licenses, meaning that LGBTQ, interfaith, or interracial couples could be unable to get married at all, rather than just needing to find a new officiant for their ceremony."

Finally, Republicans fight back against this travesty and they do it in a brilliant way. They didn't just allow for officials to deny marriage based on religious beliefs, but also because of a "person’s conscience". That way, if seeing a darkie marry a pure white woman goes against your conscience; you don't have to pretend its for religious reasons - since that would be harder to get away with. Plus, until we overturn the evil liberal legal opinion of Loving vs Virginia, we have to accept it.

And before you go there, No, nobody is going to prevent interracial marriage, so relax. Yea, I know folks were saying just last year that nobody was going to come after gay marriage, but that's different. Society for the most part has learned to get over darkies being able to marry out of their league; but under no circumstances are we going to normalize gays getting married. I have no idea why the House GOP hasn't proposed a bill like this at the national level yet. Who is to stop a couple of fags from going to an evil state where gay marriage is allowed -- then returning back to Tennessee and forcing people there to recognize their unholy union and possibly turning them gay too?
I have no problem with clergy being able to refuse to perform a ceremony to solemnize a marriage. The problem as far as I am concerned is in Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 36-3-301, as to who can solemnize. That problem being county clerk's ability to refuse to solemnize. Refusal by county clerk to conduct the ceremony, I have no problem with, but refusal to file a license returned within 30 days of the ceremony would be a different matter, in my opinion. In this case, the clerk acts as a designated clerk, to receive transmit a completed legal document at a county seat to appropriate records within the state of Tennessee. It is unclear by the legislation whether that is the case. A reading of the bill and the Tennessee Code Annotated is anything but clear, as to if that is what is being said, that a county clerk has the right and authority to refuse to receive and transmit the record, for the record. As is par for the course, the house left ambiguity to be argued on either side, if a rogue county clerk decides there will be no marriages, he morally objects to recorded in that clerk's county.
I like the idea

Let your government employees refuse service to marriages they find “yucky”

Gay Marriage
Interracial Marriage
Interfaith Marriages
Pregnant Brides
Ugly Brides
This is America under Republican Rule.
I think that maybe government should just get out of the marriage industry. Why do you need a government license to be married. I always found that strange.

The Tennessee House of Representatives has passed a bill that would allow people to refuse to perform a marriage if they disagree with it. The bill, which now moves to the state Senate, is the latest in an onslaught of measures that the Tennessee legislature has passed attacking LGBTQ rights. This bill could also apply to couples where at least one partner is transgender, or to mixed race couples.

Tennessee law already says that religious leaders do not have to officiate weddings they object to. Critics say the new bill goes beyond that and would empower county clerks to refuse to certify marriage licenses, meaning that LGBTQ, interfaith, or interracial couples could be unable to get married at all, rather than just needing to find a new officiant for their ceremony."

Finally, Republicans fight back against this travesty and they do it in a brilliant way. They didn't just allow for officials to deny marriage based on religious beliefs, but also because of a "person’s conscience". That way, if seeing a darkie marry a pure white woman goes against your conscience; you don't have to pretend its for religious reasons - since that would be harder to get away with. Plus, until we overturn the evil liberal legal opinion of Loving vs Virginia, we have to accept it.

And before you go there, No, nobody is going to prevent interracial marriage, so relax. Yea, I know folks were saying just last year that nobody was going to come after gay marriage, but that's different. Society for the most part has learned to get over darkies being able to marry out of their league; but under no circumstances are we going to normalize gays getting married. I have no idea why the House GOP hasn't proposed a bill like this at the national level yet. Who is to stop a couple of fags from going to an evil state where gay marriage is allowed -- then returning back to Tennessee and forcing people there to recognize their unholy union and possibly turning them gay too?

so an atheist can refuse to perform a marriage for christians?
Finally, Republicans fight back against this travesty and they do it in a brilliant way. They didn't just allow for officials to deny marriage based on religious beliefs, but also because of a "person’s conscience". That way, if seeing a darkie marry a pure white woman goes against your conscience; you don't have to pretend its for religious reasons - since that would be harder to get away with. Plus, until we overturn the evil liberal legal opinion of Loving vs Virginia, we have to accept it.
Good luck getting Clarence Thomas or Katanji Brown Jackson to overturn Loving v Virginia.
I think that maybe government should just get out of the marriage industry. Why do you need a government license to be married. I always found that strange.
Hint: It has a lot to do w/property rights, end-of-life affairs, custody and an array of other issues involved in the process of life.

Snap out of your stupor.
I have no issue with the private sector refusing to preform marriages, however the government has no right to refuse a marriage certificate or perform a marriage.
I think that maybe government should just get out of the marriage industry. Why do you need a government license to be married. I always found that strange.
The recording is for legalities, benefits and contractual obligations of the parties to each other as well as business and government entities. This included insurance, property, tax status of parties involved. I don't remember if it was in what I posted, but in my state, it sounds like anybody and everybody, (just about) can perform the ceremony, mentioning everybody from clergy, to clerks, mayors, spearkers and past speakers of the House, Governors, etc, mentioning everybody but the captains of ships at sea, of course Tennessee is pretty well landlocked.
Hint: It has a lot to do w/property rights, end-of-life affairs, custody and an array of other issues involved in the process of life.

Snap out of your stupor.
And all of the stuff still applies without getting a license from the government. Think before you post retard.
I like the idea

Let your government employees refuse service to marriages they find “yucky”

Gay Marriage
Interracial Marriage
Interfaith Marriages
Pregnant Brides
Ugly Brides
You left out men marrying somebody half his age.

Or an American citizen marrying a foreigner..
The recording is for legalities, benefits and contractual obligations of the parties to each other as well as business and government entities. This included insurance, property, tax status of parties involved. I don't remember if it was in what I posted, but in my state, it sounds like anybody and everybody, (just about) can perform the ceremony, mentioning everybody from clergy, to clerks, mayors, spearkers and past speakers of the House, Governors, etc, mentioning everybody but the captains of ships at sea, of course Tennessee is pretty well landlocked.
You can still record the marriage without getting a license. If you want to record the marriage in the County Recorder's office send a cert signed by whoever presided over the marriage ceremony.
so an atheist can refuse to perform a marriage for christians?
Or vice vesa, depending on action of the Senate and the Governor. The problem is whether county clerks can refuse to file the completed license returned.
Anyone who is against interracial marriage is evil. Any person in the past who was against interracial marriage was also. Idiots and losers they are and were.
We're for freedom.....buuuuuuut, well only according to what want. Hypocritic much?
Where did you get the idea that Republicans are against interracial marriage, or that its even an issue in the GOP?

Its the D's who hate Justice Thomas' honky bride and the oriental chick that Sen. McConnell married, not the Republicans.
Because the main ones who always whined about interracial marriage (and gay marriage) are "CONSERVATIVES" -- the fact that Clarence Thomas was able to marry interracially -- ONLY 20 YEARS AFTER IT WAS ILLEGAL -- doesn't change the fact "CONSERVATIVES" were the ones who made it illegal and fought to keep it illegal in the first place......

In fact, still to this day, Conservatives are still finding ways to weaken the 14th amendment....the very amendment they were violating when they made interracial marriage illegal...So where did you get the idea that "Conservatives" were not against it?
You can still record the marriage without getting a license. If you want to record the marriage in the County Recorder's office send a cert signed by whoever presided over the marriage ceremony.
The ambiguity is whether that recording by County Clerk is part of "solemnizing" the ceremony under TN State code annotated, and if the County Clerk is required to record the document.
Some of those people are the govt, dumbass.
County clerks, mayors, etc
Yes. Read the actual proposed bill. It does appear to include them. So a clerk could refuse to marry anyone they want based on their "religious" belief or conscience. However, it doesn't appear to impact licenses. So a Clerk doesn't have to marry you, but can't get out of the license requirement. You have to get another officially approved to perform the ceremony or go to a different clerk.

Proposed exemption:
(m) A person shall not be required to solemnize a marriage if the person has an objection to solemnizing the marriage based on the person's conscience or religious beliefs

Code being modified

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 36 - Domestic Relations

Chapter 3 - Marriage

Part 3 - Ceremony

§ 36-3-301. Persons Who May Solemnize Marriages

Universal Citation: TN Code § 36-3-301 (2021)

    1. All regular ministers, preachers, pastors, priests, rabbis and other spiritual leaders of every religious belief, more than eighteen (18) years of age, having the care of souls, and all members of the county legislative bodies, county mayors, judges, chancellors, former chancellors and former judges of this state, former county executives or county mayors of this state, former members of quarterly county courts or county commissions, the governor, the speaker of the senate and former speakers of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and former speakers of the house of representatives, members of the general assembly who have filed notice pursuant to subsection (l ), law enforcement chaplains duly appointed by the heads of authorized state and local law enforcement agencies, members of the legislative body of any municipality in this state, the county clerk of each county, former county clerks of this state who occupied the office of county clerk on or after July 1, 2014, and the mayor of any municipality in the state may solemnize the rite of matrimony. For the purposes of this section, the several judges of the United States courts, including United States magistrates, United States bankruptcy judges, and federal administrative law judges, who are citizens of Tennessee are deemed to be judges of this state. The amendments to this section by Acts 1987, ch. 336, which applied provisions of this section to certain former judges, do not apply to any judge who has been convicted of a felony or who has been removed from office.
    2. In order to solemnize the rite of matrimony, any such minister, preacher, pastor, priest, rabbi or other spiritual leader must be ordained or otherwise designated in conformity with the customs of a church, temple or other religious group or organization; and such customs must provide for such ordination or designation by a considered, deliberate, and responsible act. Persons receiving online ordinations may not solemnize the rite of matrimony.
    3. If a marriage has been entered into by license issued pursuant to this chapter at which any minister officiated before July 1, 2019, the marriage must not be invalid because the requirements of the preceding subdivision (a)(2) have not been met.
  1. The traditional marriage rite of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), whereby the parties simply pledge their vows one to another in the presence of the congregation, constitutes an equally effective solemnization.
  2. Any gratuity received by a county mayor, county clerk, members of the county legislative body, or municipal mayor for the solemnization of a marriage, whether performed during or after such person's regular working hours, shall be retained by such person as personal remuneration for such services, in addition to any other sources of compensation such person might receive, and such gratuity shall not be paid into the county general fund or the treasury of such municipality.
  3. If any marriage has been entered into by license regularly issued at which a county mayor officiated prior to April 24, 1981, such marriage shall be valid and is hereby declared to be in full compliance with the laws of this state.
  4. For the purposes of this section, “retired judges of this state” is construed to include persons who served as judges of any municipal or county court in any county that has adopted a metropolitan form of government and persons who served as county judges (judges of the quarterly county court) prior to the 1978 constitutional amendments.
  5. If any marriage has been entered into by license regularly issued at which a retired judge of this state officiated prior to April 13, 1984, such marriage shall be valid and is hereby declared to be in full compliance with the laws of this state.
  6. If any marriage has been entered into by license issued pursuant to this chapter at which a judicial commissioner officiated prior to March 28, 1991, such marriage is valid and is declared to be in full compliance with the laws of this state.
  7. The judge of the general sessions court of any county, and any former judge of any general sessions court, may solemnize the rite of matrimony in any county of this state. Any marriage performed by any judge of the general sessions court in any county of this state before March 16, 1994, shall be valid and declared to be in full compliance with the laws of this state.
  8. All elected officials and former officials, who are authorized to solemnize the rite of matrimony pursuant to subsection (a), may solemnize the rite of matrimony in any county of this state.
  9. If any marriage has been entered into by license issued pursuant to this chapter at which a county mayor officiated outside such mayor's county prior to May 29, 1997, such marriage is valid and is declared to be in full compliance with the laws of this state.
  10. The judge of the municipal court of any municipality, whether elected or appointed, shall have the authority to solemnize the rite of matrimony in any county of the state.
  11. In order to solemnize the rite of matrimony pursuant to subdivision (a)(1), a member of the general assembly must first opt in by filing notice of the member's intention to solemnize the rite of matrimony with the office of vital records.
However, it does not appear to impact the whole license part of it:

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 36 - Domestic Relations

Chapter 3 - Marriage

Part 3 - Ceremony

§ 36-3-303. Return of License to Clerk — Penalty for Failure to Return — Society of Friends

Universal Citation: TN Code § 36-3-303 (2021)
  1. One authorized by § 36-3-301 who solemnizes the rite of matrimony shall endorse on the license the fact and time of the marriage, and sign the license, and return it to the county clerk within three (3) days from the date of marriage. Every person who fails to make such return of the license commits a Class C misdemeanor.
  2. The functions, duties and liabilities of the party solemnizing marriage as set forth in this part shall, in the case of marriages solemnized among the Religious Society of Friends, be incumbent upon the clerk of the congregation, or in the clerk's absence, the clerk's duly designated alternate.

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