Finally it's said: Iran's Nuclear program is George W. Bush's fault


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013

How Bush Let Iran Go Nuclear

After 9/11, the United States was determined to strike back, destroy terrorist sanctuaries and display its imperial might. President George W. Bush chose to do all of this in Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan may have been a mistake, but it was an understandable one: Al Qaeda enjoyed the Taliban’s support and had found refuge in Taliban-controlled territory. But invading Iraq was an incomprehensible mistake, as there were no links between Saddam Hussein and the 19 terrorists who attacked New York and Washington in September 2001.

If Mr. Bush had decided to display American leadership and exercise American power by launching a diplomatic campaign against Iran rather than a military one against Iraq 10 years ago, the United States’ international standing would be far greater today.

It's about time someone said it.

Conservatives, you blew America's wad in Iraq, and now the American people just aren't up for the kind of aggression needed to stop the Iranian nuclear program. If there had been no Iraq War, then the American people would be more willing to support the military actions that can truly stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. You have only yourselves to blame.
What a moron you are, is it Bush's fault that you aren't very intelllgent?
A lot of things were Bush's fault. Now most of them are Obama's and the Democrats fault for barely lifting a finger to fix any of them.
Iraq's about to end refining weapons grade uranium,hater dupes...Started when Boooosh scared the heck out of them. Idiot.

C'mon, this isn't tough to get at all.

Iran's nuclear program is Bush's fault.

The author I linked to isn't some lefto-pinky type. He's quite aggressive in what he'd like America and Israel to do.

He just understands that Americans are sick of the war in the middle east, and would rather put up with Iranian nukes than fight another war. The author knows that this is because of the failed Iraq War.

C'mon, this isn't tough to get at all.

Iran's nuclear program is Bush's fault.

The author I linked to isn't some lefto-pinky type. He's quite aggressive in what he'd like America and Israel to do.

He just understands that Americans are sick of the war in the middle east, and would rather put up with Iranian nukes than fight another war. The author knows that this is because of the failed Iraq War.

Of course it's Bush's fault. Just like the crucifixion of Jesus was. I'm down with the cause bro
Democrats voted for Bush's use of combat Troops in Iraq. 58% of democrat senators and 40% of democrats voted for the resolution. What was the party vote for Americans in Korea? There was no vote and Americans lost ten times the casualties in three years of Korea. Harry Truman was a popular (with the media at least) democrat so there was never any second guessing. Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with UN resolutions and the nuclear technology disappeared after the invasion. Suddenly Iran became a nuclear power. Even the CIA should be able to figure that one out.
Democrats voted for Bush's use of combat Troops in Iraq. 58% of democrat senators and 40% of democrats voted for the resolution. What was the party vote for Americans in Korea? There was no vote and Americans lost ten times the casualties in three years of Korea. Harry Truman was a popular (with the media at least) democrat so there was never any second guessing. Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with UN resolutions and the nuclear technology disappeared after the invasion. Suddenly Iran became a nuclear power. Even the CIA should be able to figure that one out.

I don't care that many elected Democrats made the mistake of supporting the Iraq War. They changed their mind about it once it became obvious that it Dumbya was in over his head and it turned into a blood-soaked clusterf___. In the 2004 election the GOP proudly taking ownership of the Iraq War. By 2006, the GOP wasn't so proud anymore. The failed and flopped Iraq War was and still is the GOP's baby.

How Bush Let Iran Go Nuclear

After 9/11, the United States was determined to strike back, destroy terrorist sanctuaries and display its imperial might. President George W. Bush chose to do all of this in Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan may have been a mistake, but it was an understandable one: Al Qaeda enjoyed the Taliban’s support and had found refuge in Taliban-controlled territory. But invading Iraq was an incomprehensible mistake, as there were no links between Saddam Hussein and the 19 terrorists who attacked New York and Washington in September 2001.

If Mr. Bush had decided to display American leadership and exercise American power by launching a diplomatic campaign against Iran rather than a military one against Iraq 10 years ago, the United States’ international standing would be far greater today.

It's about time someone said it.

Conservatives, you blew America's wad in Iraq, and now the American people just aren't up for the kind of aggression needed to stop the Iranian nuclear program. If there had been no Iraq War, then the American people would be more willing to support the military actions that can truly stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. You have only yourselves to blame.
VelveetaCheese? When are you ever going to admit you're a partisan DUPE?

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