Finally the GOP gets it right with Ryan. It was always Romney s to lose


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
The very event this country needed has occurred.
Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)
Paul Ryan is smart
he understands the economy
he understands what this country needs
He works hard

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe
I remember 4 years ago when Palin was being cheered right after her selection. I don't know if Ryan is as loony as she is, but don't worry your enthusiasm over the new guy will fade when you see the tarnish. There is no doubt the choice will lead to a temporary confidence in Romney, but that is just infatuation with the new guy, and everyone knows infatuation is fleeting at best.
I know everything is against Obama in the upcoming election. He can't run on his record, the unemployment is still above 8% and has been his whole term, his unfavorables are up by 16 %, no encumbent has been elected with the high unfavorables and the mood of the c ountry so low....but we just can't take this election for granted.

There are too many people that don't want spending cuts, they want the gravy train even if the country can't sustain it. The want the successful to pay through the nose until their businesses suffer and they lay off workers and the country takes a nose dive. People don't seem to understand.

That's why we have to talk to our friends and neighbors about what is going on. We, on the messageboards do know what is up. People in the mainstream of life really aren't paying attention. We have to do our part. If each of us make a point and inform three or four of our friends of what is coming down the pike, maybe it will make a difference. We can only hope.
The very event this country needed has occurred.
Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)
Paul Ryan is smart
he understands the economy
he understands what this country needs
He works hard

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

Yeah Ryan's voting record will fare well. :)
...does the Paul Ryan VP choice change your mind on Romney at all? I am still voting for Johnson I think due to the lack of catering to my beliefs. Unless Romney announces if elected he will appoint ron paul as treasury secretary the chances of me voting for him are zero.

Furthermore, will you be writing in ron paul or voting for gary johnson? Since Johnson is not quite as libertarian as ron paul (and his ideas on border security are a bit too lax imo) but he is actually on the list of runners, I will probably just vote for him instead of writing in ron paul. What are your thoughts?
Nope, nothing about this guy changes anything for me. Here is why -
Paul Ryan on Bailouts and Government Stimuli
-Voted YES on TARP (2008)
-Voted YES on Economic Stimulus HR 5140 (2008)
-Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
-Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)

Paul Ryan on Entitlement Programs
-Voted YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. (Nov 2003)
-Voted YES on providing $70 million for Section 8 Housing vouchers. (Jun 2006)
-Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. (Oct 2008)
-Voted YES on Head Start Act (2007)

Paul Ryan on Education
Rep. Ryan went along with the Bush Administration in supporting more federal involvement in education. This is contrary to the traditional Republican position, which included support for abolition of the Department of Education and decreasing federal involvement in education.
-Voted YES on No Child Left Behind Act (2001)

Paul Ryan on Civil Liberties
-Voted YES on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists. (Feb 2005)
-Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
-Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)

Paul Ryan on War and Intervention Abroad
-Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq. (Oct 2002)
-Voted YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Apr 2003)
-Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date. (Jun 2006)
-Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days. (May 2007)

Congressman Ryan supports the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, federal bailouts, increased federal involvement in education, unconstitutional and undeclared wars, Medicare Part D (a multi trillion dollar unfunded liability), stimulus spending, and foreign aid.

According to Michelle Malkin in 2009, “[Paul Ryan] gave one of the most hysterical speeches in the rush to pass TARP last fall; voted for the auto bailout; and voted with the Barney Frank-Nancy Pelosi AIG bonus-bashing stampede. Milwaukee blogger Nick Schweitzer wrote: ‘He ought to be apologizing for his previous votes, not pretending he was being responsible the entire time, but I don’t see one bit of regret for what he did previously. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him get away with it’.”

Source: Republican Liberty Caucus of Wisconsin
I remember 4 years ago when Palin was being cheered right after her selection. I don't know if Ryan is as loony as she is, but don't worry your enthusiasm over the new guy will fade when you see the tarnish. There is no doubt the choice will lead to a temporary confidence in Romney, but that is just infatuation with the new guy, and everyone knows infatuation is fleeting at best.

4 years ago?
we had just had 30 years of prosperity
20 years of a GOP president
until 07 we had a GOP congress (except 01-02) from 1994
in 2007, the last GOP budget we had a 162 billion dollar deficit

No-one denies that BHO was handed a mess. The problem is he has made it much worse
The Govt did not create the wealth bubble
The private sector did

Obama has taken advantage of it, grew the National budget by 700 billion
he has no been candid about real job growth
this election has always been Romney's to lose and to date, he was doing just that

well at the end of the day picking Ryan was the one event that he needed
his speech In Va. today was by far his best
The very event this country needed has occurred.
Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)
Paul Ryan is smart
he understands the economy
he understands what this country needs
He works hard

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

Yeah Ryan's voting record will fare well. :)
Nope, nothing about this guy changes anything for me. Here is why -
Paul Ryan on Bailouts and Government Stimuli
-Voted YES on TARP (2008)
-Voted YES on Economic Stimulus HR 5140 (2008)
-Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
-Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)

Paul Ryan on Entitlement Programs
-Voted YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. (Nov 2003)
-Voted YES on providing $70 million for Section 8 Housing vouchers. (Jun 2006)
-Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. (Oct 2008)
-Voted YES on Head Start Act (2007)

Paul Ryan on Education
Rep. Ryan went along with the Bush Administration in supporting more federal involvement in education. This is contrary to the traditional Republican position, which included support for abolition of the Department of Education and decreasing federal involvement in education.
-Voted YES on No Child Left Behind Act (2001)

Paul Ryan on Civil Liberties
-Voted YES on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists. (Feb 2005)
-Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
-Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)

Paul Ryan on War and Intervention Abroad
-Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq. (Oct 2002)
-Voted YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Apr 2003)
-Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date. (Jun 2006)
-Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days. (May 2007)

Congressman Ryan supports the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, federal bailouts, increased federal involvement in education, unconstitutional and undeclared wars, Medicare Part D (a multi trillion dollar unfunded liability), stimulus spending, and foreign aid.

According to Michelle Malkin in 2009, “[Paul Ryan] gave one of the most hysterical speeches in the rush to pass TARP last fall; voted for the auto bailout; and voted with the Barney Frank-Nancy Pelosi AIG bonus-bashing stampede. Milwaukee blogger Nick Schweitzer wrote: ‘He ought to be apologizing for his previous votes, not pretending he was being responsible the entire time, but I don’t see one bit of regret for what he did previously. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him get away with it’.”

Source: Republican Liberty Caucus of Wisconsin

Looks like to me his voting record is different than present
let me add that Tarp saved the world. Except for GM we got most of our money back and millions who had 401ks did not lose every thing
Tarp and the bailout are 2 very different items as well as supporting wars we had no choice in fighting

One mans opinion means nothing and MB is sort of a radical if you ask me. Her not liking Ryan will be a plus
His budget proposal makes allot of sense and all conservatives I know support it

much better than Obamas and Bidens
they, like the Liberals that have taken the Democratic party over dont have one
there using the inflated and un-called for 09 budget that BHO added 500 billion to as there baseline
Ryans budget un-does it
I remember 4 years ago when Palin was being cheered right after her selection. I don't know if Ryan is as loony as she is, but don't worry your enthusiasm over the new guy will fade when you see the tarnish. There is no doubt the choice will lead to a temporary confidence in Romney, but that is just infatuation with the new guy, and everyone knows infatuation is fleeting at best.

He's no new guy honey. He is a 7 Time Congress Person, and a true Leader in the GOP and Conservative movements. Not some Dip Shit Governor From Alaska picked just because she was a Woman in attempt to attract the Hillary Vote.

The only real bad thing I have to say about this Pick, is I don't think it's a great Idea to Pick someone who is more Qualified than you, and I think as the Election plays out it's going to become painfully obvious that Ryan is a Better Leader, Campaigner, and Potential President than Romney is.

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The very event this country needed has occurred.
Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)
Paul Ryan is smart
he understands the economy
he understands what this country needs
He works hard

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

Yeah Ryan's voting record will fare well. :)
Nope, nothing about this guy changes anything for me. Here is why -

Looks like to me his voting record is different than present
let me add that Tarp saved the world. Except for GM we got most of our money back and millions who had 401ks did not lose every thing
Tarp and the bailout are 2 very different items as well as supporting wars we had no choice in fighting

One mans opinion means nothing and MB is sort of a radical if you ask me. Her not liking Ryan will be a plus
His budget proposal makes allot of sense and all conservatives I know support it

much better than Obamas and Bidens
they, like the Liberals that have taken the Democratic party over dont have one
there using the inflated and un-called for 09 budget that BHO added 500 billion to as there baseline
Ryans budget un-does it

Funny Liberals telling us Ryan is a bad pick because he supported such Horrible things as Extending Unemployment, and Tarp. I thought they wanted people to be Compassionate and do the right thing.
I remember 4 years ago when Palin was being cheered right after her selection. I don't know if Ryan is as loony as she is, but don't worry your enthusiasm over the new guy will fade when you see the tarnish. There is no doubt the choice will lead to a temporary confidence in Romney, but that is just infatuation with the new guy, and everyone knows infatuation is fleeting at best.

He's no new guy honey. He is a 7 Time Congress Person, and a true Leader in the GOP and Conservative movements. Not some Dip Shit Governor From Alaska picked just because she was a Woman in attempt to attract the Hillary Vote.

The only real bad thing I have to say about this Pick, is I don't think it's a great Idea to Pick someone who is more Qualified than you, and I think as the Election plays out it's going to become painfully obvious that Ryan is a Better Leader, Campaigner, and Potential President than Romney is.


exactly what I thought
Ryan is looking for the 2020 white house
this fight is over
Romney could have not picked a better running mate in my opinion
Yeah Ryan's voting record will fare well. :)

Looks like to me his voting record is different than present
let me add that Tarp saved the world. Except for GM we got most of our money back and millions who had 401ks did not lose every thing
Tarp and the bailout are 2 very different items as well as supporting wars we had no choice in fighting

One mans opinion means nothing and MB is sort of a radical if you ask me. Her not liking Ryan will be a plus
His budget proposal makes allot of sense and all conservatives I know support it

much better than Obamas and Bidens
they, like the Liberals that have taken the Democratic party over dont have one
there using the inflated and un-called for 09 budget that BHO added 500 billion to as there baseline
Ryans budget un-does it

Funny Liberals telling us Ryan is a bad pick because he supported such Horrible things as Extending Unemployment, and Tarp. I thought they wanted people to be Compassionate and do the right thing.

kind of funny huh?
supports health care for elders as GWB did (whats unfunded mean?, where is it written that the deficit came from helping the elderly and those who cannot help them selves?)

The UE extension for the most part is covered with UE Ins
we spent 80 billion for the UAW and that is way more than GWB spent in 03 and we did in 09 helping those who earned the help we gave them
He's not as loony as $arah but he IS one of those who voted away the Dem/Clinton surplus.

If elected, Norquist/Rove will finish the job.

Or, so he/they have promised.
The very event this country needed has occurred.

Yes, the re-election of the president.

Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)

And he’s continuing to do so with this VP selection.

Paul Ryan is smart

Perhaps in the context of conservative ideology.

he understands the economy

He understands rightist economic dogma.

he understands what this country needs

Clearly not, if his failed budget proposal is any indication.

He works hard

Admirable, but irrelevant with regard to this election.

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Believing is one thing, reality is another.
Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

Tomorrow, go back to believing Romney is done.

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

Pander to, and appeasement of, the radical right.
God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

They are numbered only to the extent of the 22nd Amendment. Romney may be president one day, but it won’t be in 2013.
Ryan comes off as an extremely calculating and cold individual and frankly too much like Romney to balance the ticket so to speak. He does nothing to broaden support, rather he narrows it considerably. I do not care much for polls but it will soon become apparent that this pick does nothing positive for the campaign, except perhaps to bring in more cash from his Wall Street buddies.
The very event this country needed has occurred.

Yes, the re-election of the president.

Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)

And he’s continuing to do so with this VP selection.

Perhaps in the context of conservative ideology.

He understands rightist economic dogma.

Clearly not, if his failed budget proposal is any indication.

Admirable, but irrelevant with regard to this election.

Believing is one thing, reality is another.

Tomorrow, go back to believing Romney is done.

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

Pander to, and appeasement of, the radical right.
God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

They are numbered only to the extent of the 22nd Amendment. Romney may be president one day, but it won’t be in 2013.

Reading a liberals response shows the level of denial they are in

Why don't you try and explain to us why this country needs 4 more years of this?

We explain to you why we do not, facts and in rebuttle you offer nothing.
Your thread said nothing and shows exactly why Obama loses

Why would you want 4 more years of this?
He's not as loony as $arah but he IS one of those who voted away the Dem/Clinton surplus.

If elected, Norquist/Rove will finish the job.

Or, so he/they have promised.

what surplus?
you talking about the GOP congress budget surpluses of the late 90s and 2000?
Clinton just signed it
Congress does the budgets, not the president

This is the problem, your leaders lie to you and you agree with it
do your DD

BTW GWB did not touch the GOP budget of 2001, we had a surplus that year
BHO added 500 billion to GWB 09 budget and then blamed him for it
GWB never signed it
in addition the last GOP budget was with-in 162 billion of breaking even in 2007

With 2 wars and Katrina on its heels
The very event this country needed has occurred.

Yes, the re-election of the president.

Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)

And he’s continuing to do so with this VP selection.

Perhaps in the context of conservative ideology.

He understands rightist economic dogma.

Clearly not, if his failed budget proposal is any indication.

Admirable, but irrelevant with regard to this election.

Believing is one thing, reality is another.

Tomorrow, go back to believing Romney is done.

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

Pander to, and appeasement of, the radical right.
God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

They are numbered only to the extent of the 22nd Amendment. Romney may be president one day, but it won’t be in 2013.

It shows it knows how to use the "quote" function.

While it says absolutely nothing.
The very event this country needed has occurred.

Yes, the re-election of the president.

And he’s continuing to do so with this VP selection.

Perhaps in the context of conservative ideology.

He understands rightist economic dogma.

Clearly not, if his failed budget proposal is any indication.

Admirable, but irrelevant with regard to this election.

Believing is one thing, reality is another.

Tomorrow, go back to believing Romney is done.

Pander to, and appeasement of, the radical right.
God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

They are numbered only to the extent of the 22nd Amendment. Romney may be president one day, but it won’t be in 2013.

It shows it knows how to use the "quote" function.

While it says absolutely nothing.

The election has been waiting for this event
The liberal now finds them selves without any thing to say to un-do this event
Your comment hit the nail on the head

I find it amusing and confusing the same. I do not understand why any-one would want 4 more years of this leadership
Ryan brings the very thing this country needed
2 level headed leaders that have proven they care about this countries future with an actual plan to undo this mess
tax policy
a real direction
The very event this country needed has occurred.
Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)
Paul Ryan is smart
he understands the economy
he understands what this country needs
He works hard

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

Thought it was Romney's pick not the GOP's. Shows you what a lapdog Romney is.
The very event this country needed has occurred.
Obama had had no chance but for Romney to give it to him (which he was doing BTW)
Paul Ryan is smart
he understands the economy
he understands what this country needs
He works hard

I really believe that this day will be the start of the end for Obama and Biden

Yes I am a conservative, but until today I thought Romney was done

he showed a side today that we have been begging for

God Bless. The 5 trillion dollar no job creating last 4 years are numbered I truly believe

Thought it was Romney's pick not the GOP's. Shows you what a lapdog Romney is.

It was the countries choice
we need leadership as bad as we did in 1980 and 2000
The GOP is no where near perfect, but Ryan brings legitimacy to the office for the first time in 4 years
Romney will make a fine president, but he needed Ryan as bad as we need him
A passionate conservative they both are
with a strong Conservative congress they will turn this mess Obama has created around

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