Finally, "The Little Mermaid", who is now black... Is in theaters!

If they were to make a movie based off a classic African children’s story and cast it largely with white actors, would that be okay too? Cause it’s the exact same thing.
What makes the Little Mermaid white? Where did it say that in the book....

But then again, St Nicolas (Santa) would be olive skin like a latino...

Jesus would be even darker being more olive-brown skin. Very Latino in colorwise...


So why didn't ye boycott 'Passion of the Christ' or Santa Clause movies (especially ones with Tim Allen)....
Interesting since Disney is a big panderer to China. As is the DNC.
Well obviously not....

Ever consider what your media bubble is telling you..

This is clearly your media sources misinforming you... What else have they told you?
Sure, that must explain why it's currently ranked 6th for this year so far.

What is the production and marketing budget?

And in case you did not know, saying it is in the 5th position this year is saying nothing, as the entire box office year has been underwhelming. Go ahead and take a look, it has been mostly crap.

Is like saying you found the slimmest date at a Weight Watcher's Introduction convention.
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Some things are more important than money.
Representation matters.

No, when producing a movie making a good movie that is entertaining is all that matters.

That is their job, after all. To entertain people. And Disney has not been doing a good job in that for years. That is why their movies have been underperforming.
What is the production budget?

And in case you did not know, saying it is in the 5th position this year is saying nothing, as the entire box office year has been underwhelming. Go ahead and take a look, it has been mostly crap.

Is like saying you found the slimmest date at a Weight Watcher's Introduction convention.

It still shows it's ranked 6th at this time. Even if less people in general are going to movies these days, it still ranks 6th. That's not great but it ain't too shabby either.
It's not a fad for these black children. It's something people like you have taken for granted. Being represented on the silver screen.

The people who are over it are white racists.
I’m sure black people would prefer original black characters even based on black culture ( see black Panther) rather than race swapped sloppy seconds.
It still shows it's ranked 6th at this time. Even if less people in general are going to movies these days, it still ranks 6th. That's not great but it ain't too shabby either.

It is trending that it will fail to recoup it's budget and marketing costs by the time it leaves the theater.

That is known as a "bomb".
I’m sure black people would prefer original black characters even based on black culture ( see black Panther) rather than race swapped sloppy seconds.

And it is not even that.

Any are free to go and look back, I predicted several weeks ago that the newest Spider-Verse would beat Mermaid in the box office. And it is a movie about a black Spider-Man.

However, it is also original, and not derivative of another movie, Another movie by the way which has been available for free on D+ for years. So why would a consumer waste their money to see a remake of a movie they can already see for free, when they can actually see something fresh and original?

And it does not even matter, because in a month they can see it for free on D+ anyways.

The fact is, the remakes have bombed more likely than they have made a decent profit. And Disney lately has been blaming everything (mostly the audience) other than themselves for the problem, all of their movies have been bombing far more than they have been making money.

When Sony produces a movie with less than half of the production budget and only a fraction of the marketing budget and it spanks what the House of Mouse made, it is nothing other than the fact they are largely making bad movies.

And another stat does not lie either. The Black Spider-Man took in $27,977 per theater. Mermaid? $9,580 per theater. Of course the Disney movie played in more theaters, but the Sony one made far more per screen.

These are facts that do not lie, no matter how people try to spin it. And kinda hard to scream "racism" when the movie that replaces it also features a black hero. So it is not the race at all, Disney simply made yet another sucky carbon copy remake that nobody is interested in seeing.
Oh, and let me make some predictions on their next movies right now.

Next is going to be a race swapped remake of Snow White, where she is Latina. And once again, I bet it will bomb. Not because of the race swapping, but because it is yet another derivative remake that offers nothing really over the version families can watch for free on D+.

After that might come the first in years that actually makes money, Mufasa. A prequel to The Lion King, that one actually has a good chance to make money, and some big money. Because it will actually be something new and not just the retelling of yet another older story.

Lilo & Stitch, that's already got pulled from theaters even though that is where it was supposed to go, straight to D+.

Moana, no word yet. But I bet it also goes to D+.

Hercules, same as above.

Hunchback, Bambi, The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, and the Aristocrats are their next offerings. I would not be surprised if almost half of those are killed off and the rest all go straight to D+.

I can only hope that they realize that this endless shoveling of "remakes" is simply not a good business model. Oh, and they are already talking about extending their theatrical runs from 1 to 2 months, to allow the movies a longer period of time to make money. Not that it will matter at all, leaving a turd in the theaters longer does not make it smell better. And what they need to realize is that what the audience wants is good entertainment, not preachy coprolite from either side politically.

As a wise man over three decades ago said:

Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an albino
A mosquito, my libido

And Disney is simply not entertaining us anymore.
Oh yes, we sure saw that in Mulan. That turd they dropped on the box office lost what, $250 million? $300 million?

Uh, Mulan bombed because it was released in limited theaters as the country was shutting down due to Covid. They released it on Disney+ instead and managed to recoup some of their losses.
Uh, Mulan bombed because it was released in limited theaters as the country was shutting down due to Covid.

Uh, no.

Care to look at the top box office movies of 2020?

1917, over $157 million.
Sonic, The Hedgehog Movie, $146 million.
Jumanji: The Next Level, $124 million.
Hell, even Doolittle brought in over $77 million.

Mulan? It did not even make the top 50, and it debuted in September when most of the restrictions were already lessening.

No, the fact is they knew they had a turd, and were trying to polish it as best they could. Hence, Pinocchio and Peter Pan going straight to D+. They know that the outlook of these live action movies is bad, the audience is tired of them.

Hell, feel free to look at the box office figures for that year. Of the top 10 movies that year, Disney only had a single entry, the pre-COVID Star Wars movie. Which was the lowest grossing of the entire mainline Star Wars series when adjusted for inflation. But at least it did not lose money like Solo.
Oh my gosh, stop the presses, the Little Mermaid is Black. Heavens to mergatroid.
Oh, and let me make some predictions on their next movies right now.

Next is going to be a race swapped remake of Snow White, where she is Latina. And once again, I bet it will bomb. Not because of the race swapping, but because it is yet another derivative remake that offers nothing really over the version families can watch for free on D+.

After that might come the first in years that actually makes money, Mufasa. A prequel to The Lion King, that one actually has a good chance to make money, and some big money. Because it will actually be something new and not just the retelling of yet another older story.

Lilo & Stitch, that's already got pulled from theaters even though that is where it was supposed to go, straight to D+.

Moana, no word yet. But I bet it also goes to D+.

Hercules, same as above.

Hunchback, Bambi, The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, and the Aristocrats are their next offerings. I would not be surprised if almost half of those are killed off and the rest all go straight to D+.

I can only hope that they realize that this endless shoveling of "remakes" is simply not a good business model. Oh, and they are already talking about extending their theatrical runs from 1 to 2 months, to allow the movies a longer period of time to make money. Not that it will matter at all, leaving a turd in the theaters longer does not make it smell better. And what they need to realize is that what the audience wants is good entertainment, not preachy coprolite from either side politically.

As a wise man over three decades ago said:

Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an albino
A mosquito, my libido

And Disney is simply not entertaining us anymore.
If Snow White is Latina shouldn't her name be Anejo Brown?
If Snow White is Latina shouldn't her name be Anejo Brown?

I bet most of the audience could not care less. But it is yet another remake, so likely will tank. Will not matter who the star is or what color any of the cast is. The audience is tired of these remakes.
Little black children seeing themselves represented.

Then why not do something new?

Nobody screamed when they did The Frog Prince with a mostly black cast. But that was also original, and not yet another remake. The two Spider-Verse movies have black heroes, and exceeded box office expectations. But they were also original.

Or are you saying that they only way they can be "represented" is by shoeing them into another role, and they can not succeed on original content? Because once again, the box office is calling you a liar.
Not me. Little black children seeing themselves represented. Art should never be solely for profit.
Yes you. You are the one who said it, and you said it again. You are very generous with other people's money and work. Movies are for entertainment, not for stroking your woke sensibilities. Again, misidentifying things.

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