Finally, the truth about Trump Jr.'s meeting with the lawyer, by John Nolte....

Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.
From Russia with money

Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

• A major technology transfer component of the Russian reset
overseen by Hillary Clinton substantially enhanced
the Russian military’s technological capabilities,
according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.

• Russian government officials and American corporations
participated in the technology transfer project
overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department
that funnelled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

• A Putin-connected Russian government fund
transferred $35 million to a small company
with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta
on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials.

• John Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law
on his federal financial disclosures, his membership
on the board of this offshore company.

• Podesta also headed up a think tank which wrote favorably
about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions
from Kremlin-linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC.

The report details how Hillary helped secure Russian investments
from U.S. tech firms, involving Cisco, Intel and, who else....Google!
All 3 who happen to be, major Clinton Foundation supporters.
Microsoft as well contributed to the upstart of the Skolkovo project.

It also notes how Bill Clinton, on at least 2 occasions,
met with Putin in 2009 and 2010....
and, that Hillary sent or received 894 emails
that included the term "Russia" during her tenure as SoS.

Who was benefiting from the "Russian reset"?
Hillary, her close aids and more then likely, the Russian military!

The FBI, US Army and other foreign governments
raised serious questions concerning these 'deals'
benefiting the Russian military as well!

Obama put Hillary solely in charge of the Russian reset
viewing a technology partnership with Russia, as a win-win situation

*unfortunately, the PDF file the above was taken from,
is no longer available... gee, how strange....NOT!*

Excerpt from an article in the NYP

As early as 2010, cybersecurity experts also expressed deep concerns about Russia using Skolkovo to develop hacking capabilities.

Russia’s FSB spy agency — the successor to the KGB —
reportedly keeps two of its information warfare “security centers”
at Skolkovo, the report says.

“There certainly is an irony that as we are now concerned
about Russian cyber-attacks on the US, that the reset played a role
in enhancing their cyber-capabilities,” Schweizer said.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.
If you talked anymore shit, you'd be shaped like a turd.

And, to think, somewhere out there is a tree,
tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe.
I think you owe it an apology.

Nice story.

But you defend Trump JR & senior members of the Trump caimpaign to meet secretly with the Russians while lying on disclosure forms.

You are quite the dick.
Nice story.

But you defend Trump JR & senior members of the Trump caimpaign to meet secretly with the Russians while lying on disclosure forms.
Nice story my ass...those are the facts jack!

I defended no one ass wipe!

Hmmm, let's see :eusa_think:

Getting dirt on Hillary from the Russians

Getting kickbacks from the Russians,
for spearheading the sale of 20% of U.S. Uranium deposits,
which gave the Russians control of one-fifth
of all uranium production capacity in the United States.

And, lest we forget about the Skolkovo project.

Hillary's campaign Chairman John Podesta, sat on the board
of a small energy company alongside Russian officials
that received $35 million from a Putin-connected
Russian government fund.

Clinton lent a hand in helping Vladimir Putin build Skolkovo,
a high-tech community meant to be the Russian equivalent
of America's Silicon Valley.

While Clinton was in charge at the State Department,
the U.S. recruited a bunch of U.S. high-tech powerhouses
including Google, Cisco and Intel, to take part in the project.

Of the 28 companies from the U.S., Europe and Russia
that took part, 17 were donors to the Clinton Foundation
or paid for Bill Clinton to give speeches

Not to mention, brought on board, scientists and experts,
in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy,
satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology,
to assist Russia's advancement in these fields...

PLUS..helped fund Russia's advancement and ambitions,

It doesn't end there...

U.S. governmental partners (Department of Defense,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy IPP,
Department of State, Environmental Protection Agency)
have funded 207 projects in Russia in the life sciences
for approximately $122 million.

The United States funded 146 regular projects
in biotechnology for approximately $33 million.
Additionally, 127 regular projects in environmental sciences
were funded by the United States for $31 million

Trump...treason...selling out the U.S

You are quite the dick.
Oh gee, nice "cumback"...where'd you scrape it from...
the back of your throat

Wow, you Trumpettes not only defend Trump's collusion but have the gall to compare it with Clinton's actions with Russia.

Well, asshole,. Clinton was working for better relations with a country. Your oange buddy was looking for foreign help top win an election.

Seer the difference, dumbass.

Dumbshit.....hilary used her office as Secretary of State to make 145 million dollars from the Russians by giving them control over our uranium......moron........she did the same thing back in the 90s with the Chinese and our missle technology...she actually is a traitor...
Hillary was one of 9 who had to approve the deal.

How much did the other 8 get?

The uranium was not yours. It belonged to a US corporation. It was purchased by a Canadian company with a Russin majority ownership. The uranium is still here.

ANY......... It is of Strategic Interest that we maintain that control. PERIOD............but anything for a buck.........right.
Foreign countries have been buying US minerals for decades. I thought you assholes were all about corporate control of America?
The Clinton foundation is another scam....

Over a year and two months have passed. Authorities havevignored this Clinton hater's hard but useless work.

From your link dated May 2016:

'Although Ortel has been a commentator for conservative outlets, his findings might not be easy for authorities to ignore."

Do you ever think for yourself or is all you can do is post unsubstantiated lies from the right wing propaganda machine.

Loretta lynch blocked the FBI from going forward on the Clinton foundation...they controlled all aspects of law enforcement and they used that to protect Hilary.......that you can't understand that is not are a left winger...
She did no such thing. Comey completed his investigations & found nothing.

No...he listed her crimes then said he wasn't going to go after her....and loretta lynch blocked the FBI investigations into the clinton foundation....
They found nothing worthy of prosecution.

You ranted & had a fit & threw tantrums. But your pathetic, America hating party found NOTHING.

Meanwhile you defend Trump's lying about meetings with Russians. My God,what a hypocrite POS you are.

ANY......... It is of Strategic Interest that we maintain that control. PERIOD............but anything for a buck.........right.
Foreign countries have been buying US minerals for decades. I thought you assholes were all about corporate control of America?
Uranium are considered Strategic and are not the same as buying Salt flats.......................

So I don't agree with any foreign ownership of it.
2aguy, post: 17719943 Read this:

Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Charities cannot function without reliable audits and good ratings from organizations such as this.

Its quite moronic to believe the IRS does anything other than making sure all tax laws are followed.

The Clinton foundation is another scam....

Whistleblower Turns Scrutiny on the Clinton Foundation

The Wall Street analyst who uncovered financial discrepancies at General Electric before its stock crashed in 2008 claims the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has a number of irregularities in its tax records and could be violating state laws.

Charles Ortel, a longtime financial adviser, said he has spent the past 15 months digging into the Clinton Foundation’s public records, federal and state-level tax filings, and donor disclosures. That includes records from the foundation’s many offshoots—including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global Initiative—as well as its foreign subsidiaries.

According to Ortel’s reports, the contribution disclosures from the Clinton Foundation don’t match up with individual donors’ records. He also argued that the foundation is not in compliance with some state laws regarding fundraising registration, disclosure requirements, and auditing rules.

This week, Ortel is starting to release his findings in the first of a series of up to 40 planned reports on his website. His allegation: "this is a charity fraud."
I wpuld expect thast anb ass like you would be duped by this.

When they reported the Canadian donations, they did not list the individual donors as that is the law in Canada. When pointed out, they listed the donors.

It goes far deeper than Canadians moron.......the clinton foundation is a money laundering operation.......they accept donations for political favors from the then Secretary of State........and she was able to get away with it because loretta lynch and eric holder were the Attorney Generals, and Comey was in charge of the well as his deputy director McCabe, who is under 3 internal investigations including his activity when his wife took over 200,000 dollard from clinton minion terry mcauliffe....

Oh go fuck yourself & your ridiculous posts. Where is that money laundering?

YOu assholes have beenm investigating the Clintons for 25 years & yopu've found exactly nothing.

Meanwhile your orange buddy is neck deep in treasonous acts. Using his office to advertise his golf resorts.

No....they found everything.....but when they controlled the Justice Department they didn't indict themselves.......
Is thus why Trump has not been indicted?
The Clinton foundation is another scam....

Over a year and two months have passed. Authorities havevignored this Clinton hater's hard but useless work.

From your link dated May 2016:

'Although Ortel has been a commentator for conservative outlets, his findings might not be easy for authorities to ignore."

Do you ever think for yourself or is all you can do is post unsubstantiated lies from the right wing propaganda machine.

Loretta lynch blocked the FBI from going forward on the Clinton foundation...they controlled all aspects of law enforcement and they used that to protect Hilary.......that you can't understand that is not are a left winger...
She did no such thing. Comey completed his investigations & found nothing.

No...he listed her crimes then said he wasn't going to go after her....and loretta lynch blocked the FBI investigations into the clinton foundation....
They found nothing worthy of prosecution.

You ranted & had a fit & threw tantrums. But your pathetic, America hating party found NOTHING.

Meanwhile you defend Trump's lying about meetings with Russians. My God,what a hypocrite POS you are.
It's great to OWN THE DOJ isn't it...........

Pay to Play.

They are handing out the money for the goodness in their Hearts......


2aguy, post: 17719943 Read this:

Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Charities cannot function without reliable audits and good ratings from organizations such as this.

Its quite moronic to believe the IRS does anything other than making sure all tax laws are followed.

The Clinton foundation is another scam....

Whistleblower Turns Scrutiny on the Clinton Foundation

The Wall Street analyst who uncovered financial discrepancies at General Electric before its stock crashed in 2008 claims the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has a number of irregularities in its tax records and could be violating state laws.

Charles Ortel, a longtime financial adviser, said he has spent the past 15 months digging into the Clinton Foundation’s public records, federal and state-level tax filings, and donor disclosures. That includes records from the foundation’s many offshoots—including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global Initiative—as well as its foreign subsidiaries.

According to Ortel’s reports, the contribution disclosures from the Clinton Foundation don’t match up with individual donors’ records. He also argued that the foundation is not in compliance with some state laws regarding fundraising registration, disclosure requirements, and auditing rules.

This week, Ortel is starting to release his findings in the first of a series of up to 40 planned reports on his website. His allegation: "this is a charity fraud."
I wpuld expect thast anb ass like you would be duped by this.

When they reported the Canadian donations, they did not list the individual donors as that is the law in Canada. When pointed out, they listed the donors.

It goes far deeper than Canadians moron.......the clinton foundation is a money laundering operation.......they accept donations for political favors from the then Secretary of State........and she was able to get away with it because loretta lynch and eric holder were the Attorney Generals, and Comey was in charge of the well as his deputy director McCabe, who is under 3 internal investigations including his activity when his wife took over 200,000 dollard from clinton minion terry mcauliffe....

Oh go fuck yourself & your ridiculous posts. Where is that money laundering?

YOu assholes have beenm investigating the Clintons for 25 years & yopu've found exactly nothing.

Meanwhile your orange buddy is neck deep in treasonous acts. Using his office to advertise his golf resorts.
YOu assholes have beenm investigating the Clintons for 25 years & yopu've found exactly nothing
Fuck you, they've found plenty,
but, nothing has ever been done
because her and Bill were able to prevent it

The process didn't work because of
their personal association and influence
with those at the helm!

Well well well. What did they find? Where were the Congressional reports saying Clinton should have been arrested?

REPUBLICAN committees dumfuck.

Meanwhile Trump hands the Russians our secrets, He lies about secret meetings with the Russians. He accepts millions in foreign money through his companies.

And you love it.
eagle1462010, post: 17728966
America is awake to this CRAP...........We are Fucking SICK OF THESE SLIME BALLS.

On Election Day three million more legal voters supported Clinton than Trump.

Only America haters are sick of the Clinton's.

Trump won. Clinton's are far much more popular in America and around the world except in Putin/Trump's Russia.

You can't defend your orange clown but by lying. Continued lying about Clintons and Obamas will salvage the Orange goons presidency.

But alas you have nothing else.
Pay to Play.

They are handing out the money for the goodness in their Hearts......



You realize what a dumb fucking post this is after your orange buddy just announced weapon deals with some of these countries.

WTF did he get?

WTF did George Jr get?

You people are dumber than shit. Really, Dumber than shit.

Hillary owned uranium? Who knew!
Schweizer: WikiLeaks Show How Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta Became 'Business Partners with Vladimir Putin' - Breitbart

Schweizer explained the “deep ties” the Clintons have to Russia, specifically how in 2010 then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved the sale and transfer of 20% of U.S. uranium output to the Russian government:

You’ve got this uranium deal, in which Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State signed off and approved the sale of a Canadian company to the Russian government — Rosatom, the State Atomic Energy Corporation — that was allowed to purchase a company called Uranium One. Hillary Clinton approved that deal as Secretary of State. But the small Canadian company, Unrianub One, that was sold, was owned by shareholders who are huge contributors to the Clinton Foundation. In fact, Matt, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from nine shareholders in Uranium One.

“But the Russian ties go even deeper than that,” Schweizer added, “they go to the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, John Podesta.

Schweizer explained how the Wikileaks emails reveal how Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta secured “75,000 common shares” from his membership on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund.
Over a year and two months have passed. Authorities havevignored this Clinton hater's hard but useless work.

From your link dated May 2016:

'Although Ortel has been a commentator for conservative outlets, his findings might not be easy for authorities to ignore."

Do you ever think for yourself or is all you can do is post unsubstantiated lies from the right wing propaganda machine.

Loretta lynch blocked the FBI from going forward on the Clinton foundation...they controlled all aspects of law enforcement and they used that to protect Hilary.......that you can't understand that is not are a left winger...
She did no such thing. Comey completed his investigations & found nothing.

No...he listed her crimes then said he wasn't going to go after her....and loretta lynch blocked the FBI investigations into the clinton foundation....
They found nothing worthy of prosecution.

You ranted & had a fit & threw tantrums. But your pathetic, America hating party found NOTHING.

Meanwhile you defend Trump's lying about meetings with Russians. My God,what a hypocrite POS you are.
It's great to OWN THE DOJ isn't it...........

You do realize that Trump owns the DOJ.
Pay to Play.

They are handing out the money for the goodness in their Hearts......



You realize what a dumb fucking post this is after your orange buddy just announced weapon deals with some of these countries.

WTF did he get?

WTF did George Jr get?

You people are dumber than shit. Really, Dumber than shit.
Explain to me why they dump so much money into the Clinton Foundation from the very sources who ended up controlling it...........

Was it to Help the poor in HAITI..............

Loretta lynch blocked the FBI from going forward on the Clinton foundation...they controlled all aspects of law enforcement and they used that to protect Hilary.......that you can't understand that is not are a left winger...
She did no such thing. Comey completed his investigations & found nothing.

No...he listed her crimes then said he wasn't going to go after her....and loretta lynch blocked the FBI investigations into the clinton foundation....
They found nothing worthy of prosecution.

You ranted & had a fit & threw tantrums. But your pathetic, America hating party found NOTHING.

Meanwhile you defend Trump's lying about meetings with Russians. My God,what a hypocrite POS you are.
It's great to OWN THE DOJ isn't it...........

You do realize that Trump owns the DOJ.
You do realize the deal happened under the Obama administration..................
eagle1462010, post: 17729035
They are handing out the money for the goodness in their Hearts......

How do you know that? It's called transparency. Not one shred of irregularity has been found regarding those donations to a top ranked global charity.

Get Trump to reveal what's hidden in his tax returns. Fair is fair.
eagle1462010, post: 17729035
They are handing out the money for the goodness in their Hearts......

How do you know that? It's called transparency. Not one shred of irregularity has been found regarding those donations to a top ranked global charity.

Get Trump to reveal what's hidden in his tax returns. Fair is fair.
If Frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their butts when they jump.


They were donating to the Clinton Foundation out of the goodness of their hearts..........

Stop it..............your killing me..............
Instead of worry about the sale of uranium, you should be worried about the sale of our industries to foreign ownership. Steel mills, ores, manufacturing, etc.

Some are owned by the Swedes, South Africans, Irish, India, & Russia.

China is buying up agricultural companies like seed companies, etc.

Trump brags about attracting foreign investment - i,e foreign ownership of US assets.
eagle1462010, post: 17728979
The man that probably knew blew his brains out yesterday asshole..............another thread.

Are you expanding Clinton conspiracy theories that they are murderer.

So you admit you had no facts on Haiti. Yet you posted your hater crap anyway.

man that probably knew

How pathetic must you be? You don't have a role in a fact's based honest world.

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