Financial Crisis Due To Democrat Ideas


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Can't count the number of posts claiming that the Republicans were responsible, Bush did it, it wasn't the subprime or Fannie and Freddie.
They were wrong.

1. So, it was more than informative to hear a lecture by John Allison, ['John A. Allison an American businessman and is currently the CEO and President of the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.. Allison held a number of leadership positions in BB&T Corp. from 1987 until 2010 when he retired.'], on book TV, yesterday.

2. He clearly laid the blame for the financial crisis where it belongs. The cause of the financial crisis was the philosophical ideas, the ideology, of the Democrats. They reversed the American concept of rights, that one earns his way, and keeps his property, to ‘someone else should provide what you want.’ Lack of personal responsibility signals the end of democracies.

3. "It is a myth that the financial crisis was caused by deregulation of the banking industry, nor was it deregulated under Bush. In fact, there was a massive increase in regulation during the Bush administration: the Patriot Act, the Privacy Act, Sarbane-Oxley.

a. Nor did some new variety of greed make an unexpected appearance.

4. The primary cause of the financial crisis was government policy. Let’s keep in mind, we do not live in a free-market economy….we live in a mixed economy, and the degree of regulation depends on the industry in question. The lest regulated is technology. The most regulated is the financial services industry.

a. Government policy caused massive mis-investment, called a ‘bubble.’

b. And, while Wall Street made serious mistakes…these mistakes were incentivized by government policy.

5. Three government precincts on whom to focus blame are the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and government housing policy. In 1913, the monetary system was nationalized, in theory, to reduce volatility. Since then, there has been no private system. Thus, any monetary problems are government problems, in exactly the same way that falling bridges or roads would be government problems. Government owns ‘em, as it owns the monetary system.

6. Government Housing Policy, based on the progressive belief that human nature can be changed and utopia reached as long as government has the right set of regulations and policies. In this case, the policy was geared toward increasing home ownership beyond the natural market rate in order to make the new owner a better citizen, with better values. Of course, the belief was false, as the truth is just the opposite: it is the higher values and self-discipline that allow one to save for a house. Incorrect belief, ‘error cascade:” bad public policy.

7. A major event in the cause of the financial crisis occurred in September of 1999: President Clinton required that at least half of the loans advanced by Fannie and Fredddie be in ‘affordable housing,’ i.e., sub prime . The leverage in these two entities was 1000: 1, meaning $1,000 of debt to every $1 of equity.
Even the NYTimes wrote that economists predicted that this would be a disaster, possibly enough to bring down the whole US economy within a decade. Sure enough….9 years later….So, the primary cause of the financial crisis was the philosophical ideas, the ideology, of the Democrats. They reversed the American concept of rights, that one earns his way, and keeps his property, to ‘someone else should provide what you want.’ Lack of personal responsibility signals the end of democracies."
John Allison, on Book TV, 1-27-2013

a. “The problem arose because Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were the key institutions in providing mortgage default insurance and in buying subprime mortgages. There were abuses of the derivative instruments that should have been punished by the market but were not because the perpetrators were ultimately bailed out.

b. It was in the late 1990's, as shown below, under the urging of the Clinton Administration that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac began to operate as social welfare agencies instead of financial institutions. The insurance premiums on subprime mortgages were too low for the risks involved.

c. “An article by Steven A. Holmes from the September 30, 1999 edition of the New York Times describes how the process began that culminated in the financial crisis of September 2008. The article reveals how much wishful thinking there was on the part of government officials that financial institutions could be run like social welfare agencies and how they were forewarned of their folly yet they went ahead and did it.” The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

And so, had FDR not created Fannie and Freddie, had he been restrained by the Constitution, had Clinton, Cisneros, Cuomo not imposed risk on the GSE's, had Dodd and Frank not impeded reform of same.....

....Progressive Democrat ideology would not have resulted in the financial crisis.

Sadly, the truth will mean nothing to the 'reliable Democrat voter.'
Gotta' disagree with you. Repeal of the Glass/Steagal Act (which kept Invest ment Banks separate from Savings Banks) by Clinton and the Republican led Congress resulted in that.

Along with the Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) promoted by the Fed which took the risk out of Investments and some would say Capitalism itself.

The only way out of this mess is to raise Interest rates but that won't happen because well, getting out of this mess is NOT their goal.

I think you know what I mean by that PC.
the Bush SEC never implimented gram leach bliely so how can you say it was clintons fault?

As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]

gee note the date Bush had to tell us the whole shooting match was going down?
TM is right in that the SEC didn't do it's job during the Bush administration, but it's making up for that by not doing it's job during the Obama administration.
SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
They purposely held back the very things the banks wanted held back.

Are you happy with the results?
the Bush SEC never implimented gram leach bliely so how can you say it was clintons fault?

As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

"In May of 2006 the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) issued the report on its three year investigation of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae). The acting director of OFHEO, James B. Lockhart, said

Our examination found an environment where the ends justified the means. Senior management manipulated accounting, reaped maximum, undeserved bonuses, and prevented the rest of the world from knowing.

The reported charged that the reported earnings from 1998 to mid-2004 were bogus values generated by erroneous accounting practices. These fraudulent earnings then were used to justify enormous bonuses for the senior management. The extent of the fraudulent accounting profits was a mind-boggling $11 billion. The sizes of the undeserved bonuses were not just millions of dollars, or even tens of millions of dollars. Instead they were hundreds of millions of dollars."
The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Oh look, Obama has nominated a new SEC Chairman (3rd consecutive woman, you all should be proud right?)

Mary Joe White. Her impartiality has already been called into question.
How Mary Jo White's Connections Could Complicate Her S.E.C. Job -
Ms. White represented top Wall Street banks and other major companies in private practice at Debevoise & Plimpton. Recent clients included JPMorgan Chase on financial crisis cases, News Corporation over its cellphone-hacking problems, and a former Bank of America chief executive, Kenneth D. Lewis, in a civil fraud suit by the New York attorney general over the firm’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch. No doubt she had other clients who have not been revealed because their cases are not yet – or never became – public.
Well why would Obama nominate someone like her in the first place? Because he was told to by the Bankers in his Administration why else?
Ms. White’s former clients, like JPMorgan Chase, will have a significant interest in those rules, so her involvement may trigger questions about whether she should be participating in the decision. Her recusal could have a significant impact on how the rules are shaped, and whether they can even be adopted.
Which is why she's being put in there in first place! That's how corrupt Gov't works! :D
President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube

gee note the date Bush had to tell us the whole shooting match was going down?

"After about ten years of the operation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under social objectives, including making top management rich, rather than financial probity the enormous institutions were nearing collapse in 2007. Below are shown the financial statistics for both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."
The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Fannie and Freddie are the binary financial black holes at the epicenter of the meltdown

The federal Government has no business whatsoever in the residential real estate market
september 24 2008

"The subprime mortgage crisis had its origin in the program the directors of Fannie Mae initiated in the late 1990's to pursue social welfare goals rather than maintain financial viability. ...The supposed guarantee of Fannie Mae obligations by the Federal Government removed any concern of businesses with the risk of counter-party default. It is unwise to encourage such behavior."
The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
the Bush SEC never implimented gram leach bliely so how can you say it was clintons fault?

As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

"In May of 2006 the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) issued the report on its three year investigation of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae). The acting director of OFHEO, James B. Lockhart, said

Our examination found an environment where the ends justified the means. Senior management manipulated accounting, reaped maximum, undeserved bonuses, and prevented the rest of the world from knowing.

The reported charged that the reported earnings from 1998 to mid-2004 were bogus values generated by erroneous accounting practices. These fraudulent earnings then were used to justify enormous bonuses for the senior management. The extent of the fraudulent accounting profits was a mind-boggling $11 billion. The sizes of the undeserved bonuses were not just millions of dollars, or even tens of millions of dollars. Instead they were hundreds of millions of dollars."
The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

James B. Lockhart III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Early life

Mr. Lockhart was born in White Plains, NY in 1946. He grew up in Riegel Ridge and Summit, NJ. He became an Eagle Scout at the early age of 13. He attended Phillips Academy in Andover, MA for four years where he became a good friend of George W. Bush. During his senior year he moved to St. Paul, MN as his father moved to become CEO of Conwed from being the CFO of Riegel Paper Corporation

Eight years after arriving in Washington vowing to spread the dream of homeownership, Mr. Bush is leaving office, as he himself said recently, “faced with the prospect of a global meltdown” with roots in the housing sector he so ardently championed.

There are plenty of culprits, like lenders who peddled easy credit, consumers who took on mortgages they could not afford and Wall Street chieftains who loaded up on mortgage-backed securities without regard to the risk.

But the story of how we got here is partly one of Mr. Bush’s own making, according to a review of his tenure that included interviews with dozens of current and former administration officials.

From his earliest days in office, Mr. Bush paired his belief that Americans do best when they own their own home with his conviction that markets do best when let alone.

He pushed hard to expand homeownership, especially among minorities, an initiative that dovetailed with his ambition to expand the Republican tent — and with the business interests of some of his biggest donors. But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged lax lending standards.
Can't count the number of posts claiming that the Republicans were responsible, Bush did it, it wasn't the subprime or Fannie and Freddie.
They were wrong.

1. So, it was more than informative to hear a lecture by John Allison, ['John A. Allison an American businessman and is currently the CEO and President of the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.. Allison held a number of leadership positions in BB&T Corp. from 1987 until 2010 when he retired.'], on book TV, yesterday.

2. He clearly laid the blame for the financial crisis where it belongs. The cause of the financial crisis was the philosophical ideas, the ideology, of the Democrats. They reversed the American concept of rights, that one earns his way, and keeps his property, to ‘someone else should provide what you want.’ Lack of personal responsibility signals the end of democracies.

3. "It is a myth that the financial crisis was caused by deregulation of the banking industry, nor was it deregulated under Bush. In fact, there was a massive increase in regulation during the Bush administration: the Patriot Act, the Privacy Act, Sarbane-Oxley.

a. Nor did some new variety of greed make an unexpected appearance.

4. The primary cause of the financial crisis was government policy. Let’s keep in mind, we do not live in a free-market economy….we live in a mixed economy, and the degree of regulation depends on the industry in question. The lest regulated is technology. The most regulated is the financial services industry.

a. Government policy caused massive mis-investment, called a ‘bubble.’

b. And, while Wall Street made serious mistakes…these mistakes were incentivized by government policy.

5. Three government precincts on whom to focus blame are the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and government housing policy. In 1913, the monetary system was nationalized, in theory, to reduce volatility. Since then, there has been no private system. Thus, any monetary problems are government problems, in exactly the same way that falling bridges or roads would be government problems. Government owns ‘em, as it owns the monetary system.

6. Government Housing Policy, based on the progressive belief that human nature can be changed and utopia reached as long as government has the right set of regulations and policies. In this case, the policy was geared toward increasing home ownership beyond the natural market rate in order to make the new owner a better citizen, with better values. Of course, the belief was false, as the truth is just the opposite: it is the higher values and self-discipline that allow one to save for a house. Incorrect belief, ‘error cascade:” bad public policy.

7. A major event in the cause of the financial crisis occurred in September of 1999: President Clinton required that at least half of the loans advanced by Fannie and Fredddie be in ‘affordable housing,’ i.e., sub prime . The leverage in these two entities was 1000: 1, meaning $1,000 of debt to every $1 of equity.
Even the NYTimes wrote that economists predicted that this would be a disaster, possibly enough to bring down the whole US economy within a decade. Sure enough….9 years later….So, the primary cause of the financial crisis was the philosophical ideas, the ideology, of the Democrats. They reversed the American concept of rights, that one earns his way, and keeps his property, to ‘someone else should provide what you want.’ Lack of personal responsibility signals the end of democracies."
John Allison, on Book TV, 1-27-2013

a. “The problem arose because Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were the key institutions in providing mortgage default insurance and in buying subprime mortgages. There were abuses of the derivative instruments that should have been punished by the market but were not because the perpetrators were ultimately bailed out.

b. It was in the late 1990's, as shown below, under the urging of the Clinton Administration that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac began to operate as social welfare agencies instead of financial institutions. The insurance premiums on subprime mortgages were too low for the risks involved.

c. “An article by Steven A. Holmes from the September 30, 1999 edition of the New York Times describes how the process began that culminated in the financial crisis of September 2008. The article reveals how much wishful thinking there was on the part of government officials that financial institutions could be run like social welfare agencies and how they were forewarned of their folly yet they went ahead and did it.” The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

And so, had FDR not created Fannie and Freddie, had he been restrained by the Constitution, had Clinton, Cisneros, Cuomo not imposed risk on the GSE's, had Dodd and Frank not impeded reform of same.....

....Progressive Democrat ideology would not have resulted in the financial crisis.

Sadly, the truth will mean nothing to the 'reliable Democrat voter.'

First your link to wiki is broken. A link to the actual talk might be more appropriate anyway. Economics - "The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure: Why Pure Capitalism is the World Economy's Only Hope" - Book TV

The fact that you disagree with the CEO and President of the Cato Institute is surprising, unless of course he said something you did not want to hear.

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