Fine Businesses $20,000 for Each Illegal in their employment! They will Self-Deport due to No Jobs!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Many posters are coming up with how much it would cost to arrest and deport illegals, the foundation of Trump's platform.

Sure, there will be arrests and deportation if illegals who commit additional crimes beyond coming over illegally.

Illegals are here because they are working and making money, sometimes above the table and sometimes under the table. Once the word is out that businesses will be $20,000 fined for each illegal, they will find themselves without a means if support. They will self deport just to get food for their family.

Once the wall is built, give each family $1,000 to walk back to the other side of the border.
Many posters are coming up with how much it would cost to arrest and deport illegals, the foundation of Trump's platform.

Sure, there will be arrests and deportation if illegals who commit additional crimes beyond coming over illegally.

Illegals are here because they are working and making money, sometimes above the table and sometimes under the table. Once the word is out that businesses will be $20,000 fined for each illegal, they will find themselves without a means if support. They will self deport just to get food for their family.

Once the wall is built, give each family $1,000 to walk back to the other side of the border.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch Law Library
What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?
Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

What If the Illegal Immigrant Is Using a False or Stolen Identity?
Illegal immigrants who seek employment often engage in identity theft in order to work in the United States. Employers are required to make a good faith effort to make sure that their employees are legally permitted to work in the country. Good faith efforts include checking social security numbers and making sure the numbers are valid.

- See more at: Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch Law Library
Thank you Obiwan! If as, usual, we would just enforce the laws we have, the problem of illegals will be minimized. All Trump has to do, is hire enough enforcement and watch the wheels turn!
Yes he wants 3X as many DHS agents crawling around businesses/ conducting raids, making sure people have their papers in order.

This is after we've tripled the border patrol since 9/11.

So the businesses now have to basically put more importance on hiring people who are legal to work here...of course if someone named John Doe and someone named Juan Doe shows up, they'll hire John to avoid having to worry if Juan has forged papers.

Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

All of this will costs businesses a lot of money.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

Again, 70 days ago, Trump was a flaming liberal. He's cracked a few jokes, made a few racist statements, a lot of sexist statements, and basically is appealing to the lowest ebb of the electorate by trying to make you scared of something that wasn't and isn't a large problem.

Is this really all it takes for you guys to get whooped up into this sort of bizarro hysteria where more regulation is a good thing, more costs to small business is a good thing, and supporting one of Clinton's confidant's is now your life's work? I know your life was nothing to brag about 3 months ago but at least you were consistent in your idiotic beliefs....

Just sayin.
Many posters are coming up with how much it would cost to arrest and deport illegals, the foundation of Trump's platform.

Sure, there will be arrests and deportation if illegals who commit additional crimes beyond coming over illegally.

Illegals are here because they are working and making money, sometimes above the table and sometimes under the table. Once the word is out that businesses will be $20,000 fined for each illegal, they will find themselves without a means if support. They will self deport just to get food for their family.

Once the wall is built, give each family $1,000 to walk back to the other side of the border.

Yo, that is BS!!! The Government can shutdown a business by Law if they hire an illegal! But Dictator Obama is a Law Breaker himself, for not enforcing the Laws on the Book!!! He needs to go to JAIL with Hillary Clinton, they are both Crooks!!!

Yes he wants 3X as many DHS agents crawling around businesses/ conducting raids, making sure people have their papers in order.

This is after we've tripled the border patrol since 9/11.

So the businesses now have to basically put more importance on hiring people who are legal to work here...of course if someone named John Doe and someone named Juan Doe shows up, they'll hire John to avoid having to worry if Juan has forged papers.

Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

All of this will costs businesses a lot of money.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

Again, 70 days ago, Trump was a flaming liberal. He's cracked a few jokes, made a few racist statements, a lot of sexist statements, and basically is appealing to the lowest ebb of the electorate by trying to make you scared of something that wasn't and isn't a large problem.

Is this really all it takes for you guys to get whooped up into this sort of bizarro hysteria where more regulation is a good thing, more costs to small business is a good thing, and supporting one of Clinton's confidant's is now your life's work? I know your life was nothing to brag about 3 months ago but at least you were consistent in your idiotic beliefs....

Just sayin.
Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?


If Trump was a liberal, you should be singing his praises! lol

How long now has the polls showed that the majority of people don't like the direction the country is going in? Part of that reasoning is the number of illegals we have in our country, taking jobs away from our citizen and depressing the wage. Why can't you say, follow the law???
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Yes he wants 3X as many DHS agents crawling around businesses/ conducting raids, making sure people have their papers in order.

This is after we've tripled the border patrol since 9/11.

So the businesses now have to basically put more importance on hiring people who are legal to work here...of course if someone named John Doe and someone named Juan Doe shows up, they'll hire John to avoid having to worry if Juan has forged papers.

Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

All of this will costs businesses a lot of money.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

Again, 70 days ago, Trump was a flaming liberal. He's cracked a few jokes, made a few racist statements, a lot of sexist statements, and basically is appealing to the lowest ebb of the electorate by trying to make you scared of something that wasn't and isn't a large problem.

Is this really all it takes for you guys to get whooped up into this sort of bizarro hysteria where more regulation is a good thing, more costs to small business is a good thing, and supporting one of Clinton's confidant's is now your life's work? I know your life was nothing to brag about 3 months ago but at least you were consistent in your idiotic beliefs....

Just sayin.
Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

So you're for increasing the costs of operation to small businesses (and large ones too)? Wow, that's not very conservative of you.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

You've supported exactly 0 of Obama's plans up til now. And you'd have us believe that youd back one of his plans that forces businesses to spend this extra time and effort to check up on their employees?

You are telling a lot of lies--more so than usual. You should stop that.

If Trump was a liberal, you should be singing his praises! lol
Trump is a liberal you idiot.

And I'm not sining the praises of measures that will lead only to more discrimination regardless of where they come from. See, I don't align myself with a person; I align myself with ideologies. I don't have a problem look at myself in the mirror. You do and you will for a while. Can't wait for next year at this time when I can bring up this thread again and the guy you'll be carrying the water for will have nothing in common with trump. Look for me to ask you why you gave up your "principles". Hope you have an answer Pinochio.

How long now has the polls showed that the majority of people don't like the direction the country is going in? Part of that reasoning is the number of illegals we have in our country, taking jobs away from our citizen and depressing the wage. Why can't you say, follow the law???

Immigration polls at 3%. It has nearly forever. No spin; just facts.
Yes he wants 3X as many DHS agents crawling around businesses/ conducting raids, making sure people have their papers in order.

This is after we've tripled the border patrol since 9/11.

So the businesses now have to basically put more importance on hiring people who are legal to work here...of course if someone named John Doe and someone named Juan Doe shows up, they'll hire John to avoid having to worry if Juan has forged papers.

Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

All of this will costs businesses a lot of money.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

Again, 70 days ago, Trump was a flaming liberal. He's cracked a few jokes, made a few racist statements, a lot of sexist statements, and basically is appealing to the lowest ebb of the electorate by trying to make you scared of something that wasn't and isn't a large problem.

Is this really all it takes for you guys to get whooped up into this sort of bizarro hysteria where more regulation is a good thing, more costs to small business is a good thing, and supporting one of Clinton's confidant's is now your life's work? I know your life was nothing to brag about 3 months ago but at least you were consistent in your idiotic beliefs....

Just sayin.
Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..
So you're for increasing the costs of operation to small businesses (and large ones too)? Wow, that's not very conservative of you.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

You've supported exactly 0 of Obama's plans up til now. And you'd have us believe that youd back one of his plans that forces businesses to spend this extra time and effort to check up on their employees?

You are telling a lot of lies--more so than usual. You should stop that.

If Trump was a liberal, you should be singing his praises! lol
Trump is a liberal you idiot.

And I'm not sining the praises of measures that will lead only to more discrimination regardless of where they come from. See, I don't align myself with a person; I align myself with ideologies. I don't have a problem look at myself in the mirror. You do and you will for a while. Can't wait for next year at this time when I can bring up this thread again and the guy you'll be carrying the water for will have nothing in common with trump. Look for me to ask you why you gave up your "principles". Hope you have an answer Pinochio.

How long now has the polls showed that the majority of people don't like the direction the country is going in? Part of that reasoning is the number of illegals we have in our country, taking jobs away from our citizen and depressing the wage. Why can't you say, follow the law???

Immigration polls at 3%. It has nearly forever. No spin; just facts.
You know what Trump drives you crazy. That's good for me. You being for someone as blatantly dishonest drives me crazy! How can ANYONE support that? Look in the mirror. You've been had.
Yes he wants 3X as many DHS agents crawling around businesses/ conducting raids, making sure people have their papers in order.

This is after we've tripled the border patrol since 9/11.

So the businesses now have to basically put more importance on hiring people who are legal to work here...of course if someone named John Doe and someone named Juan Doe shows up, they'll hire John to avoid having to worry if Juan has forged papers.

Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

All of this will costs businesses a lot of money.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

Again, 70 days ago, Trump was a flaming liberal. He's cracked a few jokes, made a few racist statements, a lot of sexist statements, and basically is appealing to the lowest ebb of the electorate by trying to make you scared of something that wasn't and isn't a large problem.

Is this really all it takes for you guys to get whooped up into this sort of bizarro hysteria where more regulation is a good thing, more costs to small business is a good thing, and supporting one of Clinton's confidant's is now your life's work? I know your life was nothing to brag about 3 months ago but at least you were consistent in your idiotic beliefs....

Just sayin.
Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..
So you're for increasing the costs of operation to small businesses (and large ones too)? Wow, that's not very conservative of you.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

You've supported exactly 0 of Obama's plans up til now. And you'd have us believe that youd back one of his plans that forces businesses to spend this extra time and effort to check up on their employees?

You are telling a lot of lies--more so than usual. You should stop that.

If Trump was a liberal, you should be singing his praises! lol
Trump is a liberal you idiot.

And I'm not sining the praises of measures that will lead only to more discrimination regardless of where they come from. See, I don't align myself with a person; I align myself with ideologies. I don't have a problem look at myself in the mirror. You do and you will for a while. Can't wait for next year at this time when I can bring up this thread again and the guy you'll be carrying the water for will have nothing in common with trump. Look for me to ask you why you gave up your "principles". Hope you have an answer Pinochio.

How long now has the polls showed that the majority of people don't like the direction the country is going in? Part of that reasoning is the number of illegals we have in our country, taking jobs away from our citizen and depressing the wage. Why can't you say, follow the law???

Immigration polls at 3%. It has nearly forever. No spin; just facts.
You know what Trump drives you crazy. That's good for me.
Oooh, this is going to be fun if he is the Party nominee...

You being for someone as blatantly dishonest drives me crazy! How can ANYONE support that? Look in the mirror. You've been had.

The #1 rule in business is this: Don't BS yourself. You've become the East Coast distributor of BS and you're also your largest customer it seems.
Yes he wants 3X as many DHS agents crawling around businesses/ conducting raids, making sure people have their papers in order.

This is after we've tripled the border patrol since 9/11.

So the businesses now have to basically put more importance on hiring people who are legal to work here...of course if someone named John Doe and someone named Juan Doe shows up, they'll hire John to avoid having to worry if Juan has forged papers.

Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..

All of this will costs businesses a lot of money.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

Again, 70 days ago, Trump was a flaming liberal. He's cracked a few jokes, made a few racist statements, a lot of sexist statements, and basically is appealing to the lowest ebb of the electorate by trying to make you scared of something that wasn't and isn't a large problem.

Is this really all it takes for you guys to get whooped up into this sort of bizarro hysteria where more regulation is a good thing, more costs to small business is a good thing, and supporting one of Clinton's confidant's is now your life's work? I know your life was nothing to brag about 3 months ago but at least you were consistent in your idiotic beliefs....

Just sayin.
Then they will have to run eveyrone through e-verify (future and current employees), keep track of any changes to their status as citizens, etc..
So you're for increasing the costs of operation to small businesses (and large ones too)? Wow, that's not very conservative of you.

I wonder how you guys would react if Obama had suggested any sort of plan like this that would force businesses to jump through these types of hoops.

I'm sure you'd be for that...right?

You've supported exactly 0 of Obama's plans up til now. And you'd have us believe that youd back one of his plans that forces businesses to spend this extra time and effort to check up on their employees?

You are telling a lot of lies--more so than usual. You should stop that.

If Trump was a liberal, you should be singing his praises! lol
Trump is a liberal you idiot.

And I'm not sining the praises of measures that will lead only to more discrimination regardless of where they come from. See, I don't align myself with a person; I align myself with ideologies. I don't have a problem look at myself in the mirror. You do and you will for a while. Can't wait for next year at this time when I can bring up this thread again and the guy you'll be carrying the water for will have nothing in common with trump. Look for me to ask you why you gave up your "principles". Hope you have an answer Pinochio.

How long now has the polls showed that the majority of people don't like the direction the country is going in? Part of that reasoning is the number of illegals we have in our country, taking jobs away from our citizen and depressing the wage. Why can't you say, follow the law???

Immigration polls at 3%. It has nearly forever. No spin; just facts.

No business small or large has the right to break the law by hiring illegal aliens to reap a profit. What part of that don't you get? When has Obama ever proposed e-verify? The House GOP did early this year. Think Obama and the Democrats will go for it? Not on your life!

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