Fine-tuning A Sales Campaign


Sep 23, 2010
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. Charles E. Weller

Current times call for a lot good people to come together if the ACA is going to be stopped. Looking at how the Democrats passed it reminded me that bad people also come to the aid of their party when they want to do a major piece of dirty work. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Taqiyya are the worst of a lot of bad people who came together well-knowing that what they were doing would hurt everyone except the parasite class.

Right now Senators Cruz and Lee are asking all good men to come to the aid of their party —— and the country —— in the fight to defund Hillarycare II:

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, say they won’t vote for any continuing resolution to fund the federal government through the 2014 fiscal year that contains funding for Obamacare.

Unfortunately, at least one Republican senator is putting up roadblocks:

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., says Cruz and Lee are being dishonest because they know President Obama will never sign any measure that defunds his signature domestic policy achievement.

I wish I could say that Coburn is nothing more than a RINO doing what RINO do best. He isn’t. There are two reasons Coburn does not want to defund the ACA until it can be repealed:

1. Coburn is too dumb to know better.

2. Coburn wants to fund the ACA for the same reasons Democrats want it funded; a. put millions of parasites on the federal payroll; b. enrich the insurance industry beyond their wildest dreams; c. prop up stock prices far into the future; d. strengthen the Rights of absentee ownership.

Anybody who is actively trying to defund Hillarycare II deserves the highest of praise. Debunking the myth surrounding defunding is a big step —— a major step if enough Americans come to understand how it actually works:

Obamacare is NOT immune to defunding

That is the notion perpetuated by the Congressional Research Service and Obamacare defenders that due to some mysterious power, Obamacare is immune to defunding.

. . . Obamacare contains lots of “mandatory funding,” which is “billions in federal dollars that were appropriated by the Affordable Care Act and can’t be touched without repealing Obamacare itself.”


Utter nonsense

. . . because there is no such thing under the Constitution as “mandatory funds.” Much as Obamacare’s defenders want everybody to believe there is such a thing as mandatory spending under entitlement programs, the truth is that what Congress appropriates, it can just as easily un-appropriate.

The sales campaign

Unmasking the mandatory funding myth is essential, but it does not address the sales campaigns behind the myths. Example: LBJ could not say he wanted to create a huge parasite class; so he declared war on poverty. That was LBJ’s sales campaign.

The filthy sneaks that passed the ACA could not say they wanted to seat millions of new parasites at the public trough; send trillions of tax dollars to the insurance industry; enrich Wall Street brokerage firms; and increase the Rights of absentee owners far beyond anything European monarchies ever enjoyed; so their sales campaign said they wanted to insure the uninsured. Fine-tuning the original oh-so-compassionate sales campaign is all that is required to fund and implement Hillarycare II.

Hiding the unswerving reasons behind every tax dollar sales campaigns is so entrenched in government dirty business no elected official dare speak them. Note that the myth is talked about, but you will never hear anyone with a public voice attack the Democrat sales campaign.


What is presently missing is the will in Congress to defund Obamacare. Obamacare advocates commit an intellectually dishonest rhetorical sleight-of-hand in saying Congress cannot do something when all it lacks is the will, not the authority.

MORNING EXAMINER: The hoary myth that Obamacare can’t be defunded

MORNING EXAMINER: The hoary myth that Obamacare can?t be defunded |

The will to attack the sales campaign is the only thing that is missing. Attack the sales campaign and the will to defund will follow.
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Lone laugher's signature:
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds?



Whether or not Marco Rubio can redeem himself by getting on board the fight to defund the ACA remains to be seen. He needs a big win with conservatives just to offset the amnesty for illegals fiasco that he led. He says some good things in the non-Youtube video. Click on the link:

Rubio: If you’re willing to fund Obamacare, you can’t possibly say you’re against it
3:17 AM 08/06/2013
Jeff Poor

Rubio: If willing to fund Obamacare, you can't be against it | The Daily Caller

Here’s a Youtube video with some additional stuff from of the same Mark Levin interview:

[ame=]Mark Levin resumes worship of Marco Rubio: "This is the fighter that I remember!" - YouTube[/ame]​
After five years of lie after lie nobody believes anything the Chicago sewer rat says. Even his base knows he is lying about shutting down the government over the budget, but he has to provide talking points; so he says things like this:

“Ultimately the buck stops with me,” Obama replied. “I get frustrated, and I’ve said before and I continue to say I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what’s good for the country.”

He said that the notion that Republicans would shut down the government over the ACA is not good for the nation. He said the GOP sees this as “their last gasp.”

Obama on CNN: Congress Has Two Jobs, But Too ‘Worried About’ ‘Rush Limbaugh’ to Do Them
by Noah Rothman | 7:59 am, August 23rd, 2013

Obama on CNN: Congress Has Two Jobs, But Too ?Worried About? ?Rush Limbaugh? to Do Them | Mediaite

What’s good for the country is what Barack Taqiyya says is good for the country. He accuses conservatives of pleasing Rush Limbaugh, while his primary goal is pleasing millions of parasites lined up for ACA tax dollar jobs. A lot of promises were made, now the parasites went those promises honored.

The majority of Americans want the ACA defunded until it can be repealed. The conservative plan is to defund the ACA but keep the rest of the government running. Conservatives have a few months to explain how a government shutdown will be the fault of Democrats if they refuse to defund the ACA. Getting the truth out is not going to be easy with the MSM on the side of Democrats.
If repubs were so against the ACA law, why did they help write it?

To Moonglow: Learn to read. I’m talking about what an overwhelming majority of Americans and congressional conservatives want.

Btw, they did not want it passed in the first place.
Then why did repubs help write the law?

They didn't - as you know.

Even IF your lie about Heritage had a scintilla of truth to it - which we both know it does not, the think tank is not the GOP.

But of course, Obama's Fascist Care was not based on the Heritage proposal, which only proposed catastrophic insurance, not health care maintenance - as fascist care does.

As always, you of the left are blatantly lying.
gang of six which debated and passed on legislation to be voted upon by Congress was headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs, so sure, repubs help write the law. If the GOP was soo against it they could have refused to negotiate.
gang of six which debated and passed on legislation to be voted upon by Congress was headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs, so sure, repubs help write the law. If the GOP was soo against it they could have refused to negotiate.

RINOs acquiesced to their democrat masters - including that fucking scumbag Grassley, and democrat in Rino clothing Snowe. Enzi openly opposed Fascist care, despite his involvement on the committees. So one Republican and 5 democrats pushed it through committee - BFD. Neither RINO wrote a word - and I'm not convinced Grassley is even literate.

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