f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

I have absolutely confidence that without the USDA, my grocer can pick avocados without that won't poison me to death

Sure I'd ask to terminate all of those agencies but settle for just Education for now

FHA? Check a calendar, its not 1933 anymore, I think banks and borrowers can figure out how to finance a mortgage without the government.

Social Security. Id offer anything from partial privitaziation to offering one-time payout where in exchange for a cash payment today, the individual gives up all claims to any future benefits

Yes voting test for certain. If someone is not very bright, like many of the Lib posters here, too bad, they should not get to cancel the vote of people who actually understand the Constitution. Only people, even current US citizens, who can pass a citizenship test (75% of the Denm base, including the non-living would fail) should vote. No more right of return for American Palestinians aka: Progressives

Since you understand the Constitution so well, I assume you're a Constitutional lawyer, or professor, or judge, right? If not, don't claim to understand shit. People who claim to know or understand more than others about complex issues are the least intelligent, most contemptible, most throughly worthless people the world has to offer. Tell me you're a lawyer, judge, or professor, and you're just being stupid, please. I beg of you. If not... Well, I can't say I have much hope for you then.
I find it funny that the media called this group a fringe group that they are unimportant! They called them racist and are dangerous but the unions are the ones who resort to violence!!

But they are doing what WE THE PEOPLE sent them to do. Not do business as usual and stop the spending. We said it loud in clear in Nov 2010 that we dont want the same old same old. But Obama and his posy want to spend spend spend!

Actually, no. That footage was faked by Faux.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOqBpsh94xQ]‪FOX Uses Out-of-Town Footage To Depict Out-of-Control Union Violence‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I suppose you think MSNBC is a reliable source. I would trust Fox news to them any day.
The ideal two party system would be the liberal republicans vs the teapartyers imho.

the Democrats have become an extremist fringe group of malcontents.

The Tea Party is extremist, not mainstream.
Why do you call them extremist. Because they want the congress to stop the spending. I call that responsible . Most people in the tea party are concerned citizens who want America to be what it was founded on. Lower taxes , less government. Of course you are probably getting your information from the main stream media!!!
The ideal two party system would be the liberal republicans vs the teapartyers imho.

the Democrats have become an extremist fringe group of malcontents.

The Tea Party is extremist, not mainstream.
Why do you call them extremist. Because they want the congress to stop the spending. I call that responsible . Most people in the tea party are concerned citizens who want America to be what it was founded on. Lower taxes , less government. Of course you are probably getting your information from the main stream media!!!

I wouldn't say the idea was less government or lower taxes.

1. The colonies weren't really upset by the fact that the taxes were taxes. It was more the fact that they had no say as to in what way they were taxed. (aka taxation without representation)
2. The US government is almost a mirror image of what the British government is. Courts, Executive (monarch, more Prime Minister now), and a Legislative body with an upper house and a lower house. It was set up in no way smaller, but really almost exactly the same size.
3. Understand your history a bit more.
4. Tea Party = Extremist (no questions asked)
The Tea Party is extremist, not mainstream.
Why do you call them extremist. Because they want the congress to stop the spending. I call that responsible . Most people in the tea party are concerned citizens who want America to be what it was founded on. Lower taxes , less government. Of course you are probably getting your information from the main stream media!!!

I wouldn't say the idea was less government or lower taxes.

1. The colonies weren't really upset by the fact that the taxes were taxes. It was more the fact that they had no say as to in what way they were taxed. (aka taxation without representation)
2. The US government is almost a mirror image of what the British government is. Courts, Executive (monarch, more Prime Minister now), and a Legislative body with an upper house and a lower house. It was set up in no way smaller, but really almost exactly the same size.
3. Understand your history a bit more.
4. Tea Party = Extremist (no questions asked)

Tea Party is extremist by today's political point of view. Two hundred years ago....not so much.
What are the words you use anyways like extreme, you pervert their meanings, thats why the time for debate is over as the Oman has already said.

What were Orwell's words?

perversion of language is the first step on the dark road to authoritarianism

Fine, im extreme i can live with that and would support this, just wait to the executive orders are on the other foot.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVNoClu0h9M]‪Barry Goldwater: "Extremism in the defense of liberty..."‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
18% of the nation on the right is not mainstream by any sane definition. :lol:
You forgot that the right is not known for public demonstrations and that number you cite isnt representative of the numbers that truly oppose you.

Carry on.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

On Sunday July 31, 2011, president Barry Hussein Soetoro announced that Congress has come to terms preventing the United States from defaulting on its debts. Although Congress hasn’t voted on anything yet the president, it seems, couldn’t wait to rush to the podium with the good news. (see 4:13min video) Read more... Google :Creating Orwellian Worldview
The numbers support center and right of center. The numbers are oppose the far right, the Tea Party, libertarianism, and corporatist fascism.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

On Sunday July 31, 2011, president Barry Hussein Soetoro announced that Congress has come to terms preventing the United States from defaulting on its debts. Although Congress hasn’t voted on anything yet the president, it seems, couldn’t wait to rush to the podium with the good news. (see 4:13min video) Read more... Google :Creating Orwellian Worldview

The president is the president, constitutionally and electorally selected by a knowing majority of citizens. You, on the other hand, are mere internet shittenpuppy with an reactionary far right agenda of anti-Americanism.
Your opinion, as has been demonstrated regularly and without error, does not matter because it is false.
The numbers support center and right of center. The numbers are oppose the far right, the Tea Party, libertarianism, and corporatist fascism.


But then again, if the numbers are center and right of center then they oppose left and far left.....using your logic.
The numbers support center and right of center. The numbers are oppose the far right, the Tea Party, libertarianism, and corporatist fascism.


But then again, if the numbers are center and right of center then they oppose left and far left.....using your logic.

Little Jakey has no logic. If he did, he wouldn't attack rationale, reasonable, center of the spectrum policies. Little Jakey is another radical left-wing Marxist/Socialist/Communist nut who wants to trade his freedom to the government for poverty levels of money, food, housing, and healthcare. Little Jakey should move to Cuba so the rest of us can get America moving again. It's people like little Jakey who have crippled this nation with Socialist regulation, waste, and debt.
The numbers support center and right of center. The numbers are oppose the far right, the Tea Party, libertarianism, and corporatist fascism.


But then again, if the numbers are center and right of center then they oppose left and far left.....using your logic.

Little Jakey has no logic. If he did, he wouldn't attack rationale, reasonable, center of the spectrum policies. Little Jakey is another radical left-wing Marxist/Socialist/Communist nut who wants to trade his freedom to the government for poverty levels of money, food, housing, and healthcare. Little Jakey should move to Cuba so the rest of us can get America moving again. It's people like little Jakey who have crippled this nation with Socialist regulation, waste, and debt.
No, no, no!

Jake the Fake is a "centrist" republican!!!..Just ask him!! :rolleyes:

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