f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

I find it funny that the media called this group a fringe group that they are unimportant! They called them racist and are dangerous but the unions are the ones who resort to violence!!

But they are doing what WE THE PEOPLE sent them to do. Not do business as usual and stop the spending. We said it loud in clear in Nov 2010 that we dont want the same old same old. But Obama and his posy want to spend spend spend!

TeaBots make up about 18% of the American population.

89% are white.

71% are in the south and the west: Guns and a disdain for anything Government (west) and a history of racism and racist violence (south). 58% keep a gun in the household. Gotta have a gun handy...you never know when a minority will attack.

59% have a good impression of Glenn Beck.

66% like Sarah Palin.

30% do not believe President Obama was born in the US, and another 29% are not sure, making it a whopping 59% who are sure he was not or might not have been born in the US. Their delusion is mostly based on race.

With 18% of the population, they think they should be calling the political shots.

Modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally want to part of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good.

Most of America is much darker in color, better educated, digitally brighter, look to the future for new opportunities not to a failed past, of which they want not part of the "bad" days while willing to accept the good.

The far right of the sixties (the group on the losing side of the culture war) is simply making a last hurrah before they die. They have had some success , but will begin steadily and quickly witnessing an erosion of their strength and ability to influence America. They will die and be forgotten.

Small government is RACIST. The race card is your favorite in your deck isn't it?
The frustrated Teabaggers are now doing there typical "smear the left but ignore our own poop" campaign, its all out of frustration, The Bass understands.

Wow, the spin in that one made you dizzy. You may want to sit down a second.

The left is losing, they're the frustrated ones, they have the "poop" of the economy they created and they're going full throttle after the teabaggers. Actually my friend, teabag supporters like me are thrilled that finally they are stopping the Republican sellouts from caving like they always do to the onslaught of the left and your military wing, the liberal media. This is a great time. It's you who's frustrated, and your posts say so.
hey guys look. Sen Coburn was on the right track yesterday. i been watching C-span a lot. look if a person would just come up and say, look we have put our self in a bad bind. we have defended our country to the extent that we over spent. secondly we have been spending way too much on ENTITLEMENTS and we have to back off a bit. the office budget for each congressman will be cut by 50% the people must understand that the government is for protecting us not supporting us. if they come out and say things like penguin and squid studies are going to have to stop for a while. the things that are not a must has to be cut. the medicare, medicaid and ss will have to cut back over time. we all work and have to live within our means and put up for our retirement. we must stop having 5 kids when we cant afford the first. we must not buy a 500G home when we make a salary that says 200G home. if we make stupid choices the government cant bail you out anymore. we must not ask the top few americans that have worked and made their money to pay more than me. the solution is a simple flat tax that way we all pay the same %. taxes will have to rise at some point and the government must agree that its too big. i mean they have a vote to require senators to come to the floor where are they? that crap cost money. when there presenting a bill all should be there. these long nights and long weekends cost too much money. the american people should really be pissed and demand they start handling business. no one should be there more than two terms why do we vote the same people in each time? look if we had just two from each state there one in one house one in the other and then they might be just enough to make decisions, i cant see paying to do the crap they do. look be honest with us the american people tell us jut how bd we really are and how we got to fix it. no politics just true words and true actions. the american people will accept the challenge if we are told the truth. we have been lied to so long but make no mistake the republicans done as much or more to put us here than the democrats its time to get serious and truthful. we must stop being the worlds police, if a country wants or needs to be liberated its gonna cost you wether oil, gold, silver what ever you got. we cant do it for free. we cant keep buying "MADE IN CHINA" but our politicians must say these things. its time we start producing here in USA and we must all realize that we all can not be the boss but what ever take pride in it. close our boarders for two years. charge the illegals for medical services, charge them for things like everyone else. Americans will have to work for less money and things will come down the prices of goods will come down. The american people must take the initiative to make it happen the people in washington are not going to get their hands Dirty. WE MUST START THINKING FOR OURSELVES!!!!!
hey guys look. Sen Coburn was on the right track yesterday. i been watching C-span a lot. look if a person would just come up and say, look we have put our self in a bad bind. we have defended our country to the extent that we over spent. secondly we have been spending way too much on ENTITLEMENTS and we have to back off a bit. the office budget for each congressman will be cut by 50% the people must understand that the government is for protecting us not supporting us. if they come out and say things like penguin and squid studies are going to have to stop for a while. the things that are not a must has to be cut. the medicare, medicaid and ss will have to cut back over time. we all work and have to live within our means and put up for our retirement. we must stop having 5 kids when we cant afford the first. we must not buy a 500G home when we make a salary that says 200G home. if we make stupid choices the government cant bail you out anymore. we must not ask the top few americans that have worked and made their money to pay more than me. the solution is a simple flat tax that way we all pay the same %. taxes will have to rise at some point and the government must agree that its too big. i mean they have a vote to require senators to come to the floor where are they? that crap cost money. when there presenting a bill all should be there. these long nights and long weekends cost too much money. the american people should really be pissed and demand they start handling business. no one should be there more than two terms why do we vote the same people in each time? look if we had just two from each state there one in one house one in the other and then they might be just enough to make decisions, i cant see paying to do the crap they do. look be honest with us the american people tell us jut how bd we really are and how we got to fix it. no politics just true words and true actions. the american people will accept the challenge if we are told the truth. we have been lied to so long but make no mistake the republicans done as much or more to put us here than the democrats its time to get serious and truthful. we must stop being the worlds police, if a country wants or needs to be liberated its gonna cost you wether oil, gold, silver what ever you got. we cant do it for free. we cant keep buying "MADE IN CHINA" but our politicians must say these things. its time we start producing here in USA and we must all realize that we all can not be the boss but what ever take pride in it. close our boarders for two years. charge the illegals for medical services, charge them for things like everyone else. Americans will have to work for less money and things will come down the prices of goods will come down. The american people must take the initiative to make it happen the people in washington are not going to get their hands Dirty. WE MUST START THINKING FOR OURSELVES!!!!!

No one's going to read this. Have you heard of paragraphs?
YES I HAVE, if i was writing a formal letter i would use proper grammar. you may learn something if you read it.
thats why our country is in the shape its in rather than listening to the point and realizing what is being said we immediately want to start popping off. correcting someone so we can feel smart! why don't you take it correct it so maybe everyone reads it.
YES I HAVE, if i was writing a formal letter i would use proper grammar. you may learn something if you read it.
thats why our country is in the shape its in rather than listening to the point and realizing what is being said we immediately want to start popping off. correcting someone so we can feel smart! why don't you take it correct it so maybe everyone reads it.

Kaz actually has a point. It may be slightly overstated. SOME people might read a post coming in that form.

But I seriously doubt that most folks here would bother.

A little formatting. Some editing. Proper punctuation. These things make it just a little bit easier for the members of this Board to read a post.

If you have something you consider worthy of saying in the first place, why not take the couple of extra moments that might enhance the prospect that people will read it?
TeaBots make up about 18% of the American population.

89% are white.

71% are in the south and the west: Guns and a disdain for anything Government (west) and a history of racism and racist violence (south). 58% keep a gun in the household. Gotta have a gun handy...you never know when a minority will attack.

59% have a good impression of Glenn Beck.

66% like Sarah Palin.

30% do not believe President Obama was born in the US, and another 29% are not sure, making it a whopping 59% who are sure he was not or might not have been born in the US. Their delusion is mostly based on race.

With 18% of the population, they think they should be calling the political shots.

Modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally want to part of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good.

Most of America is much darker in color, better educated, digitally brighter, look to the future for new opportunities not to a failed past, of which they want not part of the "bad" days while willing to accept the good.

The far right of the sixties (the group on the losing side of the culture war) is simply making a last hurrah before they die. They have had some success , but will begin steadily and quickly witnessing an erosion of their strength and ability to influence America. They will die and be forgotten.

Your mouth to God's ear.
The Bass has won, I consider this matter closed, the facts the Bass posted were not refuted.

In other words (i.e., honestly) the Basshole is conceding that he doesn't have the moxie to argue things validly, intelligently or factually.

What a pussy.

Keep name calling because you monkeys really think that the party who can shout the most derisive rhetoric is the one that wins even if their policies fail and they've accomplished nothing, that's why the Glenn Becks and Michelle Bachmanns will always appeal to retards like you.
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I find it funny that the media called this group a fringe group that they are unimportant! They called them racist and are dangerous but the unions are the ones who resort to violence!!

But they are doing what WE THE PEOPLE sent them to do. Not do business as usual and stop the spending. We said it loud in clear in Nov 2010 that we dont want the same old same old. But Obama and his posy want to spend spend spend!

Actually, no. That footage was faked by Faux.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOqBpsh94xQ]‪FOX Uses Out-of-Town Footage To Depict Out-of-Control Union Violence‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Thank you for the corrective criticism.

It is always a good thing.

I am very passionate regarding the subject i wrote about. the facts are there, the truth is there.

We must stop automatically finding the wrong. My grandfather didn't talk correct, nor the other people who taught me respect and how to prioritize things. i knew his language and words were not correct but the lesson he was trying to deliver was way more important than me correcting him.
Thank you for the corrective criticism.

It is always a good thing.

I am very passionate regarding the subject i wrote about. the facts are there, the truth is there.

We must stop automatically finding the wrong. My grandfather didn't talk correct, nor the other people who taught me respect and how to prioritize things. i knew his language and words were not correct but the lesson he was trying to deliver was way more important than me correcting him.

Some people may not put it so kindly, but I literally can't read long paragraphs. I get overwhelmed, and stop reading. I'd make a lousy editor.
i guess patients is a real virtue. i was burned over 95% of my body, i have spent the last few years learning and watching the c-spans and the politics of America. i have had to learn patients and

i have sat and read page after page or medical records that were single spaced and no paragraphs for pages, but i had to learn and live what i learned. I surly didn't stop reading or show that doctor disrespect. i can argue the facts, debate the reasons, and have the intelligence to think for myself and accomplish the things i need to.

This is why im so passionate and think our you people need to slow down take the time to read, listen and learn. our society teaches to go as fast as you can, one line comments, abbreviations for every word. things will slow back down soon and the younger generations will then learn they will have to depend on the ones they now like to correct or laugh at.
i guess patients is a real virtue. i was burned over 95% of my body, i have spent the last few years learning and watching the c-spans and the politics of America. i have had to learn patients and

i have sat and read page after page or medical records that were single spaced and no paragraphs for pages, but i had to learn and live what i learned. I surly didn't stop reading or show that doctor disrespect. i can argue the facts, debate the reasons, and have the intelligence to think for myself and accomplish the things i need to.

This is why im so passionate and think our you people need to slow down take the time to read, listen and learn. our society teaches to go as fast as you can, one line comments, abbreviations for every word. things will slow back down soon and the younger generations will then learn they will have to depend on the ones they now like to correct or laugh at.

Sir? I didn't insult you. I explained my issues, and you attacked me for my issues. You might want to check yourself before you start throwing stones.

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