f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

I saw not one mention about the Teabaggers, not one, Rubio doesn't even caucus with the Teabaggers.

Senate Tea Party Caucus holds first meeting without some who had embraced banner

Poor Stephanie. So retarded.

January 28, 2011 LOL

When has Rubio caucused with the Tebaggers?

I never once stated he has, I was just pointing out the idiocy of the point you attempted. I bet you didnt even get it.


American people are pissed off with the Teabaggers, the American people are not lovers of Teabagger extremism. So called progressives don't want a weaker America, don't you damn Teabaggers have anything else to do besides floating extremist rhetoric and strawmen arguments? I can't think of anyone besides America#s enemies that want a weaker and poorer America.

good gawd...so wanting to cut back THIS OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT is now called...

how bout that one folks.

More rightwing rhetoric and no proof, you're really winning me over Ms Stefanny.

Newsflash you pontificating gasbag, Basshole:

Nobody is ever going to win you over with actual facts or valid logic.

Your mind is already made up. You are closed-minded. You are irrational, illogical, stubborn and wrong.

You are also a self-hating partially white man and a self-hating latent homosexual. But the real problem with you is how illogically you "think" and how firmly rusted-shut your "mind" is.
American People want the government to cut spending
Tea Party wants to cut government spending

America's enemies want a poorer, weaker America
Progressives want a poorer, weaker America

That's as simple as it gets

American people are pissed off with the Teabaggers, the American people are not lovers of Teabagger extremism. So called progressives don't want a weaker America, don't you damn Teabaggers have anything else to do besides floating extremist rhetoric and strawmen arguments? I can't think of anyone besides America#s enemies that want a weaker and poorer America.

The LMSM is angry at the Tea Party, Amos. We know the LMSM hates us and we don't much care.

We want to get the government spending under control, and its going to happen.

Progressive want every American to be as poor as the poorest as we reject thier failed Class Warfare rhetoric

Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.
good gawd...so wanting to cut back THIS OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT is now called...

how bout that one folks.

More rightwing rhetoric and no proof, you're really winning me over Ms Stefanny.

Newsflash you pontificating gasbag, Basshole:

Nobody is ever going to win you over with actual facts or valid logic.

Your mind is already made up. You are closed-minded. You are irrational, illogical, stubborn and wrong.

You are also a self-hating partially white man and a self-hating latent homosexual. But the real problem with you is how illogically you "think" and how firmly rusted-shut your "mind" is.

Mr Liabilitard, you can personally attack me all you like, data and facts don't lie, rightwing rhetoric does. You all repeat the same extremism and strawmen arguments, you can now only win over the most ignorant and uninformed.
The Teabaggers in this thread are becoming more desperate, impetuous in their behavior and just plain old mad, they know they cannot argue with facts because they have none to present, so all they will do is throw out extremist rhetoric and hope and pray someone believes them. Its ok.
More rightwing rhetoric and no proof, you're really winning me over Ms Stefanny.

Newsflash you pontificating gasbag, Basshole:

Nobody is ever going to win you over with actual facts or valid logic.

Your mind is already made up. You are closed-minded. You are irrational, illogical, stubborn and wrong.

You are also a self-hating partially white man and a self-hating latent homosexual. But the real problem with you is how illogically you "think" and how firmly rusted-shut your "mind" is.

Mr Liabilitard, you can personally attack me all you like, data and facts don't lie, rightwing rhetoric does. You all repeat the same extremism and strawmen arguments, you can now only win over the most ignorant and uninformed.

Data and facts don't lie. You and your fellow dishonest scumbags do, though.

You still don't even understand the meaning of the term of logic "strawman." So you should refrain from attempting to bandy it about until you educate yourself, you empty vessel.

If I could win over only the most ignorant and uninformed, you'd be the first one on line. But the truth is: you can persuade nobody of anything since you are transparently fraudulent.

Dishonest tools such as you cannot even handle the first major premise in a valid argument.

Fact or fiction, Basshole: economically speaking, the way the United States has been handling its budget was and is dangerously unsustainable?

Let's see how you handle just that premise.
American people are pissed off with the Teabaggers, the American people are not lovers of Teabagger extremism. So called progressives don't want a weaker America, don't you damn Teabaggers have anything else to do besides floating extremist rhetoric and strawmen arguments? I can't think of anyone besides America#s enemies that want a weaker and poorer America.

The LMSM is angry at the Tea Party, Amos. We know the LMSM hates us and we don't much care.

We want to get the government spending under control, and its going to happen.

Progressive want every American to be as poor as the poorest as we reject thier failed Class Warfare rhetoric

Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.

good gawd, one friggen poll and THAT IS ALL FOLKS.
Just how many times can you spew the same shit just in a different way.
I think you post just to see yourself post.:cuckoo:
Newsflash you pontificating gasbag, Basshole:

Nobody is ever going to win you over with actual facts or valid logic.

Your mind is already made up. You are closed-minded. You are irrational, illogical, stubborn and wrong.

You are also a self-hating partially white man and a self-hating latent homosexual. But the real problem with you is how illogically you "think" and how firmly rusted-shut your "mind" is.

Mr Liabilitard, you can personally attack me all you like, data and facts don't lie, rightwing rhetoric does. You all repeat the same extremism and strawmen arguments, you can now only win over the most ignorant and uninformed.

Data and facts don't lie. You and your fellow dishonest scumbags do, though.

You still don't even understand the meaning of the term of logic "strawman." So you should refrain from attempting to bandy it about until you educate yourself, you empty vessel.

If I could win over only the most ignorant and uninformed, you'd be the first one on line. But the truth is: you can persuade nobody of anything since you are transparently fraudulent.

Dishonest tools such as you cannot even handle the first major premise in a valid argument.

Fact or fiction, Basshole: economically speaking, the way the United States has been handling its budget was and is dangerously unsustainable?

Let's see how you handle just that premise.

I sense your frustration good old chum, stop the projection and post the factual data, you attack with impetuous vile rhetoric, I respond calmly with facts. Look at the tone in your posts, you sound very agitated, kind of like that Allen West guy.
American people are pissed off with the Teabaggers, the American people are not lovers of Teabagger extremism. So called progressives don't want a weaker America, don't you damn Teabaggers have anything else to do besides floating extremist rhetoric and strawmen arguments? I can't think of anyone besides America#s enemies that want a weaker and poorer America.

The LMSM is angry at the Tea Party, Amos. We know the LMSM hates us and we don't much care.

We want to get the government spending under control, and its going to happen.

Progressive want every American to be as poor as the poorest as we reject thier failed Class Warfare rhetoric

Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.

You keep reading all the pool you want, Amos.

Obama and Progressives are radioactive to Jews, Moderates and taxpayers. Only the Radical lunatic Leftist fringe supports Obama and the Dems and they have the pools to show it.
The LMSM is angry at the Tea Party, Amos. We know the LMSM hates us and we don't much care.

We want to get the government spending under control, and its going to happen.

Progressive want every American to be as poor as the poorest as we reject thier failed Class Warfare rhetoric

Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.

good gawd, one friggen poll and THAT IS ALL FOLKS.
Just how many times can you spew the same shit just in a different way.
I think you post just to see yourself post.:cuckoo:

There are more polls that indicate similar feelings about the Teabaggers, I posted links to two of them, find me one that indicates positive feeling about the Teabaggers that isn't from a rightwing site.
The LMSM is angry at the Tea Party, Amos. We know the LMSM hates us and we don't much care.

We want to get the government spending under control, and its going to happen.

Progressive want every American to be as poor as the poorest as we reject thier failed Class Warfare rhetoric

Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.

You keep reading all the pool you want, Amos.

Obama and Progressives are radioactive to Jews, Moderates and taxpayers. Only the Radical lunatic Leftist fringe supports Obama and the Dems and they have the pools to show it.

Why ignore the facts about you and your fellow Teabaggers? They'll be gone next year's cycle and the Teabaggers movement will be gone almost as fast as it rose with no positive accomplishments to show for.
Mr Liabilitard, you can personally attack me all you like, data and facts don't lie, rightwing rhetoric does. You all repeat the same extremism and strawmen arguments, you can now only win over the most ignorant and uninformed.

Data and facts don't lie. You and your fellow dishonest scumbags do, though.

You still don't even understand the meaning of the term of logic "strawman." So you should refrain from attempting to bandy it about until you educate yourself, you empty vessel.

If I could win over only the most ignorant and uninformed, you'd be the first one on line. But the truth is: you can persuade nobody of anything since you are transparently fraudulent.

Dishonest tools such as you cannot even handle the first major premise in a valid argument.

Fact or fiction, Basshole: economically speaking, the way the United States has been handling its budget was and is dangerously unsustainable?

Let's see how you handle just that premise.

I sense your frustration good old chum, stop the projection and post the factual data, you attack with impetuous vile rhetoric, I respond calmly with facts. Look at the tone in your posts, you sound very agitated, kind of like that Allen West guy.

No, Basshole. You don't. You spew tons of bile. Try being honest.

Also, you offer an occasional "fact" or factoid, but you offer facts or factoids that are largely irrelevant to the discussion.

And of course, don't imagine that nobody picked up on what you just tried to accomplish.

You ducked a VERY straightforward question. [As a helpful hint, I highlighted it above!] One of the most basic and fundamental questions of the entire argument.

We all see you for what you are (i.e., a fraud) so we know why you ducked it.

And you will continue to duck it, too. Predictably.
Last edited:
Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.

good gawd, one friggen poll and THAT IS ALL FOLKS.
Just how many times can you spew the same shit just in a different way.
I think you post just to see yourself post.:cuckoo:

There are more polls that indicate similar feelings about the Teabaggers, I posted links to two of them, find me one that indicates positive feeling about the Teabaggers that isn't from a rightwing site.

who gives a shit. The IMPORTANT polls are the ones which show where the Obama and his clown administration... is losing with the American people. We know you all would LIKE to IGNORE that one.
The Teabaggers in this thread are becoming more desperate, impetuous in their behavior and just plain old mad, they know they cannot argue with facts because they have none to present, so all they will do is throw out extremist rhetoric and hope and pray someone believes them. Its ok.

Clear up some confusing terms for us please..

Please post in direct quotes and provide links of "extremist rhetoric" I would like to see it.
good gawd, one friggen poll and THAT IS ALL FOLKS.
Just how many times can you spew the same shit just in a different way.
I think you post just to see yourself post.:cuckoo:

There are more polls that indicate similar feelings about the Teabaggers, I posted links to two of them, find me one that indicates positive feeling about the Teabaggers that isn't from a rightwing site.

who gives a shit. The IMPORTANT polls are the ones which show where the Obama and his clown administration... is losing with the American people. We know you all would LIKE to IGNORE that one.

Speaking of which...................................

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™
The Teabaggers in this thread are becoming more desperate, impetuous in their behavior and just plain old mad, they know they cannot argue with facts because they have none to present, so all they will do is throw out extremist rhetoric and hope and pray someone believes them. Its ok.

Clear up some confusing terms for us please..

Please post in direct quotes and provide links of "extremist rhetoric" I would like to see it.

Who takes someone serious that goes around calling people, Teabaggers.
The childishness of liberals is something to behold.
good gawd, one friggen poll and THAT IS ALL FOLKS.
Just how many times can you spew the same shit just in a different way.
I think you post just to see yourself post.:cuckoo:

There are more polls that indicate similar feelings about the Teabaggers, I posted links to two of them, find me one that indicates positive feeling about the Teabaggers that isn't from a rightwing site.

who gives a shit. The IMPORTANT polls are the ones which show where the Obama and his clown administration... is losing with the American people. We know you all would LIKE to IGNORE that one.

The Tebaggers aren't gaining anything but you still worship him, why? You should care that your beloved Teabaggers are so unpopular, threat says a lot about their reelection chances.
Which rightwing pundit did you get that line from? The results from the Pew Research don't lie, the Teabaggers are highly unpopular especially among independents and moderate Republicans, you're only loved by similar extremists, a minority.

You keep reading all the pool you want, Amos.

Obama and Progressives are radioactive to Jews, Moderates and taxpayers. Only the Radical lunatic Leftist fringe supports Obama and the Dems and they have the pools to show it.

Why ignore the facts about you and your fellow Teabaggers? They'll be gone next year's cycle and the Teabaggers movement will be gone almost as fast as it rose with no positive accomplishments to show for.

Progressives suck so badly you guys lost the Kennedy seat. You lost a Senate seat in a state where dead and voting Democrats outnumber all living Republicans.

Move to Cuba, Amos

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