f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

These people are an embarrassment.

Ya and you are so smart all you can do is produce a lame attempt at chit talking.

Just might be one or two or more rules and laws around screwing up opportunity.

Butt you are doing fine so screw everyone who lost their homes. Yup, no difference between 1880 and today.

dear Boycott Bozo, lissen up, ese? A pendejo like you got no bidness talkin to someone who can buy and sell you like a fruit stand. Chingate, you moron. If are done being stupid, listen to me.

We are in the business because of everybody's greed and terrible decisions by Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. The Tea Party wants to break the system so they can screw over the lower 50% of America, make a fortune themselves, and return us all to the values of the 1950s.

Fuck them. We aren't going back. And we are going to take care of all Americans. Get on board.

Steph, you are here for grins and chuckles only. You prove that every time you post.
So great. From this thread one would gather that the Tea Party is made up of people who are very enthused about slinging a few petty insults at those who disagree with them (like Dem and Repub extremists) but have absolutely no specifics on what their party would do differently.
Hmmm. Well then uh, er, You betcha!
Steph, you are here for grins and chuckles only. You prove that every time you post.

Oh hell ya I'm here for grins and chuckles, and that last post of yours had me rolling on the floor..

It reminded of a cartoon back in it's day...

I am Mighty Mouse (Jakey) AND I am here to save the day..:lol:
So great. From this thread one would gather that the Tea Party is made up of people who are very enthused about slinging a few petty insults at those who disagree with them (like Dem and Repub extremists) but have absolutely no specifics on what their party would do differently.
Hmmm. Well then uh, er, You betcha!

Listen up. You don't get to sit on some high horse when one of your first post was attacking FOX NEWS.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

The Bonehead bill is DOA anyway! Let the Dems come up with a plan. We have cut cap and balance on the table and Bonehead is as asshole for negotiating against ourselves
The photo of Obama slapping a 16 yr old teens butt pretty much sums up what is on Bambi's mind 70% of the time. NO WONDER OBAMA CAN'T GET ANYTHING DONE ! and it's always at the LAST F------KIN MINUTE !! god! can you imagine Obama as a surgeon? all his patients would die 1/2 hour before the operation !!!
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The reason Obama can't put together a debt proposal on his own is because he failed in math. He would need a 10 year old A student to help him work on the proposal.

Personal attack coming from a retard who can't even put together a plan himself, hey poophead, whats your plan?
So great. From this thread one would gather that the Tea Party is made up of people who are very enthused about slinging a few petty insults at those who disagree with them (like Dem and Repub extremists) but have absolutely no specifics on what their party would do differently.
Hmmm. Well then uh, er, You betcha!

Listen up. You don't get to sit on some high horse when one of your first post was attacking FOX NEWS.

Do you like apples?
Listen up. I can do what the F LI CK I want and you can :suck:. if you don't like it.
How you like them apples? :lol:

What? You wanna see the dozens of threads where I say Obama sucks, MSNBC is a LW Shill etc...? Lots of them here. So sorry little kool-aid drinker but guess what? FOX IS a Conservative shill just like MSNBC is a Liberal one.
Only the kool-aid drinkers on each side don't see the obviousness of this. So solly if I am not a mindless drone who thinks one party / ideology is always right...

In the meantime, you're a collection of bumper stickers and soundbytes without any substance. You are the political and intellectual equivalent of a jello sandwich.
Now, would you like to keep trading petty little barbs or do you want to take a shot at actually addressing ANY issue of your choice? I bet I know the answer but who knows? I might be pleasantly surprised...

Hugs and Kisses, Your new BFF!
Now, Let's have a group hug! :) :huddle:
Ya and you are so smart all you can do is produce a lame attempt at chit talking.

Just might be one or two or more rules and laws around screwing up opportunity.

Butt you are doing fine so screw everyone who lost their homes. Yup, no difference between 1880 and today.

dear Boycott Bozo, lissen up, ese? A pendejo like you got no bidness talkin to someone who can buy and sell you like a fruit stand. Chingate, you moron. If are done being stupid, listen to me.

We are in the business because of everybody's greed and terrible decisions by Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. The Tea Party wants to break the system so they can screw over the lower 50% of America, make a fortune themselves, and return us all to the values of the 1950s.

Fuck them. We aren't going back. And we are going to take care of all Americans. Get on board.


These people and their mandates, get on board right, ive surfed waves, the ride doent last long no matter how big the wave is, the liberals are about to hit the beach hard, and they want me along for the ride?

They want me to go to hell in a hand basket and i said no no no!

Calls me an asshole is spanish like i wouldnt notice, all these people have is name calling, i can doit better butt, why bother cause.... "Liberal" is about the worst thing you can call someone imho, next to "Progressive"

FOX IS a Conservative shill just like MSNBC is a Liberal one.

i disagree, msNbc is in the pocket of the Democratic party, makes them part of the government media complex as described by Dr.Savage.

Fox is middle of the road, to "liberal" for me, and thats why i dropped them from my boycott website.

I Put in News Videos from Al Jazeera English instead, figured going back to the 14 century for news was the best i could do at the time.

And their chicks are hotter than the Lipstick's™ channel to boot, win win.

At least 20 of the Baggers will be gone in 2012. They have written their own Obituary...:clap2:

Your crystal ball is broken! I predict that there will be at least 20 MORE Tea Party members elected in 2012.

You must be seriously misguided, have you looked at the polls? everything the Teabaggers stand for the majority of Americans are against it. Your crystal ball is made of cheap glass.

The biggest drop in the tea party movement’s favorability came among people who make less than $50,000 a year. In October, 30 percent in that income group said they had unfavorable views of the tea party. Now, 45 percent say the same.

Read more: Poll: Americans cooling on tea party - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Link of evidence provided for support of position.
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Sure, everybody's loving the Teabbagers and their patriotic spirit, look at the results from the Pew:

Tea Party: Better Known, Less Popular - Pew Research Center

The rise in negative views of the Tea Party has occurred largely among political independents and Democrats. Last March, more independents agreed than disagreed with the Tea Party by a 26%-to-14% margin. Today, as many independents disagree as agree with the Tea Party (27% each); the percentage disagreeing with the Tea Party has risen 13 points.

The votes of the independents is what determines elections primarily. Only the most conservative of Republicans strongly support the Teabaggers.
Did you see Marco Rubio in the debate yesterday? He was magnificant. He basically told the demonRats who were demonizing the Tea Party to shove it!
I said the vote of independents meaning independent voters is what determines elections.

And you are wrong, the only "poll" worth its weight in salt is the one taken on election day.

imho polls are used to try to shape opinion, not report it, nice try though


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