f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

With all due respect it seems to me whenever someone caters to the middle they loose the election for president...i'll use McShame as the latest example.

Pick socialism or capitalism then run on it, a mix of the two isnt going to work anyways why try.

its been working for a couple of hundred years........:eusa_eh:
With all due respect it seems to me whenever someone caters to the middle they loose the election for president...i'll use McShame as the latest example.

Pick socialism or capitalism then run on it, a mix of the two isnt going to work anyways why try.

its been working for a couple of hundred years........:eusa_eh:

Have the young Boycott take a class on early Federalism. He can study Hamilton, assumption, funding, etc., then come back and tell us what is up.

These people are an embarrassment.

You know my age, Harry, so try that silliness on somebody else.

I am more than willing to submit to age reform and means-testing, as I know you are as well, which means we will end up paying for BriPat and Full-Auto and littledebfascist. That's OK.

what silliness?.....how the fuck old are you supposed to be to retire?......
I don't know, Harry. May 63 or 64. I can't retire. I am making too much money.

This is no longer about Democrats or Republicans. This is about the future of America. The current crop of politicians have ZERO credibility when it comes to promising to cut spending. Their political careers are more important than their service to their country and those they represent.

They have NEVER lived up to their promises of cutting spending, and we don't expect them to do it now.

The President has abdicated his role completely in leading this country and he is focused solely on his reelection campaign.

The Democrats in Congress are playing political games, desperately trying to maintain the bloated and unsustainable size of government, while trying to help the President get reelected.

Republican Leadership is avoiding responsibility, trying to convince the American people with their rhetoric that THIS time we can trust them, while their actions lead us down the same path that the Democrats would like to take us.

This really is a tipping point. It's time for the politicians in Washington to decide whose team they are on. If the Republicans only care about what is best for the Republican Party and the Democrats only care about what is best for the Democrat Party, then who is looking out for what is best for the American people?

The stakes are high. We must remain resilient because if we don't stop this spending path of destruction, where will we turn - - if in America - - liberty cannot survive?

Call your Congressmen and Senators and tell them enough is enough. The American people will no longer stand for promises of the future. We demand REAL cuts and REAL action NOW!
....one half of one third of the government....

Then explain how they are responsible for the current mess ya'll in.

It must be the Democrats fault!

They are responsible for this "crisis" by turning the debt ceiling a political football and refusing to pass a clean bill in the first place.

The mess itself is a result of mismanagement and irresponsibility from both parties, Wall St, and Joe Citizen.

Then explain how they are responsible for the current mess ya'll in.

It must be the Democrats fault!

They are responsible for this "crisis" by turning the debt ceiling a political football and refusing to pass a clean bill in the first place.

The mess itself is a result of mismanagement and irresponsibility from both parties, Wall St, and Joe Citizen.
It's just another example of Boehner being bad at his job.

this started before that crybaby got in....
If all this is true why not fire the president and the senate, sounds like ya'll dont need them.

im all for that......dont forget the house.....they need a cleaning too.....and then lets get some people up there who actually give a dam about the well being of the US.....
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

So I'd like some perspective from Tea Partiers here because I see so much that is conflicting.

Rather than the usual bumper sticker slogans and such, can someone give me very specific feedback on issues e.g. "We would overturn Roe v. Wade and make ALL abortion illegal under any circumstances." or "We would make abortion illegal except in the case of rape or incest." or "We would overturn the CRA of '64" or whatever.

I mean "Less taxes!" and "No socialism!" or the usual rants about statist, oppression etc... just doesn't give much in the way of intellectual appeal to those who are curious but not already singing from your songbook. Get specific! Let's hear exactly how you would fix our country! :eusa_angel:
With all due respect it seems to me whenever someone caters to the middle they loose the election for president...i'll use McShame as the latest example.

Pick socialism or capitalism then run on it, a mix of the two isnt going to work anyways why try.

its been working for a couple of hundred years........:eusa_eh:

Oh boy, first off, it was working till some Educated twat came up with an idea to have a
minimum wage, its been down hill ever since and i look around today and see allot of people NOT
working so over to you.
These people are an embarrassment.

Ya and you are so smart all you can do is produce a lame attempt at chit talking.

Just might be one or two or more rules and laws around screwing up opportunity.

Butt you are doing fine so screw everyone who lost their homes. Yup, no difference between 1880 and today.
With all due respect it seems to me whenever someone caters to the middle they loose the election for president...i'll use McShame as the latest example.

Pick socialism or capitalism then run on it, a mix of the two isnt going to work anyways why try.

its been working for a couple of hundred years........:eusa_eh:

Oh boy, first off, it was working till some Educated twat came up with an idea to have a
minimum wage, its been down hill ever since and i look around today and see allot of people NOT
working so over to you.

and the problems of today, is all because of the Minimum Wage?....no other factors involved here?.....
These people are an embarrassment.

Ya and you are so smart all you can do is produce a lame attempt at chit talking.

Just might be one or two or more rules and laws around screwing up opportunity.

Butt you are doing fine so screw everyone who lost their homes. Yup, no difference between 1880 and today.

dear Boycott Bozo, lissen up, ese? A pendejo like you got no bidness talkin to someone who can buy and sell you like a fruit stand. Chingate, you moron. If are done being stupid, listen to me.

We are in the business because of everybody's greed and terrible decisions by Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. The Tea Party wants to break the system so they can screw over the lower 50% of America, make a fortune themselves, and return us all to the values of the 1950s.

Fuck them. We aren't going back. And we are going to take care of all Americans. Get on board.
These people are an embarrassment.

Ya and you are so smart all you can do is produce a lame attempt at chit talking.

Just might be one or two or more rules and laws around screwing up opportunity.

Butt you are doing fine so screw everyone who lost their homes. Yup, no difference between 1880 and today.

dear Boycott Bozo, lissen up, ese? A pendejo like you got no bidness talkin to someone who can buy and sell you like a fruit stand. Chingate, you moron. If are done being stupid, listen to me.

We are in the business because of everybody's greed and terrible decisions by Democratic and Republican presidents and congresses. The Tea Party wants to break the system so they can screw over the lower 50% of America, make a fortune themselves, and return us all to the values of the 1950s.

Fuck them. We aren't going back. And we are going to take care of all Americans. Get on board.

Yawn. all hack no cattle.

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