f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbj4A-uaMUo]‪Mitch Daniels on the Debt Ceiling‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I'd love nothing more than an immediate and permanent government "default".

There you have it, folks. Tea Party patriotism on display. What's bad for America is good for the Tea Party.

We'll see in November next year; 100% of them are up for re-election. If Boehner is smart, he'll get the RNC to field sane candidates in the primaries against these people from the Tea Party.
Two words: we won...

....one half of one third of the government....

Then explain how they are responsible for the current mess ya'll in.

It must be the Democrats fault!

They are responsible for this "crisis" by turning the debt ceiling a political football and refusing to pass a clean bill in the first place.

The mess itself is a result of mismanagement and irresponsibility from both parties, Wall St, and Joe Citizen.
....one half of one third of the government....

Then explain how they are responsible for the current mess ya'll in.

It must be the Democrats fault!

They are responsible for this "crisis" by turning the debt ceiling a political football and refusing to pass a clean bill in the first place.

The mess itself is a result of mismanagement and irresponsibility from both parties, Wall St, and Joe Citizen.
It's just another example of Boehner being bad at his job.
....one half of one third of the government....

Then explain how they are responsible for the current mess ya'll in.

It must be the Democrats fault!

They are responsible for this "crisis" by turning the debt ceiling a political football and refusing to pass a clean bill in the first place.

The mess itself is a result of mismanagement and irresponsibility from both parties, Wall St, and Joe Citizen.

LMAO they didnt run up the debt.

But if you dont lend me more I wont pay.

Oh boo hoo. Is the plan to keep funding prostitutes to drink responsibly/
Additionally, there is simply no rational argument for not wanting a balanced budget amendment.

War and Natural Disasters are always paid for on credit, then paid back over time. Any such Amendment would have to have a provision covering that, and as such would be useless out of the gate.
Poll the battle ground states and you get quite a different picture. You guys better stick with the national polls.

Then why did you post a national poll? Can you show us the results from battleground states to back your claim? Is Palin leading Obama in those?

All you had to do was ask. You realize I posted the link twice yesterday.

Battleground Polls: Obama Headed for a 'Landslide' Loss? - Guy Benson

Can you handle the rest?

That opinion piece points to exactly three states where Romney is leading Obama, within the MoE in both cases - and one is Michigan, his home!

No other candidate is mentioned as leading.

Can you handle reality?
....one half of one third of the government....

Then explain how they are responsible for the current mess ya'll in.

It must be the Democrats fault!

They are responsible for this "crisis" by turning the debt ceiling a political football and refusing to pass a clean bill in the first place.

The mess itself is a result of mismanagement and irresponsibility from both parties, Wall St, and Joe Citizen.

why in the hell would anyone vote to give boiking 2.5 trillion more TAX PAYER dollars to piss away?
and the problem with a balanced budget is?

a mandatory balanced budget per a Constitutional amendment? The problem is that sometimes governments run deficits for legitimate reasons, akin to companies issuing debt for legitimate reasons.

"Sometimes governments run deficits for legitimate reasons" - LMAO!!! Spoken like a true Dumbocrat. There is no legitimate reason for spending more than you have.

Why do venture capitalists exist?

Why does almost every major US company sell bonds?

Why do households buy homes via loans?
Then why did you post a national poll? Can you show us the results from battleground states to back your claim? Is Palin leading Obama in those?

All you had to do was ask. You realize I posted the link twice yesterday.

Battleground Polls: Obama Headed for a 'Landslide' Loss? - Guy Benson

Can you handle the rest?

That opinion piece points to exactly three states where Romney is leading Obama, within the MoE in both cases - and one is Michigan, his home!

No other candidate is mentioned as leading.

Can you handle reality?

The better question is.......

How low will he go? Its only going to get harder for him. The economy will not rebound under current policy.
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

What's hilarious is that you left-wing nuts keep saying that, when the absolute opposite is true. The GOP controlled House has now passed two bills - the Ryan Plan and the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan, each of which raised the debt ceiling.

The left wants the debt ceiling raised, and conservatives did that in both bills as part of their compromise. In exchange, they want a balanced budget amendment. The Dumbocrats refuse to compromise on that - they've given up nothing. Fascist Harry Reid won't even let the Senate take a vote on either of those bills. What are the liberals offering? Not a damn thing. They want to raise the debt ceiling and have no restrictions on future spending because they want to spend this nation into collapse so we can be like Cuba and all live "equally" in poverty.

You have no idea what you're talking about, you're not all informed about what is going on, but still you continue to talk. I'm embarassed for you. I would be ashamed to know nothing about a subject and yet keep giving my uninformed and reckless opinions on it.

You act as if the Republicans are doing Democrats a favor by raising the debt ceiling.

Let me ask you this. How long would it take to get an amendment to the Constitution?
Do we really have time for this? The Republican created this mess by attaching conditions to a simple procedural vote, that has nothing to do with balancing the budget. None of this would be happening if Tea Bagging newbies, who hate government, didn't have a strangle hold on the Republican party. They're no better than terrorist.

Obama has spent more time on the debt ceiling than all the President combined. He's bent over backwards trying to accommodate the terrorist threats of the Tea Party. They don't want a compromise. They want to shut the government down because they hate it.
I'd love nothing more than an immediate and permanent government "default".

There you have it, folks. Tea Party patriotism on display. What's bad for America is good for the Tea Party.

We'll see in November next year; 100% of them are up for re-election. If Boehner is smart, he'll get the RNC to field sane candidates in the primaries against these people from the Tea Party.

That is what is happening in Florida and Tennessee. Other state parties are moving in that direction as well. If the Tea Party, after its primary defeats, fields third party candidates, the GOP will be able to start with a fresh slate, with the Teabots defecated in political defeat.

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