Finland educates people on how to spot misinformation

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.

This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.
While I agree that a lack of education can play a role in making a person more easily influenced and led into an insulated informational ecosystem, the fact remains that there are many educated, intelligent people who can also be led into such an ecosystem.

That's why I believe there are two other elements at play here:

(1) An ideology (and this can be political, religious, cultural, or some combination therein) - To me, an ideology is akin to an intellectual virus that can infect anyone. At its worst, it robs a person of their fundamental human curiosity, making them easy prey for one-sided propaganda. I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious, and a person's very thought processes can be literally distorted by the combination of, in order, a foundational belief, increasing exposure to repetition, and finally full intellectual isolation. This can happen to people across the intelligence spectrum, because it's so gradual.

(2) Self esteem, which is also not necessarily tied to intelligence - By its very nature, tribalism provides intellectual and sociological safe harbor for those who have a need to belong. So it's the mechanism described above in (1). A person who has a strong need to have their increasingly one-sided views justified and validated will naturally gravitate toward a tribe that accomplishes that. So it's a weakness, and we all have our own kind and degree of weakness.

So now that virtually everything is politicized, we're all at risk of being infected to some degree.

This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.
Dude you just spouted misinformation about masks and the vax.....what a rube

This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.

You realize a highly credible scientific study just came out saying masks are worthless right?

Or not?

This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.
"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." July 2021 Joe Biden

You'll die instead of myocarditis
While I agree that a lack of education can play a role in making a person more easily influenced and led into an insulated informational ecosystem, the fact remains that there are many educated, intelligent people who can also be led into such an ecosystem.

That's why I believe there are two other elements at play here:

(1) An ideology (and this can be political, religious, cultural, or some combination therein) - To me, an ideology is akin to an intellectual virus that can infect anyone. At its worst, it robs a person of their fundamental human curiosity, making them easy prey for one-sided propaganda. I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious, and a person's very thought processes can be literally distorted by the combination of, in order, a foundational belief, increasing exposure to repetition, and finally full intellectual isolation. This can happen to people across the intelligence spectrum, because it's so gradual.

(2) Self esteem, which is also not necessarily tied to intelligence - By its very nature, tribalism provides intellectual and sociological safe harbor for those who have a need to belong. So it's the mechanism described above in (1). A person who has a strong need to have their increasingly one-sided views justified and validated will naturally gravitate toward a tribe that accomplishes that. So it's a weakness, and we all have our own kind and degree of weakness.

So now that virtually everything is politicized, we're all at risk of being infected to some degree.
I think we can see low esteem and fanatical individuals on this thread.
They take comfort in their ignorance. Like pigs in shit.

This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.

I think we can see low esteem and fanatical individuals on this thread.
They take comfort in their ignorance. Like pigs in shit.
Yep. We see it in pretty much every thread here. A lot of these people literally can't post without nasty personal insults and/or vulgar name-calling, just like their hero. One of the reasons they adore him like they do. It gives them something that they evidently need. So, what that is, is the question.
Yep. We see it in pretty much every thread here. A lot of these people literally can't post without nasty personal insults and/or vulgar name-calling, just like their hero. One of the reasons they adore him like they do. It gives them something that they evidently need. So, what that is, is the question.

You mean like when Tommy accuses a member here of being a racist with no evidence of such? Because calling someone a racist who isn't is something of a nasty personal insult. And it makes Tommy a liar.
The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled.

This reminds me of your particularly stupid remarks denigrating my profession, when it is apparent to all that you have never, yourself, ever held an honest job in your entire failed and worthless life, and yet you somehow think you're entitled to look down your nose at an honest hard worker that actually contributed to society in a way that you never have and never will.

So, what is your educational background, what academic degrees do you have, that you should look down on others far more intelligent and educated than yourself as “poorly-educated”? I bet you're in no more a valid place to take that position, than you are to look down on me for my profession.

The Dunning-Kruger is very strong with you.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
Dude you just spouted misinformation about masks and the vax.....what a rube

You realize a highly credible scientific study just came out saying masks are worthless right?
Or not?

More Fake News swallowed by Tummy .
The Guardian is subsidised by Baal Hates and it has been a front for British Intelligence for decades .
elsh [sic] Communist , is so Gullible

Isn't it funny this One-legged British faggot posts an OP about how “uneducated people” are subject to “misinformation”, and just cannot help, in the process, showing us all that he is, himself, uneducated, and filled with genuine misinformation that lacks even the basic elements of critical thought to evaluate and see for what it is. He is, undeniably, the very worst possible example of what he is falsely trying to portray others as being.

Of course, if you use even the smallest glimmer of critical thought in reading the article, you get something very different out of it than what it intends. Government, after all has always been the biggest purveyor of misinformation, with the greatest vested interest 9in deceiving people according to what government feels will most empower it at thee expense of the governed. Here, we have a boast about a government having been successful in “arming its people against misinformation”, which only means that it has more effectively brainwashed its own people to accept whatever lies Big Brother tells them, without daring to question what they are told. It is obvious enough why Tainted Tommy would believe this to be a good thing.
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This is fascinating stuff..

The article makes the point that misinformation thrives on a poorly educated population. Well we already know that. In the UK, and in the US we see low educated people are ripe fodder for any old shite being peddled. We see brexit and trump gain traction because basically the general population is stupid.
Finland is rated highest mainly because their people are highly educatd. 93% of them go to university and their schools are constantly rated the best in the world.

So now they educated their kids to spot the bullshit. This is not a complicated process but most invaluable. It will save lives.

How many Americans would still be alive if the anti mask, anti vax criminals had not gained traction with low information trump voters ? The UK would still be in the EU and we would not be a desolate wasteland of a country.

Spotting the bollox is an important lesson that needs to be taught before the calibans kill us all.

More Fake News swallowed by Tummy .

The Guardian is subsidised by Baal Hates and it has been a front for British Intelligence for decades .

Tummy, our resident Welsh Communist , is so Gullible

That's right.
you guys dont have a border with the barbaric horde ( thats why UK is so relaxed on this issue ) , F. do have.

Russia is the problem in many cases. Its cheaper to rile up the idiots in order to do your bidding than actually invade a country.

But it always comes back to stupid people lacking the skills to discern when they are being played.
Russia is the problem in many cases. Its cheaper to rile up the idiots in order to do your bidding than actually invade a country.

But it always comes back to stupid people lacking the skills to discern when they are being played.
i see we are on the same page, but Tommy why you dont attack Moscow impelrism and colonialism ?


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