Fire COMEY- some kind of idiot. No idea what's in e-mail- got warrant Sunday- RW lies?

Comey re-opened the Hillary investigation, one of 2 (TWO) on-going FBI investigations into the Clintons, and libs say 'RWers LIE'. about WHAT? those are proven FACTS, recognized even by the OP.

You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.

I doubt Comey will actually get convicted for violating Hatch Act, but I hope his ass will be thrown out of office asap.
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You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.
1. Thank you for admitting that Comey 'Re-opened the Investigation'...because that is what HE said, what HE called it.

2. YOU have no clue what he had found and has not - stop acting like you know. YOU DON'T!
You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.
1. Thank you for admitting that Comey 'Re-opened the Investigation'...because that is what HE said, what HE called it.

2. YOU have no clue what he had found and has not - stop acting like you know. YOU DON'T!

1. I'm not going to be playing word games. Internally the case wasn't closed and warrant was attained without any case re-opening. THAT is the relevance of "re-opened" or "refocused" or whatever other words you want to use.

2. GIVEN that he had no Warrant he COULD NOT have legally known about the actual contents of the emails and his letter VAGUELY points that out, but leaves tons of space for baseless speculation to be fed as credible fact to the public.

Comey COULD have been clear, but either elected on purpose, or out of incompetency to release it as he did. I personally believe that he had a good idea of what he was doing but miscalculated in assuming the letter would give him enough deniability.
No evidence of any of that, hater dupe. Change the channel.
How do you KNOW there is 'no evidence'? The FBI just got the search warrant and just started looking through the 650,000 e-mails.

I guess YOU have issued the decree that there is 'no evidence' because James Comey has not called YOU up in the middle of MULTPLE FBI investigations of the Clintons to tell you he has or has not found anything.


Libs are losing their damn minds over this!
Nothing has been found yet. Why should this be any different, dupe? The shytte has never been this all rights, the New BS GOP should get about 37%. Reform is ridiculously overdue. "I know, a tax cut for the rich"- Orange con man/scum bag.
You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.
1. Thank you for admitting that Comey 'Re-opened the Investigation'...because that is what HE said, what HE called it.

2. YOU have no clue what he had found and has not - stop acting like you know. YOU DON'T!
Only Fox, Trumpf and Rush know...
It's become abundantly clear Comey's actions were purely partisan in an attempt to influence the election. Add him to the list, Trump, Putin, Assange, Comey.

The list of deplorables grows.
No evidence of any of that, hater dupe. Change the channel.
How do you KNOW there is 'no evidence'? The FBI just got the search warrant and just started looking through the 650,000 e-mails.

I guess YOU have issued the decree that there is 'no evidence' because James Comey has not called YOU up in the middle of MULTPLE FBI investigations of the Clintons to tell you he has or has not found anything.


Libs are losing their damn minds over this!
Because of all the other investigations that have found nothing, dupe. Except in the alternate New BS GOP universe.
You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.
1. Thank you for admitting that Comey 'Re-opened the Investigation'...because that is what HE said, what HE called it.

2. YOU have no clue what he had found and has not - stop acting like you know. YOU DON'T!

1. I'm not going to be playing word games. Internally the case wasn't closed and warrant was attained without any case re-opening. THAT is the relevance of "re-opened" or "refocused" or whatever other words you want to use.

2. GIVEN that he had no Warrant he COULD NOT have legally known about the actual contents of the emails and his letter VAGUELY points that out, but leaves tons of space for baseless speculation to be fed as credible fact to the public.

Comey COULD have been clear, but either elected on purpose, or out of incompetency to release it as he did. I personally believe that he had a good idea of what he was doing but miscalculated in assuming the letter would give him enough deniability.

1. Words mean something. It doesn't matter crap what YOU, a liberal USMB board member, say Comey meant when he declared he had RE-OPENED the investigation. It matters what the Director of the FBI says.

2. When the FBI, conducting an investigation, comes across 650,000 (classified) e-mails where they should not be then they have a right to request a search warrant to go through them. ALSO, you must have missed where it was reported that the FBI agents investigating Weiner DID read some of the e-mails while investigating him. Once they saw what they involved they stopped, briefed Comey on what they had read, and off of that briefing he then made his decision. (I posted the link to that days ago.) So you are partly WRONG - Comey DID have an idea what was in those e-mails, enough 'Probable cause' to request - AND GET - a search warrant.
It's become abundantly clear Comey's actions were purely partisan in an attempt to influence the election. Add him to the list, Trump, Putin, Assange, Comey.

The list of deplorables grows.
Clear to a desperate Liberal. Barak Obama even stood up for the man - so evidently you are calling Obama a liar.
Because of all the other investigations that have found nothing, dupe. Except in the alternate New BS GOP universe.
1. Illegal possession of classified material after leaving the State Dept.
2. Illegal storage of classified material - unauthorized unencrypted server stored in an unclassified area - in the BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did not have the required clearances to have possession of her server.
3. Illegally giving access to classified materials/servers to individuals who had no security clearance: Her IT Tech, her lawyers, the IT company whose bathroom her servers were in
4. Comey testified she received / sent classified
5. comey testified she lied about only using 1 server
6. Comey testified she violated the FOIA and the Federal Records act because he found THOUSANDS of work-related documents NOT turned over
7. Huma testified she had turned over all devices
8. Huma testified she was NOT saving any e-mails - 650K emails later....

Over and over again it is proven to you and other libs your agument is FALSE, and over and over again you continue to - BY CHOICE - LIE!
It's become abundantly clear Comey's actions were purely partisan in an attempt to influence the election. Add him to the list, Trump, Putin, Assange, Comey.

The list of deplorables grows.
Clear to a desperate Liberal. Barak Obama even stood up for the man - so evidently you are calling Obama a liar.
Things change when he acts like a partisan 11 days before an election. Not a liar, unlike YOUR New bs GOP heroes, dupe.
Because of all the other investigations that have found nothing, dupe. Except in the alternate New BS GOP universe.
1. Illegal possession of classified material after leaving the State Dept.
2. Illegal storage of classified material - unauthorized unencrypted server stored in an unclassified area - in the BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did not have the required clearances to have possession of her server.
3. Illegally giving access to classified materials/servers to individuals who had no security clearance: Her IT Tech, her lawyers, the IT company whose bathroom her servers were in
4. Comey testified she received / sent classified
5. comey testified she lied about only using 1 server
6. Comey testified she violated the FOIA and the Federal Records act because he found THOUSANDS of work-related documents NOT turned over
7. Huma testified she had turned over all devices
8. Huma testified she was NOT saving any e-mails - 650K emails later....

Over and over again it is proven to you and other libs your agument is FALSE, and over and over again you continue to - BY CHOICE - LIE!
According to the total BS GOP propaganda machine. lol. BTW, e-mails are not the obsession of the Sec of State or her staff....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Her server was never hacked, unlike State's, Putin lover.
Things change when he acts like a partisan 11 days before an election.
Translation: You're cool when you rule in Hillary's favor, but the moment you do something otherwise, legal or not ,you're shit. :p

Again, Obama praised you think Obama is a 'Conservative dupe'. Funny.
According to the total BS GOP propaganda machine...
No according to repeated links, articles, and evidence.....and yet you desperate libs keep lying your ass off.... Reality is NOT your 'friend'.

Comey was not defending the justice system

So, an idiot- and RW liars everywhere....
Synced from Cloud?
Source: Veterans Today

In a surprise announcement, the Department of Justice just admitted that there was no legal authorization in place to access email accounts of Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, estranged wife of accused sex offender former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Additionally, it has now been learned that the FBI had accessed Huma Abedin’s cloud based email account as early as September 22 and certainly by the beginning of October, according to CNN.

As the revelations are hitting every few minutes, the background and the basic legalities are being obscured, that and some serious questions such as the one just raised, not only why did the FBI director Comey wait but why did the FBI sit on these files for weeks, only releasing them when it is now too late to get the truth out, a truth that most likely will prove Hillary Clinton free of any criminal wrongdoing. What has driven this FBI ploy and what procedures and even laws have they broken leading to this state of affairs that, as Presidential candidate Donald Trump noted, rivals Watergate, though maybe in not in ways he had foreseen.

The government admitted that no warrant had been requested and that discussions to seek a warrant had not yet begun, making the letter FBI Director James Comey wrote to Congress on Friday a potentially criminal act,
if it can be proven that Comey was aware of this fact and of the actions of his subordinates in “planting” Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop. In fact, Comey now claims he wasn’t told by his agents who kept the information from him for weeks.

Read more: Breaking/Exclusive: Comey Lied: FBI “Synced” Weiner Laptop Under Misused Terror Warrant – Updated | Veterans Today
Things change when he acts like a partisan 11 days before an election.
Translation: You're cool when you rule in Hillary's favor, but the moment you do something otherwise, legal or not ,you're shit. :p

Again, Obama praised you think Obama is a 'Conservative dupe'. Funny.
Things change, idiot. You morons don't know what a lie is anymore. Putin lover.
Comey was not defending the justice system

So, an idiot- and RW liars everywhere....
Synced from Cloud?
Source: Veterans Today

In a surprise announcement, the Department of Justice just admitted that there was no legal authorization in place to access email accounts of Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, estranged wife of accused sex offender former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Additionally, it has now been learned that the FBI had accessed Huma Abedin’s cloud based email account as early as September 22 and certainly by the beginning of October, according to CNN.

As the revelations are hitting every few minutes, the background and the basic legalities are being obscured, that and some serious questions such as the one just raised, not only why did the FBI director Comey wait but why did the FBI sit on these files for weeks, only releasing them when it is now too late to get the truth out, a truth that most likely will prove Hillary Clinton free of any criminal wrongdoing. What has driven this FBI ploy and what procedures and even laws have they broken leading to this state of affairs that, as Presidential candidate Donald Trump noted, rivals Watergate, though maybe in not in ways he had foreseen.

The government admitted that no warrant had been requested and that discussions to seek a warrant had not yet begun, making the letter FBI Director James Comey wrote to Congress on Friday a potentially criminal act,
if it can be proven that Comey was aware of this fact and of the actions of his subordinates in “planting” Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop. In fact, Comey now claims he wasn’t told by his agents who kept the information from him for weeks.

Read more: Breaking/Exclusive: Comey Lied: FBI “Synced” Weiner Laptop Under Misused Terror Warrant – Updated | Veterans Today

I think this is how this is going to play out. I posted in a thread last Friday about whether the FBI had a warrant to search Huma or anyone else's computers as a warrant to do so with HRC's computers in no way gives a blanket warrant on anyone else's. And now it is becoming clear they didn't have a warrant. If this is true then anything they found or find from those computers is inadmissable in any court.

Not only has Comey ended his career, he has soiled the name of the FBI for a generation. Can you imagine anyone doing this for a sleazeball like Trump? WTF were these bugwits thinking.

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