Fire COMEY- some kind of idiot. No idea what's in e-mail- got warrant Sunday- RW lies?

Hilariously ironic. For example, I still have a Masters in History.

Sure you do.

You are utterly devoid of even rudimentary critical thinking skills. You exhibit literally no historical knowledge. You lack even a hint of integrity, most of the shit you post here lacks citation and is falsified from some Soros hate site.

Secondly, dupes like you are emotionally tied and totally misinformed by the corrupt New BS GOP and the big orange scumbag con man....I know, a tax cut for the rich! Ay caramba.

Izzatrite sploogy?

Must explain why I'm voting for Gary Johnson...

You are a moron, hack.
Oh just shut up and slink away, you're just going to have to wait like everyone else Miss Piggy.
Not bloody likely, dingbat dupe. They didn't even have a warrant yet and you morons are screaming

You wouldn't give a shit if she was caught giving away State secrets, you just don't care. Party uber alles Miss Piggy.
Tel me when she does ANYTHING wrong, dupe.

You wouldn't care if it was revealed that she was trading in State Secrets, we all know you would still support her.
Nothing has been revealed about her at all, just the corruption, hypocrisy, and stupidity of the New BS GOP, the ridiculous GOP FBI chief, the hater dupes, the GOP BS propaganda machine, THE MEDIA etc etc. The world is aghast and in disbelief.

I never said anything had.
I said very plainly that even if it were revealed that she HAD traded in State Secrets you wouldn't care. You'd still support and vote for her.
Hilariously ironic. For example, I still have a Masters in History.

Sure you do.

You are utterly devoid of even rudimentary critical thinking skills. You exhibit literally no historical knowledge. You lack even a hint of integrity, most of the shit you post here lacks citation and is falsified from some Soros hate site.

Secondly, dupes like you are emotionally tied and totally misinformed by the corrupt New BS GOP and the big orange scumbag con man....I know, a tax cut for the rich! Ay caramba.

Izzatrite sploogy?

Must explain why I'm voting for Gary Johnson...

You are a moron, hack.
Sorry about the real world, hater dupe. I admire and respect your opinion lol. Soros hate site lol.
BS propaganda and hate has taken over the GOP. All Trump had to do was repeat it to get their nomination. Now it may take over the country. A disgrace.
The Iowa Cop Killer for Example
Grant Rodgers on Twitter

Grant Rodgers Verified account ‏@GrantMRodgers

Neighbor tells me that shooting suspect Scott Michael Greene put this Trump sign in his yard approx 2 weeks ago.

BS propaganda and hate has taken over the GOP. All Trump had to do was repeat it to get their nomination. Now it may take over the country. A disgrace.
The Iowa Cop Killer for Example
Grant Rodgers on Twitter

Grant Rodgers Verified account ‏@GrantMRodgers

Neighbor tells me that shooting suspect Scott Michael Greene put this Trump sign in his yard approx 2 weeks ago.

BS patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. LOT of that going around...and then the dupes...
You wouldn't care if it was revealed that she was trading in State Secrets, we all know you would still support her.

You have to understand that the franco hater dupe bot is not actually a person, it is an artificial stupidity routine as part of a malware attack from DailyKOS.
Nothing has been revealed about her at all, just the corruption, hypocrisy, and stupidity of the New BS GOP, the ridiculous GOP FBI chief, the hater dupes, the GOP BS propaganda machine, THE MEDIA etc etc. The world is aghast and in disbelief.


You may lie a lot franco hater dupe bot, but GODDAMN aren't you stupid? :eusa_whistle:
You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.

I doubt Comey will actually get convicted for violating Hatch Act, but I hope his ass will be thrown out of office asap.

So Comrade, the investigation of Mafia Don Hillary was NOT reopened? :eek:

Oh wait, you're just lying. ---- democrat!
The most epic franco meltdown so far this election :laugh:
Your RW media and pols are always a disgrace. Causing a 5 point Dem poll loss 11 days before the election- with nothing and total bs lies, is ridiculous.
Go hitlery! Feel better now? :lol:
I'm not a brainwashed party first a-hole/dupe. Everything you know about Hillary is total bs.

You are 100% exactly right.

Everything I know, and everything I learn, about Hillary Clinton is total bullshit. She should be brought before a grand jury, tried, and convicted for her crimes.

It is absolute bullshit that someone this nefarious, this evil, should even be considered for a place in our society, much less the Presidency.
No evidence of any of that, hater dupe.

then, you obviously live in fantasyland ..... I suggest you review the testimony of James Comey before Congress.
You wouldn't give a shit if she was caught giving away State secrets, you just don't care. Party uber alles Miss Piggy.
Tel me when she does ANYTHING wrong, dupe.

You wouldn't care if it was revealed that she was trading in State Secrets, we all know you would still support her.

Nothing has been revealed about her at all, just the corruption, hypocrisy, and stupidity of the New BS GOP, the ridiculous GOP FBI chief, the hater dupes, THE MEDIA etc etc. The word is aghast and in disbelief.

You sure are one funny biased hack.

Comey did what he said he would do. He said he would advised Congress if anything else was found and that's just what he did.

What an idiot you are.
Something was found, they had no idea what. Before they even got a warrant to look at it (Sunday), half the country believed she was a traitor LOL and her lead was cut in half. WTF, hater dupe? A disgrace.

So ... it is your position that they should have determined the applicability of the evidence BEFORE they got a warrant?

You (and Comey by omission) lie that the investigation was "re-opened" because some new evidence was found against Hillary. There wasn't, but the fact that Comey announced re-opening, duped the media and by extent American people that there was, 11 days before election.

I doubt Comey will actually get convicted for violating Hatch Act, but I hope his ass will be thrown out of office asap.

So Comrade, the investigation of Mafia Don Hillary was NOT reopened? :eek:

Oh wait, you're just lying. ---- democrat!

FBI publicly announced closing of the case, but internally they officially leave case opened for a long time and if new evidence becomes available they do not need to open a new case to get warrants and etc.

It's a consideration with multiple factors involved - something that seems exceptionally hard for conservatives to fit into their narrow minds.
FBI publicly announced closing of the case, but internally they officially leave case opened for a long time and if new evidence becomes available they do not need to open a new case to get warrants and etc.

So then, the case has been publicly reopened, and you were simply lying. :thup:

Hey, you're a democrat, it's your nature to lie.
Tel me when she does ANYTHING wrong, dupe.

You wouldn't care if it was revealed that she was trading in State Secrets, we all know you would still support her.

Nothing has been revealed about her at all, just the corruption, hypocrisy, and stupidity of the New BS GOP, the ridiculous GOP FBI chief, the hater dupes, THE MEDIA etc etc. The word is aghast and in disbelief.

You sure are one funny biased hack.

Comey did what he said he would do. He said he would advised Congress if anything else was found and that's just what he did.

What an idiot you are.
Something was found, they had no idea what. Before they even got a warrant to look at it (Sunday), half the country believed she was a traitor LOL and her lead was cut in half. WTF, hater dupe? A disgrace.

So ... it is your position that they should have determined the applicability of the evidence BEFORE they got a warrant?

My position is that the New BS GOP is a lying POS, and you are their dupe. And the country is going to hell under their direction. See sig.

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